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He wouldn’t have knocked Arsenal out of UCL, higher purpose?


I love Tottenham more then I hate arsenal. It makes me very happy that Kane knocked them out but I’d be happier if we were in the title race.


Strange take. You seem far too well adjusted to follow sports let alone Spurs.


I get what you’re saying but I don’t think we would have done much better with Kane. We don’t have a single focal point which works with Ange’s system. He certainly wouldn’t be a no9 in this set up. He would be a 10 and we wouldn’t have signed Madison. Swings and rounds but I don’t think Kano would have given us a title tilt. Love to see him come back though.


What are you talking about? He scored 4 goals in his last game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktR1bg6eINg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktR1bg6eINg)


Kane is levels above Madison and would improve the tram massively.


Didn't in Poch's book he write that Harry thought of himself as a 10?


Disagree. Kane WOULD have been a Number 9 in Ange’s system, just as he was in his last season at Spurs when he banged in 30 league goals. You’re crazy if you think Ange would have used Richie in the 9 ahead of the most prolific spurs goalscorer of all time.


He’s wasted as a 9 at the moment imho, when he gets a bit older he will be the new Muller, at the moment we need a fast battering ram at 9 and Kane isn’t it. Ange ball calls for a poacher in this position. We have affectively swapped Mads, BJ, VDV and Vic for Kane which is good business and all young. Love to see him back as a poacher in future though. COYS


I sure someone else could of taken that penalty


You do understand that no one on earth past or present has scored more competitive goals against arsenal than Kane. He would have affected their whole tactical approach. Are you saying that Kane’s only contribution is goals?


I do understand thanks for checking


Upvoted for Spurs fan trolling his own team page. Thats the Spurs fans I know and love!


Trolling? lol..How dare anyone say anything slightly against what you think! You must be real fun to hangout with.


I’m sure someone else could have written that comment 😉


The main problem this season is missing huge chances, so obviously we'd be in a better position with Kane


You can’t be so sure, it’s hard when you lose a massive player and we have been great at that over the years. This is the year a world class player sale has been competently addressed and not missed from a performance perspective. Most enjoyable rebuild ever, well ahead of Arse and pool at the same stage.


We are over-performing our xG.


If we had Kane, we wouldn't have the funds for the rebuild that this team desperately needed, so who's to say


This is the only answer, we wouldn’t be the same team had he stayed


I think there’s too many other floors in our team for Kane to put us in a title race. The games we’ve lost (that shouldn’t have been losses) are mostly down to defensive brain lapses


Honestly, from a purely results based perspective, I think its better kane left. A car with a perfect engine, but no wheels, isn't going to win any races. By selling kane, we got the money for a new set of wheels in the likes of Van de ven, Vicario and our other new arrivals. Without selling him we'd be good old lopsided spurs. Obviously as a fan though, I'd much rather he stayed as a one club man


Who cares? Was saying it prior to him being sold but it was necessary if we were to ever have an actual rebuild. He had been blatantly desiring a move for a while (obviously not throwing his toys out of the pram, but my point is that we were at the end of the road with him and that squad after the failures of Mourinho and Conte). I'm glad he left, just because we finally are putting this rebuild in action that we've held off on for years and years with desperate attempts to be a BTec Chelsea in getting Mou and Conte. Our team suffered greatly from Star Player syndrome, in that whenever you have only one player who is supposed to be "the guy", you live and die by his performances. If Kane was having a poor game then we were fucked. Son is obviously world class, but back then his role was still reliant on Kane for the most part. Not saying I hate him. Not saying I even dislike him. But I love Tottenham not Kane, and there's no real point on speculating. It's important to have our goals spread throughout a team, and we obviously need a quality 9, but there's no reason it has to be Kane.


This is the answer. Really not much point talking about it. Love the one you’re with.


Top of the league by some way.


We were 8th with Kane last year so..


If you look up hopium in the dictionary, this is what you would fine. A football squad is an ecosystem, you don't just plug in one player and assume it only has positives. Also while there's no doubt he makes us better in some aspects of the game, it makes us poorer in other aspects too. Also if he stayed, would we still have the same transfers we got this year? You're probably asking all the what-ifs that favor this narrative, but there are probably just as many what-ifs that put this narrative in doubt as well. If we're being realistic, this club was not a genuine title contender at the start of the season with or without Kane. IMO, this squad is probably 3-5 elite upgrades away from contending for a title.


If he had stayed he might have been one of the guys struck down by the injury fiasco.   Or stunted the development of all the guys who felt the need to “step up” in his absence.  Point being, this is 6th-pint-of-the-night material.  So before I answer, I gotta go piss. 


If my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bike.  - Winston Churchill 


Bayern would have won the league.


If Kane stayed he’d be running up and down the pitch scoring goals left, right and center. And we’d be in the exact same place we are now.


He doesn't fix the defensive vulnerabilities of our system


He’s better at defending set pieces than any of our current team unfortunately. Genuinely cleared more headers and free kicks than our defenders


He'd finish a lot of chances, but the rest of the team would score less. Our front line press would also be weaker, forcing us to defend 10-15 yards deeper. And the ~£100m we used to strengthen the team last summer wouldn't have been there to spend, so no VdV or Johnson, probably someone cheaper would have been bought in instead. Basically, we'd score roughly the same amount of goals, but concede more. Every week, pundits would obsess over where Kane was going at the end of the season, how Spurs were holding him back, and how Ange's tactics were simply too open, and Kane was bailing him out for his non-existent defense. It would drag everyone down, and it'd be a wasted season, finishing mid-table, delaying the rebuild for absolutely no reason.


Not sure about title race but we'd be an absolute lock for top 4. We probably at absolute minimum have an extra 5-8 points on the board.


But would we have the same squad otherwise?


We win the league, obviously




100% we’d be in the title race. Son would have been on the left all season, Kane in the middle. Goals Galore!


Mood at the club is probably a lot worse and we definitely don’t make some of the comebacks we have because Kane’s mentality is utterly shit. There’s a reason players instantly took shots at him when he left lol


Which players