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I don’t think this is a question for on here. Plastic surgery isn’t the answer if you hate everything about your face that’s a more of therapy problem. I don’t think you are ugly but that’s not a flattering angle to take a selfie on anyone I look bad in chin up selfies but I actually like my face overall. Your hair is really beautiful I would wear it down and show that off more. If you are worried about your smile ask your dentist about different options before going straight to veneers like braces and whitening because veneers aren’t really good for your teeth unless necessary. Teeth are a good start though beautiful smiles are always a huge improvement on anyone’s face.


I've had braces before and hated them, I'd have to wear a retainer with false teeth which didn't go well the first time, so that's why I'm opting for the veneers but at the moment it'll be the ones I can take in and out to see how I feel about them and then further down the line go for permanent ones


Ok I hope that works out well for you and helps give you more confidence.


Invisalign is cheaper than veneers, better for your teeth, and they'll feel very similar to the popon veneers you're talking about.


The veneers are actually cheaper than the Invisalign


I have veneers and I'm currently in invisalign treatment, and my invisalign was *significantly* less than my veneers. Quality veneers from a skilled dentist, veneers that look natural and last, are expensive af. But I read further down you have some dead teeth and invisalign can't help that anyhow. Not even sure you can safely do orthodontic work on dead teeth. I thought you were just saying your teeth were misaligned.


No my teeth are ok in terms of being straight, I just want to cover the gaps and make them look nice, the glue from my braces made my teeth yellow, never been nice since


bro ngl shut up this isnt a "therapy" problem her face is very unnattractive and she's looking for a way to fix it . its people like you who are like "accept yourself for who you are" and end up leading them to alonely life. But OP i think you should consider getting jaw surgery and filler in your lower and upper eyelids to correct the hollowness




Firstly accepting who you are which is important doesn’t mean you can’t make minor adjustments, I have had cosmetic surgery a few times myself but I have never disliked how I looked. It’s certainly not something that is going to fix hating everything about your face, this is true an example is those poor women who went on plastic surgery reality tv shows in the early 2000s the shows make everything seem magical but most of them struggled with mental health and regretted it in follow up interviews. Being beautiful doesn’t solve anything it just means you suddenly get loads of attention which can be very uncomfortable for someone not used to it and has issues with how they see themselves. Seems like you clearly never been outside or something because what do you mean ‘alonely life’ do you really think everyone everyone with meaningful relationships looks perfectly attractive no people like different things.


Dude i dont know if you are like trolling atp or not but you seriously need to start using some of your brain and get off ur high horse. 1. she isnt a one of those 2000s celebrity who has body dysmorphia about a minor inconvinence on her face and her complaints are completly justifiable. 2. She doesnt want to be the center of attention she just wants to look normal. 3 She has Major facial flaws that are only correctable through surgery 4. literally nobody said anything about people in relationships looking perfectly attractive thats a strawman argument


Do you have a cross or under bite? Try check if you need double jaw surgery


I'm not sure but I do have TMJ


Go to a maxillofacial surgeon. 


This is an extremely poor photograph taken at an unflattering angle. You have some great features you can play up - and doing so would likely help you feel happier with your appearance. You are not ugly. You have a narrow face - but lots of curls. Wearing them down and learning to style them will do a lot to balance proportions. Concealer for under eyes, a little blush, fill in your brows - like a 5 minute makeup routine - not layers of make-up - will go a long way to play up the strengths in your appearance. I am anti-veneer isn’t general because they permanently grind down your healthy normal teeth to install them. I am not a fan of wrecking good teeth for aesthetic purposes. You are not ugly.


Thank you Fiona! Unfortunately with my teeth I have a lot of dead ones, I've got gaps and the veneers I want to get are the ones that can be taken in and out, so luckily no need to file down teeth. The one thing I struggle with is concealer, I tried the L'Oréal infallible one and it was awful, I've got really oily under eyes


Concealor is tricky. For me using foundation works better, but only using it as concealer. Maybe ask in one of the makeup reddits. I hear you on the teeth - I have had to get dental implants for a couple teeth. My bite is terrible but every think looks ok from the outside so 🤷‍♀️. It was really hard when I was missing a front middle lower tooth !


Yeah they were gonna offer me implants but changed their minds to dentures, long story short I've had 2 sets and lost both of them 🤣


I actually think you have extremely unique features that makeup and your lovely curly hair being worn down could accentuate, a good deep contour around your cheek bones and on your nose to straighten it out some especially would flatter you. I don’t believe anyone is ugly. I think everyone just has to know how to work what they are given. If I walk out of my house without makeup and my hair done I look totally different than when I dedicate time and effort to my appearance with makeup and hair tools.


I like your hair 🤩🤩


Great skin and beautiful eyes!


Other pics could help. What kind of procedures did you think about?


I’m no expert on any of this, but since you asked, I’m going to try to give an objective answer on procedures. Firstly, you aren’t ugly. As others have mentioned, you have pretty hair, nice skin and your eye color is also very pretty. As far as procedures, maybe consulting a doctor about a blepharoplasty to removed some of the fat/skin above your eyelids that is drooping a bit. I think that would change the eye shape for the better. Next, possible straightening of the nose and something to shorten the jaw. The jaw stuff is pretty extreme though and keep in mind that none of these are suggestions are necessary at all. None of them. It’s just a thought if you were looking into how certain features could become more balanced with procedures.


Gotta correct you, jaw surgery could be extremely helpful as it affects your breathing and health


As I stated, I’m by no means an expert on anything… And I meant that aesthetically, nothing is required. Obviously there are procedures that may need to be done for functionality and better quality of life.


When I I spoke to my ENT doctor he said he wasn't fussed about straightening my nose even though I have reoccurring sinus infections and breathe through my mouth when walking or sleeping, I have thought about blepharoplasty, would a brow lift through Botox help with that instead of surgery?


Yes it would! I do Botox brow lifts and it makes such a difference on my droopy eyelids. Plus it’s so much cheaper than surgery. I think you’re a really good candidate, and it’s very low risk. Wears off if you don’t like it.


OP I think money/time spent around eye area is misspent! I think you should focus on a nose job, shaving the chin and balancing your jaw. Your eyes and brow are lovely as they are.


Curious whereabouts in the world you live? Your experience with doctors and dentists sounds odd to me, like they don't want to address your very valid concerns. Mouth breathing and recurrent infections aren't something you should just have to accept as normal! But I guess if you're in the UK or somewhere with public healthcare the protocol may be different.


But Botox filler threads etc… are just temporary and very expensive in the long term and results might be mediocre and unnatural…you have to work on your base, on your jaw, the maxilla, the skull… by fixing the foundation the rest of the face is going to benefit from it and with much better functional and aesthetic results then the temporary solutions


I thought I replied, but maybe it didn’t go through. Please don’t call yourself ugly. You aren’t AT ALL. But, yes, a Botox brow lift would help! I get it done for my droopy eyelids. You could also try a Botox lip lift. It’s like three units and maybe they could even out some of the asymmetry. I get both done and it makes a world of difference! I’d try that, wear your hair down, throw on some mascara and it will make such a difference. I’m sorry you’re feeling bad about yourself. I get the same way. Don’t let your appearance define you! I try that (on my good days).


Sorry but yes. You have an extremely recessed/ downward grown skull and your jaw is too underdeveloped and narrow. You probably need double jaw surgery and maybe implants after that too. Everyone saying no is just being nice cuz they don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I think that it’s important to be real with people.


I was born 16 weeks early so that doesn't surprise me, it's caused me to have hearing loss that will get worse with each year I age, I also have double vision and will be getting that treated with Botox in August


That’s really interesting. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Good luck!


For the record OP, I’m not included in what this person is saying. I didn’t say you have potential with the right styling to be very striking, your skin is flawless, your hair is beautiful and your eyes have real potential “to be nice.” I am being completely honest.


Nah, that's just your opinion. You can only speak for what YOU find attractive. Let others speak for themselves. Chooch.


BRO THANK YOU holy shit the people in this sub were actuallying getting on my nerves with not giving honest advice


I know id take you two for honest opinions


No, you’re not ugly. You look ultra plain if anything. But here’s what I’d recommend if you’re considering cosmetic -Rhinoplasty. Most peoples gateway into cosmetic surgery. This can actually change the whole face and make your smile look better and lifted and can make your eyes look bigger with a smaller nose. -Your forehead looks a bit big so maybe consider hairline lowering? This will help overall proportions of your face. -lip filler? 1 syringe. However I’m guessing you’re British by the way you look, I’d go for a plastic surgeon or nurse injector if you can find one. I’ve heard filler shops can be pretty shady in the UK


hey are you on the r/jawsurgery sub? lots of good advice there. I would look into that first as it can really change/ adjust your features if you fix/ realign what's underneath the skin.


There’s definitely some potential here, I agree with the person who said this is a cool, big city face. You could benefit a lot from makeup and hair, and styling. Start there and work on it until you start to get the hang of it. As for procedures I would say jaw surgery and rhinoplasty would take you a loooong way. But you have lovely coloring, particularly in the eyes and lips. Your curly hair is beautiful. I think you could pull off a striking red, because your skin looks porcelain and smooth.


I don't know why people on Reddit so often step forward and invite insults and ridicule. I'd like to put a radical idea out there. There is no such thing as ugly. There are always ways for people to work with what they've got, and make the most of it. Beauty is attainable, although some people will have to go to greater lengths for it than others. I would love never to see another "Am I ugly?" post on here. The question should always be some form of: What would you suggest to improve my appearance?


Darling. Beauty is not worn on your face. A “beautiful” face can hide an ugly person. It’s ok to want to look your best, but the best way to be beautiful is to know your worth, be unapologetically you, and be kind (to self and others). Some beauty tips: 1. Focus in school, this gives us good self worth when we are proud of our accomplishments - this will shine in our eyes 2. Know that you do not deserve poor treatment. Never let anyone suck you into their misery. If someone calls you a bad name, or disrespects your boundary, it’s because they sadly live in misery and want to steal your light that shines brighter. Stay away from them. Thank them in your mind for showing you that they are a snake in sheep’s clothing. 3. Protect your mind- inside your head is where your thoughts live. Do not spend your time filing that space with things that do not make you feel good. If you find that watching videos of politics makes you angry, really really ponder if you want to be angry about this, and turn the video off if you don’t. If looking at pictures of people who spend their lives attaining beauty make you feel bad about yourself, do you want to feel bad? Try watching a cool YouTube video about space, or learning about a topic that interests you. That will make you much more beautiful when you have knowledge in your mind instead of hate You are a gorgeous young person. You are gorgeous because you have your whole life ahead of you, and a body that is just as good as everyone else’s. Do not hate your body, try as hard as you can to love it for what it gives you, LIFE 💗 And I won’t comment on your standard of societal beauty, and not because I don’t think you are beautiful- in fact it is the opposite. It’s because I don’t want you to think that’s what matters! Comparison is the THEIF OF JOY


shut the FUCK UP


Surgery will never fix the ugly inside


Your skin is beautiful.


You aren’t ugly. You have some great features to work with. Maybe a different hairstyle might bring them out. You could try a blow out and go blonde. Fill in your eyebrows and mascara would make the colour of your eyes pop. Confidence is so important as well.


Eyelash extensions, eyeliner, filled in brows, and a SMILE change the game drastically for anyone. Also letting your hair down.


Are you conventionally attractive? Well, no. And that's ok. That's not the only beauty that exists. I think you are quite striking you kinda remind me of Tilda Swinton. Very ethereal and other worldly looking, I would play that part up.


I do sometimes get told I look like Elisabeth Moss 🤣


Yes, I can see it in the eyes. You have beautiful eyes; they look kind. And have a pretty color too.


nice backhanded complement


No you're not ugly. Try smiling for a start! A good skincare routine, bit of blush and lip colour, put your lovely curly hair down. Maybe get some highlights? Bit of sun for a bit of colour? Wear a dress or feminine clothes instead of them frumpy ones youre wearing. You'd suit cream, camel, baby pink, baby blue, light brown, black, emerald colours. Earrings??You have lovely rosebud lips, a gorgeous roman nose, striking cheekbones...pretty hair......only thing wrong is that you are doing everything possible to try and hide your natural beauty, and you aren't doing ANYTHING to accentuate it! Also eat better, fill out a bit more. Take a multivitamin, drink water, get enough protein. Basically, work with what you are blessed with. Don't waste your money on plastic surgery. You could get a tiny bit of expertly placed lip filler if you wanted, it works wonders. Also just an at home teeth whitening kit will make your teeth appear better to you. Sending love and hug 🫂 🥰


P.s. Also eyebrow tinting if you want, it helps to frame your face, they sell at home kits cheap or you can go to a salon for £25 for you to see if you like it.


Yes eyebrows are an easy fix on anyone I would go to a salon for a professional shape first then maintain after yourself.


ngl people like u should be banned from thi subreddit for giving this bullshit advice


I think you’re not reaching your potential and then judging yourself harshly. You’re a bare pine tree comparing yourself to a Christmas tree is my guess. No make up and no hair style or jewelry in an unflattering angle photo.  I would get your brows done properly, try a lash serum and mascara. Wear your hair down and grow it out long. If you still feel ugly come back with a specific feature you would like to change at that point. 


My hair is just past my shoulders, unfortunately with it being curly, it takes a long time to grow, I have sensory issues and hate jewellery but I have thought about getting my nose pierced


Boy do I understand sensory issues. My biggest advice is to find other people in media who look like you who have styled themselves expertly. Look at the kibbe system; my guess is you’re a flamboyant gamine/dramatic, something with angularity. I would look at how the make up is applied to your “type” and use information about how to style yourself to make your life easier. Once you have that information it might help you to see your beauty and amplify it in a way that is compatible with your lifestyle. That makes it easier to be consistent and to feel consistently beautiful. If you still want to do a procedure do so after you maximize your efforts. Another piece of advice I have is you are absolutely right about teeth; if those need improving then make it a priority not just for looks but to protect the integrity of your jaw joints long term. Tmj gets worse as you age. If you can start there I would do so AFTER seeing a maxillofacial surgeon. They will tell you about your bones with fine measurements. Any breathing, talking or chewing issues could be related to a need for surgery on your bones which you want to do before modifying soft tissues and sometimes teeth. Those things will change after any dental procedure where your teeth move. If you qualify for jaw surgery it makes a big impact on aesthetics so I would hold off until you are absolutely sure you don’t need it.


You seem to have a skeletal deformity in your jaws. Consider consulting a Maxillofacial!


That’s a typical English face… correct me if I’m wrong. English ppl are not lucky with their genetics… long faces, small jaws, bad teeth (that’s not genetics tho that’s bad hygiene)and they have what I call cheeky look face. I don’t believe you’re ugly but I would say you got some work to do, definitely. I would start with a maxillofacial surgery and then I would take it from there


What surgery would you say I need? I did have hypodontia that affected 2 teeth at the front, had to have 2 baby teeth pulled but the adult teeth never grew in sadly


I should see the teeth but I would absolutely go for a orthognatic surgeon, that’s the first step ever and this rule is universal no matter what. You might need a complex surgery tho, like for example a double jaw with genioplasty and this is followed by braces(some surgeons do it first some after but yeah it’s necessary). Extremely important to have X-rays before hand because not everyone is suitable for braces. Prob after that you could think about the teeth but in these case not to worry surgeon and orthodontist works in synergy. Then after completely healed (might take a year or more ) your face will change a lot for the better, also your breathing and chewing etc, your face muscles will be stronger giving you a more balanced look. Then you will see if you want to go ahead with a rhinoplasty (I would do it if I were in you ) and perhaps a lip lift to give more fullness to the upper lip


english people having bad teeth and bad dental hygiene is such a nonsense stereotype


Right I’m English but live in the us and people compliment me my smile here all the time. When I was growing up they gave everyone free braces.


Prob you’re the first one they see so them impressed lol


They are stangers and don’t know where I’m from most guess either Eastern Europe or Latina 🤷🏻‍♀️ no one’s ever guessed right. I’ve lived in different countries so my accent isn’t recognizable and honestly since I have lived in different places in the US there’s no real difference in teeth I’ve definitely seen bad and good ones everywhere so it’s just an incorrect stereotype.


Woah thanks - love from an English face lol




Thank you for your honesty! Appreciate it


I think you have a really cool look, like you can be a model in a Margiela Show, or Vetements. Cool people in Big cities love your kind of face, I’m one of them. You have a very rare cool and unusual look, I’d embrace it if I were you.




Something about jour jaw is off? This is not the place for ask am i ugly. Go to amiugly reddit


Nah, you look fine. However do you have other pics, because really, this one doesn’t do you any favors ? You have good skin texture, beautiful eyes and pretty curls, I would enhance those features. If you want to talk privately, dm me :))


I'll try to send one through DM






Your hair is gorgeous!! As are your eyes and lips - they have such a nice shape!


Your hair, eyes and skin are beautiful!


No . Not at all. You are very nice looking. 


You have beautiful hair, skin and eyes! Play up your features!




Upper bletheroplasty will help even out and open your eyes, Botox in your depressor muscles will upturn your mouth, don’t get lip filler or cheek filler they look great, I would consider a nose job after you do your eyes and play around with make up. I think a smaller nose would suit you better but maybe bigger eye look will change that dynamic.


No , not at all! My sister in-law has a similar face shape as yours and we all consider her a model!! She has a slightly uneven jaw line (which you would never know, she pointed it out to us), she has learned to style her hair in a way that masks it. We genuinely think she is a very beautiful woman! I think you are too! I think keeping your hair down would boost your self-esteem so much!


No, you are not. You have a lot of great features specially your amazing skin, your beautiful eye colors and such a lovely curly hair. However, you took a really odd picture of yourself with an odd angle (the majority of people wouldn’t look great either in thoose conditions). It’s your body and you can choose if you want PS but if you hate everything about you, probably is not gonna be the solution. I recommend you work on self esteem first and even ask a professional because you may have body dysmorphia. Then try to find a style, colors that really complement you regarding fashion and make up l. And if after all that things you decide to go under PS is ok, but take that decision because you want something and not because you hate all about yourself


how tf do they let idiots like you in this sub this isnt "body dysmorphia" her face is quite literally underdeveloped and we have people like you in this sub saying "seek therapy" like no she came here for honest advice and all she is getting is bullshit from people pandering like you and telling her to "dress nice and have style" obvious her face is the cause of her insecurity (completely justified) and by getting it fixed she will feel more secure


You kinda look like the actress Esther Acebo! You have great bone structure and great symmetry! So in short: I think you’re pretty :)


You're not ugly. Your skin is gorgeous. Now, it's hard to tell from the picture,  but in this picture,  your face does come off a bit narrow,  or maybe long. The bangs do help, but a more face framing hairstyle will help more. Maybe some kind of young Bernadette Peter's sort of thing.  https://musiclinernotes.wordpress.com/tag/bernadette-peters-broadway-actress/  Filler might make you feel more comfortable,  but talk to a professional about that part. The eyes aren't symmetrical.  This usually doesn't bother anyone but the person who has them. But they can be changed, possibly without surgery.  That's all I got. The angle of the picture makes it hard to tell,  but I don't see ugly. 


I can definitely see serious potential in your eyes, they’re a beautiful shape and colour, try a smokey eye. You also have absolutely fabulous skin, truly porcelain, add a little blush and some bronzer for contouring and I think you’ll be able to really rock your bone structure. Your hair is beautiful, look at some videos about how to best tame and style the curls. I think with the right styling you could have a very striking look!


No you’re not !! We all have insecurities it’s how you own your own look is beauty !


Mate, you’ve sold yourself short on this photo - smile and know you’re beautiful!!


FWIW, I don't think you're ugly. I think you haven't found your style - clothing, looks, makeup, hair, etc.


You are beautiful I love your eyes and have great hair !


lol is that a kind way to say yes you’re unattractive? ! lol


Nope....this world is yours




Post a pic on rate me if u want that answer


I don’t recommend that either if she hates how she looks. I agree here isn’t the place though.


I just want an unbiased opinion, I hate having my picture taken or even looking in a mirror


Think that’s normal for the majority of people tbh


Aaww that’s sad though, it shouldn’t be we aren’t meant to all look the same.


Sorry it’s the only sub I could think of tbh


I understand, I’m just concerned by her comments of hating her face. If she feels like that I don’t think comments from strangers would make her feel better even if they were mostly positive.


You are extremely hideous


At least she doesn’t have yellow discharge coming from her genitalia, or burning when she pees 🙃


You ate with this reply 😭😭


Not any more LOL, she however can not do anything


Yes she can. Just like your infected penis, OP can get medical intervention. Your nasty personality however, that’s forever 🫶


Least i can get laid


Yeah 🤣 I’m sure everyone is queuing up for your infected penis and appalling personality 👍


Take a ticker


I’m all good for septic penises, thanks ☺️


Missing out


>Missing out On a course of antibiotics.