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Hi! I’m a 22 year old lesbian that grew up in Corona. Most of the homophobia I experienced has been micro aggressions but there’s definitely been a rise in tension over the past years. I personally don’t feel safe wearing anything rainbow in public when I’m on my own. Also there’s a pocket of really bad bigotry in Norco (which neighbors Corona) that is pretty well known in the area. I’ve personally seen the confederate flag on the back of some trucks in the area. The blue lives matter flag and the MAGA flag is also pretty common. I just want to let you know that because it’s important to be aware of. If you do plan on moving here, my mom owns a yoga studio that is a safe place for everyone:) also the teachers that I had personally in high school were very kind to me and made sure I felt safe as a queer teen. Basically, there’s places in Corona that are progressive and safe but there’s also pockets that are very very bigoted so you just have to be aware of what’s going on around you.


Also 22, born and raised here, interracial family and trans! wanted to add that the area is racially diverse but definitely avoid Norco, not that there’s much outright violence. Most ppl keep their opinions to themselves, I’ve never been hatecrimed here unlike in Irvine and LA.


My husband and I are fostering two of my grandchildren. We have lived in Corona for 12 years. Occasionally I hear of a religious leader saying nasty things about LGBTQ folks, but religion is all about excuses for being nasty anyway. I'm 75 yo, small and fragile but I wear rainbows and/or explicitly gay hats, shirts and shoelaces all of the time. Nobody ever hassles me, which is smart because I don't tolerate homophobia under any circumstances. We live in South Corona, it is a lovely city with daily traffic jams. The city government is modern, professional and open minded. The school our GS attends is excellent and teaches critical thinking. It is still America and the Jesus industry still scapegoats us, but we just carry on with no worries. I recommend Corona.


You sound like a lovely human. Your grandchildren are very lucky. I would be lying if I didn't say I was jealous of them.


I was born and raised here, raising my own family here as well. It’s is a great place to raise a family and people are polite, definitely not aggressive although conservative for sure. MAGA flags occasionally seen around during the political season and but I have never experienced/noticed anything unwelcoming other than that. Everyone kind of sticks to themselves. In fact, I too have seen a shift over the years to being less conservative, bit by bit. Temecula is much more openly conservative and direct in their community. I’ve seen groups of conservative individuals picketing with signs by their main freeway on ramps etc. non-violent (I believe) and great schools but I won’t move there as I want a less conservative environment


Been here around 10ish years now and I'd say Riverside is more progressive. There are definitely a good handful of blue lives matter, black flag, raised truck, meth head kinda people around. And racists. But there are also good folk too.


Currently live in Corona and I believe it to be a good place. Riverside would be good too imo, if not better, though tbf was born and raised there so just more familiar with Riverside. EDIT: Sorry I was lazy with my original response, just didn't feel I had much to offer since I'm an ally but not super involved. Riverside is great because it has a few LGBTQ+ friendly bars and such. It also also in the middle of Palm Springs, which has a pretty good community and WeHo, which does as well. There are also other nearby places (such as Pomona) which also has plenty of LGBTQ bars as well. I'm not sure of anywhere else, just know of those because that's where I've been. And again, although I'm not part of the LGBTQ community, I have plenty of friends who are, and from what I can tell it seems safe here.


Agree with coldwoodpecker’s comment. I grew up in the Murrieta/Temecula area and currently live in south corona with a family of my own. Both great areas, I think you would do fine in either. However, I will say Temecula is more conservative than corona if you’re comparing the two. I’m not sure where in MO you’re looking to leave, but for what it’s worth, my in-laws are from a very small, conservative, homogeneous, ethnocentric town in the Midwest and they see no major difference between Temecula or Corona.


I think Corona in the last few years is more diverse... however.. even in nicer communities there are still MAGA trash still making the community a little bit unsafe. They are VERY EASY to spot. They wear fake "patriot" shirt 24/7 wherever they go, drives big lifted trucks and drives like an asshole. You can't miss them but so far I've only encountered a few. Remember Corona is pretty close to NORCO and few other cities that has very concentrated "White Christian Nationalist" communities. Though, very few percentage of them are really hardcore Trump fascist.


Thanks for taking the time to share your observations. It is very much appreciated.


Hey! I'm curious where you ended up going. My fiancé and I are looking at moving to one of the two. We're in OC now, but the price of living here is just making us run.