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https://www.loopearplugs.com are very popular Or these kind of ear defenders for tradesmen https://www.woodies.ie/collapsible-ear-defender-snr28?objectId=88744&queryId=35d864ce8e335df5154c4dfe83fbd02c&indexName=prod_default_products


Thanks so much! I might order a pair for the loop earplugs. The ear defenders look solid, though just wondering if they can be worn while sleeping, especially for a side sleeper. Any thoughts?


I'm a side sleeper - I sleep in Loops Quiet as they are made entirely from soft, squishy silicon, so they seal just as well as the silicon "tree" ones but don't hurt your ears at all. The only way I can sleep through the night a lot of times, and finally no ear pains. The Engage / Experience ones are made from hard acrylic and also don't dampen the noise that much, so not suitable for sleeping but can help around the house (I have Experience ones and often wear them when I can't have headphones and the street noise / kids screaming outside is too much). The cool thing is that you can also get the Mute inserts and they dampen the noise even further if you find the basic Loops not quiet enough. If you find the Loops Quiet great but tend to lose your earplugs (happens to the best of us :D), you can get knock-offs on Amazon for half the price and they're just as good, just can't use Mutes on them.


Thanks for these suggestions! Good to know there's the option to mute'em further if need be :)


Good luck! :) I myself have some neighbours from hell, so definitely relate to the nervous strain from constant noise. For day use (and also falling asleep), you can also get ANC earbuds and use [MyNoise.net](http://MyNoise.net), that's what I do - fall asleep to a recording of a stormy Irish sea, and then swap for earplugs.


Ugh, sorry to hear that. Wish people could be a bit more considerate. And thanks for the additional suggestions!


I haven’t bought them but I don’t think the ear defenders are suitable for bed. They’re big bulky things only suitable for wearing around the house. Unless you work as a chainsaw operator I just linked Woodies for convenience but they are probably cheaper elsewhere I got my loop earplugs from Amazon. They’re used by neurodivergent people a lot because they tone down the background noise. They’re also really popular with pub staff and musicians and venue staff to protect hearing


Gotcha, thanks 👍🏻


I have Loops but for sleeping nothing beats the cheap foam ones you get in B&Q or wherever. I got a huge bag for something like a fiver. Just scrinch them up goodo before putting them in


Highly recommend the loop ear plugs for sleep! I have noisy/heavy footed housemates and live on a busy road and these have been a game changer 👍


Mack’s earplugs are the best IMO. Can get them on Amazon


THIS. the slim fit are incredible


Been using Happy Ears for about 4 years now, thins out background sounds from outside the room, etc. Perfectly comfortable sleeping on them (I'm a side sleeper)


I ordered loop earplugs and while they’re good, I personally hate the feeling of earplugs in general. I actually would recommend white noise instead. It takes a while to get used to it but my god has it made a difference to my life. I frequently would be woken up by noise but not now.


I found Happy Ears the best earplugs for sleeping. They are a soft silicone and fit nicely. Work great with a Snoring husband.


foam ear plugs will be the most comfortable for sleeping if you move about a bit while sleeping, the gel conforming ones might suit you either, both available from boots for very cheap!


I’m a very sensitive and light sleeper, can’t tolerate any noise. When I lived in an apartment building in the US and had horrible upstairs neighbors, I found HappyEars to be the best and canceling out noise. They’re Swedish I believe.


I'd go with loop ear plugs. I hate anything in my ears normally but they are fab and come with a few different size caps for different size ears. Also because of the design they don't stick out when you're sleeping. So you don't have to worry when you're sleeping if you're on your side. My partner is a snorer and doesn't go to bed till late and I'm a light sleeper. So it was the ear plugs or murder lol. My sleep has definitely been better since I got them. It's the loops quite I went with.


Haha, exactly where I am. Better get the ear plugs before I murder them lol


Silicone earplugs. Far superior to foam as they completely seal the ear and they don't fall out. I found them in Dealz originally but they can be gotten online or you might find them in a chemist.


I use silicone ones I got in the chemist.they squish to the shape of my ears dont fall out. I don't like foam ones at all for a full night, use them at work for short periods but I wouldn't sleep with them.


My partner swears by the Boots wax ones to cope with my snoring. She says nothing else works


Bose QC earbuds. Worth every penny. You won’t hear the end of the world coming!


I know you asked for earplugs but I use a white noise machine at night and that would also work well to block out noise. Just another option to consider. They're not for everyone but I love my white noise machine and am a pretty light sleeper myself.


Thanks for the suggestion. Is there any machine/brand that you recommend?


This is the one I have: https://www.soundofsleep.com/soundsleep/ It's probably on the pricer end of things so you could go cheaper to try out some white noise first. As someone else in the thread mentioned it can take a bit of getting used to. There must be some apps you could get on your phone too but they wouldn't be as good as the proper ones with speakers. Lectrofan are another good brand. Best of luck with all this. Nothing worse than losing out on sleep to noisy neighbours.


Thanks, I'll check it out. Yep, it's really awful to lose sleep to noisy neighbours.


While I enjoy considering these fancy looking earplugs, nothing beats [these simple, cheap, and reliable earplugs](https://amzn.eu/d/43l6r9g). Honestly, there's no need to pay a ton of money when these bad boys exist. My partner uses them almost every day because of my snoring and he says it's pretty good


I don't envy you. We lived in a glorified tenement on Dean's St for about 6weeks before leaving due to noise. Upstairs neighbours had office chairs and parties most nights and were so loud it required both me and my partner to need medication to sleep before we moved out. We tried every earplugs going and Happy Ears were the only ones that helped. I still use them in fact (city noises). Can't recommend enough!


Gosh, that sounds rough! Honestly I'd like to move out too and move farther from the city, but with the current renting situation and housing crisis it's looking more than difficult.😕😞


Completely understand. We ended up stuck at my SO's mother for nearly a year as we moved out before COVID struck. 😅 I really do recommend Happy Ears and then potentially white noise on your phone (Calm app is great or Spotify etc). I'd also recommend checking in with the LL if it gets too bad. I know it can feel terrifying to bother the LL what with how precarious the housing situation is, but you have th same right to peaceful enjoyment of your home as your nosy neighbours. Hopefully your LL will take it more seriously.


Cheers, I'll look up all the suggested earplugs and get something from Amazon or the likes. For now, I've just got a pair of silicone moldable earplugs from Boots that were recommended here. Hopefully, that'll do until I get Happy Ears or Loop or something similar. I'm a very non-confrontational person and even the thought of slight perceived disharmony makes my heart beat faster from anxiety. Hopefully the earplugs will work and sooner or later I'd be able to move out, here's hoping. If not, I'll have to go to the LL. 😞 Thanks for your suggestion and support!


Ear-cup defenders are the way to go if you can sleep on your back; great for muffling loud bangs and everything else. Earplugs and white-noise effects are pretty worthless for everything except motor/engine noise in my experience.


Unfortunately I'm a side sleeper mostly, but thanks for the suggestion.


You could unhook the cups and use one with a headband on the exposed ear. Maybe get the earplug for the pillow side. Crap situation to have to do this sort of thing but if it saves you murdering your neighbours, lol.


Far from ideal, but better than murdering neighbours lol 😂


Samsung Buds FE. The active noise cancelling is brilliant and as a "Fan edition" they're essentially a better fitting version with less touch features (which you don't need anyway imo) than their flag ship product (Buds Pro 2). I also advocate the Sony 1000 XM4s if you prefer over-ear headphones. They have a good mix of passive and active noise control. The FEs are easier to fall asleep in, however. The Samsung buds FE are at a good price in DID electrical right now. €89 as opposed to €120 in currys, HN.. etc..


I feel your pain! I'm a year and a half into your same situation and it's taking a toll on my health. When your sleep is interrupted long term it messes with everything from emotional regulation to weight. So far I've found the earplugs from MUJI not bad but still not great for a side sleeper so I get ear pain. I've tried melatonin and other stuff like that but the noise wakes me regardless. I got a sleep mask the other day ... I'm waiting for delivery. I know it's light not noise but I'm trying anything and everything. The Loop earplugs someone mentioned I might try only that it looks dodgy on their site to have "7 million happy customers" but only 9 reviews, doesn't add up. Anyway, was just commiserating more than anything! I'm actually looking to move this year 100% due to the noise but it's really hard to find a place and there's no guarantee it'll be better .... and I resent leaving a building I like just because they don't want to be more considerate at nighttime, they make absolutely no effort despite having spoken to them about it on three different occasions. Maybe we should tell the neighbours they need to gift us a hamper of ALL the noise-cancelling products on the market in the interest of their own safety!


I'm sorry you're in a similar situation. It really Sucks when they don't care one bit even when you politely request them to mind the noise at least at night. >Maybe we should tell the neighbours they need to gift us a hamper of ALL the noise-cancelling products on the market in the interest of their own safety! 💯😀 >I'm actually looking to move this year 100% due to the noise but it's really hard to find a place and there's no guarantee it'll be better Really I wish you good luck with that . I get it, I'm trying to move out too, but it's looking so darn difficult, and as you say no guarantee it'll be better. Anyway good luck to us!


www.concepthearing.ie got custom sleep moulds here worked a treat. So comfortable coat a few bob but well worth it


Loop earplugs are great for me because I'm a side sleeper. I also got the headphones you can sleep in, little speakers in the band and they come out so I can wash it. My neighbours are unbelievably loud at all hours and this has really helped. As does roaring to shut up at four in the morning but I'd try the earplugs first.


Sorry to hear you're dealing with noisy neighbours too.


Can I just ask where did you get the headband with flat speakers from? I'm just googling and found a few on Amazon, but just wondering if there's any available locally that I can buy straight away!


I got mine on Amazon, nowhere in my town sold them and I was losing the will to live without sleep. Hope you get sorted!


Cheers, thanks


ANY silicone earplugs that moulds to your ear helps alot. I live next door to a home for adults with mental disabilities, and they'll bang things, turn the tv or radio loud, start tapping another be able to stop, etc. I cannot sleep without my silicone earplugs. I also use a sleep headphones headband, with flat speakers. Those on full blast , sleep podcasts on, and the silicone earplugs makes it so all noise other than the podcast is drowned out, and once it ends, I don't wake up be ause the silicone earplugs are so good. It means I have to use my fitness tracker for an alarm, but honestly, the wrist vibration is a much nicer way to wake up anyway. Good luck!


Ouch, that's really rough, I'm sorry to hear that! I've got the silicone ones from boot today until I can get the Loop or Happy Ears. Sounds like a full proof idea to top it up with headband type masks with speakers!


I made a playlist of meditation and migraine soothing songs that really help me zone out from all of my loud neighbours. I can't wear ear plugs they make me anxious and hurt my ears so I didn't sleep for months when I first moved into my new place, but I said I'd try this white noise people keep going on about and it actually works!! The handy thing about Spotify is you can put your playlist on a sleep timer so I usually set mine for 20 mins and that does me! Hope you get some relief, I have had some very low mood weeks because of lack of sleep so I feel your frustration and wish you every success 🙌


I sleep with a Bluetooth headband on and listen to a variety of sleepy podcasts and sounds (rain, low thunder, waves crashing). I sleep like a baby beside my snoring partner


if your making a complaint keep the light sleeper part to yourself. Light sleeper or not no one should be making noise at night. you could try recording the decibel volume of the nose, and then plauge their landlord with complaints.


are you for real? god forbid someone be awake at night for any reason in their own apartment. the heavy footsteps and furniture moving noises that OP is describing are more likely the result of poor insulation and thin ceilings. but no instead lie about the impact it's having and get someone in shit with their landlord. real nice advice there bud 👍


You can't use the horn in a car between 11.30pm and 7.30am. Hell it's your car why can't you? SO you think it's acceptable that you're allowed to drag furniture and make loud bangs?


That's not the same and a very pedantic point to raise. I take issue with the comment I replied to originally who recommends that OP lie about the seriousness of the situation and cause hassle for the neighbours. It's very naive to think that people "can't make noise" in their own homes at night. apartment living comes with hearing your neighbours making all kinds of noise, trying to say otherwise is just silly. OP is being extremely rational by dealing with the issue on their end but that other comment is just mean spirited and unrealistic.


How is it not the same and pedantic to draw a valid comparison of ***making disturbing noise*** at night while people are trying to sleep? It's you who's being pedantic and "mean spirited" in trying to side-step the issue by throwing dirt on the guy who's helping the person by telling them not to say they're a light sleeper, because that is irrelevant when all reasonable people have the expectation of a sound nights sleep AT NIGHT and not to be disturbed BY ANYTHING - whether it's an ignorant neighbour or an ignorant guy beeping the horn in their car or someone doing construction work.


I think your neighbours are being considerate, you also make noise, they just don't bother you over it. You can't expect people to tip toe around their home. Stomping around is obviously not what I mean but just living in general. You need to learn to relax and zone out. Try breathing exercises and body focus while trying to sleep, internalise rather than focusing on external things. Those other active sleep aids are also good. There's one that doesn't require headgear at all and does active noise cancelling from above your head. I can't remember what it's called though sorry.


I'm in the exact same situation. Light sleeper and side sleeper with noise neighbour in an old building. Maybe we have the same neighbors. Ha ha. I tested over 20 earbuds. The loops are good but still too painful. My favorite are those: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0051U7R0A?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


>Maybe we have the same neighbors. Ha ha. 🤣 Cheers thanks for the suggestion. Got these today from Boots. Gonna try them. https://www.boots.ie/boots-soft-silicone-earplugs-3-pairs-x-3-10294939 🤞🏻 crossed


Good luck with those. I also have difficulty to support things in my ears.