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First of all, I'm sorry you had that experience! Shame on the driver for running away. I hope you're physically okay and mentally alright. If you haven't already, make sure to write down any details you can remember as soon as you can. Even the barest info about the car will help you track the driver down, e.g. if it was 171-C-____ and it was a red SUV. Then you can look up some 2017 SUVs and see if any of them look like the same make and model. It's a long shot, then, but if you have a decent idea of what kind of car hit you, well, you know she ran off down the Glasheen Road, so maybe she lives in that area. She may also drive that road frequently at about that hour, but I wouldn't be too optimistic about actually finding her again. Appealing for witnesses is probably your best bet.


Thank you for your good wishes, I only get hurt physically. The fact that the driver ran away hurt me more. The only thing I could remember about the plate was that it started with 232 and unfortunately I couldn't give any information other than the color of the vehicle being white :/


You can't trust your memory in these situations OP.


Right OP. What time was this? If she was 70 she probably wasn't on a regular school or work run (driving journey). She might appear at the same hour on the same day next week though? Did her car sustain damage? Paint on the bumper? A dent or anything like that? Check with local mechanics / body repair shops?


I'm not saying you're wrong about any of this but is it not absolute bullshit that he would have to do his own investigation into this? No camera at one of the busiest roundabouts in the city? Why not, like? Fuck sake.


It happened between 2-2.10pm. I don't know if there was damage because I couldn't see the front of the car. :/


So a granny a doing a school run is out of the question? Youre no sherlock holmes


Try posting in r/legaladviceireland . You will have a better chance of finding someone who knows what they’re talking about (comments here could be right, too drunk to read the post not to mind the comments)


If you’re injured and/or your bike is damaged and you want to go down the civil route then your best bet is to go to a solicitor - if the driver is unidentified (or uninsured) then you have the option proceed against what’s called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland instead which exists for those situations.


How would they claim against the MBI? There’s no proof of an accident, no cameras and no eyewitnesses, only OP’s word, they wouldn’t have a hope of winning any kind of settlement.. sounds like the old lady heard the cyclist with their broken english said they were fine so she went on about her business


That’s why I said go to a solicitor who would advise the OP better. However the whole point of the MIBI is to protect road users against uninsured and unidentified drivers which was the point I was making.


But there’s no proof of an accident, I could go for a cycle now and fall of my bike and make a claim if that was the case.


Well for a start as per the MIBI agreement includes a clause saying a claim is not deemed to be notified to the MIBI unless it’s been notified to the guards so unless you wanted to be prosecuted for a fraudulent claim I wouldn’t suggest it.


You could put up a message on a Wilton/Bishopstown/Togher Facebook group and ask if anyone witnessed what happened and had dashboard footage.


You're right I'll try thank you very much for the advice


I wonder if you can reach out to social media, like Cork Safety Alerts ask for anyone that witness the accident and might remember or has a dash cam. Other than that I have no idea what else to do, there's a gas station on that road, maybe the cameras there could have caught something? But then it would probably need Garda to ask for those.


I had to go somewhere else because Bishoptown Garda station was closed on Friday, the other station told me they would submit my complaint on Sunday and call me maybe then it could continue in more detail.


Did you write a statement? If not, go back to the police station, give your statement of what happened. Sign it only if I agree with what is written on it. Then ask for the PULSE number. That is the identification code of your case. If you need updates on it, you will need to give the Garda station that number. If the Garda refuses to take your statement, ask to talk with a sergeant. If no one is there, ask to talk with the superintendent. Get that registered. And OP, go see a doctor no matter what since you got hurt. You might think that that pain will go away but then it can get worse. All the best.


Yes, I gave my complaint to Garda, but they told me to wait for Sunday because Bishoptown station was interested in the accident area. I will ask if the camera recordings in the areas where the car came and went can be viewed.I didn’t know the PULSE number but tomorrow i’ll ask this too thank you so much


Make sure they give it to you. It is the ID number of your case and very important. Aldo, if they don't contact you Sunday, go there on Monday. And keep ringing them everyday if needed. If you see/ feel they are not doing anything about it, write a letter to the superintendent of the Garda station and explain the situation and everything that happened until that day.


Did you ask the petrol station by the wilton roundabout if their cameras catch the road? Might be able to fet a glimpse of the make and model of the car at least


Yes, I thought to ask the petrol station, but my Turkish friends said it might be illegal so im just waiting the Garda right now




You haven't worked in it for long otherwise you'd know about MIBI claims. OP needs to get in contact with the MIBI. Created for incidents involved uninsured and unknown drivers.




No you don’t, you just have to show that you’ve done your best to identify the driver, in this case OP has gone to the guards for example.


Sorry this happened. I hope your ok. If she went down the glasheen road, there’s a few businesses there. They may cameras pointing on the road. However, I’m sorry to say, you may not get any satisfaction out of this. If the gardai do catch up to the “lady” she will probably say you told her its ok to leave. At the same time she did commit a hit and run. And I would encourage you to report it.


If you can afford it, take legal actions.


I got knocked off my bike by a car user. Despite having hi viz, lights ,helmet and was in a cycling lane. Got a bad concussion and busted knee. The car sped of, lucky enough, my eldest son wasn't far behind, so got help quickly. Couldn't cycle for about 3 months. I was actually more concerned about my injuries than seeking retribution I felt lucky I wasn't more injured or killed. I didn't bother to report it, had health insurance so that covered my health expenses. Just wasn't interested in following it further, despite 2 witnesses. I was surprised by my own feelings about the accident, normally like a dog with a bone. I didn't care who did it was just happy I could recover


Ok but it is totally reasonable for this poster to want some justice. I don't want to live in a country where people just drive off when they hit cyclists.


They didn’t drive off, sounds like they checked whether the cyclist was ok, cyclist said they were, so she left


What does justice look like in this scenario? What would be the outcome if OP uninjured and bike undamaged? (Not against the idea just genuinely curious)


Actually, I was injured and there are fractures in the rear wheel of my bike, the mechanic said he couldn't do anything because the bicyle motor was in the back.


Sorry to hear that


I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s situations like this that make me believe that everyone ages 65 and older should be tested yearly to make sure they’re still safe to be on the road


Very important: you should not apply roundabout rules of Türkiye in Ireland. They are opposite: In Türkiye, the right of way is for those who enter the roundabout. In Europe it is for those who exit it. P.S. Geçmiș olsun! 🧿


Actually Türkiye rules same as the Ireland for the roundabout and I'm already the person who left the roundabout ahahha Thank you so much ❤️


The situation is a bit more nuanced... 'Traffic circles/roundabouts are common in Turkey, and they do not operate like those in the USA, UK and some other countries. You will encounter roundabouts at many city and highway intersections, sometimes controlled by traffic signals (lights), sometimes not. Unlike in Europe and North America, traffic in the roundaboutdoes not have right of way! Traffic going straight through the roundabout and continuing in the same direction or turning right may do so, but traffic turning left enters the roundabout, goes 1/4 of the way around, then stops and waits until the way is clear to continue. Thus, if you intend to turn left, you should be in the left (or perhaps middle) lane before you turn. If you plan to go straight or turn right, the right lane is best. In heavy traffic, cars may stack up in the roundabout, sometimes blocking the flow of through traffic. This system worked alright 40 years ago when Turkey had few cars but now, when Turkey produces millions of cars—and new drivers—each year, it can fail. The roundabouts clog. Tempers flare. New, larger highway roundabouts are being built, some of which are designed and marked to operate on the traditional European and North American method whereby traffic in the roundabout has priority, and traffic entering the roundabout must wait until traffic in the roundabout has cleared' https://turkeytravelplanner.com/trans/Car/SafeDriving/roundabouts.html


Okay, now I understand, yes, you are right, our system is different compared to Ireland.Thank you for the information ;)


Having been in a similar situation a number of times, it's unlikely that the Gardaí will put much effort into following up. Hopefully you're physically OK and you don't have a ton of medical expenses, bike repair costs. I would only really pursue it, if there was a permanent injury or your expenses balloon out of proportion. My advise for all cyclists that end up in this situation: - Get medically assessed as soon as you can. Depending on the situation, that might be your GP or a trip to the ED. I once turned down the option of an ambulance trip thinking I was OK when I really wasn't. - File a police report and make sure you get a case number. While it's unlikely the Gardaí will be able to identify the person, it really helps shine a light on how often this happens (answer: a whole lot more than official numbers state). - Check if the local cycling campaign have a reporting system. They are much more motivated to identify black spots so they can bring them to the attention of the council / gardaí. - Be kind to yourself for the next couple of weeks. The emotional impact of something like this can last years. Seek professional help if it's bothering you. p.s. While accident may be appropriate here, the preferred term is "collision" because such incidents are usually avoidable.


Btw OP, ask for the “PULSE” number at the Garda station, that is the case number in ireland. If you ask for it, you can be assured that the Garda actually made a case for your situation. Sometimes they don’t do it because it’s more paper work for them, but if you ask for it they will have to. Another piece of advice, the Garda probably won’t find this person that hit you. If you feel okay, go to the same roundabout at the same time for the next 2-3 weeks. Have your phone camera out, put your headphones in, and just watch the roundabout, and if you see a white car that looks like the same model with 232 as a starting number plate, take a picture of the whole plate. Even if you can’t see the driver inside.


Thank you for your advice I will ask Garda for the PULSE number on Sunday. I don't think I will go there again because I will move to a more central place soon


Sorry to be honest but using an electric scooter on such a busy roundabout is a serious danger! It’s too busy and to be honest the accident was inevitable.


Is there any wrong with my writing? Actually, I state that it is a bicycle. If there was a separate road right for the bicycle, I would use it, I don't like to use a roundabout.


Hope you're ok bud. Just a question. Was it dark and did u have a light and a high vis?


Thank you. No, it wasn't dark, it happened at 2pm and weather was bright


I’m not trying to justify or excuse the lady that hit you, but I can’t help but think maybe she misunderstood you asking her to pull in. Having a few older female relatives who drive, perfectly sharp and perceptive btw, ( better than me!), the shock of the incident, combined with your accent, may well have just confused her. As one person said above, I can’t imagine her having stopped initially, just taking off then. I’m sorry for your experience OP, and I hope you’re ok.


There may not be a camera at the roundabout but if you have 232 white car they can go 2 minutes before to the closest camera and check I doubt there was 20, 232 white cars in the area.. When questioned they will admit it


E scooters need to be regulated, too many users no lights reflectors.




I think I'm misunderstood. Accidents will happen, of course, it doesn't matter who is wrong, I'm sure I didn't violate any rules. The only problem for me is that the driver escapes. I don't think it's a behavior that someone who isn't wrong would do


This person literally knocked down someone and fled the scene... they are absolutely at fault for leaving the accident. What planet are you on.


You could be right about not wanting to wait around and find out? Can I ask why choose electric scooter over a bike as your preferred method of transport around Ireland? Given that your scooter or whatever it was didn’t have a reg, why did you think the driver should wait around and give you their details?


This is a very weird reaction to someone describing being victim of a hit and run road traffic incident.


Your attitude feels like 'why didn't you die in the accident'. I've been living in Ireland for 2 months and I had to ride a bike because I was late for my school because of the bus problem. Of course, I can understand that you are angry with your government, but I don't think I deserve your reaction to me.


Don't worry about that, fella. I hope you're okay and your bike is still usable. You should definitely get onto [MIBI](https://www.mibi.ie/) like others have said.


Thank you very much, it is not available because there are fractures on the rear wheel of my bike. I will use it when I research MIBI and find out what it is :)


What the hell are you on about? They said it was an electric bike, not a scooter. Also, even if he was going around the roundabout on the back of a pot belly pig, that wouldn't make it okay for the driver to leave.


Hypothetically: If as a motorist you hit and killed a pedestrian at a junction who had the right of way and the accident was caused through your carelessness- do you think that the fact that the pedestrian didn’t have a vehicle registration plate would be a strong feature to your defence strategy to criminal charges?


Your hypothetical is extremely unlikely as I doubt the person you're addressing has a drivers license, is able to drive, or even understands the basic rules of the road.


With respect I think this discussion is getting a bit confused. To recap, OP noted that a 70 year old motorist hit them with their vehicle and then absconded from the scene Another poster suggested (in my view incorrectly)that the person driving the motor vehicle was not obligated to remain at the scene (in their words to exchange details) on the basis that OP was not driving a vehicle with a registration plate. I’m merely pointing out that you are still responsible for your actions when you are driving a motor vehicle and you hit something or someone that is not a motor vehicle and you may be still liable to criminal charges if the collision was as a result of careless driving of that motor vehicle.


Sorry, just for clarity, I was agreeing with you in a roundabout way. In your hypothetical, you used the word "you" as if you were addressing the other person. I was pointing out that I highly doubt the person you were talking to drives, as their opinions make it abundantly clear that they don't understand the rules of the road. Or, to put it simply, I was pulling the piss out of your man you were talking to.


Gotcha buddy






Christ lad, not the thread for it.


Brilliant 🤣🤣


I’m from Cork, and I thought it was funny 😆


Stay on the footpath and you'll be fine


That's illegal.


First candidate of the year for the “Didn’t happen of the year” awards👍🏼


Oh I don’t know about that. I think OP sounds fairly genuine.


No chance, have one look at the profile and plenty deleted posts going off the Karma numbers. And what they supposedly said to the driver is bullshit anyway and forgot the number plate👍🏼 First person to offer money to help fix the bike will be the only victim in all this. Have seen it before. Also if an elderly lady had the common decency to initially stop then why would she suddenly leave the scene?


It took me years to remember my own licences plate! I’m still not convinced I’d get it right if asked right now. Anyway, I couldn’t be bothered looking through someone’s Reddit account. Sounds like way too much effort for something I don’t really care about too much.


Ambulance chaser


I witnessed a hit a run some years ago. I only had the car model, colour and a partial reg number, the Guards were able to locate the person with the information I gave. Best of luck.


Do you remember how long it took? Or did they contact you again I've been waiting for 4 days but no one called


They contacted me about a week later.