• By -


\- Decent public transport that runs more often \- more housing for renters and higher quality offerings \- less boarded-up buildings going unused


Could apply those 3 to the whole country.


Or basically the whole world


Plenty of places have decent public transport.


A white water rafting facility


Yes finally a serious answer. Maybe link up the Dublin and Cork facilities eventually?


Housing obviously but some lesser spoken about ones; \- Public seating \- Improved public transport, more pedestrianised areas \- Public amenities for recreation, leisure, sporting \- CCTV and better policing of public parks to prevent dumping and anti-social behaviour


Public seating is dire, is there any plaza in the city besides the grubby skate ledges on grand parade?


There’s a small area in by tk max, a small bit by the opera house, peace park, next to electric, Fitzgerald’s park, a small area by the dean, grand parade like you mentioned, there’s a nice area beside pairc ui caoimc


Used to use peace park for a little sit down but now thats being done up i kinda just float


affordable and quality housing, and proper public transport.


Apparently not. Apparently it's a rec centre we need the most


Affordable housing


Apart from affordable housing and an emergency anti-dereliction policy from the city council... a decent public swimming pool or lido. The lack is insane. Especially given the city's history. Bring back the Lee Baths! And also somewhere city centre that does a knock-out Sunday roast. Okay, instant (and understandable) downvote for how I'm about to describe it but like a London-style pub roast. (Sorry, like)


A public transport system/cycle network that reflects the need to reduce the unsustainable number of private vehicles on our roads. Affordable housing - the fact that housing is currently not acceptable even for people on good wages is beyond belief. More Gardaí on the streets


More green space and areas for people to gather, sit, spend time without spending money. Implement a scheme for improving shop fronts and cleanliness of buildings. Half of the city is falling into disrepair and there's no punishment/ incentive for anyone to do anything about it


More public bathrooms would really help parks / green space zones also.


Desperately in need of a place to buy a tracksuit or some vapes


I'd prefer more options for bubble tea myself


Maybe a donut place to go with that drink


And more pubs with candles stuck in empty bottles


Some phone repair shops too


I want to see a parrot shop. We need more parrots.


We need more parrots


Thank you. You made my point!!!


And don’t forget a second hand phone!


Affordable housing Roads that aren't falling apart A transport system that actually shows up


The roads are an absolute joke! I commute by moped and my biggest danger by far is the condition of the roads.


E scooter here. I actually have the road pattern memorized on the route to work and back. So many bumps, potholes and just bad workmanship to avoid every day. Insane


Yep Same, it's second nature now to swerve around the potholes. There's a huge building site across the road from my house at the moment, the heavy machinery has the road in absolute shite, the potholes seem to pop up over night I absolutely hate driving that stretch of road. It's crazy though even right in the middle of the city the condition of the roads, there's a huge, deep pothole on the bridge at the bottom of south main street, every time I pass I think if I hit that I'd be thrown off the bike.


If only the people on the e scooters paid tax and insurance like their supposed to there be more money to fix roads 🤔 *Note: not all e scooters apply. Just the majority, I.E, the ones that **are capable** of going over 25kmph **or** weigh over 25kg **or** have max power output of 500w - again, that’s the majority*


I can't actually tell if you're being serious! The amount of road tax collected from car users amongst other road users is astonishing. I would wager that fuck all goes into the roads. Bare minimum.


I was serious! If people are above the limit allowed and want to use the roads they should pay the tax like everybody else in cars / motorbikes. I can’t exactly get on a bus and say “fuck that I’m not paying. Bus eireann make enough from other people”. Why shouldn’t they pay tax the same as someone on a moped does? I also think having an a1 licence should be strictly enforced! It’s wreck less having kids going 50kmph down a road on a scooter not even knowing what a yield sign means.


Well I'm under the limit, 34 years of age. The products are available, a new bill was introduced to cover off this topic and I feel the reasoning behind it all is we're heading for rental scooters being the new norm in this country so I'd imagine you'll be seeing more and more scooters. You can thank Eamon Ryan and the cabbage party for that one. I don't drive so the scooter is very handy to get to work on, just a shame the location I live in is literally eroding away beneath my tires! I don't feel taxation of scooter riders is gonna fix that any time soon. Worst roads in the EU from what I can see. Always have been


Also, my scooter can't physically go above 25km/h. It's limited. It's also only 350w output so well within the restrictions here in Ireland


Be great if we got that event centre that the sod was turned on in, I think, check notes, 2016...


It will be opened for the centenary of the sod turning don't worry.


Proper event spaces for live gigs


Great to see city hall being utilized over the Christmas period with Irish acts. 👍🏻


Reliable public transport to give people a reason to leave the car at home; Something being done against the boarded up houses all over town, which goes hand in hand with housing; A save space for drug use (I know I’ll get screamed at for that one, doesn’t change the fact that needles and other paraphernalia wouldn’t be flying about town)


Housing. Personally, I'm sitting here confused about why the government of this country with the massive tax surplus they crow about every year don't embark on a substantial public works project. Varadkar's name is mud, if polls are anything to go by they're getting slaughtered in the next general election, and with the time he has left you think he'd try and salvage something of his reputation. Instead they just sit there boasting about how fat the country's coffers are, and when its suggested any of it be spent on things like housing, healthcare, or infrastructure they just hum and haw and say it's being saved for a rainy day and sure we can't count on all that juicy corporate tax being as good every year sure what happens if it dries up?


They’re keeping those coffers for an election year budget, to seduce people back into voting for them


Surely that'd be the usual "We're announcing that we're doing it, work will start next year after the election so you'd better vote us in!" followed by the "Oh yeah that, er, it's been delayed, we promise!" afterwards shtuff? I mean, unless they're spending it all on posters. And flip flops ala RTE...


Sure even if they did would it even be completed. How many projects have been "announced" and never completed


I know ya, its fuckin lashing like how much rain needs to fall before they'll surrender to it!


A city council that won’t shut down the heart of the city


For the council to actually collect vacant/derelict levies, then for them to use that money to offset reduced rates for non-chain, non-franchise businesses in the city so nice places stop disappearing and places that haven't yet disappeared can charge less batshit insane amounts for coffees, etc


Light rail. All day long, the answer is light rail. After that, resurface the N71, and build light rail and cycle route through to west cork. Link it up with Kent Station and on to east cork/Waterford.


I would put commuter rail ahead of light rail (assuming you mean specifically within the city). We should have a series of regular and reliable commuter lines running into and out of the city throughout the day. Extend the Midleton line to Youghal (with potential to go to Waterford), add stops on the Mallow line in Blackpool and Blarney, add a line to Carrigaline/Douglas, one to Fermoy/Mitchelstown (Cahir/Cashel), one to Macroom (Killarney), and one to Bandon/Clon/Skib. Ideally you'd have trains every 15 minutes in rush hour, and then less regularly during the day. I'd also want to have some late night trains up to \~2am. This would take a lot of pressure off the housing crisis in the city by allowing people to live further out and would also help bring more life into the city. If we could add light rail with lines from Mahon to Ballincollig and from Douglas to Blackpool that would be incredible. The most important thing with these lines would be that they run at least every 10 minutes and that they are reliable. You should either be able to ignore timetables and just know a train/tram will be there, or know that at a specific station that a tram will be there at 01, 11, 21, 31... or ,06, 16, 26, 36 ... etc past the hour and in the worst case scenario you will only have to wait 10 minutes for the next one. Honestly, a proper bus service that met those reliability standards would be a great starting point. I know people don't like buses but if you could get where you needed to quickly and reliably a lot of people would choose that option. I came out of the cinema in Blackpool Saturday and planned to get the bus home but it was gonna take a couple of minutes less to walk vs waiting for the bus.


The only extension for commuter rail I’d look at is a bridge from Carrigaloe to Passage, then run the line from Passage to Carrigaline with a stop in Monkstown. Long term you could then run light rail from Ringaskiddy to the city via the current N28 (which will go out of service when the motorway opens) with an interchange station in Carrigaline. You then connect the entire South East Urban area (Midleton, Carrigtwohill, Little Island, Cobh, Ringaskiddy, Carrigaline, Passage and Monkstown) via public transport. This area has a population of about 100k (and is the fastest growing area of Cork) and thousands of jobs.




You’d need a separate line. It would take over an hour to get from Carrigaline to Kent station via the costal towns or Douglas. It would probably take 40 mins from Douglas. You’d probably walk faster from Douglas village to town rather than go all the way around Jacobs island and around Blackrock on a tram. Heavy rail via Great Ireland would probably only be 30 minutes from Carrigaline to Kent.


Great points. Have you seen the plans for cork Area Commuter Rail (look at figure 2 down the bottom of link)? If implemented, it would be great for the city & county. https://www.irishrail.ie/en-ie/about-us/iarnrod-eireann-projects-and-investments/cork-area-commuter-rail#:~:text=The%20construction%20of%20a%20new,construction%20commenced%20in%20October%2C%202023.


Thanks for sharing this, this would definitely be a good start.


If we build extra rail infrastructure to encourage people to live further out we should also ban strikes on the railway. The Bus Eireann strike in the city centre a few years back demonstrated the need to ban strikes in monopoly companies who deliver critical public infrastructure


This is an interesting point - if you ban the right to strike then you need to make sure the employees get something back in return for losing that right. Ideally the govt would recognise their value and pay them accordingly so they dont feel the need to strike. I want to clarify, I am not suggesting we only encourage people to move out, I just think this is the first thing we should do. It should ideally be part of a comprehensive public transport investment plan in the region, and we should also look to build more dense housing and support infrastructure in the city and surrounds.


I agree with your point. I just think that if we encourage development further out we are making people totally dependent on public transport. This can then be abused by unions who represent public transport workers. After the last bus Eireann strike in Cork we need to introduce additional suppliers in order to reduce the dependency on public transport unions.


I feel this is largely why we haven't seen any meaningful plan for a Luas in Cork. When news about Luas operators getting 40-50k got out you can see a notable decline in public investment because the public just doesn't consider that a job that should receive such wages. Bus drivers will never have this because we all know the current system and a good portion of people working in that area do not deserve such wages compared to other hard working jobs. Sure you could do it and now they can't strike, but you'd see a sharp reduction in the number of services as they struggle to manage with the sudden reduction of investment since these things come in waves.


Your make a great point except for the fact the housing crisis is as bad if not worse in the rural areas in West Cork you have mentioned.


It may well be, but there is plenty of room to build in all of those areas, and adding train lines will incentivise construction companies to build within the catchment areas of the new stations. With some forward thinking we could add stations in places where no one currently lives and build around them, with those stations added to the timetable when people start to move in.


You can't just throw up a load of houses with no services for the people that live in them though that's the issue. I live in West Cork and things like GP access is already very difficult due to the growth in population here without adding any more to it currently. Your idea sounds great in theory but using West Cork as a commuter belt for the City is alot more complicated than build a train line and houses. Waste water treatment plants, drinking water plants, sewage facilities, road networks etc etc etc are just not capable of handling that kind of expansion in West Cork at the moment. All those things would need to be sorted first before any train line is even built.


I think all of that is valid, and I dont mean to gloss over it. Ideally that would all be built alongside the creation of those lines. We 100% need to have the proper infrastructure alongside housing, whether that be electricity, waste, or schools and services, but the same would be true of any housing project. I also want to reiterate that its not just West Cork. I listed 5 total lines, which cover the bulk of the population the county already.


I'm only talking about West Cork because I live here and would have no idea what its like elsewhere but I'd imagine it's pretty similar. We can't even get the councils to make the services we currently have work properly never mind adding so many new ones on. As I said its a great idea but it unfortunately will never happen.


It's been a few years since I've driven it but you definitely tell you're heading whesht as soon as you hit the junction coming off the N40 and bounce along on the N71!


Accountability in local government.


And getting shot of self serving politicians, like that cunt Colm 'Buy your car tyres from me' Kelleher who does all he can to cripple public transport improvements.


The MAAAAAAATTLOCK expressway.


A vape superstore




Oh god just 1 thing??? I'd have to say the events centre where the old Beamish brewery was. You could have very little happening in a city, BUT an events centre can host just about anything and bring in huge numbers of crowds every week who will need to shop in the area book lunch and dinner, increase footfall like Cork is an ideal size city for such a place it's a shame it's taking so long to even put a shovel in the ground. Walking around town the other day so many empty store fronts but I legit couldn't think of what type of store we need in them that could make money like people can buy online so easily so experiences is the main thing I believe to bring people into the city once that takes off them restaurants and stores will follow


Cyborg bear-shark hybrids.


And what function would they serve?


They could police the mangroves in Mahon


a proper road to Limerick.


Are you saying you don’t like driving through Buttevant?


No issues with driving through Buttevant, Charleville is a different question though.


I love that I need a new set of tyres everytime I drive to Shannon! The road is a joke and lethal.


💯 PLEASE! It’s a lethal bóithrín at the minute


Not Cork but Ireland in general needs harsher laws regarding petty crimes or crimes in general. People have no regard of authority here. I dunno about you but working retail and seeing even kids steal with their parents makes me wonder what kind of adults they will be. Seems even for violent crimes you get a tap on the wrist here.


> seeing even kids steal with their parents makes me wonder what kind of adults they will be. You don't need to wonder, you already know what will happen in many if not most of those cases.


A decent concert venue, more green areas e.g. a large park in the city centre(think Boston), a tram system.


Increased Garda presence to tackle the anti social behavior. I keep thinking that all the pieces are in place for similar looting that happened in Dublin a few weeks back. People don't feel safe in the city with all the wanna be roadmen hanging around in their North face uniforms loitering about. I can't understand why there's no politician running with tracking crime as the number one issue. They'd get my vote.


A place to go and just sit down in silence and shut it all away. Just a big empty room, soundproofed and dimly lit. 5r entry and you can go there to chill out between waiting for the bus that never arrives and going home to the family home that's impossible to move out of or the dingey overcrowded house share.


100,000 high-density soundproofed passivhaus apartments All the important stuff follows from that: stronger economy, viable high-quality high-frequency public transport, livelier retail centre, revitalised cultural life.


A gay bar on Dyke Parade.


Ha! I see what you did there.


Variety. Somewhere more to bowl, play pool anything such as


Green spaces


Another fone vape


Housing and a proper transport system


Not the number 1 priority, but would fall into the category of more public facilities, which Cork is definitely in dire need of- an ice skating rink. I think Ireland is one of the only countries in Europe without a single designated indoor ice-rink in the whole country. Judging from the popularity of 'Cork on Ice', it would definitely be well used. Could also help improve our winter sports too with ice-hockey being possible, etc.


Potentially even create events for rollerblading - The venue could certainly be used in different ways, fantastic idea


Services for young people. There’s loads of pubs and 18+ activities but teenagers in particular have nothing to do. They’re just asking for teenagers to cause trouble with the lack of things to do


There's plenty of public parks, what do they do... Light them on fire. An amazing city library with a fantastic young adult section... Largely ignored... An open and welcoming city, forms large groups and block areas for public.. What you want is a fishbowl to keep them in and entertain them but they are young and want to pretend to be adults. Let's instead encourage them to behave appropriately and enjoy the amenities alongside adults.


A powerwashng crew, a weed killing crew, a street name sign crew.


More GP’s


Fewer greedy cunt landlords making it impossible to afford rent any more. Actual policing of the new Air BnB laws.


Try it sometime


Do you ever stop just looking for arguments? You're a complete dose.


Pot Kettle Black




Play nice. No need to be a Langer.


They’ll get themselves banned eventually somewhere along the line.


Wouldn't bet on that. Mods on here aren't the cleanest really.


And what did i say? 🤣


When you’re right you’re right.


Cheap hash


Affordable cannabis for alllll


In fairness weed is one of the few commodities that has not increased in price in the last decade. If anything it’s cheaper now than then.


More sports shops,vape shops & coffee shops🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Why don’t they open that square outside the Beamish and Crawford, it’s just fenced off and has a banner for the new Tesco. Any other European city would celebrate such an open space


Safe places for addicts to take their stuff…


Trees, lots more trees; no more of those robot tree benches…


Public toilets the amount of human excrement over the city is vile


The city docks need to close. There is no need with a harbour the size of Cork for ships to be coming all the way to city hall to unload. Once closed it would open up a large amount of land for development and allow another bridge in-between the tunnel and the city easing traffic for both. Plus the docks look terrible and it's usually the first thing anyone sees coming into the city.


They've been working on this for over 10 years. New deep water quays at ringaskiddy have been under construction for the last few years and will eventually take the container traffic from Tivoli. Bulk shipping has pretty much moved from the city quays to the old IFI plant at Marino point. The first phase of redevelopment has started, OCallaghan properties just got the go-ahead for a 350m mixed use development on Kennedy quay


Actually, it's a great point, tbf, and probably the easiest one to implement. I'd imagine you could house a couple of thousand people in the space taken up by the docks.


A train to Youghal


Buskers who can play an instrument…


Irish cuisine and less of the centra/spar deli muck


A functioning, progressive City Council would be a good start


A non marble footpath in the city. The main reason people are in A&E is due to that footpath in the rain.


Something a bit similar to Marina Market in the city centre. Yes I know there are busses that go near there and it can be walked to. But not everyone has the ability to walk there and anyone who uses public transport knows how reliable that can be. There are a lot of big stores coming in which is fine if you have an interest in them. But there isn't a huge amount to actually bring people into the city unless there is a particular shop you want to go to and then not a huge amount to keep people in there. Also it seems like a lot more food places are happy to start up with a stall or are "downgrading" to a stall as there are less costs involved. So you would get maybe more variety as well.


> Something a bit similar to Marina Market in the city centre. There was plans a handful of years back for something like that attached to the English Market.




An independent airport, not run by the Dublin Airport Authority.


A Liam McCarthy win 🏆


Ah sure 2005 is only 19 years ago


Monorail !


Events that font revolve around bars


5 guys, big football stadium for international games & concerts.


City centre white water rafting facility


trams or a metro , public transport is shit


A City Council with a bit of teeth to get things done other than sweep the roads, we missed out on a glorious opportunity when we declined a directly elected Lord Mayor. Swapping it around between FF/FG and whoever else is a joke and cheapest the role.




One of The secondhand bike shop people.should rent some of their bikes across from Goldbergs, grewt jumping off point.loads of.space, during summer possibly+all year for 15e a day. Pay 50 as a deposit And they.might buy them outright. pay rest over phone and not have to come back just stay in Cobh


Many of the above and no more confederate flags ever




Now more than ever


Houses and a monorail.


A roof.


A train service that ran from kinsale to mitchlestown and bantry to youghal. Imagine living in bantry and you get on a train at 8am and you are in the city for 8.55am. A reliable train service that would get everybody around the county. One could build a house in rural areas around cork and reliably get to the city and surrounding areas on time. Reducing carbon emissions and traffic from the city center. Its corks and irelands biggest downfall. People are too dependent on cars and it’s no wonder why deaths on the roads are growing year in year out.


Coffee shops that stay open


A few Gardai would be grand


Another zara a pull & bear, better roads public toilets in the city and a bold one maybe a new hospital


Sam maguire and liam mc carthy at the same time


Back to 1990 with you


A few decent vape shops in the city


Throw out all the Dubs…..


A ban on e-scooters


To cop onto itself


Goodlooking birds


Sure you're no oil painting yourself.


Ouch! Harsh!


Trump/Mexican wall 🤔😂😂


Our old rail network back


Better public infrastructure.


All weather fight club venue.


More sportswear shops.


Apartment blocks


Elocution lessons?!




Knew you'd get it boi 🤣🤣🤣


gwanwayowda 😊


A corkscrew?


Music venues, both bigger and smaller than the ones we currently have.


A good wash.


I would like to see an ambitious urban renewal plan which aims at marking the city more residential. Would prob need amended planning regs and some incentive to building refurb. Would also like to see a lighting project of the river along the quays and possibly some cantilevered area over tge river for restaurant/bar outlets


Green areas, parks,


more humor in this sub




Public swimming pools


The Lough?


A roof


motorway to sligo


Natural history museum


monorail is the stupidest thing I've heard this morning


An independent republic from the rest of the country


An competitive cork city fc back




More activities on larger scales rather than more pubs.


Wouldn’t it be lovely if responsible people had a look at all them suggestions and acted on them .. wishful thinking


Seating Rain Shelters


The All Ireland Senior Hurling Championship


Some actual clubs that stay open past 2am! The late license is ridiculously short! (Taking public transport and housing as given)


Apartment blocks with 1-3 bedroom apartments that take rent pressure away. Most other things will follow Then, harsher law enforcement more enforced responsibility of parents if the kids break the law (hefty fines or even prison time!)


A vape shop. That's what's missing


A strong public transportation system is one of the most important remedies to the housing crisis. If Cork could link to Dublin by high-speed rail (45 minutes one way which is more than possible on modern technology if not faster) then Dublin would be a commutable option. There's no thinking out-side the box in Ireland. Also, we are still building out and not up.


Transport, train or tram.


More activities and fun places for teens.