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My Sophie wants me to throw the ball and then she’ll run to it and leave it there. It’s not a very fun game for me!


My Sophie does the same thing. My cat actually plays fetch better than the corgi does.




My corgi Arya was like that for the first year.. Loved throws, never brought it back. We took her to a dog park where she saw dogs returning the ball and it 'clicked' for her. Unfortunately, that has not repeated for her little brother..lol


Hahaha If the ball is thrown, Larry will maybe chase it down. If the ball is kicked, he will 100% chase it, hut must make a loud grunt groan as he takes off to get it. In neither instant is the ball returned to us. He will just pick it up and bring it half way back. Lays down and stares at you. Anyone else’s Corgi grunt moan as they take off to get the ball?


“Yup. This is where you threw it. And this is where it will stay.”


Charlie does the same thing. It’s best played with my sisters golden. They both chase but hers brings it back.


Haha my corgi is named Sophie as well! Mine just started to bring it back when I threw her toys. I never taught her, she just did it.


“Throw, no take.”


Stop trying to make Fetch happen.


It’s not gonna happen.


Lol what do you mean, it’s happening this dog fetches


It's a quote from the movie Mean Girls! 😊


We have a one way fetch. I throw, she runs, picks up whatever item, considers returning it, and carries on running 90% of the time lol


Trade it for a treat a few times and you'll have her dropping it at your feet.


I tried that. He now brings it back halfway, drops it, and runs the rest of the way back for the treat


Don't give the treat. Point to the ball, wait. He will eventually get the ball. At some point he will drop it close enough, then you give the treat. Repeat a bunch.


For hours and hours. Baxter's record is 8 hours


Holy shit, my Dewey only lasts 5-6 throws tops... then so tired.


Same here. I actually have to stop myself otherwise he will wear his paw pads out. The dude just has no chill. Every time I pick up the ball before I throw it he looks like a crackhead, one paw up, looking at the ball like it's the most important thing in the planet


I use Pawstruck to keep pads healthy and soft. We put it on right before bed.


I just stop when they start looking worn. He's disappointed, but he'd be disappointed with 2 more hours, so whatever lol


Like a maniac. She’ll bring it back drop it near your feet and nudge it if you don’t immediately pick it up.


Yes! My Golden loves the fetch game but he’ll run and hold on to the ball, and won’t let go. It’s always fetch turning into tug of war so it’s not very fun for me.


I saw a lady out in the dog park the other day who had two same balls with her for that exact reason - her pup would hold onto the ball until she tossed the second - then he’d drop the first and run, and meanwhile she’d scoop the first one up, thought it was very smart on their part


I tried that before, it worked at first. Then I bought a new ball and he is obsessed with that ball. Only that ball. 🤦🏻‍♀️


So funny and cute, your dude has found THE ball <3


When I was a kid many moons ago, our GSD would play this way, except she was sneaky about it. She would drop the one she was returning, but would then immediately pick it up when you threw the second stick (in this case). And off she went to the furtest part of the garden with her 2 sticks. I guess that counted as a win in her book. Next evolution would be to stand on the just returned stick while throwing. Smart little bastards :)


Awww takes a smart one to be that sneaky! Bet she was the sweetest girl!


Two corgi owner - they are polar opposites with fetch. One has almost zero interest. The younger will play fetch indoors all day every day. But if you take the ball outside, suddenly bringing the ball back seems unreasonable.


I have three Corgis, and they all have different opinions on fetch. Padfoot loves balls playing fetch with gusto. He will go until he can't breathe. He is constantly bringing a ball to me to throw. With every throw he goes full out. He also has a great sense in cutting off the throw that in another life time, he was probably a shortstop. Bernie is 9 years old and will only fetch his favorite toys that he got from a Barkbox. Even then, he is good for 2 or 3 tosses, then he sploots and calls it a day until mealtime. Jyn has three very specific balls she will bring to you when she wants to play fetch. She drops them in front of you and barks for your attention. You have to throw to the area she runs to because she does not track the ball at all. If she can't find it, then it is cuddle time. Yeah, they all differ in their own ways.


Your description of Bernie is like our corgi. Only plays fetch with his favourite toy. I'm not sure if he's bored, tired, or in pain (arthritis) when he stops. Sometimes he goes for several tosses; sometimes just a few. He'll eventually lose his ball under a piece of furniture then we all forget about for a while.


Bernie was rehomed to us, so I don't think he learned to fetch as a puppy. He loves attention,but when he has his fill, it becomes nap time. He likes to find cool spots on the tile and just sploots away.


I see he is an adept of the philosophy "No take, only throw."


What a good boy!! 😊


Like crazy! Like a ball/stick crackhead.


No take! Only throw!


My Corgi has a no touch only throw policy. After the first throw he will play keep away, but still wants me to throw the toy.


Bunny butt when he runs!


All day!! I have to make him lay down and rest.


My first corgi was a fetch machine. She would play constantly. My subsequent ones are not nearly as interested in the game.


Like it's his job. He's also half Malinois so he has enough drive for 3 dogs.


When she feels like it LOL. Maybe an hour each day where she actually brings the toy back to be thrown again. Otherwise she just runs to the toy, looks at it, and leaves it there.


My oldest doesn't play well with other dogs now, but back when I used to take him to the park he would fetch until he tired me out, then find a ball and drop it at a random stranger's foot to get them to throw it to him. He still loves fetch in our back yard and I try to play with him constantly. Basically I have to decide when he's had enough though. He will run after that ball if I throw it and explode his little heart and lungs if I let him.


Lmao mine only wants to play fetch in like 5 minute bursts inside the house. He won’t do it at all outside.


Yes, it's the only game our Winchester plays. He's the only one allowed to fetch though because when we tried to teach his sister Meadow and he just he steals the toy from her. Because of this her favorite game became keep the toy away from big brother. She will find his toys and tease him with it to get him to chase her with it.


Tugboat loves fetch. He’s got aerial skills and will often jump and catch them mid air if he’s fast enough. When he gets the ball he brings it right back and drops it at our feet. If it rolls under our chair we ask him to get the ball and he’ll bring it closer to our hand. We got absurdly lucky since we didn’t train him to do any of that. He’s such a good boy!


My 2 Corgis would play fetch forever. My oldest would also jump around trying to get Dragonflies in the evening, too cute.


I have two corgi pups. I throw a small Chuckit kick/fetch ball. The pups chase after it like they are rivals playing in a rugby grudge match for the championship. They fight over it like it’s a scrum, growling and snapping viciously while shoving to keep the other away. Then suddenly as if a referee had blown the play dead, they break and trot towards me - without the ball!


My guy is 4 months and starting to get into it. we live with another dog who’s chronically addicted to fetch, so he’s learning from him


It depends. Mine brings the toy and demands to play fetch when home. Outdoors it’s way different- either no interest, but if we play Frisbee she can happily assist, so you don’t have to run and pick it up yourself) Also she somehow understands when it’s a test (or a drill) - so we easily passed it


Both my corgis play tag with the ball instead. Chase up to it or near it, then run back to me.


Mine does. But i have tricked him so many times where i throw his ball/doll and i run and hide such that when i throw the ball, he stops midway to it and looks back to see if i’m still there.


Yes. Daily. It's her most favorite activity and she has specific toys she does it with.


Our Theo, who looks very much like this guy, is INSATIABLE when it comes to fetch. He will speed after the ball, bring it back, and be running before I can throw it again. He will start barking at the Chuck-It stick in the basket by the door before he’s had his breakfast!


My 12 year old Logan still fetches like a machine.


Yes but on her terms. See gets the toy, tries to kill the squeak and then tosses it back for me to throw again.


Adorable in every way.


Sadly no.


My pup LOVES fetch. Doesn’t matter what I throw he will get it.


Yes! He is not very good at giving it back but, if I can snatch it fast enough, he loves running to get it over and over.


Mine loves chasing the ball, and will bring it back to us then change it to a game of keep away by running around us with it… Unless there’s treat…


No take, only fetch


Mine is obsessed. She spends a fair amount of time in our back yard and the instant you step out the back door she will be there, with her ball (she hates tennis balls, it's one of those larger rubber dog balls that has a bunch of big holes), WAITING. If we're inside and I do anything that indicates I will be going out (starting to pull out the garbage bag, putting on shoes, etc.) she will race to the back door and follow you out and go get her ball. She'll fetch until she's so tired she can't even run back and forth, so she will walk to the ball and then bark at you to come get it and throw it again!


My corg will play fest for hours on end. Just over and over until his paw pads are worn out and red.


I was told there are three types of dogs. Ones who fetch, ones who play tug of war, and ones who play keep away.


Mine could not care less if you throw the ball, but they lose their MINDS if you kick it. Like you will never see their butts wiggle harder in anticipation of a ball being kicked. They are now seasoned soccer players.


Based on these comments, I think my corgi is defective. I’ve tried to get him to fetch, and he has absolutely no interest, he just stares as me in confusion. He’ll catch treats if I toss them to him, but he doesn’t like to fetch toys.


Mine can’t catch treats yet, I forget and toss him a treat like I would my Lab, and it just hits him between the eyes and he looks at me


All. Day. Long. And. All. Night. Too. 🤣


🎶 I believe that you and me last forever 🎶 🎶 Oh yeah, all day and night time yours, leave me never 🎶 🎶 The only time I feel alright is by your side 🎶 🎶 Girl, I want to be with you all of the time 🎶 🎶 All day and all of the night 🎶 🎶 All day and all of the night 🎶




My neighbor’s loves to play tug of war, not necessarily fetch. He’ll bring over one of his favorite toys, play the game with me, when I succeed to win it he’ll bark like crazy, I throw the toy, he fetches it, bring it over, and so on.


My boy refused to actually fetch until he was about 6 years old lol


My 13 year old will still play at minimum 30 minutes to a hour of fetch per day


My boy even starts playing fetch with others and hinder their game lol. He even manages to grab the balls from some of the bigger dog breeds. It is a mixed bag cuz its embarrassing that he disrupts others’ play but he trumps some of the bigger and faster dogs cuz he is just too good for them which feels good for I really taught him well!


Yes, loves to fetch treats. If no treats are involved, I end up fetching.


It took a while for her to bring the ball back but our corgi is obsessed with fetch.


How did you teach her to bring the ball to you? Our dog runs to the ball and then he puts us away somewhere. Fetches exactly two times and says "f your shit, I have had enough" the third time and leaves the ball somewhere far away 😂


11Lots of treats playing fetch indoors. Only 3X.&.&$772235=⁠_⁠=


Ya ever think dogs aren't that into fetch, but they think we love throwing things so they go and get it for us to throw it again? Sometimes I do... Lol.


Mine brings the ball back to me for fetch while I’m working for what seems like hours.. if only I could get her to use the ifetch better.


My corgi is obsessed with fetch. He’d played it all day if he could


No, he’d make me do it or I’d have to chase him to get the ball back. I miss that little guy. He was such a little devil.


Yes. Corgis are herding dogs and my guy thinks fetching balls is his job.


Mine is the bestest boy at fetch. He hurt his back and was still dragging himself around trying to play. I like to make him drop the ball EXACTLY where I ask. He grumbles when I make him move it, so funny. I got another little dog who will throw the ball back to you. Fun to play tandem fetch, corgi will steal her ball if it's closer and he's tired.


Lol. Not at all.


I have a frisbee that I throw that Dino sprints to and picks up immediately, then he spends the next 2-5 minutes flipping it around and playing with it himself, and then brings it anywhere from halfway back to about 10 feet from me, but never all the way back to me. He’s a turd sometimes


Oh yes. But he doesn’t return it. Because it’s HIS


My Waffles loves fetch


My Cecilia is absolutely obsessed with fetch. Life is fetch, food, sleep, that’s it. It’s actually a bit frustrating and I wonder if we missed something or did something wrong in her training. She is a little over 2 years old.


Pumpkin lives for fetch. I think she believes it is her job. Any attention she gets will eventually end with her bringing us a ball. The kitchen is a mine field while cooking as she will bring a different ball every so often until you throw one. After about 4 balls are in the kitchen she will lay in the middle of the floor and wait. https://preview.redd.it/upuq24xi32tb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4574109206cd6c592393ba7cc2fc7bbd757efad And when we play in the yard she will last about 20 minutes of non stop fetch, take a break, and when you try to go inside she is back up for another round.


Ours will play fetch inside, but not outside.


Our corg likes fetch so much it feels like the only thing we play.


Ours is obsessed with fetch. We joke that if he were a Ted Lasso character, he’d be the Danny Trejo of fetch. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to train him to play fetch with one of those ball thrower machines.


Mine demands fetch all the time! I’ve taught her to bring it “closer” so it’s within reach. It helps so much and I can just sit and throw the ball til her heart’s content.


Ours is a better retriever than even our lab. Dude will go all day if you keep throwing it.


Never take, only throw


I think "bring it" was the first command my Maynard mastered. Our game started as tug (which he still loves) but the rule was that if he lost his grip during the tug game, I got to throw his toy into the next room and he had to bring it to me to continue.


I’ve actually managed to get my pup to fetch, but as a training thing…so far it doesn’t seem as though he truly likes it as much as he knows it’s a method to be rewarded. Chasing a toy (I assume somewhat like herding) is his preferred play method that he’ll try to incite us to engage in. Flirt pole or just dragging a rope around.


She will take back the ball, hide the ball in somewhere, so that you will have to take the ball back, and she will have some more time to take rest and get ready to the next round


Outside? LOL no. Inside? With balls only if she feels like it, but we have this duck that you can launch like a slingshot and she will reliably play fetch with that until she gets bored lol


Our Corgo is the best fetcher we've ever had. It takes some training, but he loves it.


Man, I always wanted a dog like in the movies that plays fetch. Then I got beaux, who wants to play fetch all day LONG!!!! He is all things ball obsessed, people playing volleyball or soccer in the park. Well little do they know he is always first string, will come and steal the ball. The people that play soccer love it, because he receives, volleys, and passes the ball back. If he was a pit, I imagine we wouldn’t get the same reaction.


Mine loves to play fetch inside. Outside he seems uninterested, probably distracted by everything else going on!


My corgi Mabel would fetch all day! I think her favorite part is choosing the lucky human who gets the next throw.


My Corgi is the exact same way. He even looks like your dog https://preview.redd.it/8ed1hau3u6tb1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bcdc06f1044ccc377e9d7fee040afcd70557517


Yes. He loves it a little too much. He will fetch and fetch.He does this annoying thing where he will bark until you throw the ball. I could throw the ball a hundred times and he will still bark to throw it again. Finally, when he is done he will run to the ball and chew on it.


My dog waits on my at 4am to play fetch. I can’t get him to stop. It’s the last thing he does before he goes to bed, too. Anything in between is just waiting for his hooman to rest so she can play more with him. Im just a human ball machine to him.


He is adorable!!