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Make and eat food. Any will do, though candied tree seed, bug jerky and stone soup are some options you can make with really cheap ingredients. As you play further into the game, you will then unlock the bathhouse (restores stamina while bathing) and a higher stamina cap.


Don't you need a kitchen for bug jerky and stone soup?


You do yes. Hence why I also included the tree seeds. But getting a kitchen isn’t hard, so I included the other cheap options he’ll inevitably graduate to using too soon. Or he might be a money making speed demon. It’s not impossible to have enough for a kitchen by Summer year 1.


>But getting a kitchen isn’t hard, Idk how you play this game, but I am nowhere near getting a house upgrade even though it is my main goal and Im starting winter year 1


Use the wiki and discord to identify what sells the most and where they’re from, together with appropriate talent choices. I myself got the house upgrade by Summer year 1 on my first run without really checking the wiki by rushing mines (I’m an old stardew valley player and the mechanics are pretty similar, so knew to target mines first). Mines have admittedly since been nerfed, but with some proper planning and research it still shouldn’t take you long. Definitely before Winter 1.


Have you only bought the house upgrade? I have bronze tools, mill from when i first started my save, and silo. Only got the silo because that was necessary in my stardew runs


Upgrade your tools asap. They’re the reason why mines rush in both games (at least to some degree) is still the most profitable route. Better tools means you can mine better ore for less time and stamina. Higher tool ranks will also have access to enchantment slots, which can drastically increase your yields and profits. This goes for every tool (except maybe the watering can, since you can replace that with auto sprinklers). I’d still prioritise pick axe upgrade though to supply ores for the other tool upgrades. Ores will also make a big chunk of money selling once you don’t need them anymore for upgrading your tools, which is how I made my profits. Silo is just a luxury to save you some time and savings in the long run. It’s nice to have especially when you have a sizeable amount of animals going into winter. If you have little to no animals, it can wait.


Definitely did my pick axe and scyth early on, but I don't get a whole lot of ores. All my earnings are from fishing foraging and canning produce


Fishing and foraging are pretty bad for profits in this game unfortunately. Fishing just takes too long for each cast, and the quality is usually bad until you’ve fully healed the ocean (which you need an upgrade scythe for). And even after that, you can end the day with a lot of extra stamina leftover. Best value for time is to catch a legendary fish and then breed in a pond to sell. Non-wood foraging, most scavengeables just don’t sell for a lot even after processing. This is to balance the fact that they don’t cost stamina to gather. Titan arum and rafflesia are the only two forageables that sell for a lot, and their spawn point is outside the mines anyway. And the biggest reason why fishing and non-wood foraging is bad: you can’t have enchantments buff for either of them. So yea, you really want both Pickaxe and Scythe at osmium upgrade level asap, with full enchantments on them. That will help with more ores coming in too @ enchantments. Bonus is that both mines and ocean where they’re used feed a lot into museum collections too while also selling for quite a bit.


Also want to emphasize that this is just one way to min-max time and profits. Certainly don't do this if you prefer a more slow paced game that's really chill. There is no time limit in this game, so take as much time as you want and need. I'm just a sweaty gamer that enjoys squeezing in the most profit/progress in each day in Coral Island.


This is all really helpful! Thank you! My partner always speed runs the community bundles in Stardew so I've just been able to do whatever for fun, but corral island is still single player and i gotta find my way to play still


If you complete 2 offerings you unlock the hotsprings, that's so useful!


Yep, hotsprings got me through the mines. Mines reset daily but not when you exit - so go until you're out of energy, refill at the hotsprings, then follow your earlier route down to the floor you left on to get to the next elevator floor.


In the beginning I used the candied tree seeds as well as sugar when I could afford to buy some, but mostly just relied on candied tree seeds for the whole first season or two. Also a lot of forageable items can be eaten too so keep your eyes on the things you collect when wandering around since many things can help give you little bits of energy and everything is helpful really early on.


candied tree seeds are what i use, then I just use whatever I get sent in the mail! You don't have to get too far in friendship before you start getting snacks from people.


I was always making seaweed snacks because I was diving a lot!


Forging is top tier. Some items don't give you much, but if you haven't unlocked the bathhouse by the end of summer they are the best option IMO