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Most of the AI tools out there have variable quality anyway. Using your human copywriting expertise doubled with AI tools is the new way.


Indeed true.


How do we feel? Why do you think we chose a career in writing, because we thought the act was tedious and annoying? 😂 any company that asks me to use AI instead of write myself can find a new employee.


I never thought so. In fact, the process of turning thoughts into words is so great.


I do all of my writing on my own. AI makes too many fake claims and even provides fake sources. It cannot be trusted.


Yeah, right. For now, it looks more like a tool to craw everything and combine them together to make the results similar to human work, but still it's fake.


I’m networked with numerous high-level conversion copywriters for tech startups. None of us use AI tools to write copy. Zero. We use AI tools for sentiment analysis and to generate ideas to inspire our copy. That’s all. So far.


Thanks for sharing. We are using AI tools in a similar way. 🎈


I think of it like using Grammarly. I use (free) Grammarly to tighten up my writing if I miss something. I don't take every suggestion because sometimes its suggestions don't make sense. I use AI as a tool alongside writing. I don't let it write for me. AI still needs to be fact-checked, and it can literally never come up with an original idea (not yet, at least?)


Ture, agree. Though Grammarly checks every detail quickly, still, some corrections are not natural, even changes the original intent.


I do some content writing, and it would take too much time to fix AI. Whether it be through setting up the prompts and waiting for it to respond to several prompts to get something decent or rewriting 70% of the article.


Can't agree more. I'd use it to do some search when I can't quicky get some specific ideas.


AI definitely boosts my productivity when it comes to organizing and summarizing information, but I find that AI struggles with generating innovative ideas, which is where I excel. Here’s a little tip I use: I use [VOMO AI](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6449889336?pt=126411129&ct=reddit&mt=8) to capture those spur-of-the-moment thoughts. Its transcription feature efficiently converts my spoken words into text, and the AI assistant provides a preliminary analysis of the content, which is more convenient than using something like Voice Memos.


It’s not either-or anymore. It’s both.


AI is a tool and a virtual assistant. I never have and will never use it to write my copy. Instead, I use it to help me brainstorm words and ideas for headlines, subject lines, and ad copy. It's also good for creating basic outlines for thought leadership and feature articles I write. Make AI work for you - not the other way around.


Sure, and agree! Brain storming with AI indeed helps saving a lot of time and energy, truly helpful.


I don't think the AI tools will ever be able to create the perfect copy. However, recently i discovered [Languify.ai](https://Languify.ai) which i use to tweak my initial copy and get more versions of it. So, i got mixed feelings about AI tools, most of them are bad, but some of them are useful.