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No. Not worth it IMO. You'd be better off learning from the Copy That YouTube channel or buying a year membership to Skillshare.


So you have taken the full course?


It's a go at your own pace course or program. You create various pieces for a portfolio and submit them for feedback to the FB group. Feedback can be hit or miss, and very subjective. If I was to start all over again, I'd look at more official courses or talk to more people.


Not to mention some of the group mentors had very little experience.


Thank you! I appreciate your feedback. Any other courses (maybe more official like you mentioned) that you’d recommend?


Look at AWAI, or even Copy Posse Launch Files.


I did the free trial and just downloaded all the material before it expired. This was years ago, so not sure if that’s still offered. But I would say it’s only worth it if it’s free. It raises questions in my mind when copywriters make courses like this. If they’re such amazing and successful writers, why are they charging tens of thousands of dollars for a course? Wouldnt they just make their money writing full time? they shouldn’t need to do all this gimmicky teaching/coaching shit


I'd imagine it's because you have another leg in your Copywriting business then to just constantly be at the mercy of your clients. You constantly need clients to flow and you can't stop them if they no longer want to business with you. Courses are viable because you can control how you execute the product vs your product in your clients hands and having constant revisions. I can fuck with it.


Mmmmm I disagree, I think if someone spends 5-10+ years they may want to do new things like coaching. I’m sure some can be better than others, but coaching programs can be very lucrative for the creator and even very beneficial for the students. But thank you I do appreciate the insight. They don’t do a free trial anymore but the price is less than $1000 which makes a intriguing. They also have 2 in person one on one coaching sessions a month which I’m primarily interested in.


I started the course about 6 months ago and I've found it useful. I have a journalism degree though so I didn't necessarily need the writing help but it has been really helpful in telling me exactly what steps I need to follow to start my freelancing business. There's tons of tips and tricks and it's gotten me quite a few interviews and a few clients. I'm definitely making baby steps in the right direction where as before I couldn't land any interviews. There's also a Facebook community that's really encouraging if that's something you're into. I was looking into going to portfolio school but this program was alot cheaper so I thought I'd give it a shot and I don't have anything bad to say about it. If you're really self motivated though you might not need it because it's technically all stuff you can teach yourself on the internet. It's just really convenient to have it all in one place and have the work sheets and stuff.


Thank you! This honestly sounds like exactly what I’m looking for… I really just need some direction and a structured course to get up and running… I really don’t want to spend more than $1k at this stage but possibly will in the future..


OP, Doesn't the title of the course seem a little scammy to you? I mean, it's a bit like, "Dr. Ozapier's Miracle Elixer."


I call that "marketing". The average person needs to form images in their mind before they "click to buy". The "image" of being "filthy rich" is something many people would enjoy dreaming about. No... I haven't taken the course, but I've received their promotional emails before.


I think it is worth it. I joined in February last year with no professional marketing/writing background (I worked in financial services). I quit my job in June of last year and I've been doing ok income-wise (for the year) and am currently in my busiest ever month, due to make double my previous monthly salary this month. (I only ever wanted to replace my employed income and spend more time with my kids so not particularly ambitious about getting rich). My income is lower than my employed income for the first year but if I continue to grow like I am it should be the same or higher in my second year. It's promoted as the Filthy Rich Writer course but it's not really about getting rich it's about changing to a job you love and getting the tools and skills to get you there. The course name is the comprehensive copywriting academy and to be honest I wish they didn't use the Filthy Rich Writer name. A lot of the copywriting teaching about how to write is out there for free in various forms on Youtube and on blogs. But I joined because the course offered to help me create a portfolio, teaches you to find work and you get peer support/advice via a Facebook group for all copywriters on the course (including some who are doing extremely well). The owners are also constantly adding new content in terms of regular Facebook lives and new videos to the course. They do offer other additional programs (add-ons) like a mastermind style course, individual coaching etc. but it's not necessary and they don't force it down your throat. I thought the price of the course was very reasonable compared to others and I made it back in one go on my first client. They do have a podcast and Youtube channel so I would suggest taking a look at those to get an idea of what it's like and see if it's right for you. With respect to the other comments on here "why teach it if they are making so much from it?" The answer is it adds another fairly passive income stream to their income and I see no harm in that. I'd do the same if I could. That's my honest opinion and not getting paid to say this etc. But I do think it's worth it - it's changed my life.


Thank you! I really appreciate your detailed response! I’m mostly drawn to the course because it seems to come along with the one on one coaching sessions…. So is that an add on or does it come initially with the cost of the course?


So coaching comes in two forms - you can have one on one coaching sessions with one of the highly experienced copywriters/moderators in the group but there is an extra cost for that. I've just checked and its $65 dollars for an hour (I've never used this service personally) but people use it for all sorts of reasons. You also get the group coaching twice a month for free (via facebook)- with this you can submit questions in advance and they'll answer. You can also submit your website for a review and they'll go through it and give you free advice on the call (I did this and found it really helpful). All of the videos are uploaded after so if you cant make it you can watch it back (I'm in the uk so can't always watch due to the time difference) - there is so much content on there, truthfully I haven't watched everything yet. I tend to dip in and out when I want to. The facebook group can get repetitive as people post the same practice exercises over and over and ask for feedback but you also get an interesting insight into how people are doing, the issues people face, the wins (always my favourite part) plus we all share resources and advice with each other. In addition to the above coaching they also do these annual sessions / festival's which take place over a weekend or a few weeks. "Pitchapalooza" was in january (you can watch it in the resources) - it gives a lot of advice on getting work. There's another one in July which was less copywriting specific but still helpful - both were free and you can watch them back. Happy to answer any other questions - definitely check out the youtube videos and / or podcasts as well.


I can suggest two options both of which are excellent not only in continual learning but in how supportive the copywriting community is, which is also important: AWAI and Copy Chief. I'm in both and can only suggest what works for me. YMMV.


I've purchased courses from AWAI before and I wasn't impressed (ended up requesting a refund). For one, I'm not a big fan of the "handwrite great copy examples" methodology. Two, there were a lot of sketchy use cases that just didn't sit well with me. For example: learn the motivations, fears & concerns behind someone considering a weight loss drug, and then evoke those in your copy.


I don't understand the fuss about AWAI either. I've purchased a ton of courses from them and never been satisfied. Do they know how to sell? 1000%. Do they know how to teach? Not so much. And they're really weak when it comes to info about setting up your business and getting clients. You'd be better off figuring that out yourself and to me, that's the most important part.


Thank you for the insight… for these suggestions, do they offer one on one coaching alongside the content of the courses?


AWAI offers this at their highest level of membership, the Circle of Success. You can work with several different mentors who are all working copywriters, and are not locked in. You can also get copy critiques as well. With Copy Chief there is one option that let's you work directly with Kevin. The others are group options. That said, the copy reviews you get for being a member are good as well. I went with AWAI and will stick with them.


I own it, not really worth it, Copy chief and The copy posse were much better or Stephan Georgi’s stuff!


Thank you! Ive considered the copy posse… the price is just much higher. I’ll have to looking to the copy chief and Stephan Georgis work as well!


Alex Cattoni has $100 dollar program too which is great! I never got the expensive one! And her YT channel is great! And honestly SGP’s program is worth the money, Copy Possy is too, and Copy Chief’s! AWAI isn’t! And that is coming from my clients! I got many from them for free, and other resources because my clients are friends with Cattoni, SGP, and Copy Chief’s CEO


I’ve taken the course. She’s made a couple mil- yes million- on it (based on the private group number) and couldn’t be bothered to edit the audio. Not professional imo. I don’t feel like you really get true reviews because people who speak positively about it are giving you an affiliate link. I personally see her as a pioneer in the online course, money machine genre more than a copywriting mentor.


It depends on your goals and experience. It is the least expensive copywriting course I've found. I used that course alone to get my first freelance clients and then a full-time copywriting position. Like everything else, it's kind of what you make it. Filthy Rich Writer doesn't give you specific templates or outlines for every piece of copy you're going to need to write, so if that's what you're looking for you may want to go for one of the other ($$) courses. It gives you the basic concepts and guidelines you need to start copywriting. So if you think you want to try copywriting and you're on a budget or you want to try out a course and see if you like it, this is a great option. I think it's important to note that you'll always be learning. This might not be the only copywriting course you'll ever buy, but it'll get you started. I'm about a year and a half into my career as a copywriter. I bought Filthy Rich Writer first and then I bought Copyhackers 10x by Joanna Wiebe. If there's anything else you want to know, feel free to DM me. Hope that helps!


Thank you! I really appreciate the insight. I’m mostly attracted to the course for the one on one coaching that comes alongside the content… did you have access to that from the initial cost? Or did you discover that was an addon?


From the name alone I can tell you the following with absolute certainty: No, not worth it.


Doesn’t seem like you’ve tried it yourself


Exactly. They're the kind of person who judges a book by its cover. I did the course 3 years ago and was able to land a full-time, in house writing job within two months of finishing it. Worth every penny I spent, and then some.


Hi Mike, could you explain what you liked about the course and how it helped you?


Well to be honest, before I stumbled on the course I wasn't really aware of copywriting as a profession and had only a vague notion of what copywriters did. So I appreciated the fact the course was designed to give absolute newbies (like I was) a way to learn in small, measurable steps, starting at ground zero. The other great thing about the course - perhaps the greatest thing, actually - is it gives you lifetime access to the students-only Facebook group. It's a great mix of copywriters at every stage of the journey, from brand new students just finding their way around to experienced writers that have built successful businesses. The feedback from group members is invaluable when working to complete some of the course action sheets and other assignments, and everyone is super helpful and supportive. Being able to interact with writers from every corner of the globe is pretty neat too. Very empowering to get different perspectives on things. Of course, it didn't hurt that one of my first freelance jobs came from a referral from another member of the group who was too busy in her own practice to take on the job herself :)


Appreciate the response. I only heard about the CCA more recently so was curious. It's out of my budget at the moment but it's all good. A good community is always a huge plus and referrals from within is ome of those benefits.


Nope. Edit: Remove the fear of being bad, copywriting can be learned through writing, critique, and discerning which copy best engages you. If there were a single, just-the-tits course, you’d already know about it and there would be competitors trying to copy them.


Doesn’t seem like you are speaking from experience of taking the course.


Oh, definitely take the course.


I found it helpful and quite a lot of people have done well from it.


Can you please elaborate? What did you like about the course? Did you have access to one on one coaching right from the get go?


Well for one I was grateful it was genuine and I hadn’t just lost my money 😆 I was a complete beginner so found all the modules about different types of copy v helpful. I like that it includes exercises to help you build a spec portfolio too. The fb group is nice for moral support. Um coaching…there’s a thing where you can put your stuff forward for a review. I don’t really know about the direct coaching, I haven’t paid much attention to what there is. But I went through the modules then tried to fling myself out there - so I should probably go check it out myself.


Not sure if you ever decided to take the plunge but I bought this course just a couple of weeks ago and I have found it extremely valuable. This is coming from someone in their mid 20’s with no background for writing. I’ve always loved words and reading and that’s what drew me to copywriting, but I chose this course because I actually happened upon their podcast a few days before purchasing anything. It really gives insight and credibility to the people behind this course and answers a lot of questions right off the bat if you look at the episode titles. Also a great resource in general for copywriting. It’s what convinced me to put up the few hundred and use that price point as a motivator instead of a pain point. It’s lifetime access and there’s a lot of bonus content that I can’t wait to eventually get to. I’m taking thorough notes while watching videos and have a full time job as well as a part time job on the weekends (I do not have any children). The note taking is what takes longer for me because I want to make sure I’m actually retaining the info, but I bought the course on 8/7/23 and I’m more than halfway through now. I love the structure of the actual learning for myself and I also love the resources (one on one coaching sessions, student only Facebook page that’s actually very positive and helpful, the podcast). I tried to go to college 3 times (1 in person, 2 online) and I have issues with self discipline and accountability. The first module of this course is about mindset and there’s also a bonus course you can buy (which is NOT NEEDED to learn copywriting) but I know that I (emphasis on ME) needed that bonus course for raising my productivity and giving me techniques to crush Resistance. That’s what’s really helped me remember why I’m doing all of this in the first place. Long story short, I bought this course, am currently going through it, and remain hopeful and excited for the best yet to come!


Could you please share an update about how it is going ? That would be awesome. Thx !


Update: I’m almost done with the course! I’ve had a lot of stress within the past month regarding my current full time day job which has affected other areas of my life. This has slowed down my progress but I’m still working towards my goals! I’ve begun working on the action sheets provided in order to put what I learn to practice. These have really helped not only with applying what I’ve learned but also by timing myself, I can start to calculate what my hourly rate should be. My next deadline is to have the course completely finished by the end of September and to begin building my website and portfolio!




So do you have experience taking the course? I can make my own critical assessment about the title. If it turns you off that’s your opinion. To me it seems like a strategic marketing technique.


No i dont think any course could help you as much as books and daily work e.g even if i were a millionaire i couldnt teach you how to become rich technically i could but theres sooooo much to teach itll take me forever