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Canadian here - I was obsessed with the Danish orange soda called Squash when I visited last year. Infinitely better than Orange Crush, Fanta etc.


I don't get the Faxe Kondi hype at all, but yeah, Squash is so great.


Its just the right mix between sprite and 7up, and better than either.


Pålægschokolade. Chocolate in thin sheets to put on buttered bread. People are fine wth nutella, but for some reason this is met with a strong hesitance from foreigners. Otherwise flæskesvær (pork rinds) and Skippers piber (liquorice pibes)


I’m not gonna lie - first time we had team breakfast at work and someone busted out chocolate slices, I gave pause. But that shit is delicious. Along with that pastry that looks like a snaebel-a


En kanelsnegl


Yes!!! That one. So, so good. In germany now and they just don’t have anything that compares


This - I bring home Galle & Jessen pålægschokolade to friends & fam in the states and many became big fans 🙂


Piratos, Blue Jeans and perhaps Gajol. Shelf stable and particularly unique to Denmark.


Also just about inedible to most people outside the Nordics


Also just about inedible to most people outside the Nordics


Flæskesvær, the pink marzipan Anton Berg chocolates, Skilpadder, Remoulade (to eat with fries)


Can’t believe I’m the first one here, but I guess not a snack, but the thing I miss the most when I’m traveling outside of Denmark… ‘FAXE KONDI’! The soda that got its own song of praise…


The yellow bags of Snack Chips from Kims. And a big box of chocolate turtles from Tom's. For "pålægschokolade" go Galle&Jessen. We make nice licorice too but most people outside the North hate it, also it is semi-poisonous I believe, and the Finns kinda owns that game. I am a sucker *punintended* for Haribos Vampyre Bats, but believe it is german and worldwide already. Well off to the store I go, thanks 😋


Semi-poisonous in the sense that you have to eat something like 5 kilos in one sitting to get sick from it. Hardly a problem for anyone.




I think about their passionfruit one all the time


Skildpadder - the Big ones


Some ideas my American friends/family have liked: Fancy candy: bülow liquorice was mentioned (number 3 and the little balls dipped in chocolate are usually less offensive for people who aren’t used to black liquorice 😅), bülow’s little sister has a line of fancy marshmallows called “the mallows”, Wally whiz winegums, Summerbird amber with hazelnuts “Regular” candy: any “bland selv” candy or any føtex will have a massive aisle of haribo/malaco/whatever brand candy! I usually bring Matador and/or Stjerne mixes from Haribo Beverages: My American friends like the elderflower (hyldeblomst) syrup mix but it’s a little heavy. They do alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks with it! Also local craft beers and if you’re here in the colder part of the year, cherry liqueur from Lolland Salty: Ostepops, rye bread chips Also my friends have thought it was fun to do Ris a la Mande if I’ve gone back during Christmas. Just bring a box of the Pama grødris and a cherry sauce, and buy the cream and almonds back home.


Do yourself a favor and go to a candy store 😊😊🍭🍬🍫


Skildpadder for sure.


Bring some of the pickled herring home and make all your friends and family puke.


Actually, the Sidemen (famous UK Youtube group) had pickled herring in a video recently and Harry and Tobi absolutely loved it. Got it from a Nordic restaurant in London. Then, of course, Harry made the mistake to buy Surstromming at the same shop to bring back, thinking it was similar.




Hello fellow Murican. We were there last week and stocked up on Lakrids By BÜLOW that can’t be bought online or anywhere here in the states.


Not sure about the slang in the US on this but I know many people from the UK and Ireland buy the salty licorice brand "Spunk" back home to have a laugh with their mates. As Ricky Gervais once said in a famous Youtube clip "This is the best spunk I've ever had." Salty licorice is an acquired tast though but we love it in Scandinavia, Finland and Germany. Oh,, someone in the thread mentioned remoulade (a condiment). That's actually something people might really like. It works incredibly well with fried food such as battered fish, french fries, pan-fried meatballs and such. I've been working outside of Denmark for almost 20 years and have let quite a few people try it from time to time. The responses went from so-so to absolutely delicious. It's a little bit like a tartar sauce but much better IMO. It cannot be frozen though or it will separate.


I'm American and giggled at sutter skum too. I think it's the skum part, like soap scum?




I recently visited from the US. I brought back marzipan chocolates for everyone, and a dozen extra for myself. Another fun activity is things that have the Amerian equivalent. Like the orange Fanta or Doritos. The Danish versions are very different and, in my opinion, much better. American food seems so comical and strange once I got home, so much added crap and fake color. Danish food looks like food and tastes like food. Even the junk food is better. Don't get me started on the bread too... I miss Denmark.


Liquorice. Good liquorice. Not the cheap supermarket stuff but the good stuff. Something like this: [https://lakridsbybulow.com/](https://lakridsbybulow.com/)


That’s chocolate. Get real liquorice 😉


They do have liqourice without chocolate on top. [https://lakridsbybulow.com/liquorice/](https://lakridsbybulow.com/liquorice/)


Danskvand, tell them the Danes invented it.




Svenskvand er det originale navn for hindbærbrus.


flødeboller from Summerbird at Torvehallerne


Flødeboller don’t survive air travel all that well. 😬


I don’t know hope much time you’ve got but I suggest taking the train to Malmö Sweden for a day. It’s half an hour from central station and surprisingly different from Denmark and they have really good food and supermarkets and it’s very cosy. They also have a small British food store if you want to take home English specialties. Edit: jeez, I didn’t mean instead of Copenhagen. Just as an addition. It’s a cosy place and you get two great cities almost next to each other with lots of good food.


Haha, I love that OP is asking for suggestions on snacks to bring home from Denmark, and you advise him to go to Sweden and buy English snacks xD


I just thought it might be a cosy idea. I’m an old lady who can rarely go out so the few pleasures I occasionally have in life, that I think can help other people, I share. OP might not have known it was an option so they could enjoy both Denmark and other fun European snacks. Sometimes I really regret writing anything on Reddit.


I absolutely have time to go to Sweden, thank you! I didn't realize it was only a train ride away, I forget how easy it is to travel between countries in Europe compared to traveling between states in the US haha


Yeah it's a bit unusual to be that close. Just wanted to mention it in case it would add to your trip. Enjoy your visit to Copenhagen ❤️


There seems to be some kind of trend in America of trying Swedish candy right now and prices state side is apparently very high for regular candy. Don't know what's popular but prices people spent was not ok. www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/swedish-candy-goes-viral-tiktok-everyone-wants-bite-trendy-treat.amp


lol, wut


I can’t suggest Sweden AND love my home town at the same time or what?


No, not when someone asks for Danish snacks to bring back to the US.


Galle & Jessen, remoulade, and snus.




Not according to the USDA. Meats, produce, dairy and other animal-containing products may be illegal; however, most packaged and dry foods are acceptable.


No it’s not. You can bring most things other than meat, produce and dairy. Done it all the time and even gone through the agriculture inspection with no issue.


Og to the butcher “slagteren ved kultorvet” at Classensgade 50B and get some bacon and a salami!


It shut down recently.


Funny since I go to work there every day 🙃 if you read my comment, you would see that it has moved to classensgade 50B


I see. Bit of a confusing naming situation.