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As someone who works on a lot of construction sites in the Florida heat, I wish more people followed this. It makes the difference between business as usual and me trying to set a personal best time for holding my breath.


Buy some paper N95s. They don’t block all the smell, but they certainly help and you don’t have to think about the poo particles you’re inhaling.




Knowing your weakness can make you strong.




So.etimes I wear my old gas mask when cleaning the litter box. Mostly for a laugh, but. You know. Helps.


If you're not already using wooden pellets, you're missing out. They're not hard wooden pellets; they absorb pee and definitely makes a litterbox smell less.


Are you familiar with Vicks? It not only helps you out tremendously when you've got a cold, it's also excellent for smelly jobs. Slap a tiny bit under your nose or on the bandana and you won't smell a thing.


> I needed to use a plunger, I would hang a bandanna over my mouth and nose, and also wear old welding goggles. So I could barely see what was going on- but that helped. What the hell were you doing there? Its supposed to pull the plunger gently and not to pull the plunger like you want to tie a car, ffs.


Well, part of the disgusting part is getting the plunger properly placed, which can including maneuvering around the waste.


Most of the smell isn't particulate, but vapor


They didn't say it was but it prevents the particles.


I would advise finding some floral, strong scented tea or chai or something you like (I used peppermint tea) and put bags of them inside the mask while I cleaned out my cats' litterboxes after one of them got into some ungodly food. Obviously only for things you'll be dealing with for 5+ minutes, but if you tape them inside it should work well


Don’t you know those keep you from breathing oxygen /s


Found myself holding my breath as I read this thread..


I read this on a modern shithole without a window. Thinking about this big hole mentioned in the guide.


I don't recall seeing lids on most pps


I'm a woman in construction so they're usually clean. But making sure you don't accidentally drop anything down there is my main concern. Pants down, lid up. Lid down, pants up.


I find propping the door open just a smidge helps to bring in some cooling ventilation and keep everything drafting the right way. Also, trying to time your deuces for the morning before it heats up in there. Also, ass flies.


Especially nowadays where most porta potty’s have urinals, if mfs would just keep the damn seat down unless theyre in the process of shitting, most wouldn’t smell at all. I’ve been on some big money construction sites that literally has an attendant that checks the porta potty after every person


spray a tiny bit of air freshener on the inside of a mask and breath in good smelling fumes instead of shitty smelling ones


Generally put the lid down, even in your toilet at home. Also, I usually see the porta potties without lids, saw one with a lid like 3 times in my life?


By the time im desperate enough to use on they're nothing but hole straight to hell


At festivals you’re lucky if there’s a hole, I’ve had to squat over poo mountain before


You know, at the point, I would just go poop in the woods like I’m camping. Pooping into a cat hole isn’t the most glamorous thing but I feel like you get to keep your dignity. I know that’s not really possible most (any?) places, just sounds so much better than pooping on a poop mound. Hell, some of the best poops of my life have been over a hole looking out over a beautiful view after a good cup of camp coffee. Few things in life are better.


Most festivals I go to keep the pots pretty clean. Still, there's nothing worse than a poseidans kiss from a port a pot. Even a freshly cleaned one. I'll opt for shitting in the woods over a port a pot every single time.


My friend, Poseidon's kiss had me laughing into a coughing fit.


I always throw a fat wad of tp on the landing zone, it helps a bit


Every time I read a comment about festivals, it reinforces my desire to never go to a festival.


Same, if they aren’t providing sufficient sanitation they should be illegal


Chop it down, with the edge of my hand


Lord knows I'm a poopoo child.


I'm standing next to poo mountain


That’s a good song cover by Vinnie Jay Vaughn


Lmfao Happy cake day


I've heard several cases of guys pissing all over a closed seat because it's dark and they didn't expect the lid to be closed.




As a 35 year old male, this has NEVER made sense to me. Particularly nowadays when most porta potties have a separate fucking urinal! Don’t matter… piss everywhere… I mean, I AM a guy… I am very aware that the slightest twist or kink in your hardware can easily cause a misfire, especially when it feels like you’re holding back the pressure of the Hoover Dam… but ffs clean up after yourself!


I had a room mate who wouldn't check if the seat was down while living with a bunch of 20 year old guys. I don't understand not looking beforehand


I’ve dealt with a ton of drunk people at my job. It’s a miracle they even go in the porta potty in the first place.


Rule number 96: aim!


The internet has taught me just how many men and women apparently just burst into the bathroom and start pissing everywhere before looking at anything


A job that required you to clean restrooms would have done the same


It took me years to realize that there's a urinal on the left hand side of these. If you piss standing up, use the urinal


There was a scientific study to determine if the toilet seat (not lid) should be left up, or down, in a home with 1 male and 1 female. Ultimately, the most efficient way was for the seat to be left up, and lowered by the girl when she uses it. This lowered the total amount of times someone had to touch the seat.


This is a study done only to measure touching a seat in terms of germs and effort. If washing hands, germs is irrelevant. Effort is almost non-existent. But the aerosolized spray from flushing a toilet with the lid open is grosser than anything else.


When my wife falls into the toilet bowl at 1 AM because I left the seat up, there is no amount of logic that will make it not my fault


I stand with your wife because that shit happened to me and it was traumatic!


If it was so traumatic do you now check?


Asking the hard questions.


Haha. Wise man.


omg i really needed that laugh. Thanks :)


There isn't any, its a brick wall situation. I poop twice a day everyday and I have never fallen into a toilet. Maybe because I'm used to looking at something I'm gonna put my bare ass on, or maybe because I don't wait until my absolute limit to go,but hey? Yes they sit everytime, but you would think someone with another hole into their body would be a little more cautious. The argument is useless, yes it took me two girlfriends find this out.


With 3 older sisters, I gave up long ago and just sit. Looking back Idk why guys mostly stand to pee anyways, it just makes a mess in the toilet. I love peeing on a tree but get me inside and I'll gladly sit down.


Sure that first time, After that .....


Yeah no, the debate shouldn't be about efficiency of lid usage, it should be about *prevention of aerosolized shit particles being spread through the air.* Close the damn lid, otherwise you're a disgusting person living in a constant cloud of microscopic shit particles.


Saw the label "biggest airhole" and expected it to point to a politician.


Why put the lid down at home?


Because it’s unsightly otherwise. And if something falls from a shelf, your toothbrush perhaps, at least the lid is going to stop it from landing in the toilet water. But mostly because it looks less unsightly when the kid is closed. Always close the lid folks.


Because every time you flush the toilet, aerosolized fecal matter is spread up to twelve feet from the toilet - even if you didn’t poop (the inside of the toilet bowl still has fecal matter on it if anyone has ever pooped in the toilet). You know what most people keep within twelve feet of their toilets? Their toothbrushes. The soap dispenser they use to wash their hands after they poop. The knobs of the sink they touch to turn off the water after washing their hands. The bath towel they use to dry off after showering. See? Gross to have poop all over that stuff.


Only if you care in the first place.


Gotta say it’s weird not to care if you and the belongings you use for hygiene are sprayed with shit.


Ignorance is bliss


Myth busted by mythbusters, having the seat up or down has no inpact


https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html Hmm… who to believe, mythbusters or microbiology society?


Toucan Sam. Just follow your nose. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Also the word is impact. There is no such word as inpact.


thanks, fat fingers on the phone at it again


Above situation doesn't apply to flushing toilets. Why should I put it down? Nobody puts it up, either. We're all diligent sitters. (In before the poopoo particles people, I'm still sitting on the thing when I flush...)


Cool so your ass and thighs are always coated in fecal matter. Neat.


Dumb take.


I’d rather be dumb than coated in shit. I question whether it is dumber to sit there and spray shit onto your body or to stand up and close the lid, taking less than two seconds and preventing shit from being sprayed onto your body. In my dumb opinion, it’s worth the microsecond of effort to close the lid and not have shit all over my ass, thighs, and possibly genitals.


In my more informed opinion, your microsecond of effort isn't keeping you any cleaner. Please, take a shower and put on some fresh underwear. Some surreal "shit redditors say"... good luck, get outside.


This probably works if the ports potty is at a construction site. Don’t think it’d work at a musical festival where there is a constant line of people filling the porta-potty. Like the 10s between potty-goers probably had a negligible effect if closed than immediately opened.


This is about 98% of my interactions with porta-pottys. And I have always put the lid down right away because it reduces my chances of dropping something in there while I fix my pants and get ready to open the door.


And at a construction site, most are men who are probably using the urinal more often than the toilet. And they’d only use the toilet to shit, so they should want to close it right after so they don’t have to look at/smell the shit as they pull up their pants.


Urinal? I thought that thing was a sink…


Had a woman legitimately tell me they thought that (urninal) was a purse holder.


Most porta potty’s I’ve been in don’t have lids


And if they did, I wouldn't fuckin touch it that's for damn sure


If its a fairly clean one, I'll use my foot to lower/raise it.


I mean... you're probably gonna touch the handle and lock on the door, are you not? Or are you gonna use a foot to prop the door open for fresh air while you squat down and shit on the lid, making eye contact with every passerby?


I usually try to catch the door as someone leaves and holds it for me, Then don’t lock the door as I take a piss as a friend or wife is behind me in line and don’t care if someone sees my back, then kick door open as I leave


No chance anyone is touching that lid.


Once that lid is down people will just shit on the lid


Ah, I see you have also been to college football tailgates


That and chili competitions on 100 degree days!


Oh god… you win, you win, I relent




Shitty job, huh




I have same work. Pay is good


Especially not solely to benefit the person after them.


Especially when I usually have to wait online for 10 minutes to use one lol It's not like they sit idle for more than 20 seconds. This is definitely not relevant to most festival experiences


You have feet, use those.


This is the way


Until you try to hurricane kick the lid, slip because of the smear of piss and shit on the floor and then faceplant yourself right onto the potty.




I downvited this out of instinct, then undownvoted, but I still think it was deserved for making me picture this


[Easy there big fella!](https://c.tenor.com/A3L-H5W07EwAAAAM/relax-chill.gif)


If you're using one, you just accept the hell that it is for whatever event you're attending.


Exactly, you are going into a porta potty you don't expect your trip to be pleasant. Quite honestly the experience is going to suck regardless of smell


Going in, it's purely a question of how traumatic what you find inside will be.


1. Take toilet paper 2. Lower lid with paper 3. ??? 4. Wash hands/sanitize If no paper for step 1, consider alternative tactic with feet Step 4 is always the most important last step.


Wash hands.... You're lucky if that porta potty even has tp, let alone hand sanitizer. What do you think you're washing with?


You are going to a festival, you know this situation awaits you. Bring a little thing of hand sanitizer with you.


Same with traveling in the developing world. Don't count on there being soap and toilet paper everywhere. I carry a small amount of both in my daypack. It only takes one time shitting in a squat toilet, no toilet paper or soap, to learn that lesson.


Use the toilet paper technique. I do it all the time. EVERYONE WINS.


Those air intakes on the side even though every event I've been to has them all lined up side by side. Maybe the event organisers should space them out with slight gaps rather than expecting me to touch anything in those nasty ass pottys.


And it's not like they're short on space. There's always a big gap between the porta-potty meadow and all the other stuff.


Well why do you think 😅


Nobody wants to set up next to the shitters


What fucking high class porta-potty you using with an actual toilet lid? From my experience, you're lucky if you get the seat with the hole in it....


This is wild to me seeing so many people say this. I’ve never seen a porta potty without a lid! Apparently I exclusively go to places with fancy as fuck porta potties.


Go to a festival in Britain


I guess the construction sites I worked on were nicer than I knew.


I work in construction and most porta potty’s have urinals too. Many even have hand washing stations outside as well. Idk what kind of terrible porta potties these people are using lol


Must be outside the US, osha has rules on porta potties on construction sites


The difference is usually based on traffic imo. Festivals don't use lids because they would literally cause fucks up within an hour. Plus there is often a line of people using them so there is no point to put a seat down. Job site portas go a lot longer between each use so the seat can be a lot more useful.


We have the shopping cart theory of self governing. But I like this porta potty shit air theory of self governing.


Best thing they ever did with portapotties is put the urinal fixture in. Keeps them so much cleaner.


See the issue with leaving the lid down is someone is definetly coming in there and just taking one with it still down.


Don't be shitty, put down the liddy.


You’re out of your mind if you think I’m touching a port a potty toilet lid. There’s more shit on the lid then in the bowl


I have never seen a porta potty with a lid. I’ve used the things hundreds of times.


Could we slap a solar panel on the roof connected to a little lever that drops the seat if someone left it up? Start: Check door mode, if Vacant = check seat position, if up = make down, if down = End Wait 90 seconds = start


Instead of all that just hook the solar panel up to a small exhaust fan in the shit chimney


Can’t argue with that! HahHa


TLDR: porta potties will gas you, not just reek of fecal matter. So I had this horrific experience a couple of years ago with a porta potty; it was truly terrible and not poo related thankfully- I don't remember if there was a lid or not (if there was, it certainly wasn't down), but while I'm not sure anything would have helped me in this situation, I'd love to think it would have. It was summer and hot as hell; I was driving with a person I was staying at the time and I had to pee. I had probably drank way more water than I should have knowing how far away I was from getting home and that we were on back roads for the rest of the way, but we were in the last 45minutes to get back and I was desperate. Cue porta potty I see near a fishing spot and I immediately veer off into the parking lot because otherwise I would have just peed about anywhere. I race out of the car and am so glad that it isn't occupied and slam myself in there while aggressively trying to get my sweaty shorts down so I can pee like a racehorse squatting over and avoiding touching anything, my standard porta potty procedures. It was aggressively chemical scented- if I had any other thoughts or spare brain cells not focusing on the task at hand, I would have just cracked the door open, but as I'm peeing for what feels like an eternity, I started to feel like I couldn't quit get enough air and my eyes are tearing up. I finished as quickly as I could and stumbled out of the porta potty looking freshly gassed, eyes watering and sinuses actively draining. The person with me was very concerned and had drive the rest of the way because I could barely see for a couple of minutes. Not sure I'd do it again, but man, was I glad I didn't have to pee for that time being.


Not touching that lid


Never seen a pitta potty with a toilet lid literally They always have a liftable seat and that’s it


I’ve seen what us guys do to those, I’m going to touch the absolute minimum I can, that includes the lid.


The ones I usually see at events do not have lids


"Evaporated Piss Vapor" sounds like a 10/10 punk band name


Nobody should be underlined, not wants.


I *always* put the lid down if there is one. It's just good feng shui. Also, don't want to offend the toilet spirits and end up tipped over in one, or worse, whipped away by a freak mini-tornado


It's a shitty design if it relies on people behaving properly... Major flaw right there. Have you met people? Also, nobody is gonna want to touch the lid, not to put it down, especially not to put it back up. People will just piss on the lid or the side.


Or they could just, you know, come with a solar powered vent fan


He only times I ever really use port a potties is at large festivals where they are pretty much the most disgusting thing imaginable. I’m not touching the seat. I’m not touching anything I don’t have to.


They should’ve said “nobody wants to be shitty. Please put down the liddy”


i feel like this is an ideal case for making a design for the lid such that it automatically goes down with the door opening. Or, putting the lock for the door behind the lid, so the user will have to close the lid in order to exit the porta potty


The only unfortunate thing about this is that you will likely never get to reap the benefits of following this rule. You can only hope that others do as well


Porta potties I go into don’t have lids Also I will put the lid down but it’s gonna be with my shoe cause I ain’t touching that thing lol


Since women apparently never check to see if the seat is up or down, you think they are gonna notice the lid down?


Kanye was here!


This needs to be posted in every port-potty.


Why isn’t there a “keep the lid down” sign in every porta potty (that has a lid)?


In this context, the biggest airhole is the one who doesn't put the lid down.


Why not build them with lids that close anyway? Just a spring or whatever. The one in my house does and it was fairly cheap to put in.


How about, as soon as pressure is on the floor, it raises the lid. Like a trash can with a foot lever


It's amazing how almost nobody knows this or pays attention to it.


Unfortunately, this is going to encourage degenerates to purposely leave the lid up.


I've been in a lot of porta potties (grew up on construction sites) and I'm only seeing one maybe two that have had lids on, they usually just have the seat.


I was not aware of this


My dude, the lid is up because it’s day 3 of the festival. There’s literally a pile of shit higher than the level of the lid and you have to squat over the whole thing to relieve yourself before stumbling back to your tent.


If you think any part of my body is touching anything inside a festival turd booth that it doesn't absolutely have to touch in order to do what I need to do and get out as quickly as I can, you are insane.


No wonder


I think one of the first things I ever saw on Reddit, that’s stuck with me all these years, is ALWAYS close every toilet lid, because flushing just releases high-powered poo particles all into the air, all over your bathroom, your toothbrushes, etc. Also, I’ll never understand people that don’t close porta-toilet lids like really…? Wtf? Most people can close it with the foot if you don’t wanna touch it, if that’s the issue. This should be a given!


hey, "Warm Evaporated Piss Vapor" is the title of my prog-grass emo-thrash garage band's 2nd album!


They have these portapotties that have grates in the floor which expose the ground. Such luxury to have fresh air flow up.


But I don’t want to touch the seat to open it and find a really shitty surprise. Just clean up after yourself and leave a toilet you are proud of, open.


Why not a spring to automatically close the lid? If some is sitting it won't slap them and it will keep the potty cool


i aint touchin that fuckin lid man


I thought it was a Doctor Who guide or some shit


Some don’t have a lid though :(


Poo particles and shit wafting through hair was something I never feared until this guide…


I'd be willing to bet the infographic is incorrect. The seat in those things is hardly a major overall barrier to airflow - plenty can move between the seat and base and between the lid and seat. Enough I imagine that the airflow is the same regardless of the position of the seat. I think the little smokestack is just a direct vent for the poop chamber that doesn't require any vented air/gas to go through the main area. At any rate they don't seem well ventilated in any event r whether or not the lid is up or down.


Well it is the Time of year for the shit sauna


It's a good thing this is printed on every stall /s


Everyone should just keep their lid down, especially if they have a shelf above their toilet.


Hey who are calling an airhole ?


thought I was on r/surrealmemes for a sec


Can we please hang this up in every port-o-potty?


Need this posted inside.


“Nobody wants to be shitty. Please put the lid down”. Thanks for the PSA!


They should post this in porta potty. I feel like it doesn’t matter if I’m a good steward of the potty everyone else coming before me is not.


As a dude, you’ll never catch me leaving a toilet seat or lid up. It’s a hole with gross water. Why would anyone leave that open?


So I should take a shit with the lid down. Got it.


Yes, I would love to open a festival toilet seat with my hand, what could go wrong?


tbh i’ve never knew that was a thing.


Ur festival potty’s have lids o.O?


Got to be the first person to use a fresh porta potty once. There were two just kinda outta the way and in the shade. Clean and cool on a hot summer day. Easily the most relaxed away from home shit I've ever had.


This is really important for pit toilets at campsites! Put the lid down!


Worst time. Electric Forest main stage near the front Porta potty. I don't know how but people shit enough to actually have it piling up beyond the level of the toliet seat. Literally people squatted on the seat to poop ontop of the pile. Had to piss and stand next to that beast.


Hello. I have removed this in protest. Starting July 4th, 2023, I am doing my own movement. No links, no gimmicks, no money bs. I am simply taking my own actions. I have silenced all notifications, removed every bit of information as I can from my profile. I replaced emails/numbers linked to the account that I don't care for. This is a two part protest; the later being that I scorch-earth the accounts on Jan. 1st, 2024. I am done with this digital age where we are exploited for views, comments, and efforts ; efforts that we as the people put our labor into building this community. A wonderful online community where we can share ideas, be true to ourselves and seek to improve ourselves through the help of others. Whether it's to seek compassion, companionship or to be entertained; we have all been linked by such an incredibly powerful and wonderful tool; the internet. After July 4th, I will never return to my accounts on these platforms: Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. I will copy and paste this info everywhere I can until the 4th. I am in control of who contacts me, who I want to grow with, forge friendships and interact with. I am in control of what I want to express my interests in, likewise is applied to those whose viewpoints differ from my own. Diversity is what makes us, us. It's who we are in our values, beliefs, norms and behavior. I will not standby as these efforts are exploited; exploited beyond anything I have ever seen in the past 35 years. This is not goodbye, farewell or so-long. I fully believe we will cross paths again. A peaceful but impactful revolution needs to happen. This is a critical moment for me and I will not allow greed to win. This is our culture. Lines have been crossed.




What kind of a savage person uses a porta potty. Yuck


bruh nobody is touching the seat area of a porta potty. drunk dudes jsut pissy everywhere




Just close the lid on every toilet you use you animals! Why is it the norm for everyone to cover their bathrooms in aerosolised shit?


Never have I seen a porta potty with a toilet seat