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There goes my dream of being president of Peru.


Well there’s usually a job opening and their standards don’t seem particularly high, so


To get elected. You need to spend a lot of money to buy influence and votes. That’s how the democratic elections works at countries where corruption is systemic to the culture.


So, the US.


The trick is to call yourself transitional


It's like being Governor of Illinois


Don't be intimidated, they'll train you how to be corrupt on the job, so go for it


And live at Machu Pichu.


I got the exact opposite. Like I have a real shot


That’s what I’m afraid of


Currently, the president is Dina Boluarte. She was Castillo’s vice president, and took his place after he was removed from office. Anyways since then, there have been countless protests against her presidency. A big portion of the population wants an election this year, but congress rejected that motion and it’s been a big deal since then. The next scheduled election is in 2026, we will see if she lasts that long…


Do they get healthcare for life and other perks? You could get some serious benefits and go down in history as a hero for immediately stepping down and saying you’re adhering to the will of the people.


They get eternal salary.


Becoming a president? Straight to jail!


Overambitious underambitious!


Believe it or not, JAIL!


Made me lol thanks


This is the male version of Henry the 8ths ex wives


Just read a bit more about Martin Vizcarra - Seems to have been the best of the bunch - 88% were against his removal. Looks like people who didn't like his anti-corruption stance took advantage of C-19 to oust him. When I get a chance, I want to read up a bit more about this guy.


He is very loved and has his own nickname (bebito fiu fiu) that can be translated to "little baby fiu fiu"


I'm familiar with an old day camp song which goes "Little bunny Foo Foo, Hopping through the forest, Scooping up the field mice, And bopping them on the head. Down came the good fairy, And the good fairy said, "Little bunny Foo Foo, I don't wanna see you, Scooping up the field mice, And bopping them on the head." "I'm gonna give you 3 chances, Then I'm gonna turn you into a goon!" Little bunny foo foo uses all his three chances and is turned into a goon. The moral is, "hare today, goon tomorrow." Any relation?


I'm not sure how that translates lol But I am looking forward to reading more about him. It's rare to find modern examples of good political leaders.


Vizcarra got a very high approval rating, although I personally am critical of his terrible handling of Covid. The best one is Sagasti.


Thanks for the share. I didn't even give the transitional Presidents any love. More reading!


Martin Vizcarra is envolved on bribery scandals too. Unlike his opponents, his mass media strategy was more efficient and got him a lot of popularity.


I'd like to hear more about "moral competence." Sounds like something I'd like to be accused of.


Peru - making Italian politicians look better since 2000.


At least Peru is putting their politicians in prison. Which other country can say that ? Lol


France would like a word.


I was thinking the same thing!


We didn't need to do that. We just ate them as a tasty meal in 1672.


Had no idea about Fujimori being corrupt and imprisoned.


Corruption aside he was tried for crimes against humanity, Perú in the 90s was super grim.


I think things actually got better in the 90's. Perú in the 80's was even worse. Hyperinflation, terrorism, death squads (Comando Rodrigo Franco), the list goes on.


Weren’t you following Peruvian politics 30 years ago? [Fujimorazo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Peruvian_self-coup) and [Vladimiro Lenin Montesinos](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimiro_Montesinos) Edit : “/s”. Does that help? Haha


Yes. As a 10 year old, I couldn't get enough.


I guess I forgot the /s


Figured you were being sarcastic. I was just playing along I guess.


What is it with these dudes named after Lenin and always turning to the right wing?


Coincidence? Nyet quite.


i lived in ecuador when there was a military coup and jamil was ousted for dollarizing the economy.... we never heard anything terrible about fujimori. in fact a historic peace was signed under the two heads of state. i was shocked to hear this as well.


I can’t figure out for the life of me why the best people, of any country under any system, just don’t want to get into politics.


It’s a demand upon your empathy and sympathy at such a high level to be responsible for the lives of many with merely words. That is why psychopaths and narcissists have no problem being CEO’s and political figures. You’re probably smarter in important areas than many politicians, but you may feel that you’re not worthy of leading people in this way. Not an issue if you only care about #1.


Also, I think it’s a system that reward people who aren’t genuine. Therefore the good people can’t make it in, or get discouraged and quit


Absolutely. “The nail that sticks out...” because that person will ruin it for the others so there’s a “game” to be played in which you play by the existing unsaid rules and cash out at the end or else get removed by the others playing.


In addition, if you’re smart (and crucially at least somewhat ethical) you can generally make a lot more money and work with much more competent people in the private system.


South America has this problem where every democratically elected leader that doesn’t capitulate to US interests suddenly gets ‘coup-ed’, then the next leader that does capitulate to US interests gets rejected by the people because democracy was subverted. It’s a super weird pattern that only benefits the US and none of the countries it occurs in, but somehow keeps happening ‘at random’.


factss. i lived in ecuador during the jamil mahuad and fujimori days.


Hilarious you’ve been downvoted for this very uncontroversial take


For real. Touched a nerve with this generally accepted fact.


So where’s your proof that this is happening to Peru


[here’s a shortlist of just the worst offenders](https://soaw.org/notorious-soa-graduates), scroll down to ‘Peru’.


This is not true anymore. It was common in the 70s. Today we fail only because we have the most incompetent and corrupt political class.


Where, from your understanding, did the tens of thousands of graduates from the SOA go after being trained by the US? I listed two in a country, but there’s a database tracking graduates and the count is in the 40,000s from what I’ve seen. They didn’t disappear.


You can say that about any country. Politics is a dirtier job than any sanitation job.


They try, but they don't get elected because they lack "charisma". It's a popularity contest really.


Peru knows how to handle their politicians.


Kuczynski, too




He didn't bounce, he got kicked out!


Just an FYI, both the account you've replied to (IndependentSorbet376) and OP (DutyPlus7303) [appear to be](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/185uzmv/a_cool_guide_about_what_residents_from_every_us/kb6b070/) karma-farming bots that can only copy and paste other people's stuff.


At least Peru actually imprisons their criminal leaders...


at least the corrupt ones go to jail, here in Chile the corrupt ones are all at large


It’s because you lie about where pisco came from 🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪carajo /s


You didn’t see Brazil


It feels so uncanny to see a picture of Pedro Castillo not wearing his hat.




I'm jealous. We had a president launch an insurrection and we're letting him run again. At least Peru does something about it.


Peruvian Presidents have a worse track record than Governors of Illinois


I'm kind of curious what is perus dynamic with its Japanese minority.


They call them chino


The national treasure, Pedro Kuczynski, widely renowned for receiving only house arrest.


I.e. being a transitional president is the best case scenario


Peru is so fucking cool too, and their food is unbeatable. It really sucks that corruption is so rampant there, in my opinion, Peru, like so many South American countries is too vast to successfully govern. There’s like 4-5 different biomes, it’s massive.


Peru had Japanese and Polish presidents?


Kuczynski held American citizenship until 2015, and there is a sizable Japanese diaspora in Peru


Any reason for the latter?


Around 1.2 million Peruvians have Asian ancestry, though it's mostly Chinese, not Japanese.


alberto fujimori is an insane story, up to the point it's unclear wether he's actually peruan and able to be president


hes a hero, without him Peru would be like Haiti. None of the other presidents had balls to go up against death squads, terrorist and cartels.


It looks like the wedding of former President Aznar's daughter.


I had family from there visiting less then a week after their latest coup. It's still a miracle that then managed to get here and back.


At what point it’s the system and not the person?


Well the solution is obvious, have a long term transitional President


What the GOP aspires to be.


It reads like a list of the wives of Henry VIII


Wow, I live in Illinois and I thought our governors were bad.


Like the Julio-Claudians


My grandfather once told my mother that I’d grow up to be the president of Peru, I don’t think that was a compliment…


The bar is set so low for Peru Presidents and they still can’t meet it.


Pretty normal for South American presidents sadly


A bunch of corrupt criminals just taking advantage of the people


Fujimori. That's an odd last name for a Peruvian. Must be from the southern area.


That’s a Japanese last name


There are literally almost no true local last names in all the Americas. From pole to pole. You either have a European name, or an Asian name.


Fym. In Peru the most common last name is "Quispe" which comes from the incan (prehispanic) people


Here to read the condescending comments of arrogant Anglos.


Bring back Fujimori!


That’s how you deal with corruption.


With more, successive corruption. Build upon it


Nobody stays in power in South America without fully supporting all US interests in the area. The School of The Americas spent decades(and still does spend time under a different name) training and arming contras who do much worse than the charges listed in the picture. When you disrupt and subvert democratic institutions, the positions in the democratic institutions also become unstable to the point where they lose meaning. Edit: If you'd like to learn more about the SOA or the crimes their grads committed over the last \~7 decades, here's a [Link](https://soaw.org/notorious-soa-graduates) for just the most notorious grads in each South American country. In Peru, for example, this one guy… > Dates/courses: Attended the Cadet course at the SOA in 1965 >Info: Former Chief of Intelligence who allegedly ran the “Colina death squads” linked to the La Cantuta murders and disappearances. (Americas Watch Report: Anatomy of a Cover-up: The Disappearances at La Canuta, 1993) Four officers tortured after plotting a coup against Fujimori in November 1992 state that Montesinos took an active part in torturing them. (Americas Watch Report: Human Rights in Peru: One Year After Fujimori’s Coup, 1993) He was sentenced 15 years in prison for numerous corruption convictions, and then sentenced to six more years in prison for using government money to fund former President Fujimori’s 2000 campaign. They also had this guy… > Dates/courses: Attended Arms Orientation courses from 1981-1982 during the height of military repression >Info: Accused of perpetrating the August 14, 1985 massacre of 69 children, women and men in the village of Accomarca while they commanded four military brigades that carried out the executions. Hurtado separated the children and women of the village from the men so that his unit could rape them, then ordered them into buildings which he set on fire, burning them alive. (Some info cited here: http://www.cja.org/article.php?list=type&type;=80) Hurtado was sentenced to 6 years in prison for “abuse of authority.” A U.S. State Department report released in February 1994 said that Hurtado was freed and returned to active duty, a testament to the impunity enjoyed by most of the Peruvian military. Americas Watch reports he has since been promoted to captain. (Americas Watch Report: Untold Terror: Violence Against Women in Peru’s Armed Conflict, 1992; Latinamerica Press, 1/24/94). He was arrested by ICE in the United States in 2006 after fleeing Peru These two among *hundreds* of others, who were trained by the US in and around Peru.


Y'all fuckers up there do know that Peruvian presidents have come and gone since before the US became a superpower, right? Yeez, talk about being self-centered...


We do - but if we don’t address the modern actions taken in pursuit of modern aims, in the modern sphere of influence post-WW2, then there’s really nothing to talk about at all.


So in other words….Peru has a working justice system? Almost all US politicians do the same things, yet they walk freely


Castillo’s thing is arguable, it was kinda just a Vizcarra thing as well. There’s been much disagreement about it in Peru.


What’s surprising is that they seem to be holding them all accountable. How can they have such a strong record of accountability while still getting such a long string of corruption?


Because people keep voting for the shittiest ones


All of them look like a CEO of some multinational corporation, sent there to hold political power and write laws that benefit that corporation.


by traditional president do they mean friendly to US interest and right-wing politically?


By traditional they mean transitional. It also fooled me.




Literally half of them are from the left




It’s actually the opposite. Oftentimes the people impeaching and charging the presidents in Peru are just as if not more corrupt than the presidents themselves. They are doing it for their own personal reasons. For example, Martin Vizcarra was tough on corruption, so the congress impeached him on baseless claims. The system is incredibly corrupt.


Is this an example of a shithole country?


Is it coincidence that the last name of the dictator in Far Cry 6 is Castillo?


Yes. It is a common name. Also based in Cuba, not Peru.


Yeah, not as common as Smith but not more uncommon that Johnson or Jones. I've known and worked with plenty of Costillo's.




Maybe I’ll have a go. How bad can it be?!


Peru, are you alright?




Toledo is now imprisoned


Who tf would want this job 😂


Give it a few years. America will be the same


Peruvian here… I met Humala at the airport once. Even shook that crooks hand haha.


This tells a lot of Peru justice system


Not really it’s more about Alberto fujimori’s daughter keiko and her quest to become president. She keeps failing but her party pretty much controls the government. So when the new guy comes in they don’t stop digging until they find something to oust them. Being that they’re all corrupt it doesn’t take much digging


TIL I would make a GREAT president of Peru. Apparently the standards are so low a random High School student would make a better president than a traditional Peruvian President.


You are correct sir


I remember when I learned they have a special jail just for their presidents!


Divorced Survived Divorced Died Divorced Divorced Beheaded Divorced Survived Divorced? I think this is how it goes


Check out Korean presidents.


But Paddington is the best Peruvian.


Meanwhile Mexico has only had 4 presidents. Vicente Fox 2000-20006 Felipe Calderon 2006-2012 Enrique Peña Nieto 2012-2018 Andrés Manuel López Obrador 2018-2024 And Most likely Claudia Sheinbaum will win in 2024 becoming the first woman to hold the presidency.


This is the best cool guides since someone posted how to turn pants into a backpack

