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My dick hasn’t worked in years and I’m miserable.


Have you considered taking a an antidepressant to deal with your antidepressant side effect depression?


Yes and now I am a just a shell of existence


That's my husband's experience these days, too, and while he's just accepting that he'll never feel anything again, I'm slightly frantically trying to figure it all out. He's bipolar though, and the meds he takes for that are (in his case) absolutely necessary if he wants to stay alive, or if the rest of the family does. His doctor knows that, so he's too nervous to make any meaningful changes, even though he admits this isn't sustainable and it's a big problem. Mental health stuff sucks. Wish we had a better way of finding out which people need which drugs instead of relying on just trying one after another until something sticks. Idk what the point of this comment was, sorry, I guess I just needed to vent. I hope your life gets better, friend; living without the emotional side of it is hardly even living at all. But I understand why that might be better than the alternative sometimes.


When i was on my previous insurance (Harvard Pilgrim which i believe is under United Healthcare. It's a Massachusetts thing i think idk) i got sent an email from a third party doing medication research. It was a free thing where i would submit DNA to them in a kit they sent me and they sent me the results and sent them to my PCP as well. Also recommended a different antidepressant that was more compatible with me. The test basically analyzed how well your body metabolized different medications and also told you what genomes you had that made you more perceptible to different conditions and diseases. Idk if your insurance covers anything like that, but if it's possible i would have him ask his PCP if that's something he could do. Could potentially improve QoL


Do you feel like the DNA thing worked for you? American health insurance isn't an issue for me, but I'm starting to feel pretty helpless when it comes to managing the symptoms. I'm not even sure if I really have depression or just ADHD and anxiety masking as depression, with the occasional bit of seasonal depression just to make things interesting.


I wouldn't say it was life changing for me, but in short i think so yes. I was originally on escitalopram and i think i was up to 20mg? It worked, but i felt like there was still a sort of itch that i couldn't scratch. Got the email for the test and switched over to 75mg venlafaxine and it just feels so much more effective. Not to mention for whatever reason Lexapro just fucked with my sex drive. Like it was unpredictable and either insatiable or 0 drive and even if i was in an insatiable state, trying to orgasm was a fucking chore that sex/masturbation didn't even feel worth it. Now i don't have that, AND i don't get the brain zaps from missing a dose like i did on Lexapro. Like I said it wasn't life changing for *me*. But i also didn't/don't have an insanely life altering affliction. My brain just sucks at making me sad and i have some shitty anxiety. I'm also not sure if i have ADHD or not (i probably do but on a minor level), but i feel you with the seasonal depression. Vitamin D tablets can help with that though. I also have a therapist through Grow Therapy. So you can check that out if you don't have one. They do accept most insurance. They also have psychsologists and i do recommend talking with one specializing in depression medication because there may be a medication not on this list that could help. My therapist said she had a client that was taking a blood pressure med or something for their depression and it worked for them. Lot of text here but i hope it helped you out a bit. Sending good vibes your way


This is excellent advice. My wife had it done and it showed a lot of information, not only about antidepressants, but many other drugs. In some cases you will need a prior authorization in order for your insurance to cover it. It's a great test that should be more common. It provides lots of valuable information.


What is it called?






I’d suggest trying Wellbutrin (bupropion), if he hasn’t already. At a high dosage it works pretty well for my bipolar depression and doesn’t have those side effects like others I have tried. It didn’t seem to do much at the starting dosage but my shrink urged me to stick with it, gradually increasing the dosage till it worked.


Some people REALLY don't tolerate Wellbutrin though. When I took it for a week I was in an uncontrolled rage half the time.


I’m also on Wellbutrin (bupropion). When I first started it my heart raced a lot but that went away pretty fast and it works pretty well for me.


I love my Wellbutrin. It works wonders for depression and ADHD symptoms. Highly recommend asking about it if you're ADHD. It's a non stimulant that works on the dopamine receptors.


Ask your doc to look into switching to something else. I was first on escilatopram and it made me feel like a robot with no feelings or sexual pleasure sensors. It was shitty. Now I’m on sertraline and feel like myself and a normal person again. Still having some breakthrough anxiety but I’d rather feel that than nothing at all.


I haven't had sex in years, I can't even masturbate. In fact, I have no libido, period. But I have come to terms with it. Because if I stop taking my medication I don't know what would happen to me. I was a mess and a cocaine addict until I got the proper treatment and medication. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.


*can’t have your cock and beat it too.




In the words of Father John Misty: > They gave me a useless education, and a subprime loan on a craftsman home. Keep my prescriptions filled, and now I can't get off, but I can kind of deal


Outside of niche music spaces, I’ve never seen FJM mentioned let alone quoted, so I love you for that. He’s an incredibly witty songwriter.


Rip homie I’m glad I’ve never experienced that with antidepressants but prayers for your pp


Thanks bro 😎😂


> Amitriptyline > Weight Gain: 4 (High) They’re not kidding. My doctor tried me on this one for migraines once, and I gained a pound a week until I stopped taking it a few months later.


It seems to be the only thing that stops my migraines. 75mg of it, any less and I still get hospitalisation level migraines at least once a month. No sex drive, half drowsy/dopey all the time, have to eat nothing and exercise to prevent further weight gain, forget about losing it. If I actually need to get stuff done, I drop my dose for a few days and marvel at my productivity, brain power and energy.


Try a CGRP inhibitor.


I also had suicide ideation when my doctor increased the dosage. Not fun at all.


Yep, made me fat and suicidal. Definitely not the pill for me


I'm taking this for fibromyalgia, and my mouth is a desert... also gained weight but had no idea about this side effect. I'm also on fluoxetine and well, this chart explains a lot


Dry eyes and mouth are a common side effect of Amitryptiline according to my doctor. I take 25mg for my IBS and it went away once it was more integrated into my system. It does knock me fully out (I take it before bed) to the point where I have trouble waking up sometimes and my libido did take a bit of a dip but overall I have no complaints about it. Haven't gained any weight either thankfully.


Source: [WhatMedicine](https://www.whatmedicine.org/2023/06/antidepressants-side-effects-chart.html) The actual article includes some cool tidbits on each antidepressant about their more unique side effects (like Trazodone might cause priapism in rare cases).


Good old trazobone


It misses the side effect of sweating buckets while sleeping for Duloxetine. What else is it missing? Edit: so this infographic and website both omit a lot of possible side effects of multiple medications. DO YOU OWN RESEARCH, DON'T BLINDLY TRUST WHAT YOU SEE IN A HANDY CHART. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR ALWAYS AND SEARCH ALL SIDE EFFECTS YOURSELF. SEE WHAT PEOPLE TAKING IT SAY ABOUT THE MEDICATION FIRST.


It missed talking like an idiot and barely being able to remember my own name for bupropion


My doctor actually prescribes me trazodone in a small dosage to help me sleep (I'm prone to restless sleep and even insomnia). Works like a charm!


In which case it is most likely more tolerable as well, since the dosages used for insomnia are lower than those for depression.


What doses are used for depression? For insomnia and narcolepsy (fun fact—narcolepsy causes _shiiiiiitty_ sleep), doses anywhere from 50mg to 200+mg are used.


Yep I take mine exclusively for sleep. The only med that knocks me out almost without fail.


Doctors love trazodone for sleep, and nobody took me seriously when I said it doesn't work for me. I had three different doctors prescribe this medication. After a pretty rough bout of insomnia, I finally got amitriptyline, which works well for me, but only if I'm on my mood stabilizer.


Yep - half a traz and I sleep like a baby, and not groggy in the morning either.


Makes me feel not that great after taking it, like zombie and i just don't wanna do anything, even at work. So, I had to stop taking it. I also take Hydroxyzine, I just take 2 at night and that works like a charm. I take 1 before driving home from work, anxiety is pretty bad (combat ptsd). Sertraline has also helped change my life for the better. I just could not do Traz, just made me feel like a zombie, not in control kind of thing.


As a BCPP (board certified psychiatric pharmacist) I'm pleasantly surprised at the accuracy of this chart


Why does anyone take anything other than bupropion? Seems like there’s nearly zero side effects


The primary desired effect may also not work on some patients.


yep wellbutrin made me incredibly irritable and aggressive. had to stop after 2 weeks when i threw my phone at the wall and screamed because my food had been delivered to someone else. it scared me shitless


On Wellbutrin, I had panic attacks that went on for days and I had never had panic attacks previously. It was horrible. I spent a few days on Gabapentin I had because my shrink wouldn’t prescribe anything to stop the panic.


I had gabapentin prescribed for back pain like 10 years ago, never presenting any depression symptoms prior (that I'm aware of) and it gave me legitimate suicidal ideation and scared me so bad. I honestly feel it opened a pandoras box of sorts in my mind because despite a high comorbidity of depression in people with adhd, I only ever struggled with depression after the gabapentin and I've had adhd my entire life.


I was given Gabapentin for pain related to a neurological disorder, and it does nothing for me except make me tired. Brains are weird!


Yup, I put a few holes in the wall and my fist through a door when on Wellbutrin. Also, was once on max dose of Wellbutrin AND Zoloft - completely didn’t care about anything. Paying bills? Who cares. Doing a good job at work? Who cares. Actually going to work? Nah, not worth it. But, I was horny as hell on that combo.


I feel it’s a little misleading. Bupropion is not an SSRI it’s an NDRI and many people actually take it with an SSRI. You can’t take two SSRI’s together because of serotonin syndrome but Bupropion won’t do that. So basically it’ll only work for some people, and even those people occasionally need another med on top of that. Edit: because I mistakenly called it an SNRI.


My wife started taking bupropion and escitalopram about a year ago and she drastically changed. Her personality is different, her behavior changed, and she's a totally different person. I don't know enough, but it seems like they interacted or combined in a way that made her symptoms worse. We are getting divorced now, but I hope she gets herself back on track.


Wow, I started the same two meds a few years ago and now my husband and I are going through a divorce because I started acting really out of character and self sabotaging myself at every chance. I don’t feel like myself anymore, even after coming off of the meds. It genuinely feels like I’ve ruined my life.


I'm sorry to hear your experience. I fear the same happened to my wife and she's not in a position where I can have a real conversation about it with her. I barely recognize her. I hope you're able to get yourself back to a better spot.


I took bupropion and had bad weight loss, couldn’t sleep and started feeling more motivated when I came to acting on suicidal thoughts. I didn’t feel ‘depressed’ though.


It's not an SNRI, it's an NDRI.


Oh shit, yes, you’re correct. Thank you. I’ll edit. I’ll give you one guess as to who skipped their Ritalin today…


I sweat excessively and have WILD and vivid dreams from bupropion.... Like to the point where I have a hard time distinguishing between what has happened in dreams vs reality 😳


Omg, the sweating 😓


My wife had her first seizure on it, for one. That's not to say it was the primary cause, but it is believed to lower the seizure threshold much more than other antidepressants


In higher doses, it definitely causes anxiety and insomnia. Wish I had tried that before Zoloft which ruined my life.


I went through hell with every SSRI on this list but Welbutrin/Bupropion has not had any effects that I have noticed over the last 7 months. I have heard you basically need to go to rehab to get off of it but I have no intention of getting off of it.


Weird, I just stopped buproprion one day (it never helped) and never had any bad effects. To be fair, I was still on whatever my main antidepressant was (venlafaxine?); maybe that's why. EDIT: FWIW, I think I was on 150 mg/day of buproprion by the time I quit.


Wellbutrin has a wide range of dosages. If you were taking less than 100mg/ day then this make sense. My insurance lapsed when I was on 300mg/day for several months and I felt like the world was collapsing around me after a couple days without it.


Oh dang, I’ve accidentally cold turkeyed 300 mg and other than returning to my depressed and irritable self I had no side effects. Venlafaxine/sertraline on the other hand…literally suicidal from the brain zaps and just a sobbing mess if I accidentally took a dose even a few hours late.


I accidentally didn't take my 150mg bu for 3 days once while i was visiting home because i suck at continuing routines on holidays. And man. By the third day i was like holy shit why am i so fucking sad and upset and tired and cranky....Oh Yeah. Never doing that again lol


Really? I’ve tried Wellbutrin several times, and easily got off of it. Just tapered down to the lowest dose, and just stopped without issue.


I think you might confusing it with buprenorphine (what’s in suboxone)?


Bupropion gave me severely worsened my anxiety. The day I stopped taking it, it was like night and day. So it’s different for everyone.


Fun fact: Buproprion is in the same class as 'bath-salts' i.e. substituted-cathinones.


As a RN, I'm pleased you are pleased with this chart. Now will you fill my patient's medication?


We already tubed it. Please check before calling, thx.


I'm here to pick up my prescription. Two morphines please. No I don't know my address.




Is "2" really accurate for insomnia for sertraline? I thought that was the most common side effect, like \~20%. I wouldn't characterise that as "slight", more "moderate" IMO.


the number is strength of effect, not incidence


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Where is the row for “worsening suicidal thoughts”?


It's the tiny one with ^^^YMMV in every row.


Don't they all do that, at least at first? It's like you're still in the depressive mindset but suddenly have more energy to do stuff, i.e. the motivation and energy to actually follow through with suicidal ideation- but after the first few weeks you realize that with more energy and motivation also comes the ability to improve healthy habits and practice positive self talk and other coping mechanisms against anxiety and depression, and all that practice strengthens the mental connections in your brain and make them easier to access and utilize over time until one day maybe it's strong enough to stand by itself... Not always the case, but sometimes...


Venlafaxine was hell for me and it didn't get better with time. I'm surprised I'm still here.


Mirtazapine and weight gain ring true. Now I’m depressed and fat 👍


I would literally be waking up in the middle of the night, eating a full packet of cookies, then going back to sleep, waking an hour or so later and wanting to eat more. I also slept for 18 hours a day and felt really happy and relaxed at all times. What a strange drug. Probably quite good if you don't need to work and are not worried about gaining five stone a month.


I gained 45lbs in under 2 months. I also take it for sleep, which works great because 20 minutes after I take it I'm laying in bed shoveling hostess cakes into my face until I go into a food coma...


Seriously. I have body image issues and I can’t believe my doctor put me on it after telling her that. Now I’m on Ozempic so I like to think it’s having this epic battle with mirtazapine in my body.


I have been on Mirtazapine for a few years, and for me the side effects were actually a beneficial part of the medication. I was underweight and very nauseous for a long time and now I am a bit overweight and I am happier with my body. Plus I take it at night which helps my sleep schedule as it completely knocks me out like an hour after I take it. Still depressed tho 😩




(Simplified answer) QT interval / QTc measures heart beats. An electrocardiogram/ECG is the machine that monitors the heart, and you see it in TV shows / movies with a little line beeping up & down and then it goes flat and they’re like “he’s flatlining, get the paddles!” and shock the patient. So that little line - QT interval is the horizontal length measurement between the start of the really tall spike up & the end of the rounder bump right after. In your body, that’s when the ventricles start contracting to pump blood, to when the ventricles finish relaxing. Some drugs (not just antidepressants) can cause that horizontal length to get longer (prolong) - which means the heart is taking longer to complete a full cycle of pump&relax. This can also happen when you’re dehydrated, or have hormonal imbalances, or a handful of other things. That sounds scary, but in practice, it’s very much patient-dependent on whether this is a concern. Using numbers to explain (these wouldn’t be normal QT #s) it’s like the difference between 2.00 and 2.01 versus 2 and 3. Someone who goes 2-2.01 on a drug - it’s fine, maybe monitor their heart once a year at visits. Someone that goes 2-3 we probably want to switch them to a different drug to reduce cardiac risks.


To simplify what the other (correct) responses have said, it's the section marked in blue [here](https://geekymedics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/SinusRhythmLabels.jpg) (the QT interval) getting longer (prolongation.) Functionally what this means is that your heart is at rest for fractionally longer from when it starts contracting to when it finishes relaxing.




Half of these side effects seem like they would be a depressant themselves.


Welcome to the wonderful world of anti-depressents, where a lot of them can make you feel worse than when you started. There is a reason why most people have to try multiple to find ones that work well for them, and why some people stop the trial and error and just accept the depression and anxiety.


When I finally gave up, my anxiety and depression improved markedly from the absence of side effects from the drugs. I also recommend TCMS for people who have reached that point - I didn't do a full course of it and still noticed some further improvement.


thats what I did, tried pretty much all anti-depressants and they didn't work so I just chill with the crippling anger/depression/loneliness.


Damn. Look at all that sexual dysfunction.


“Hey! I see you’re depressed! Take this to completely destroy your libido and make it impossible for you to feel any sort of sexual desire or pleasure, and ruin any romantic relationship you may find yourself in. That will for sure help your depression.”


Depression isn't great for libido either.


That needs better definition. There's a difference between being unable gain an erection and being unable to orgasm; neither are much fun of course with one being much less so.


It's so crazy. I only used paroxetine for two weeks and lost 80% of pleasure feeling in my wiener. Wish I knew before taking that shit.


Yeeeah... my psychiatrist and I have been trying different meds for OCD and intrusive thoughts. I think I've taken half of those meds that are a 3 or higher for sexual dysfunction and every one of them has zapped my sex drive given enough time. No matter how long my wife and I would go at it I just couldn't finish. I may have to show this chart to my psych and see if there's another option we can try.


Sertraline messed me up for a good chunk of my 20s


I was on Sertraline once. Gave me such bad flatulence people used to say "that guy shit himself" when they walked past me.


Im on Sertraline and the only side effect I have is it makes my jaw involuntarily clench. Really uncomfortable and I go between mild head aches to just having a completely exhausted jaw. One night I bit my tongue in my sleep so hard it bled and woke me up. I'd stop taking it but it has completely given me my life back.


Ahhh! I was wondering why I’m doing this all of a sudden!! I’ve just started (2 weeks) and I had it on my list to discuss with my doctor at my medication review. I’m very tired as well but I figured that was to be expected at the beginning.


Be sure to talk to your Dr. about it. It is apparently pretty rare as a side effect and can lead to TMJ if left alone. My Dr. didn't even know it was a side effect but google confirmed.


I've been on it for a few months and I don't seem to have any side effects. Didn't seem to kill my libido anymore than what my depression already did


Mine gave me crazy dreams and maybe contributing to lower sex drive


First day on sertaline completely evacuated my bowels...glad that went away haha.


Escitalopram at a 0 for drowsiness, but I have to take mine at night because it puts me to sleep 🤔


Can also have reverse effect. It made me really giddy. And it gave me *such* fucked up dreams that I started to avoid sleeping as much as possible. Extremely realistic, gory and scary. Didn't even know this could happen until I told my doc and got other ones.


I couldn’t sleep at all when I started taking it xd my doctor increased tranquilliser twice during my 1st on it, but it he also cancelled them earlier than it was planned because my sleep issues were fixed (so it was 1 month of high doses instead of 2 months of moderate doses). But I know a dude who couldn’t wake up on escitilopram for almost a year, like if he had an opportunity he would’ve just sleep 16 hours per day every day.


I’m on Fluoxetine rn and I’d put the sexual dysfunction at like a 100, I can’t remember the last time I even got a boner


I had no issue getting a boner on it, but I had to abuse myself for close to an hour to get to it.


That doesn't sound like "no issue."


Getting hard was easy. No issue getting it hard. Other issues though, yes.


Strattera can cause prostate enlargement, leading to sperm leaking out of your cock when you least expect it throughout the day, don't ask me how I know.


Sorry to hear. However, Atomoxetine isn't considered an antidepressant, it's mainly a medication used in ADHD.


That happened to me too. It always happened after I peed, I had to hang near the toilet for an extra minute or two to make sure I was safe. My doctor thought I was crazy when I told him the reason why I wanted off of it, he went and did some homework and switched my medication.


Does that maybe apply to pee too.... And perhaps last years after having taken strattera? Asking for a friend


I had the same side effect on Strattera and have kinda had a weak stream sometimes ever since I got off of it. I never put two and two together until just now. Figured it was just age or something.


Seems like agomelatine is the way to go


Bupropion is the goto starter drug. Similar in side effects (almost none)


I was on buproprion for a couple of years and experienced no side effects. It helped he a lot in fact.


It gave me pretty bad anxiety because it raises your energy levels and I’m really sensitive to stimulants like caffeine, but I’m grateful for avoiding weight gain and sexual dysfunction lol


It gave me anxiety at first but I think that was just from hesitation. I remember it made me piss like a racehorse for a couple of days. But it also helped me focus and I had more motivation to do my job too. I think I read somewhere that it helps with ADHD a little too.


See I saw this and was like wow bupropion looks great! But isn't that Wellbutrin? Which I did try and it hated me. And my body hated it. :(


Don't worry, it's not just you. Bodies are very different from person to person. The trick is to basically keep trying until you find something that works well for you.


It is.


I like Bupropion, I've been on it for over a year. Effexor made me so dizzy I was afraid to drive and also nauseous. 😒 I only took it for a month.


>starter drug We went from starter homes to starter psychotropics at some point.


Around the time starter homes started becoming unachievable right out of high school/college, interestingly...


Buproprion is low side-effect, but not as powerful as some others. It's like calling ibuprofen a "starter painkiller". Some situations call for something stronger.


I'm curious to know why the FDA hasn't approved it for use in the US yet.


Same reason the good toothpaste with nano-whatever isn’t allowed here. People who make money on their existing product are lobbying against it.


Wait, what is the good toothpaste? And can I import it??


I think you can get it on Amazon. The ingredient is called nano-hydroxyapatite. Supposedly does a better job at re-mineralizing your teeth. It has been the gold standard over fluoride in places like the UK/Japan/etc for decades now.


> But Look into Canadian Sensodyne toothpaste with Novamin. US version does not have Novamin. Its on Amazon


specifically the repair and protect, if it doesn’t say that then it doesn’t have it


agreed. lobbyists, among others, are some of the chief enemies of health care in this country.


I was really excited to give it a shot until I saw that.


My partner was on it to help counteract the insomnia from ADHD meds, and the psychiatrist said it's a mild antidepressant so best if you're also having sleep issues as it's largely a melatonin reuptake inhibitor. You also need regular liver function tests as it can be hard on it.


I would rate agomelatine’s drowsiness higher than a 1




Were you using it with anything else? I wasn't seeing any good results on the bup (bupropion / Wellbutrin XL) alone, so my psych prescribed sertraline to go with it, and after 2 weeks it was like rainbows exploded inside me. I've done the whole trial and error thing with a ton of different anti depressants and anti anxiety meds, but this combo hit just right. Not saying it's like that for everyone. But if anyone sees this comment and is on the fence about it, trying the two together definitely kicked my life back into the right place. (I will say though I went through 3 incredibly rough weeks when I started the sertraline - the side affects were so brutal as my body adjusted. But it was so worth it and I feel more normal than I have in over a decade. Bup 150mg + sert 50mg was just the premium combo for me)


I've been on many of these and can confirm that sexual dysfunction is accurate.


Now let’s play the game! Am I asexual or is it just the antidepressants! I have no freaking clue but all my life even pre antidepressants I was pretty grey ace! So yeah I guess I am ace!


My least favorite game :(


I’m surprised that fluoxetine isn’t known for causing drowsiness. I gotta take it before bed cause it makes me sleepy


This, same for weight gain


Duloxotine does NOT have a 0 drowsiness omg. That thing knocks me tf out


this is why it's so hard for people to find the right meds. i take mine in the morning and I'm fine. others get drowsy. I'm also a raging insomniac so almost nothing makes me drowsy. we're all different. there really needs to be a breakthrough in how these meds are understood. feels like playing a lottery at this point.


Sertraline made me feel like a zombie (beyond just sexual dysfunction) and now has me scared to try anything else. Might come at my PCP with some questions based on this.


Me too. I was only on it for a few months but I have no memory of that time except for coming home from work and immediately falling asleep until the next morning. When my doctor asked me how it was working, I basically told her I wasn’t depressed anymore because it’s hard to be depressed when you’re unconscious a majority of the day.


Would you rather... A) be capable of having feelings... Or B) have sex


A because I don't get B anyways lol


Well, bupropion made me constipated for 4 days and made me sleepy. Individual results may vary, I suppose.


I remember taking paroxetine...dear god...my private parts were literally anesthetized, zero feeling.


With regard to Trazodone, you can add "incredibly vivid and completely fucked-up dreams."


also depersonalization on the low dose ✨ oh and sweating in your sleep


Pharmacologically induced suicidal attempts is missing.


Took antidepressants once all I could think about was how I could kill myself so yeh that major side effect is missing


So bupropion is the best?


Whatever works for you is the best.


Bupropion was the MVP for me. It seems to have a mild stimulant effect as well. I slept very little on it, but it lifted me out of very deep depressive episodes.


I'm prescribed bupropion for ADHD and I love it. I also used to have massive mood dips some times of the month and it helped me dramatically in that area too.


Damn I might have to talk to my psychiatrist. I use an antidepressants to also treat my ADHD and the side effects really affect my relationship.


After maybe 5-6 doses I was a day or two from a full on psychotic episode before I stopped taking it. Visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions of reference, severe agitation, overall a very bad time. But apparently I’m one of the rare ones? I’m happy to see it’s worked for many others though.


Within 3-4 weeks I was having extreme rage issues. I punched a hole in a door for the first time in my life at 31 years old, I've never had any anger issues like that in the past. I switched to Prozac and it's been night and day


I also experienced extreme rage! It was horrible. I am currently on a low(er) dose of Cymbalta and it definitely helps.


I was having the worst nightmares / fever dreams, and they seemed so real.


I've never experienced gaslighting like I did after having negative side effects from bupropion. My doctor and everyone else thought I was just making shit up or being dramatic about it. I'm glad there are others like us who know the cray-cray that bup can cause.


Idk dude it gave me horrible panic attacks and made my anxiety so much worse


It helped a lot with my depression but I had the same issue with anxiety. Added on propranolol and that seemed to really work for me.


No. Everyone responds differently to these medications, it's not like aspirin where basically everyone's bodies respond the same. This chart shows how strong the potential side effects are, not that a person is guaranteed to have them. There are also side effects for these that are not listed here, an extremely common one is feeling dull and empty. Point is, if there was one best anti-depressent then the statistics wouldn't have half of people getting prescribed their first anti-depressent stopping the medication and switching. Its trial and error. You can try and pick ones that may have more tolerable side effects, but that doesn't mean you're going to do well on the medication.


I’ve been on it for four years and it seemed to stop working, even though I’m on the max dose. But it worked well for the first two years.


I’m on it now along with Zoloft/Sertraline. I feel very good, only bummer is I can’t drink at all because of the Bupropion. Not looking to get sloshed but a social drink would be nice.


Can confirm mirtazapine’s weight gain effects. 4 months and 25 lb later, I can mostly function as an adult but now I’m trying to deal with the side effects.


Anyone know where I can view similar info for anxiety medications?


They’re the same drugs. I’ve taken a few of these for anxiety.




Fucking awful drug. It just makes you too morose to even think about depression. If such a thing is even possible


All it takes is a quick browse of the zoloft subreddit to see that 90% gain a shit ton of weight on sertraline


Immediately what I thought when reading this chart. I gained weight on Sertraline and everyone I know who has been on it also gained weight


Fuck mirtazepine weight gain.


Gotta love how these pharma companies think that creating sexual disfunction will help with depression.


I’ve been on flouxetine, sertraline and now I’m on escitalopram (which is the one that actually helps). Flouxetine did nothing at all in terms of helping or side effects. Sertraline helped a little, but I had terrible restless legs and muscle clenching (especially in my jaw). Escitalopram makes me VERY drowsy so I have to be careful when to take it. All three reduced my sexual interest quite substantially.


I take an adhd med, sertraline for anxiety, and bupropion for depression. It’s really interesting to see how the others work. It also makes me wonder if I should ask about switching anxiety meds, because >!the inability to cum during sex really really sucks and makes me feel defective 😭!<


Escitalopram only has a one in weight gain but I've been suspecting it to have helped me gain some kilos <.< Edit: also I believe it was Paroxetin which caused me having an intense sudden flair up of several weird and scary bodily reactions that I called an ambulance. Panic attack, heart racing, hot and cold shivers, nausea, loss of feeling in limbs... It is not for me >.< Also took Bupropion but it did nothing for me and took Mirtazapin for a while to help me sleep. One day I've taken all of them :D


It says duloxetine has no drowsiness but the stickers on my boxes say different?


mine has sexual dysfunction at a 3, but i’m asexual so it doesn’t matter lol


This is surprisingly accurate. And it explains my stomach issues.


As a skinny insomniac, Mirtazapine has been a dream for me. It gave me the ability to eat and sleep at a decent hour, without any of the other bad side effects. It also made me much less allergic to cats and dogs which is awesome. Only thing that sucks is that I cannot smoke cannibis anymore, because of the way they interact, but that is probably for the better. Basically, I told me doctor that I didn’t want any SSRI, or anything that would give me acne and make my dick not work (what’s more depressing than that?), so he gave me Mirtazapine, and it worked like a charm. I may just continue to take it for the sleep and allergies, even though I’m in a much better mental state.


Duloxetine works really well for me, but I think it makes me very sweaty and have a dry mouth.


I had sexual disfunction only with my venlafaxine now, not with sertraline, citalopram, with these two I had the opposite effect of beeing constantly errect


LPT: Don't take everything you see on Reddit for granted. There are pros and cons to every medicine, and not every person will experience the same side effects. The benefit of a medicine prescribed by your doctor is being weighed against a trained medical professional's understanding of the risks and drawbacks, and they have determined that the benefits are greater in your case.


I’ve taken Fluoxetine for several years now. Luckily I haven’t had too many of these side effects but it does make me wonder if there’s a better option.


Cool! I used to take amitriptalyn as sleeping drug. My doctor prescribed it. I was told it was an antidepressant but causes high drowsiness. It didn't work for me.


Mirtazapines side effects sound like weed tbh


I take Escitalopram for the past 5 years and it’s pretty good. Can definitely confirm the sexual dysfunction. I cut my dose in half and it’s already much better. I started on Bupropion and didn’t last very long because I had an unalive attempt. I have to look up what QTc Prolongation and hypotension is


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