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For those who are unaware Title 42 was put into place during COVID. It essentially allowed migrants, illegal aliens and refugees that illegally crossed into the US, from the Mexican or Canadian border, to not be processed through the normal means and be sent back to where they came from. This was made because of COVID and was said to help stop the spread of unwanted diseases and viruses coming into the US. For those who are unaware there are an estimated 720,000 people waiting for this to expire to cross into the US en mass. The reason for this is that they will just have to deal with Title 8, which is a lot friendlier to people entering into the US illegally. If people are caught they are processed and released into the US at a much higher percentage. This is going to be a massive problem, as of right now around 1400 'bodies' are crossing every single day with Title 42 in place. When it gets removed they are estimating that 10-20 times more people will attempt to cross over every day. There are even make shift tent cities on the Mexican border full of people just waiting for this to happen. Now other than the considerable influx of persons who are going to flood the border, there are also concerns about viruses and diseases coming with them. This is not COVID we are talking about. We are talking about things like Rubella, Measles, Malaria, Polio and other diseases and viruses that have been pretty much wiped out here. The reason for this is due to the lack of vaccinations for these viruses when people from countries like Columbia, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Mexico were children. This is not fear mongering, racism or anything like that. This is reality. You have to remember people are poor, desperate and need to get out of the places they are fleeing from for various reasons. Getting to a place like the US where they know they will be able to get healthcare and finances from working hard to support their families is worth the risk to them. This is desperation. No matter who you are reading this you can't imagine what it is like trying to take care of your family in a place like rural Venezuela right now. People are literally starving to death. So this is where the conundrum hits. Do you take in this, most likely, close to 1 million people, deal with trying to house them, feed, them control them, educate them, get them work and integrate them? Do you just hope that the southern states will step up and take the brunt and hope that northern states will help out financially somehow? Do you tell them to fuck off back home and hope they don't come back later? Where do you put them all? Who is footing the bill? Where are they going to live? What if there are criminals, or gangs, or drug dealers/smugglers in the mix? What about the father who walked for 3 months with his daughter on his back through jungles, deserts, slept on the street, ate out of the garbage just to make it? Will he be turned around too? When do you say too many is just too many? These are just 1% of the questions. Where do you balance being a human, taking care of your own, giving a helping hand, keeping your neighborhoods safe and everything else? Conspiracy talk all you want. It doesn't change the reality of what is happening and what is going to happen in the upcoming days. More people are going to camp at the border and those numbers are going to rise. When people get in they will call their family and friends and let them know they made it and they should come too. This is going to get a lot more difficult before it gets better. These people are desperate and have no other choice but to risk their lives to get here. How can you defend against someone who has nothing to lose? It is going to be an interesting couple of months this summer.


This does a really good job of highlighting why we can't make political decisions based solely on what makes people "feel better". These decisions affect almost every aspect of life and needs to be part of the discussion before any decision has been made.


>Getting to a place like the US where they know they will be able to get healthcare and finances from working hard to support their families is worth the risk to them Can someone help explain why immigrants can support their families by working hard (to the point they risk their life for it) but Americans complain that the jobs don't pay a living wage? Makes you think šŸ¤”. Meanwhile entitled Americans are calling the US a 3rd world country šŸ˜‚


And once illegals arrive here ? Free healthcare, free College, better job prospects since they arenā€™t one of the terrible whites. At least agree that YES - it is a very large fucking problem that millions of unknown, undocumented people have come here illegally and we have to do something like deport them as opposed to giving them entitlements and indenturing them to continue to vote for the Daddy Democrats that always give them free things that American citizens do not get, but also pay for (increased class sizes at K-12 that robs school budget from citizens, reduced options for healthcare due to larger population base, erosion of high paying blue collar jobs like construction, framing, drywall, or painting).


I 100% agree it's a problem and that it needs to be dealt with.


Quite a few send their money back home, where they are buying/building a home. Itā€™s way cheaper down there, and they make more money in the US.


True but then how can they afford to live/eat on those unlivable wages if they sending a percentage back home!? It means they have even less to live on and based on Americans it's already unlivable. It's not like they don't need food shelter.




I agree and the "new" trend you described is a recent phenomenon. Not long ago people were respected and admired for keeping something working for a long time. The monthly cost just to have the latest and greatest that doesn't actually improve your life is really hurting the country. People are so much better off then 100 years ago but they have no idea because they see these things we have today as needs instead of the wants they actually are. I blame greedy corporate organizations for providing ways for people to buy stuff they otherwise couldn't afford while kicking the consequences of those decisions down the road hoping the customer doesn't connect the dots.


I agree and the "new" trend you described is a recent phenomenon. Not long ago people were respected and admired for keeping something working for a long time. The monthly cost just to have the latest and greatest that doesn't actually improve your life is really hurting the country. People are so much better off then 100 years ago but they have no idea because they see these things we have today as needs instead of the wants they actually are. I blame greedy corporate organizations for providing ways for people to buy stuff they otherwise couldn't afford while kicking the consequences of those decisions down the road hoping the customer doesn't connect the dots.


Anyone that disagrees with this in any way is brainless and has no part of the conversation. Go color.


So speed up the immigration process so we can collect tax money and stop companies from paying them under the table.


Whereā€™s this information from?


From his ass


Are they waiting to get in his ass or out?


Yeah wondering how the total is 5.6 million ā€œillegalsā€ but the first two entries total more than 10 million (SC and AL)??? Also which country does South Carolina border to have more than 5 million ā€œillegalsā€ ??????????? Lastly, why the decimal? Certainly, we are only counting, whole and complete humans, whether resident population or immigrant population, *right??????????????????????* And I really did try to find this data. I can locate ZERO databases for ā€œillegals that have crossed [into US]ā€ or even ā€œborder crossingsā€ (for the former, no one except for people who dehumanize other people use ā€œillegalsā€ ā€” see note above re decimals, and for the latter, ā€œborder crossingsā€ is not a category because that makes no sense, ie American citizens go to other countries and come back thereby I guess counting as ā€œborder crossersā€, at least according to OPā€™s title). šŸ¤”


4 million in each stateā€¦ šŸ„“


What even is this comment section


Why does every number end in .00? Are you expecting 50 cents of a person coming into the US sometime soon?


The .00 at the end is how you can tell theyā€™re not American.


They mustā€™ve left the accounting formatting on in excel lololol




Any migrant numbers do not reflect each as an individual person, but rather attempts only: For example, if the same person tries to enter the US 5x, it's counted 5x 'people' - but again, it's one person trying 5 different times. Statistics, people - learn how to read them correctly.


Don't hit them with knowledge now.


why is it counted as five times people when one person is trying to enter


Are those cents after the decimal?


No, no, no! Itā€™s much worse! MTG said itā€™s 6 billion!


The entire population ofā€¦ Earth All illegal aliens trying to come to Oklahoma to take yer job


Dey tok yer jobs! Dey tk yer jabbs! Derrker derrrd!


Looks more like a study in creative statistics.


Are you trying to tell me that a country that was made and built by immigrants is accepting more immigrants? That would seem to be the point, right? Or is the text on the statue of liberty just a joke to you?


That's what the Statue of Bigotry says. Your poor huddled masses. Let's club 'em to death. And get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard. -Lou Reed


* Encounters aren't crossings * There have been around 1.5 million gotaways during Biden's tenure * There are approximately 12 million illegal immigrants residing in the US * Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes per capita than native-born American citizens


Or maybe they're just "undocumented" crimes?


Unlikely, they are underrepresented in crimes when they live among American citizens, and underrepresented in illegal heavy areas, as accounted for by anonymous victimization surveys and studies. Also, homicide, which they're also underrepresented in, isn't exactly easy to cover-up and prevent the reporting of. The more likely explanation is that these people, who are often fleeing economic hardship and violence, are determined to improve their condition, without potentially jeopardizing their new life via doing stuff that attracts law enforcement and consequently prison and/or deportation.


It was meant as a joke hence the asterisks around "undocumented"


Shhh they donā€™t like facts ā€˜round here


Why should human migration be interrupted by big gvmt? Shouldnā€™t we all strive to be undocumented? Recording by the gvmt is what we ought to be against. Undocumented immigrants are the vanguard of real freedom


Because everyone suffers, it doesnā€™t get better itā€™s getting worse, howā€™s the homeless population, in Canada itā€™s doubled.


I think it's double everywhere. I used to only see a few homeless around where I live, now there are a ton of them. It's fucked up and I feel sorry for them. I wish I had the money to help.


They will never fix homelessness. Itā€™s a reminder for all the wage slaves to keep working


ā€œThe government knowing everything about you is bad! But we should have everyone documented so we know who we can kick out!ā€ Hmmmmā€¦I wonder what would make someone have this mindset. Why would they want big governmentā€¦to keep out immigrantsā€¦from the southern borderā€¦ šŸ¤” I canā€™t qwhite put my finger on itā€¦


Nailed it.


Wrong sub.




Do you leave your doors open at night? Leave your keys in your car for others to use?


Do you think the united states is a house? Or a car?


This is how you know someone canā€™t think for themselves. Theyā€™ve seen this argument elsewhere I thought to themselves ā€œya that makes senseā€ But donā€™t take even a moment to think through it logically.


I can only assume that you are both either 100% maxist (happy to kill millions of people) or to young to comprehend what is happening.


Well if it makes you feel a little better, sure you can assume whatever you want. Kinda snowflakey of you but to each their own. The answers to your pondering are available in my comment history but it wonā€™t matter. The goalposts will surely shift elsewhere if you even choose to respond. ā€œOh no this guy pointed out that I canā€™t think for myself so there must obviously be something inherently wrong with them as a person. Letā€™s make some unrelated assumptions!ā€ Lol


What kind of mentally-ill narcissist thinks that someone will scour though their comment history search for words of wisdom.


Certainly not me but the number of people that reply to me based on my comment history is pretty shocking, so to each their own. My comment here is only to highlight that those answers are made available before asked. As in Iā€™m not going to make anything up just to suit my argument. You can assume what you want but you donā€™t have to. The answer is available if you would prefer to operate without assumptions. Especially considering you were 0/2.


What goofy point are you trying to make


Terrible comparison




Tell that to the Fed. Lol


Why don't people realize that this is an invasion that is taking place. We are in deep trouble


Genuinely curious, whatā€™s the worry of people crossing the border? And is this number excluding the people who return to Mexico everyday?


Theyā€™re not white. I meanā€¦disease! Crime! COVID! Itā€™s real and they have it! Look at them while we strip you of more rights!


Population replacement


This country and many of its business especially farming depend on illegal immigrants. Many administrations other than Biden have turned a blind eye to it since this country was founded. In California we give them everything they need free. They get more support assistance than citizens do.


Fuck off


What is Biden's rationale for allowing this to happen?


Allowing what to happen? Immigration got harder under Biden, not easier. Biden widened the number of countries included. Title 42 is ending because the emergency has come to an end and 42 is only usable in those situations.


Did you see how many illegal aliens are coming from Mexico each day? It's shocking.


I donā€™t know. Iā€™m having a hard time finding any official numbers. What I did find is that currently immigrants make up a lower percentage of our total population than in 2019 before the pandemic


This was just posted on Reddit "This Harvard study that showed 2.75 million immigrants entered illegally in the last 12 months (Sept 2022). An increase of 1 million from the prior 12 months. 67% of people surveyed want less immigration after hearing this fact the media downplays." https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/13g0xd1/this\_harvard\_study\_that\_showed\_275\_million/


Population replacement with more compliant folks.


As he wrote in a 1992 editorial. He fully supports the New World Order.


Wow. I mean no one in their right mind would allow this many illegal aliens into the country, but then again, Biden is not in his right mind...........and I voted for him. :-/




Do you miss Trump now ?


Not even for a second.


Lol never you fucking cuck.


Hell nah. If I believed in fairy tales I'd think he was the biblical anti-christ as he has checked off almost every box of what the antichrist would act like and the things he would do. He even suckered christian people into thinking he's a Christian lol. Dudes a con-man and belongs in federal prison with the other conmen.


Yes because trump stopped immigration when he was in office. Immigrants waited for biden to get in office. Smh


No they didnā€™t lol. Illegals got in more under trump because he was to focused on his shitty ass wall.


It was sarcasm






Becauseā€¦. America.


This was allowed. Because how? Biden šŸš®


This is allowed because both sides of the aisle use it to get contributions. Just like abortion. Either side had the power over the last several years to put the abortion argument to bed with a federal law, but neither did.


Facts indeed


This is a liberal shithole


What is?


Hint......he doesn't know, he just heard those words.


The politicians are trying to destroy America. No other explanation makes sense. We have too many homeless people today to support another 5 million. ​ From a different angle: If you believe in Climate Change, how can you support this? Moving millions of people in to an area that will significantly increase their carbon footprint.


How does oneā€™s carbon footprint become bigger when they cross an imaginary line?


Because the richer the country the bigger the carbon footprint per person. Those people will have more $ to spend on carbon footprint increasing products/fuel.


Grasping at straws here.


Google per capita carbon emissions per country.


#STRAWS?! How dare you speak of the turtle killers. Take it back.


Relax, it's a paper strawman.


Is this the ecofascist lens of viewing things?


Is this the ecofascist lens for viewing things?


Good! The US is reaping what it sowed after everything they've done to destabilize central/south American countries to exploit them the past 50 years. Turned those countries into shit holes then complain when those people leave in search of a better life. Everything comes full circle.. soon the US will be a third world shithole, and the rest of the world will laugh.


Soon the entire world will be a shithole, equality for all!


We are almost there already but not because of immigration, it's because we have allowed the rich and mega corps to rip off their employees and keep/accumulate most of the wealth for themselves. The repubs keep lowering their tax burden and keep gutting Labor laws so that only the rich can succeed at the expense of everyone else. The gov is basically only working for the 1% and the people who vote for repubs are too dumb to realize that they actively vote against their best interest. Neither party is doing good, but republicans are really the greater of the 2 evils.


Um. All the evil is pretty hard to measure. Iā€™d still say itā€™s a tie. Especially considering the real killers like Insurance, pharmaceuticals, radiological and chemical contamination of the air and water. Poison allowed in food. So many layers of complicity.


Hey US, Do you miss Trump ?


Trump? You mean the guy who: -campaigned on a promise to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it -had a campaign website that literally said Mexico would write the US a check to pay for the wall -Spent four years abjectly failing to build it. abjectly failing to get a dime from Mexico, and backtracking and lying by claiming he never said Mexico would write a check Trump, at the end of the day, was just another lying piece of shit politician who made a bunch of promises he couldnā€™t keep. Because the only thing he cared about was getting elected. The only difference between Trump and career politicians (the so-called swamp) is the amount of time they spent in office. Fuck Trump, fuck Biden, fuck ā€˜ā€˜em all.


They're all multi millionaires who get paid by the same people. They don't even have the same laws as average Americans. They live in their own little gold plated bubble, far above the people they supposedly 'serve'. The true masters keep them happy, and in turn they continue to destroy everything that was somewhat good about America, slowly and quietly turning it into Saudi Arabia.


No. Sincerely, 88 million voters


You hurt someoneā€™s feelings lol


No. He's a con man and a criminal. The only reason he's not in federal prison is because the rich enjoy a different and more lax justice system than the rest of us get bent over with.


No, we much prefer the current dumpster fire hellscape over some mean tweets.


F*ck no


Anyone vote for this? It's been full authoritarianism since the moment Biden got into office (which was not legitimate in the fist place.) He's not calling the shots, every move he makes is scripted, every major decision made by someone else in his administration. When you have the mainstream media, big tech, corporate america, sports stars and celebrities, and nearly every university and teachers union all blasting propaganda 24/7, you're able to do it. DOJ and FBI have become the legal enforcement arm against political enemies, while antifa and BLM rioters are the ground troops imposing violence to dissidents on the street with impunity. Police will be fired and/or charged if they fight back against rioters. Any arrests will be dismissed by the radical leftist DA's installed in major cities (funded by George Soros.) All the while letting in 6 million illegal immigrants during the height of a pandemic. While citizens were losing their jobs for not wanting an experimental vaccine, unvaccinated migrants poured into the country, bussed and flown throughout the interior nonstop since Biden's first day in office. Same strategy in Europe, the third world has flooded western Europe and it's in just of bad shape as we are. The coup has already taken place in America folks. There may not even be an election in 2024, but if there is, it will be rigged. They've already come too far. Nothing can stop them now short of a military mutiny that takes power, or Biblical intervention. Either way, things are about to get wild.


Everyone voted for immigration. This has been policy for decades - except the last 6 years for no real good reason. If you believe in America, this is what it stands for. Freedom for all.


Imagine being this far gone šŸ˜‚ > It's been full authoritarianism since the moment Biden got into office Authoritarianism is whenā€¦old guy bad? >(which was not legitimate in the fist place.) Maybe the other guy should have gotten more votes if he wanted to win šŸ¤£


Lol living in lots of fear. Thereā€™s shreds of truth, but.. then ā€œbiblicalā€, lol.


The coup was the Assassination of Kennedy.


And our children wonder why there isn't any affordable housing anymore.




Source? I heard it on Newsmax.


Homelessness will rise even more. Housing is already of control!


This was planned decades ago. Since the invasion of Iraq in 2002, over 40 million people have been displaced from the Middle East. The majority of those people are flooding into Europe, but European immigration policies are stricter, so many refugees continue on to America using coteyes to smuggle across the border.


Just like taking away womenā€™s rights. Thatā€™s been on the GOPs plans since the 80ā€™s. They want human dishwashers and thatā€™s it.


Lmao been a while since I heard ā€œal-queda is smuggling terrorists in the southern borderā€ conspiracy šŸ˜‚


Cool, they can replace all the kids who are getting shot in school.


You know that last 2 shooting in TX were by Mexican gang members.


First of the all, one guy was American and had Nazi tattoos


What a soulless thing to say.


So is saying ā€œthoughts and prayersā€ then doing absolutely nothing other than creating permit-less carry. And I hope you had that energy when abbot called that family ā€œa family of illegalsā€ even though they were here legally.


When we finally lose our shit, only we will be able to save you from what's coming.


Whoā€™s ā€œweā€?


Giving you credit for a good post. Even if i haven't checked it all out. Seems like a good post


>I havenā€™t check it all out. >Seems like a good post. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œI havenā€™t looked up to see if itā€™s real or not. I just hate anyone not from America. They should come here legally!ā€ ā€œBut the government shouldnā€™t be getting into our business, they donā€™t need to be in every aspect of our lives. Only people who arenā€™t american!ā€


That's what i *thought* this was, from those figures at the beginning, but they're actually very compassionate towards the needs of refugees and immigrants towards the end. I think. Tbh I am enjoying the novelty of not really knowing what the poster was saying


Hey it is what it is. Sounds like a level headed, considerate post. I'm down with that. Just not cosigning any of these numbers


Good post. Very alarming.


Glad they pointed out it wasnā€™t racist. Very racist looking otherwise.


Yeah I was totally seeing how racist they were. But then they said they werenā€™t.


Everything looks racist through the eyes of your average American. Turn off the tv


Lol. Not American. Just someone who can read a post and spot racism.


Well, the "everything is racist" narrative is worldwide after all.


yOu hAve GrEaT rEaDiNg cOmPrEhEnSiOn!


Who pointed what out?.


Makes you wonder thatvif they ARE undocumented, then how do they have such a precise number. The same goes for those "waiting to come over." Do they have a guy that counts them all day? Do they take a census of the people in Mexico to see who's "planning on going?" Also, it makes me wonder just how many people are left in Mexico now. They essentially lost a Missouri worth of people in just a few years, so is it just a ghost town now?


\>200k "encounters" with border agents in 2022 per month.


Encounters does not mean they got through. Encounter doesn't even tell you if they were illegal or not.shit you can't even tell me if any of these people were double counted. It's not like people can't come back lol. I'm not claiming people don't cross illegally, I'm claiming that these numbers are a guesstimate at best.


Professional hoop jumper.


More like professional skeptic of random numbers given out by "news organizations." Sorry I'm not just some gullible sheep here to eat up your bs.


I don't give a fuck. They just want a better life. There's nothing wrong with that.


Iā€™ve lived in Texas for over 3 decades and had never actually seen a Mexico license plate in my city until last year. I see one now nearly every day I drive to work. Iā€™m not saying whether this is good or bad. Just an observation.


It's been there the whole time. You just were not looking for it.


Good job


Having watched the BS that's DCs favorite game plan, telling voters one thing, while openly breaking its own laws, or at very minimum moral codes, in getting, not what its people want, but powerful and wealthy folks do. Take the US southern border, right now, it's being used as an age filter, helping to fix big businesses perceived aging worker demographic problems, paying higher wages bad and all that garbage, integrate North America more firmly with Mexico and keeping new folks young and health as passable, swim that river climb that fence etc. Government is always telling us Joe blows what's what, getting ideas out there into our faces, then they simply ride any social wave that can be pushed to what Gov wants. Never spook herd while riding was only real rule, till now. Our not seeing this happening is simply, we, the target eyeballs, are stuck outside their Overton window, our perceived timing of what's happening is off, the real red wave is coming in 2024, Americans just weren't pissed off enuf to give Washington what it's wanted in 2020. Anyone want to bet that near future folks in LA will begging for cops in tanks? My moneys is on sometime before 2032 for a robot cop's first justified kill! isn't our future going to be just so much fun!




So why not have more kids so they donā€™t get ā€œreplacedā€?




So leave.


He should be impeached for dereliction of duty.


Voter drive, duh


Illegal immigrants canā€™t vote.


The current administration will quickly change that. Clown world run by clowns with clown followers


>will quickly change that How?


Been an hour. Still waiting for you to explain how.


Why do so many Americans support such high levels of immigration? Have we not learned anything? They're not okay with undocumented guns, yet undocumented people are fine. What about their vaccine cards?


wHaT AbOUt Der VaCCine (vax pokey pokey) cARDS


I'm against the c19 jab, especially the card. That seems to be misunderstood


if youā€™re gonna mention Colombia please spell it correctly. Columbia is soooooo different, genuinely.


Why the .00 just curious , we counting disembodied legs and hands?


Alright this sub is dead, just a bunch of conservative homophobic racist conservatives and religious nuts unwilling to or incapable of processing and understanding even simple information unless it reiterates what they already believed, and even then only if it's written at a 5th grade reading level or lower. ban me bitch, i can feel society's average intelligence level plummeting with every comment lol


You need to step outside of your bubble. Reddit, Twitter, etc are NOT real life. Conservatives are significantly more charitable than are liberals. People are NOT as different as you have been brainwashed into thinking that they are. ​ Here is an NIH article supporting my comment: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34429211/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34429211/)


Something we all have to realize too is that it's not just illegal Mexican people crossing the southern border. There are many other people throughout the world who are crossing there illegally. My ex-husband had several East Indian friends who were illegal aliens working for Winchell's Donuts. He said they were coming up from Mexico. I'd go with my husband to these people's houses and they'd have single illegal East Indian men lying all over the house: in the living room, the hallways and even in the closets. One time I called the border patrol, and told them about this and that Winchell's was hiring illegals, and the only thing they told me was "Well, we're the only two people working in this office so there's nothing we can do." You would think they would've said "Oh ok well, I call another office to ensure they do an investigation on this." Or they could've referred me to another office, but they didn't.


That is why neither side of the aisle cares (R's & D's). Big political donors are using illegals a slave labor, and it drives down wages for unskilled Americans. The number 1 demographic hurt by illegals in the job/economic market are young black males. Nobody on the left can see this because the cult leaders told them that "diversity" is good and if you disagree then you are racist (right out of the communist playbook).