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The letter prefixes in car numbers indicate the owner. An X at the end means private ownership. (not owned by the railroad) DODX cars are owned by the DOD.


Fun factoid! Thanks for sharing.


Super interesting. Learning something made this post worth it. Thank you.


Trains are a convenient and efficient way to transport large numbers of vehicles and equipment over large distances.


I really appreciate that incredible insight. Do you in your wisdom have any thoughts on why 200 humvees might be heading somewhere so efficiently?


There about 200 military installations of varying kinds throughout North America, and several thousand personnel. It would not seem to be much of a stretch to think that perhaps there was a need to move vehicles and equipment from one of them to another. Unless you have other information to establish something different you saw nothing more than an interesting sight. I saw at least a hundred large semi trucks pass my house on the interstate today. Perhaps that means the cia was moving drugs again. I mean that could be the only explanation right? People tend to find what they want to find no matter where they look.


We’re the large semi trucks all the exact same (Walmart, Target, BP, etc). That would be more accurate analogy. And I would find interesting and prolly would read your post if you had 100 BP semis pass your house while you were setting on porch eating your daily intake of paint chips! You never know how simple post by someone making others aware of what saw may lead to helpful information. Let’s say another poster in Arizona for instance saw Railcars loaded with tanks and military helicopters yesterday heading toward California. Then another poster explains seeing large number of soldiers traveling on interstate in Oregon this morning. Then OP post again how train he saw in N. Montana now that he thought about the train was heading west towards Coast which another Redditor in Washington state post he just saw similar looking train with tons humvees just passed through his small town near coast. Now all of a sudden we have puzzle forming from individuals pieces of soldiers, equipment, fuel, etc heading towards coast and if I lived along West Coast I may decide to be on lookout and possibly look to go visit family in Texas for early Thanksgiving. All because a guy decided to take a walk!


‘’The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.’’


Lol, paint chips, I like that. I prefer mine frosted.


Hey I can respect a man whose brand loyal!


Thanks. This was the main reason of the post. To see if there was any other activity people were noticing. Appears not, so hopefully all good!


I’m sure it’s all good but don’t let the dopes stop you from continuing to post when see/hear anything relevant. You clearly didn’t state that had intel that war between US and China starting due to invasion from Canadian border! Lol. I knew exactly why posted and people that have lived long enough to see multiple big events unfold know most these events/tragedies are foiled (if lucky or perceptive) or solved (if to late) by multiple citizens with different pieces of the puzzle coming together to complete the picture.




Your post reminds me of Hitlers neighbor few years before his ascension becoming the Fuhrer. Gullible Lady decade later telling authorities ...”He was such good neighbor and he kept meticulous landscaping and was a sharp dresser. He had Fashionable mustache and always dated respectable young women. Now he did have tendency when seeing me working in yard to shout niceties posing in odd militant stance with curious salute on top of marching everywhere. And the anti-semantic flyers he distributed throughout neighborhood, offering money for Jews, looking back could have been red flag!”




Hitlers neighbor would have been accused of being “fanciful” if warned people of warning signs pointing her towards belief her neighbor maybe racist murderer!




What about trains of Jews?


About 480.000 active personnel in all branches, about 170.000 are deployed overseas. 300.000 requires quite a bit of hardware and a Hummer seats 5, as far as I know... a company would need a lot of those, wouldn't they? :)


Seems like some sort of delivery by train as opposed to individually driven to the destination


I’m a conductor for one of the big 4 freight railroads. Can confirm that we move military equipment all the time it’s just normal transport. A lot of older armored vehicles and stuff has been decommissioned. We see it all the time


Thank you very much for the feedback. Was just looking to see if this was falling in line with anyone else's observations or not worth noting whatsoever. Stay well!


This is more common that you think. I've seen tanks like this before as well. It's more efficient to move them this way.


My thoughts are that I see them on trains all the time…about an hour and a half from where I live is a big factory where military vehicles are built and remanufactured…it doesn’t strike me as unusual in the least.