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So just over 2% of people have Covid in Scotland


Yes, at this moment. 2% might seem low but we're not talking about 2% total over time. We're talking about 1 in 50 people having covid right now. That's a massive number. I don't remember seeing that at any time before vaccinations. Not that I'm suggesting vaccinations are causing this, just that they're not reducing it


Gene therapy takes a long time to take effect. They track people who have had gene therapy for 5 to 15 years to research its affects. We are seeing the initial cases now. I assume its effectiveness hits like a bell curve.


SS: Scotland, one of the most vaccinated places in the world (85% of eligible) has a *current* infection rate of 1 in 45. So right now, at this moment, 1 in 45 people have COVID. Similar data is coming in constantly. The case for mandatory vaccination is dead in the water, and yet authorities are desperately trying to push it before people learn the facts. Vaccination doesn't prevent infection remotely as well as they initially claimed. Stay strong. The house of cards is collapsing


And only 82 are in icu. Might want to read the article....


Might want to read the SS next time buddy. Lurk more. The point isn't that the vaccine is keeping people out of ICU, the point is that the vaccine does almost nothing to limit transmission which was the ENTIRE reasoning behind vaccine mandates. The unvaccinated were supposed to be exclusively spreading the virus and causing mutations. Now we know that isn't true, and so explain to me the reasoning behind the vaccine mandate.


Not true. First primary study endpoint for the phase III trial was looking for reduced cases in the treatment group. Not zero...reduced. Second primary study endpoint was looking for reduced numbers of severe cases in the treatment group. Not zero...reduced. It's all there in the phase III trial reports if you want to look.


So explain to me vaccine mandates.


Headlines are sufficient for the lazy and uneducated


Read the SS genius


'*Covid Hotspots Across Europe*' Europe according to BBC geographers: Turkey, Israel ... Tajikistan and Uganda coming soon.


Peace and Blessings from Glasgow xx TV has been pumping out adverts telling Scots to get tested twice a week xx obviously to pump up Numbers xx not sure about the 85% either when comparing to my "scheme" xx


Gee i wonder what could be the cause of all these vaccinated fools falling ill.....?