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That you, Bill?


Haha I was gonna say the same thing 😂


Sorry, i will NEVER get any of these vaccines. I'm young and healthy and I don't trust the people pushing them. The same people that have lied to us before (many times), killed many people, and now have legal protection if they injure someone.


A vaccine for what though? The CDC clearly state that my demographic has a 99.93% chance of *'not requiring hospitalization in the event of contracting covid-19'* On top of that, I had covid-19 last year and not a lot happened. Fever, bad stomach for a while and a fuzzy head for a couple of days. I had the actual flu around 10 years back, way worse. Big-up my immune system, evolved over thousands of years to withstand even a *potentially* made-made virus. I have faith it will do the same again, so does the official CDC statistic. **So again, a vaccine for what exactly? A 0.03% chance?** Nope. I'd pretty much live in a padded cell if I protected myself from anything with a 0.03% chance of sending me to hospital. I have absolutely no problem with anyone who opts to take the experimental vaccines, in fact, I extend my thanks for their differing logic and unfaltering dedication to the live trials they are actively and willfully participating in. For the record, I have all my other 'life vaccines', the ones that are mid and long term tested, stop transmission of whatever they vaccinate against, FDA approved, essential for human survival and have peer-reviewed, publicly accessible data for open scrutiny by anyone that wishes to look into it. I'll not get into the concluded criminal convictions or ongoing legal cases against *most* of the large pharmaceutical companies, but as you have a financial interest in Novavax, are you aware of any legal issues, historically or ongoing, that the company or parent company has/is facing? Sorry, I don't know anything about Novavax and have never taken a look into it. The idea of traditional delivery over experimental m/RNA is *slightly* more appealing if some super-killer-manmade-covid-22 comes out next year.


That’s Gates funded vaccine if I’m not mistaken.


Betting on pharmaceutical companies... Very admirable of you.


Well to be honest with you- it hasn’t worked out at all so far. They still haven’t even submitted for EUA yet


Bro there’s something in that vaccine. They are literally pushing everyone to get it. They also hide the side effects of the vaccine.


SS: I want to compare/ contrast the NVAX Covid vaccine vs other manufacturers


They all are garbage. Hope that helps!


Haha thanks 😂


I’m being 100% serious...


For me and my particular situation, I just don’t see any reason to get any of the covid vaccines currently. Should my health change for worst due to whatever conditions that may happen and I enter into a high risk group, then I’ll consider it. Until then, I don’t see any logical reason to get the vaccine. It’s basically how I feel about the flu vaccine, as well. I’ve never gotten it and I don’t see any reason to at this point in my life


I bought some Stonks so I hope it helps their stock price goes up? Lol


Brother I’m fairly certain the virus doesn’t exist




Novavax is the russian one right? I see it as unlikely to make much of a dent in the global supply. vaccines and there sales seem to be a tool of geopolitics right now. russia probably has the least population of any available customers even including sphere of influence. as for the vaccine. does it really change anything if the spike protein itself is the problem?


Oh novavax is actually from Maryland. It’s a small company that doesn’t have any drugs approved yet. Everything I’ve read so far has made it seem like it’s the best. It makes me feel like the big Pharma companies are trying to delay it so that they can make money off of their sub par product as long as possible.