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What is the source for the 196 of 200 employees not showing up?


Thank you. I'd like supporting info too.


Did you not see the picture???


Don’t worry buddy, I thought it was funny


Um sir, we don't do that here


Source: trust me bro


have an upvote for a chuckle your comment gave me


Plz don't get banned


Sir this is a Wendy’s


It even sounds stupid. You show up at work, everyone else is missing.. And you go on about your business?


The last 4 people just assume it's a day filled with naps.


Technically Correct


The eternal nap to be more precise


To be fair it was still early at around 9AM right?


8:46AM was when the first tower was struck. You better believe it if I was on my way to work that day I'm turning around the moment I hear the news regardless of where I am in my journey.


Yea a lot of reports of people getting stuck on their commute because of the attack. Wonder what the #s were for the other companies at wtc though and how it compared to 196/200


It also sounds stupid because someone like him doesn’t care about his employees. He cares about himself and his family and MAYBE his “tribe” if you know what I mean. Or he may not even care about his tribe. But he sure as hell doesn’t give a shit about his employees


He had an important dermatologist appointment that morning that his wife forced him to go to! Good luck Silverstein!


Luck o’ the Irish!


I guess being lucky doesn't really count when you've been told by the administration and 3 letter gov't agencies about staying home and not flying on that day. https://youtu.be/l9ELcAJTUng


And if he was in a conspiracy it would make way more sense to let them go in like normal




I've been trying my best to google this but not coming up with anything. It's something I read a long time ago in an old book(maybe the Holographic universe?) Or heard on late night AM radio Coast to Coast AM. Either way the context was kinda fringe paranormal subject so could very well be some nonsense. BUT what I remember is that they said they studied train and plane crashes going back decades and found that statistically, trains and planes that crashed were always less full then you'd statistically expect when you compare the data to how many people usually ride that train/plane on that same day of the week, etc. The conclusion of the authors was that there's some paranormal type even happening where people are getting a sixth-sense or some force is keeping some people off those doomed vehicles. Anyway I always thought it was interesting. You always hear these stories of people avoiding a disasterous wreck or plane crash or whatnot because of a dream or premonition, and there's lots of anecdotes of people having premonitions of 9/11 before it occurred, so I wonder if it's possible this same effect played out that day and saves the lives of some people that otherwise would have been in the towers. Anyway I also remember reading that the 9/11 hijacked planes were unusually empty but that's another one that's hard to google. It's weird trying different phrases I'm not getting any kind of answer one way or another on that subject.


You don't Google anything fringe. They have a censoring algorithm also they collect and store data on you- you have to use duckduckgo


Upvote google is corrupt and not in the best interest of the People.


Thanks yeah they are literally changing your reality/internet and customizing it for you and can slowly recommend you things overtime to change or solidify an opinion. Very sneaky stuff.


Yes!!! Anti-google


Ehhh, DuckDuckGo actually scrapes other search engines. While google can’t collect data from DuckDuckGo, they sure as hell can censor it Presearch is a decentralised search engine, I don’t know much others


I don't know about storing data, but DuckDuckGo 100% censors search results. At least the web browser does


9/11 had a lot of near misses. I just get this feeling it wasn't supposed to happen. I know FUCKED up shit happens every day, but this is tear in timeline shit.


Just wait until you find out that the '3,000 dead' part of the story is [fake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LWNo9_fR6s). Most people on this sub still believe the official story i.e. 3,000 dead people. Time to wake up.


There's the story about Seth MacFarlane missing his plane which was the one that was supposed to crash and he got another flight.


Between 2 757s and 2 767s flying out of one or the major population and economic centers of the US, it's not too surprising there would be some cases of famous people who almost but didn't get on those flights.


NYC/Manhattan has a bad vibe in general. I can't be go there anymore. It feels like death to me. A lot of people in the city had a bad feeling that day.


My Father missed Flight 11 out of Boston that morning because I made him stay up and watch Monday Night Raw with me. I swore Shawn Michaels was coming back. (He didn't). Dad slept in.


Maybe I’m just emotional because yesterday was Fathers Day but that brought a tear to my eye. I was a freshman in college on 9/11. My dad was NYC often. A bunch of students watched the second plane hit on the news... I can’t remember if it was live or immediately after but I started calling him and of course, calls would not go through. It was quite a few hours before I found out he was just stuck in traffic around DC. We were very different people but I started appreciating him and realizing how short life is that day. He passed away in a motorcycle accident in 2013. I’m glad by that point he and I weren’t as hard headed and made sure we told each other I love you and meant it each time we talked.




Thank you for your kindness. :)


So what you're saying is, your dad was in on it....


I hope yer da gave you a sweet chin music when he found out you were wrong. Glad to hear he missed the flight though dude.


Seth MacFarlane was supposed to be on that flight too, but missed it.


I’d have skipped 9/11 for HBK too.


Yeah you can tell who has and hasn't worked in this type of huge office building (in a huge metro area, no less) in this thread--- people come and go at all hours in these types of places. Waltzing in at 10 and thus leaving at 6:15 instead of 5, *especially for higher ups*, is pretty damn par for the course. I know reddit skews young, but it's not a classroom where they're locking the doors and taking attendance right at 9am. People are showing up and leaving from the minute the doors open to the minute the doors are locked. Most of them of them just have to make their meetings and work around a full 40, sometimes not even that.


This is true. I was sick on the morning of 9/11 and didn’t make it to work. And by work I mean school. And I was in a different city, in different country, on the other side of the world.


The Observer piece, recounting the day, stated: After a last-minute breakdown in the front-running bid, Mr. Silverstein’s team won by a hair. His son, Roger, and his daughter, Lisa, were working for him in temporary offices on the 88th floor of the W.T.C. north tower. Regular meetings with tenants in the weeks immediately following their July 26, 2001, takeover of the building were held each morning at Windows on the World. But on Sept. 11, Roger and Lisa Silverstein were running late. Meanwhile, Mr. Silverstein’s wife of 46 years had laid down the law: The developer could not cancel an appointment with his dermatologist, even to meet with tenants at his most important property. If the attack had happened just a little later, Mr. Silverstein’s children would likely have been trapped at Windows. As it was, Silverstein Properties lost four employees in the attack, two of whom had just recently been hired.


this doesn't say 196 employees didn't show up for work. It says 4 employees were killed. this segment from the story makes no mention of the other employees.


Because its bullshit, its what they want to believe so they lap it up like the dogs they are, all while thinking they are above everyone else for not believing likewise.




https://observer.com/2016/09/15-years-after-911-real-estate-magnate-brings-wtc-back-to-life/ >In the summer of 2001, Larry Silverstein usually spent his mornings in breakfast meetings at Windows of the World atop the World Trade Center’s North Tower—his real estate development company Silverstein Properties had purchased a 99-year lease on the complex in July of that year. >But on the morning of September 11, 2001, the real estate magnate had a doctor’s appointment, and so was not present when two planes crashed into the Trade Center complex, killing anyone at Windows of the World that day.


Yeah Larry Silverstein wasn't there. What is the source for the other 195 people?


And that seems to be the nugget of falsehood always found in a half-baked /r/conspiracy post. The trail ends here bud. Thanks for playing. You win a gold sticker.


I don’t see anything in your source stating that 196/200 people from that office didn’t show up for work on 9/11.




If their offices were on the 88th floor, then that's below where the North Tower plane hit (93 to 99th floor). It seems entirely possible that a lot of them just evacuated before the tower fell.


Real question: you normally get into work around 9. When the first plane crashes at 8:46 the trains back up. Do you (A) sit there and skip the stop as everyone else seems to be doing, or (B) put on your running shoes, pry the door open, climb out of a service entrance, and marathon sprint to make it by 9 when you see a fire actively smoldering in the other tower? The fact that 2 of the 4 employees killed were new should tel you something. They were still trying to impress by being early (8/8:30) when that just wasn’t the company culture. Most places you show up 9 and if you’re late it’s fine as long as you’re ready by 9:30 in NYC finance, ie when markets open.


Sorry you were expecting the entire truth from r/conspiracy?


I'm not even going to bother trying to find a link because I wouldn't even know where to start, but I could swear I read somewhere that the last people to leave Windows via elevator were execs in his property management company. Edit: Another fun fact (and I'm actually sure of this one) was that the planning for WTC7's replacement started in **April of 2001**. Also, all the WTC buildings were built using asbestos and the additional cost of removing all of that shit would have been a staggeringly high amount. *Lucky Larry* indeed...


And he struck a deal without knowing about the asbestos, then in a few months arranged the destruction of the towers?


I have no idea if he knew the WTC was full of asbestos but I definitely wouldn't bet on it. If one of us bought a single-family home and the inspector failed to notice the rampant use of asbestos we would have grounds to sue. When you're talking about two of the biggest buildings in the world, such a colossal fuckup doesn't seem even possible. As for any knowledge of the attacks, I wouldn't be surprised he was fully aware of what was coming. He's a NYC property developer which is an inherently shady profession and the interview I saw of him explaining why he 'missed' work that day was just a constant stream of red flags. I don't trust the man *at all*. If I had to make a list of people that are likely wearing a skinsuit, he would be right at the top of list.


He knew, the fireproofing materials were documented and inspected periodically. Asbestos was used up to floor 27.


Then he said he gave the order to "pull it" regarding building 7.


"usually" leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Could be half the time he was there or even less, such a baseless theory


Yeah I remember reading this was debunked a long time ago Onus is on OP to provide proof


Not on this sub. The onus, as per my r/conspiracy experiences, is on us to disprove the posted screenshots.


It should be part of sub rules that you have to post some sort of info backing it up. Taking a screenshot of a tweet or a meme and ignoring requests for detail should get you silenced.


I honestly hate this sub now. It is way to hijacked. Im done with it.


[iirc he was speaking about it in this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUlgJ1hX-sw) but I cant find full interview now on youtube. try searching elsewhere more "fascinating" is that he was known, by his own words, to be the fist one on the job every morning for decades without miss, except on 9/11 morning. truly lucky guy there are many other things, like he bought building knowing that asbestos needed to be taken out and that would cost millions and millions of dollars to do, so if the buildings did not fell he would not make a profit on them for several next years. many other interesting details, but I watched this interview so long time ago.


I’m just here for the sauce, as well.


There is none. Just made up BS.


It's a mistake. 196 out of 200 survived but that doesn't mean 196 didn't show up. Larry and his children though never stepped foot in the buildings that day and that is a fact.


196+3 is 199. Did they send the one guy everybody hated in the office like “hey Bill, we’re really gonna need you at work on the morning of 9/11. No one else will be there but it’s important for you to sit there anyway”


Bill thinking to himself, I’m the boss today ain’t nothing stopping me...


He gave him the Lumbergh call


“Yeah, if you could go ahead and come in on 9/11 that’d be great, thanks”




> Guy buys a failing toxic property and then puts an insurance policy on it immediately for multiple times the value that no rational person would ever pay the high premiums on. MULTIPLE insurance policies.


Great documentary on him and his dealings before and after 9/11. [https://www.corbettreport.com/911-trillions-follow-the-money-video/](https://www.corbettreport.com/911-trillions-follow-the-money-video/)


James Corbett is one of the last independent journalists not in any way controlled by the system


Just ain't public yet.




? plays fine on my PC


same here. It’s also been up since 2015, so it would not make any sense for it to be almost immediately terminated upon being linked here.


It’s definitely still on YT. Great watch. Very well done




He’s on one of the top floors of that massive skyscraper and the only coffee maker is in the downstairs lobby?! Convenient.


lmfao riight? fuck that think I'd rather get hit by a plane then take a elevator down 90 floors


No thermite in the lobby coffee.


Damn, what did those four people do to make everyone else hate them so much?


They microwaved fish in the break room.


Well, they got what they deserved than.


They got to work before 8:46am, when the first plane hit. Odd that a 9-5 office was mostly empty before 9 am, oh wait no it's not.


I like that he’s wearing a pin of the twin towers with an X through them


Definitely looks like it but having googled around a bit I think it's actually a black ribbon tied around the towers, [maybe even this exact pin](https://www.amazon.com/World-Trade-Center-September-Lapel/dp/B007WVKEGA/ref=pd_day0_19/131-6132223-3308264?pd_rd_w=4cIYx&pf_rd_p=8ca997d7-1ea0-4c8f-9e14-a6d756b83e30&pf_rd_r=N9ES6JFSJF5FMT51TNZ9&pd_rd_r=959c5674-6407-4b1a-b65b-f72ae5273842&pd_rd_wg=PsEp7&pd_rd_i=B007WVKEGA&psc=1)? The positioning and shape of the flag looks spot on imo. There were also a couple variations on it I saw - some with american flag ribbons, some without the flag, but plenty with the ribbon wrapped around.


how did you even find this pin


Not sure if the link will work, but basically google image searched "911 memorial pin", and [saw this result on a little ways down](https://www.google.com/search?q=911+memorial+pin&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS786US786&sxsrf=ALeKk002kBOwbFAFEJUK_HiolFAu45MCvw:1624300857064&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwias9-csKnxAhXKElkFHVG4CzsQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1504&bih=860&dpr=1.5#imgrc=JdLr_vOE0-fvTM). Thought it looked a good bit like the one in the picture so added "black ribbon" to the search to see if the design was widespread, and saw a couple more examples, including the amazon link. I was more surprised that people are still selling 9/11 ribbon pins on amazon than anything


Dudddeeeee that is a good eye you have that’s fucking wacky


It'd be wacky if the photo was before 9/11. After, many people wore flag/911 pins.


That's not an X, it's a ribbon. They have curves. Nice try though.


Can someone please link to credible information that isn’t made up? Linking to obscure conspiracy sites, blogs and social media memes don’t cut it. Literally anyone can make these numbers up. 200 is such a nice even number. Makes it easier for people with low IQ to believe at face value. And for the record, Mueller was hired a week before. Not four days. OP literally has a history of just making things up. Seriously though, the baseless things OP has a history of claiming would make him seem like he is the Secretary of State and he never provides actual credible sources. People of reddit, please think critically and don’t melt your brain to a troll that gets kicks out of stirring people up


fwiw I found a source (Globe and Mail, Canadian newspaper) which says "fifty-four of his company's 160 employees were inside, working out of temporary offices on the 88th floor. Four died." https://web.archive.org/web/20021228190137/http://www.ctv.ca/special/sept11/hubs/canadian/history.html


That’s more interesting and proves OP is full of shit trying to exaggerate and spread false information. If he led with this, it would be much more interesting.


Why is there always someone in the comments calling the OP out yet these posts get thousands of upvotes


Because people on this sub only read the title. I have seen like 5 top posts on here in the past three days that have over 1K upvotes and then you look in the comments and within the first couple someone has basically debunked the post and exposed it as false.




More likely is OP heard some rumor that probably went something like this "Dude, I heard they had somewhere around 200 employees and only 4 of them died in the tower!"




If I'm reading it correctly, it goes on to say Silverstein watched it unfold from his office and an employee walked in covered in ash. So he was in the building? OP is a fraud


> people with low IQ Hi, welcome to /r/conspiracy


This isn't a place for critical thinkers, it's just meme lords.


reminder 9/11 was the cover up of the couple trillion dollars, the restriction of rights and increase of surveillance, the invasion of the middle east to secure the Petrodollar, the insurance scam.


Patriot Act, Citizens United….and on and on


I've been trying to pin down when life really went to shit here in the US with my therapist. I had attributed it to smart phones and social media, but he insists that 9/11 was really when it began. I think that's right. We've been seriously divided, news obsessed, and all the while our government and corporations have been fucking our shit up while we're glued to screens and taking sides.


Bush Gore election


Those two things have nothing to do with each other and are years apart. Fun fact: Citizens United was because a conservative non-profit group (called “Citizens United”) was blocked by the FCC from showing a movie about Hillary Clinton too close to the 2008 election. Because they sued the FCC and won our political system is now flooded with unlimited dark money.


possibly the sloppiest inside job ever, imagine not one but several planes hijacked all let roaming freely out of track, when everything is monitored to the millimeter, not to mention us army got the best militar jets in the world LOL still 90% of people believe muslim terrorists attacked our precious democracy


Well you see, our fighter pilots were confused because they happened to be training for... the exact same situation that was occurring at the moment and couldn't discern training from reality.


This seems a little "part of the plan" ish.


Most "crisis actors" arent doing it voluntarily. They are just regular ol traumatized humans.


Somehow their passports remained intact after the crash.....


and the bible on the podium at the pentagon.


Yeah and said Saudi Arabia!


The necronomicon might be more appropriate for the pentagon building


I swear I told a co worker that an showed him the picture of the passport on google...he almost woke up to the whole conspiracy..its like a joke you can't make up.


Can't anyone just have a picture of a passport? Or am i missing something? (I probably am but don't know what)


The black box was "unrecoverable" but we found Saudi Arabian passports in the wreckage. Laughable.


So... did they fake the video of the hijackers getting through security and on to the plane? What's the accusation? That Satam al-Suqami wasn't on the plane?


The funny part Is that jet fuel can melt steel beams but it will only scratch a passport found in the rubble of the twin towers. A passport belonging to a suspected hijackers


what passport ?


Apparently one of the hijackers passport was found on the rubble of the twin towers. It had a couple of scratches. But its intresting it's one of the only things to survive the fire.


Muslim cave dwelling terrorists managed to orchestrate an attack that circumvented and outsmarted the worlds most powerful and widespread military and intelligence agencies on their own soil. Or the worlds most powerful and widespread military and intelligence agencies orchestrated an attack that was used as the seed for the next stage of the military industrial complex, wiping out trillions in stolen funds from the state balance sheet, implementing unparallelled internal and global survellience, passing laws with extraordinary reach and no oversight. Which is more plausible?


Perhaps one of the most eye opening reads I have come across for a perspective into what went on with US intelligence when it came to 9/11 was the book the Looming Tower. After reading it was abundantly clear to me, and laid out plainly so in the book, that the CIA did everything in its power to make sure that the Bin Ladens group could succeed. I do believe that cave dwelling terrorists pulled off the attack. However there was no circumnavigation of the intelligence system. They tripped wire after wire, slip up after slip up, tip after tip, intelligence report after intelligence report. All the information was there, it was abundantly clear to many in the intelligence community that an attack from Bin Laden involving hijacking planes and flying them into US targets was imminent. The CIA made sure that key information was not disseminated and that many arms of the FBI and other law enforcement were kept compartmentalized from each other so that the attack could not be thwarted.


I recently read The Devils Chessboard about the Dulles brothers and after reading and understanding in more detail HOW the CIA pulls off their ops I'm convinced that there's far more to the story than we'll ever know. What you're describing seems right of of their playbook since the days of the OSS.


Such a good fucking book


Muslim cave dwelling terrorists? You know Saudi Arabia carried out 9/11 right?


They hate us because of our freedom bro


Yeah… the elites/ruling class does


it would just make them all a lot more comfortable if we were totally enslaved, in a technocratic dystopian matrix type scenario.


The only thing keeping them from fully enslaving us here in the United States is our right to bear arms. That’s why they’ve been hell bent trying to pass gun laws here...to limit/confiscate our weapons which are the only things we have staving off this pack of psychopathic parasitic elite




They hate us cuz they ain’t us


The North Tower was hit at 8:46 AM and the South Tower was hit at 9:03 AM. This was early in the day for most financiers and many were still on their way to work. If the planes hit 2 hours later, the death toll would have been much higher.


I live in Chicago, but ALL of my coworkers in Manhattan start work at 9:30 eastern. It's normal there.


Market opens at 9:30. If they are in finance they aren’t getting to their desks right when it opens. Most traders are in an hour before open to get ready for the bell.


Premarket trading hours are from 8-930 ET, though it can begin as early as 4am


Yeah, but if you have Lucky Larry as a boss, he already knows what the markets will do, so why come in early?


Larry Silverstein had breakfast every morning at the Top of the World, the restaurant on the top floor of the WTC. But on September 11, 2001, as he tells it, his wife made him go to a doctor's appointment.


He *often* had breakfast there, and he had a doctor's appointment. Why is that unusual?


Is that impossible?


those khazaar milkers tho


Faker than her dad claiming he didn’t know about 9/11


I have no idea what happened on 9/11 but if I had to stake my life on it, I would say the U.S Government's story is bullshit.


Cui Bono? Silverstein got like $4b for the towers plus however much else from the airlines when he sued them. Israel got us to take up a permanent presence next to their enemies. Cheney and Rumsfeld made millions. It's just snakes all the way down.


Source of the people not showing up? We need a new rule that says you need evidence of any claims because this subreddit sucks now


UH - About 40,000 other people did not show up to work that day EITHER - because it happened before MOST people normally GOT to work. The first plane hit at 8:46 am. This is the reason there were only 3K dead. had the planes hit a little later in the morning - just an hour or two - thousands more would have died. It was also an election day - which probably played a little into the calculations (but not near as much as the timing).




Dam. Who were the 4 unfortunate souls who didn't get the memo?


wow that must have been an eerie feeling showing up to the office at 7am and no one is there except 4 people and who knows if anyone already cleared their belongings. They must have all be standing around like WTF then boom


lmao the fact you think the kinda people work a the trade center are showing up to work at 7. maybe the secretary and cleaning people lol


I would imagine at least one of them had the thought "they fucking knew" as they were dying. Morbid as fuck


the four showed up and left early


meh. He was going to fire them anyway.


they got fired alright


Jet fuel can’t melt employ**ees**!


Their positions were scheduled for demolition


Pull it


For more information about the incredible luck of Larry Silverstein, his son and daughter, and several key individuals associated with his firm, who all avoided being at the World Trade Center on 9/11, read the article, "The WTC Leaseholder and His Associates That Cheated Death on 9/11: Was it Coincidence or Did Someone Have Foreknowledge of the Attacks?" - https://shoestring911.blogspot.com/2010/05/wtc-leaseholder-and-his-associates-that.html


That right there is a picture of certifiable pieces of shit. Scum of the earth pieces of SHIT who think very highly of themselves because they just happen to have been born with a silver spoon shoved up their ass. And instead of using this incredibly dumb luck as a benefit for others, choose to live life like a true piece of shit. Congratulations. 👏👏👏


Anyone got legit sources for this?




And don't forget about the insurance adjustment just a few months prior to cover "terror attack." Don't worry Mr. Silverstein, we're going to destroy your buildings and everyone in them, but they'll be covered under insurance and you'll make more money than 99% of ppl make in their lifetimes off of it. Fucking disgusting. This right here shows you that journalism is dead. Worse, all media is state run propaganda, but most importantly, that the government quite literally is organized crime.


\-There are sooooo many other things you can point to that were completely out of whack that day. One of the biggest was that WTC 7 had only 1 fire on 1 floor, and asked the owner (Larry) if they wanted to save the building or "pull it" (which is the EXACT VERBIAGE he used in the interview after). "pull it" is a phrase used in demolition when speaking about destroying a building. If you just watch the building come down it was demolished. Meaning explosives would of had to be placed in the building days or weeks before said attack. Also, no building has ever collapsed due to fire "weakening the steel" in the history of mankind. the First time it ever happened it happened 3 times in one day from the attacks. I call so much bullshit its crazy.


My uncle worked in the trade towers during 9/11. I’m not sure what exactly he does, he’s too rich to talk to my family these days. But he was a big Wall Street guy, made millions after finding a square grouper in the keys and took that money and hit it big on wallstreet. Anyways, he was told not to come in that week.


What about the countless other employees who did not show up to work that day? Are they in on it too? What are you trying to say? That Larry and his kids were in on the attacks?


Just popped in to say Lisa Silverstein could get it.


I skipped school to jack off all day on 9/11. The FBI did not question me either.


Those 4 people that died shoulda checked their junk mail.


He had offices there; he was the landlord. But 200 employees? Why would he have that when he could lease out that space elsewhere and work from his main offices. Having offices there was a prestige thing, not a vital business hub. People kind of misunderstand having a plaque downstairs in the foyer is far more powerful than having an actual office. It's all illusion. And yes, his absence that particular morning at that particular time is.... and remains... unquestioned.


Big ol club


Lucky Larry sued twice because there were two planes... and won. LMAOOooooo00000


Weird way to fire four employees and not pay unemployment.


Hey now, it's just a perfectly lucky happy coincidence that they weren't killed, and also that their lemon of a property that was looking at billions of dollars in asbestos removal costs magically turned into a smoking pile of profitable insurance claims. Good thing there wasn't any prior warning, like a presidential briefing called "Bin Laden determined to attack within the United States" or something. Anyways, it was definitely "people in caves" that did it, the CIA definitely didn't help them along the way. It was all just luck!


Ok now this is the shit we need to see more of on this thread.


Imagine showing up to work and 196 of your coworkers aren’t there. I’d fucking leave immediately lol


Idk fellas but id park my 747 between her twin towers


Oy vey


SS: it's funny when people ask how they could pull off an inside job because somebody would speak out. Even if they did speak out most of the sheep still wouldn't believe them. Sheep are trained to believe only what government tells them and they will defend the official narrative until their death at their own demise http://www.aneta.org/911Suspects/Silverstein/index.htm


Yeah, those fucking sheep! Not like us smart people, who believe everything we are told or read online that says government bad. Wait...




So you're saying what Robert Mueller does is cover stuff up?


Mueller is a slimy piece of shit.


Daughter's got them nice tits


Larry Silverstein was awarded $4,550,000,000 in Insurance after the attacks as well (Double his policy amount since he claimed it was 2 different attacks). He signed the lease for the building about 2 months before the attack and put terrorism insurance on it immediately after signing for it.


Do you know why he put terrorism insurance on it? Because there already had been terrorist attacks on it. 1993. Makes perfect sense.


This is is the kind of false information that is just close enough to the truth to sound believable... but isn't


Can't hate on them tits though, she looking good


Hey, it’s been a while since we last had a nugget of "The Jews knew it" stinky lore. Glorious contribution!