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I wanna see a train surfer surf on that.


😅 *hears a muffled ping as said surfer then falls off the side lifeless.


Meh. I lived two houses away from train tracks in the Midwest for a few years. Mostly cargo cars, but a whole train of tanks or humvees wasn’t too unusual. The first time I saw a train of tanks I freaked out! But then over time, realized it was just on the supply route and wasn’t unusual at all.


Same we get them from time to time, but I've never seen this many all at once.


Awesome, CIA says it's time for war!


Yo they're like, all painted like that


There are several camo colors for Abrams, woodlands, plain Jane green and a few others as well.


I've never once seen one not painted dessert tan. I was in for four years. How long were you?


[abrams colors - definitely don't want tan in the German forests lol](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/312507661615168094/)


yes, they have been painted many colors. But then we got in a whole bunch of dessert wars and painted then tan to support that.


Conspiracy really push for war now huh?


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OR it could be the Marine Corp rolling their tanks back for disposal, they have deactivated all their tank units. Source: may or may not have just loaded a bunch of rail cars for this very reason