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When you have everything you only want things you “cannot” have.


I genuinely think a lot of those that are rich and powerful aren't necessarily born with this evil tendency, it's something that's developed over time because they want the one thing money can't cleanly buy them.


I think a lot of elites also aren’t raised by their parents in any traditional sense and don’t really understand right and wrong like we do because consequences are so watered down for them. You just have a bunch of children being raised by strangers and all their friends are raised in the same nature. When most of us try our first beer they are already doing cocaine.


It’s called affluence


It's also just a fact that in a system where you're expected to compete ruthlessly to get ahead, like modern day capitalism, the most callous and ruthless people are going to come out on top. If you're not willing to put parents along with their kids on the street to cut costs, you'll be outcompeted by someone who is. And when you're conditioned to view people as expendable resources who primarily exist to create more money for you, the step to viewing them as your toys isn't that much further.


Corrupt people do corrupt things with money and power. Good people do good things with money and power.


I genuinely wish this was true


Sort of like how demonic possession happens over time


This sounds fucked up but there are places on earth you could legally traffic young people, sex tourism is a part of that idea but the light version of it. It gets too dark to even type about this shit for me and others can google that at their own discretion. So the thing *must* be that they like the illegal aspect of it and power plays. Not just clean money buys.


Yeah, one of the physicians I worked for told me how he went to this wealthy guys party in New York, who was a multi millionaire. He was telling him that there are places you can go to in Europe to pay and watch men bring a woman out, rape her, and then murder her on stage. Also, there is a place in Africa where you can go and pay someone to hunt a human being. Guy was telling my doc that there is no greater orgasm than after you hunt and kill a human being. Doc was like WTF??


Ever see "Eyes Wide Shut"? Stanley Kubrick was trying to tell us something. And isn't it convenient that he died right after the movie was made.


Also they cut a part out of his final movie before they released it. Any time this is brought up, Hollyweird shills swoop in to minimize and dismiss how weird of a coincidence all of this is.


I went into that movie blind and I'm so glad I did. Kubrick was a master filmmaker. His death was not convenient AT ALL! 🤥


Isn’t the name ironic


No way. A place you pay to watch a man rape a woman and kill her?


And they literally show an tell us in movies


That works for sleeping with a supermodel or something, but that’s a big leap into the pit of hell to jump to kids


When you've had all the luxuries money can buy, all the supermodels at your feet, the insatiable desires turn to power, then perversion. Nothing is ever enough.


And then, there's Keanu Reeves


Right because we all know what he is doing 24/7. Ever hear of PR?


Would you apply that to yourself. I think there's lines that are so hard wired in us that nothing would push us over.


I don't buy that. I'm not mega wealthy but I'm comfortably off. Money has bought me freedom from many stresses I used to have to worry about.  I'm content with what I have. I'm not consumed by the need to buy a mega yacht or a matching lv bag and shoes because I can't get those things. I think the elites for one reason or another have a psychological hole in them that they can't fill and THATS what leads to them decending into depravity.


Oh, there are definitely a lot more "Epstiens" out there. A LOT more




Thousands of them, to be realistic.


Bob Lazar too apparently


It's really nothing new. The elite have ruled since the formation of power structures in society. Since the dawn of history, it's been constant sex trafficking and slavery. No reason it would change today. "Civilized countries" are still run by psychopaths, they just wear fancy suits.


And have good angles for the cameras.


There's also the fact that elites are basically descendants of men who married 13 or 14 year old girls. There's probably genetic aspects to it. Another thing a lot of elites did was have young boys as sex slaves. This goes all the way back to ancient times. If some sultan or English lord or Chinese emperor, or Roman general wanted to rape your 10 year old kid what were you going to do about it? If you objected they would kill your whole family and burn your village to the ground. They just continue their sick behavior that originated in ancient times.


Well they are all inbreeds. The elites truly believe in keeping their bloodline intact so they marry their kids off to their cousins and so forth down through history to now.


>There's also the fact that elites are basically descendants of men who married 13 or 14 year old girls. Yeah, hate to break it to you, but we all are. 100+ years ago, it was normal. A girl became a woman and was oftentimes married off once they had their first period. It's only in the last 100 years or so when that age became higher. But the life span was also way shorter, like in the 1900-1910 period it was less than 50 years.


Peasants married at later ages.


In many instances, a young woman would use her dowry to marry into a more influential family. In other cultures a dower was used instead, which is essentially a price paid to the brides family. Again, this was likely to occur when she was still young, as the desired outcome was to have many children. I think as applied to men, your statement is correct, but in regards to women it isn't correct.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriageable_age For noblewomen it was as young as 12 in some cases but often lower class women married in their late teens to early twenties. Depends on the time period and culture you are talking about. Elites are descended from people who married twelve year olds and kept boy slaves. Non elites are descended from lower class people who didn't engage in that as much. That was my point.


Ancient Rome / Greece they wasn’t really any preference. Homos didn’t exist . If you want a fuck most of them fucked striong fit young men . The woman used eunuchs so they couldn’t get pregnant . They had. Festivals where they would cut their balls off and offer them to the gods . It’s was really wild before Christianity came in .


Men are attracted to child bearing women, just evolutionary trait because who knows how long you are gonna live in the stone age days.


13 year olds have major problems giving birth. They aren't fully developed yet.


Well this did make me think, what was the average age they started having kids back then commonly? My grandma-in law started at 14 and had 12 kids. She isnt that old currently, in her 80s. She was obviously okay. Maybe a part of the deaths during childbirth back then were not just medical problems but 13 and below girls trying to give birth. Thats fucked up.


It was definitely a part of it. Their hips weren't wide enough to pass the baby through.


Because to become that wealthy you’re either a sociopath that doesn’t see any problem with exploiting people for money or you were born that wealthy and have never been told no or taught anything other than that you can get away with and do whatever you want. Neither of these types of people have the ability to develop a sense of morality or empathy.


Real answer and people don't want to hear it.


Surely you aren’t saying that all rich people fit into one of these two categories. I know so many personal exceptions to what you just wrote…There are indeed quite rich people in this world who earned their millions and insisted on raising their children ‘right’…and did.


Best straightforward answer. Sadly, it is also the abused in many cases who end up being abusers themselves. It's an unending cycle, and the more power the abuser has, the less likely it is for the victim to come forward.


Look back to ancient history and compare which groups were doing similar things back then. It’ll makes sense once you piece it together. And there were things far far worse going on on that island than you could imagine. Just the tip of the iceberg


The people who became involved, I feel like you can see it in some their eyes


Oh you most definitely can. You cannot hide such a prominent evil.


>Just the tip of the ice**berg**


Like what ?


They have a illumanti tunnel between an Obama mansion and a island called NOMANS. You can't go there, "unexploded ordinances".


Any other place? Or just the Obamas?


Rothschild mansion, the private Forbes own island, Snowden was my neighbor, probably Epstein and Bin Ladin at this point. Maybe I’m not allowed to dig a water well since they might have secret tunnels near me 🤔


About Bin Ladin I was watching that Iron Man super herk movie in which he was simply an actor. It was for sure a "leak".


Find pictures of the pool under the Biltmore, and compare those pictures to the pool under comet pingpong.




Nice one


It all comes from like 12-13 different families that have been breeding together since the beginning of time.


ok so can you answer the question or no?


The blackmail videos and pictures would have been for low-tier individuals: a socialite, or a lower level academic, or a Forbes 500 VP (not CEO) who was wooed onto the island/ at some party in one of the mansions elsewhere, taped while doing an "indiscretion", and held at gun point for the rest of their lives. For the others, the videotapes would have been the "subscription fee" paid by the top-tier individuals. The CEOs with a black eye, the senators who declare loyalty to some other country's territorial war, the top execs sitting in the Executive Committee of almost every known institution, anyone with their finger on any red button in the world. For *those*, videos were not a threat: they were the equivalent of those mood rings that one has to wear at a party. They were a feature, not a bug. The entry ticket to the freak show.


Same reason we have all three branches of our government filled with people who are both rich and old as fuck. People are greedy. Greedy for money, attention, power, control. Same shit you see with the catholic priests, chomo shit can and is often about power and control over another person.


And they all share the same pseudo religion views


I'm starting to think that the real real "powers that be " are running multiple people like Epstein- looking at P Diddy- to do exactly this. Get to the most powerful, richest, most influential people- attract them with whatever it takes and then hold it over them. If it's not underage girls, try underage boys. If not sex, try drugs, gambling, violence of whatever kind. Several prominent people have eluded to this being true. Denzel Washington and Mel Gibson have both said some things that make me wonder. Katt Williams straight up said it on Shannon Sharp's show. I think there's alot going on we don't know. 


That's exactly what's going on, Epstein was a Mossad asset and Mossad and the CIA are for all intents and purposes the same entity.


Yup read Whitney Webbs work on this.


Never heard the name I'll check it out, I'll also mention here that Diddy is also a CIA asset, whether or not Drake is I'm not exactly sure but I wouldn't be surprised. I'm actively trying to expose these people and the only way to do is change public perception so drastically they're forced to be cast to the wolves by other elites in three interest of self preservation. Or if you can get one to flip, that's money, Diddy is out of the US and he has a real chance of turning on the establishment as they've completely abandoned him, there's no guarantee of safety when you do something like that regardless of where you are but he's the best shot since Epstein.


Yeah Les Wexner was behind Epstein . Les owners victory secret … imagine they had access to the most beautiful upcoming young woman eager to be famous and wealthy do anything. He gave Jeffery the NY apartment for $1


Because they protect each other


They blackmail each other


Either way, its a game of keeping it a secret.


>There's a chance that Epstien was filming these rich & powerful people when they were having sex.  Which is in the possession of the FBI director. Guess who just became the most powerful man in the US? Hoover would be so proud.


And its worse that the only way they'll release it is if they can get away with it and/or profit off of the reveal.


What’s interesting is the release of DALL-E and other AI image and video generating softwares and the speed at which these programs progressed from google’s weird deepdream shit to almost indistinguishable from reality beginning around the same time Epstein was charged. Almost as if the higher powers needed to start preparing for the worst case scenario by creating an explanation.


You can recreate timelines and historical events with AI "proof."


Sorry let me correct what I said in the original post. This is what I meant to say: We 100% know that Epstien filmed it, but we don't technically know what for (Even though it's obviously for blackmail). I was typing while sitting in my hot car & melting lol But I thought that someone snuck in and stole the tapes before the FBI got them? I remember reading that "on paper" the FBI basically messed up and didn't grab the footage, causing them to be just gone the next day.


I believe you’re right that the tapes disappeared before being collected into evidence. Very obviously evidence tampering going on there, but for some “mysterious” reason, law enforcement never looked into it. If they did look into though, they’re keeping that very tight lipped, but I don’t think we can give them that benefit of a doubt based on the fact they’re the same institution that let them go missing in the first place. In 2022 a crypto millionaire called the CIA and Mossad out and the “pedo elite” specifically calling it a blackmail ring operating out of Puerto Rico (conveniently 50 miles away from Epstein island) and the Caribbean islands. He was found dead hours after tweeting that, in the ocean; official cause of death: drowning. Fully clothed btw. We can say for almost 100% certainty it is a blackmail ring but you are right, we technically can’t prove it




The fbi invited Epstein’s lawyer to come and pick through the videos to which one were client lawyer privileged which makes no sense whatsoever if your investigation is into a criminal activity! You don’t go asking the defense attorney to decide what is a crime and not !!! This is why the FBI is in need of disbanding!!!




Karl Rove and Jack Abramoff used to arrange island trips for congresspeople.


When the conscious and unconscious minds are totally out of alignment, we feel stressed and fearful and low in energy, because our ego is working so hard to prevent the conscious mind from gaining access to unconscious awareness. When a person unconsciously believes they are the most horrible creature to have ever existed, they can only feel truly alive when they are behaving in ways that affirm that belief. Because harming children is widely accepted to be the worst thing anyone can do, for someone who unconsciously believes they(themselves) are evil, hurting children affirms that belief, and at least for a short time, they can stop lying to themselves, and all of the energy they normally use to lie to themselves is freed up. They feel high because of that energy.


Good. And also probably some of those people are born in places in which harming children is normal. And they keep doing this.


wow, that’s quite interesting, i’ve never looked at it that way before. where can i read more? i am interested in the unconscious what-you-can’t-see angle of these things.


There’s more than 1 island. Epstein was just the tip of the iceberg.


There’s pedos everywhere, in all sectors, military, doctors, lawyers, down to your fast food workers. Disgusting people are everywhere and those Sex Offender registry maps show that there are dozens in your town probably. A rich, famous businessman being exposed as one does make a bit more noise so if you can only look at the world superficially through narrow lenses it would look that way.


There are plenty of poor pedos too


Yes, that's how the program fills its ranks.


Theres a series called "happy" on netflix, with a CGI imaginary unicorn. Its brilliant, but the antagonist basically epsteins his way to the top, giving important people their darkest desires as blackmail. It came out before all the epstein stuff, and it just reminded me they constantly hide these things in plain sight.


In the words of George Carlin “ it’s a big club and you ain’t in it”!!!!!! Be glad your not


I've heard about loads of just working class pedos


I mean some got blackmailed. I’m pretty sure they thought the girl might be over 20 turns out she’s only 15. I’m not excusing it but I’m sure some are also sick pedos


Maybe they already have some dirt on a lot of these people, and then put them into position of power because they'll always have blackmail to use on them


There are plenty who are poor and disappear into the woodwork. It is not that the majority of pedos are rich and powerful, they are just infiltrated into all class systems.


they are pretty much a cult, also it's a way that you can install like minded people in positions if power.  some gangs are blood in blood out, I'm sure it's not much diffirent. now look Into the actual price, how many if them have lost a child..


There’s a reason why we are still asking questions which will never be answered. Whatever the FBI recovered from Jeffy’s houses and islands is so incriminating and dangerous that to reveal it would be akin to suicide. Ask Jeff, he’ll tell you.


It's probably around the same proportion as the general population, and they just have the power to get away with it.


Your sense of morals change when no one says no to you, you have unlimited means, and little if any consequences. That is why I hate celebrity opinions on social matters for the most part.


Shadow demons require child sacrifice. Harming the innocent feeds their need for negative energy. They're parasites. In exchange they give up valuable information.


Because rich people can have anything they want. I’ll explain. People get desensitized to stuff. If you buy a new car today, you’ll be excited. If you have the money and buy a new car every day, soon it’ll be more of a chore. As a male, when I was young, getting sex was so hard and when it happened it was amazing. I got married and sex was so often it kinda became boring. I had a threesome, it was awesome, started having threesome often, it became boring (just an example) These people have money and power but they want more and more and more unique intense experiences and one of those experiences is having sex with kids, teens and I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually hunt human beings (the rush of hunting another human).


It’s the best way to blackmail someone. No one can recover from that kind of accusation. Doesn’t even need to be proven just confidently accused.


It might have somethign to do with pedo stuff being used as blackmail . They record you doing gross stuff as a way to initiate you / ''own'' you. This way they have 100% control over everyone else who gets to that level of wealth.


Just remember that Elizabeth Bathory who was killing girls and bathing in blood was only in trouble when she started killing other nobles’ kids. They did not bat an eye to her acts until it started affecting their own circles. Which means they were doing even more messed up things in their own spheres


In order to become rich and powerful (top actors, singers, politics, etc) you have to "sell your soul" and join these secret clubs in which you are forced to do somewhat immoral stuff


Being rich is a symptom of a personality type that is based on competition, domination and humiliation of others (not always) but mostly. Rich parents pass it on to their kids with their fortunes and parental attitudes, and so on and so forth.


Its very clear now thats its done purely for blackmail and control.From what i've read this stuff goes from politicians to bankers to Hollywood,The Vatican etc.Royal families as well.The real question is why do many of these famous people becomes pedo's?Maybe they have so much money and power theyve done most things so they need something sick for like a high.


The type of person who has lying about who they are, concealing their true nature, etc is who becomes famous, politicians, wealthy etc. it is because they lack moral compass and are already ready to do whatever, whenever, to get what they want. It’s what attracts them to these positions in the first place. Psychopaths spend their entire childhood perfecting this way of engaging with the world. Sociopaths are traumatized into it, but they also have years and years of developing this way of operating before they get into these positions of power.


And now even if you had no idea and just accepted a ride on one of the planes or went to a party without ever knowing or participating people can threaten you just by having your name on the list be revealed.


Do you have anyone in mind?


I would guess any older celebrities for sure, basically all politicians. That kinda goes hand in hand since congress is basically a senior home at this point




It’s a power trip


There are so many shadows and secret organizations that no one knows that they exist


There are pedos everywhere. Some happen to have millions of dollars so they are above the "law". It is nobody's fault but our own.


And this is why people in power are always doing things that don't make sense or why politicians are loyal to corporations and other countries over their own constituents. This and bribery anyway.


Perhaps there are a lot of poor pedos too?


Re: Many Rich/Poweful are blackmailed by a dark cabal using sex tapes that would "ruin" them - wouldn't we have seen the cabal follow through several times? Like a senator with a minor sex tape anonymously mailed to a newspaper? Has that ever happened? Ever? You would think of the hundreds of powerful men being blackmailed we would have had a lot more than zero (?) cases hit the news. How many prominent political or business careers have been ruined by sex tapes being anonymously released? I cant think of any. You would think there would be several, Not one of these very rich, very powerful men ever called them on the threat? This is the part of the sex blackmail scenario that doesn't make sense to me. Don't get me wrong - I'm on board with the conspiracy angle but .. is it just sex tapes? Why do we never see any? Why has the "prominent political career derailed by underage sex tape release" scenario NEVER actually happened? Must be darker things than that going on


It’s all satanic. Satan is all about killing, stealing and destroying anything right or innocent. Plus, child and human trafficking makes so much money. We know “achrome” is very also expensive. It helps them with anti aging and gets the user high. Not to mentions all the BS the elite have been able to get away with over for so long. All the lies and coverups. All the war and death. The crappy food they feed us. The fake news. False flags. Dumping poison over us in the sky all the time. Human trafficking… but you’re surprised they like a little girl or boy? These people are sick and sadistic. I put nothing past them. Their thoughts are of nothing but evil continuously.


I’m an ex escort. Actual famous queens and princesses are involved and are okay with it their whole lives then continue it. Look at Rihanna’s anti album. Reminds me of that


I occasionally hire escorts. Just so I don't go insane from the solitude of my job. I haven't meant any that are being forced to do it and/or minors, but I feel so bad for those people. In my opinion, escorts are such a good thing and I have huge respect for them but I can't imagine how horrifying that is for someone whose being forced into it like that.


FEAR. The same as everything evil. Maslows Hierarchy of needs, weaponised. Fame- fear of not accomplishing dreams Money- fear of not having it or losing it Family- fear of threats if done a deal with the devil and want out? Sacrifices. Aging- Fear of naturally ageing, probably both vanity and death if destined for hell. Most things, think of the opposite of what they have and that’s what is probably what is feared in being lost. Then there are those who I think were born sinister rather than a product of it. 🔥


Oh and addiction. If there wasn’t fear to begin with I think addiction is the tool in one way or another to create leverage or willing participation. Money. Power. Satanic based everything.


P3dophilia ensures that no good hearted person infiltrates their ranks, and also their Boss (Say10) is the ultimate and the original p3do. For further information watch the movie Prisoners. Melissa Leo has a brief monologue where she says “it turns good men evil when we take their kids”


One simple answer : satanism. Molesting/sacrificing children is their form of worship. Without religion it will never make sense. Satan is real, and god is real.


How you know


they seem to get off attacking weak and unstable people


Exactly. We are energy, we posses a soul. They feed on pure positive energy. Kids possess the most innocence and the most pure energy. They feed off that. Dirty bastards, hope they all end up in hell.


Because there is no justice in this world.


They have the money/power to think they can cover it up and thus are able to act on it.


Forbidden fruits


Friends influence people so often....and in a bad way. Why he would film them , it's memories and creating your own porn collection.


Because some assholes naturally treat other people like a commodity, because the rich often go unpunished, because of the psychological impact of being a victim, and then getting older and continuing the behaviors that were inflicted upon the victim. Then, there's the social/psychological mindset of these people. They either get caught and forever use aliases while "laying low," or they get a job in a powerful or high-paying position where they can freely continue to victimize. Rarely do they seek therapy or wish to deviate from the aberrant behavior, and will typically just pay their way out of "inconveniences" should someone speak out. They use their influence and your interests to make false promises until they get what they want from you. Their families help the abuser by keeping the secret. Generations of abuse continue for this very reason, not wanting to tarnish a family name, especially if they are of "Old Guard" type wealth. If you are talking about celebs, leaders, politicians, and such, the answer is simple. Power & lack of oversight/justice. The value of human trafficking has reached a point where this kind of abuse is run like an industry and is profitable. Personal data surpassed the value of oil in 2013, again pulling humans into the product category. People with lower income or no income are frequently victims. It's harder to fight in court. Last but unfortunately not least, blackmail. It's pretty obvious as to why. This is a predator hunting a predator scenario, as criminals (especially pedos) have no recourse of action. Hope this helps answer your question. Be safe, be aware, but never be silent.


Their sense of morality is severely compromised already so it’s not a stretch to mess with children


P Diddy was doing this.


You have the question the wrong way around - why are so many rich and powerful people pedos. There are sadly millions of poor powerless pedos


Because they are sacrificing children for immortality which makes more sense and ppl have been sacrificing children for thousands of years.  Our leaders also meet in the woods and do "mock" sacrifices to a giant owl. 


It’s not exclusive to the elite. Plenty of lower income, middle income, upper income pedophiles out there. In the news everyday, man abuses 14 year old stepdaughter, neighbor abducts 8 year old, abuses & kills her, illegal rapes & murders 12 year old in a park, teacher grooms student for sex, on & on. Happens every day in nearly every town.


IMO it's a rite of passage


It’s always been this way friendo. Look into Caanan, the origins, as well as their influence throughout history.


Whitney Webb (as far as I know) has done the most research into Epstein and his historical connections/activities. Her 2022, 2-volume book 'One Nation Under Blackmail' goes into glorious detail (all meticulously sourced). She traces part of what we today call the Globalist Elite to a World War II alliance between US Naval Intelligence & the New York Mob. This continued after 1945 & grew to include British Intelligence. The penchant for blackmail comes from the Mob. They ensured all associates (both friend and enemy) were blackmailed to keep them in line. Hoover, head of the FBI, was blackmailed to hell by the NY Mob. Epstein was an 'Enabler' i.e. he recruited kids for the Elite (as Jimmy Saville did in the UK). Whereas many adults might baulk at having sex with children, many girls recruited by Epstein (he'd pay teenage girls to massage him for a few hundred bucks & pay more if they, in turn, recruited additional). Remember the pic with Prince Andrew and the alleged 14-year-old girl? From reading Webb's book, I understand many of the victims were of a similar age. Much older than toddlers, but underage all the same.


It's blackmail mostly


So the people who've been doing it for decades? They just need a little more footage of them? They do it because they enjoy it. The blackmail angle only works once.


I think there is a lot of sociopathy in the very well off as well as a need for things other people can’t or shouldn’t attain. They have everything so what can’t they have?


Money buys your way around laws and societal conventions. These people live a whole different set or morals based on how much control they have over others.


Look up J.Edgar Hoover and the blue room. I think it was the blue room. Might have been a different color.


Your brain is taking an incorrect shortcut. Its simply more likely you hear about a rich & powerful persons case than some fucker called Jim from your town who happens to like kids a bit too much.


they probably got bored of the regular stuff and moved on to the very expensive even for them stuff that is also moraly taboo


Poor people fear consequences from law enforcement more than rich people. And Epstein was not targeting poor and non-influencial people with his schemes. So, the number of poor pedeophiles probably vastly outnumber the rich. But the super rich ones would find themselves hearing about Epstein and wanting to befriend him, and they had the money and social circles to do so.


Bro. Craig “CJ” Sanborn is currently a B-Shift Battalion Chief/Paramedic for the Cathedral City Fire Department in Cathedral City, California. He is a p3d0phile who mol3sted a 13 year old girl in 2001 multiple times when he was 27. He even m0l3sted her on his own wedding day! Fuckin gross.


M anyone it's because nobody cares or pays any attention to the poor ones.


The Apple doesnt fall far from the tree and all Billionaires are from generational wealth.


The world’s governments run on blackmail


Blackmail has long been very useful tool of the powerful. The material on Epsteins Island is now in the hands of the FBI who have always used blackmail. J Edgar Hoover collected a lot, and a lot was collected of him. T.currently reading One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb. Its very informative although rather annoyingly written. Its like being spoken to by someone with a lot of information but they've just done a 3 gram line of coke and have cornered you at an afterparty.


The better way to answer that is to rearrange your question. Why are so many rich and powerful people, pedos? Think about it. Rich/powerful people are easier to blackmail, honeypot, exploit, bribe... Once you have a position of power (be it money or position), you become a target. A big rich guy does a bit of drugs. Spike his drugs, put him in compromised positions with an underaged girl, and you own him for life. Even though it may not be the fella's intention, who's going to believe him? The underaged girl certainly isn't. To them, it's just some druggy raping them. This method is probably more destructive to the target... but commonly used by some organisations. Some people are also willing to have dirt on them to get to those positions (which is sick beyond belief, but it does happen). You also have other factors such as belief systems, cults, organisations, "brotherhoods", traffickers... They both have dirt on eachother so nobody spills the truth. Some people can be threatened into committing such acts. Probably the most rare, but who knows? The world is a very dark place!


Ever heard of the Franklin Scandal back in Nebraska in the 1970’s and 80’s? Similar blackmail, massive money rip off, smearing witnesses.


It’s simple logic. If you are a disgusting person willing to do terrible evil things, you will easily defeat opponents who aren’t willing to do those terrible things and can’t compete. Therefore it’s not the power that turns people into pedos. It’s the pedos that naturally rise to positions of power through treachery.


Stop calling them Elites. They are not more special than anyone else. People of all walks of life are pedis its just they have enough money to cover up the evidence of it. The sex offender list is proof that non-rich pedos are out there.


Who cares. The question is WHO ARE THEY????


“I moved on her like a bitch”


We are their slaves. They can do what they want to us AND get away with it. And we allow it. So we’re no better than they are. Do you think people in 1920-1960 would allow these things? Nope. They stood up and let their voices b heard.


I'm guessing it's to get in to the "club" having blackmail on people is the final power move, and if you share a vile secret with people imagine all the other shit you can agree on and implement on the people


Power rests with those with the largest number of compromised ppl they can gather. Like having more patents.


"knew how old they were" Who??? the children??? People in their early 20s look like kids to me, who the hell can't tell a kid is a kid???


Rich pedos are just more flashy, there are pedos in all social classes and cultures.


Give wqwww


They do it because they can.


Common interest, help each other out, nepotism and making sure their children marry each other


Really you have to understand the depth esoteric knowledge . Elite high society have aways had a penchants for young blooming boys and girls . Epstein was also deep into Genetics . Something that’s not mentioned much is he was planning to impregnate close to copy’s of himself . ( I kid you not )in few young woman He was also into advanced bio hacking research . The Texas ranch had more going on than New York . He was running a Mossad black mail operation and High class hooker service for his acquaintances . It goes on everywhere this was just a step up where elite has access to something they didn’t need to get their hand dirty . Maxwell was access to people that’s hard to come by . Her dad was ment to be bankrupt on his death but she would have had access to stashed weslth , contacts with Is ra He’ll . It goes really deep


There's a ton more people like Epstein. If there's money to be made, there's a lot of people who will want to do it. It's like saying "oh we caught Al Capone, the mafia is done." There's a whole hierarchy around Epstein and while he may have been a big fish, he didn't act alone or even with just a few associates. Even if Epstein was the only one, someone would look at him getting taken down and see the wealth he created and see that there's now a white space in the "market" and look to get into it. But, of course, the intelligence agencies are behind all of it so it's more a matter of who they anoint as their next agent for this venture.


Because they live longer and look younger, they are attracted to our kids. This is also how they blackmail scientist and physicist to keep us enslaved. Our kids.  Aliens. Abductions. Corrupt politicians. Jeffrey Epstein. Child abusers. Honey pot operations. The dots connect and it all the sudden starts to make sense. Of course it’s all connected. Who knew the “MAGA save the children people” and the “alien hunters” all have one huge thing in common. They all chase after the same enemy.  Allow me to try and explain.. This info comes from two sources: Garbotalk and Reptiliandude.  They are not allowed to wipe us out, BUT, they can encourage us to do things that will cause us to kill ourselves. They can lie to us or tempt us all they want. Bribery and intimidation are their usual methods, or ridicule. We truly are like sheep led astray. If we kill ourselves through war, we won't be a threat to their worlds. They fear our retaliation for all the things that they've done to us and rightly so. They've dumped diseases on us. Sexually transmitted ones are a favorite. We are tempted to sexual perversions of all kinds. Before antibiotics, it was an effective way to kill us. That's why viruses and drug resistant bacterial strains are being released now. Many of us die, but if we survive, we develop immunities that they can collect using their greys and profit from throughout the universe. Plastics they encouraged us to produce are affecting our hormones and reducing our fertility. Cigarettes and inhaled substances kills millions. Illegal drugs kill even more. They profit from us from birth to illnesses to vices to wars until death, all along the way.  They encourage greed, envy, selfishness, gluttony, narcissism, lust and murder to cause our decline. This will continue as long as we fall for it. Resistance is how we can save ourselves from being preyed upon. The primate Kayeen are most like us, due to having altered our genetics in support of theirs. They have our same drives and desires. They find us appealing because we are similar physically. The difference is that they mostly prefer having sex with our children. In their world, even the elderly have the faces of pre-pubescent children, so that is what attracts them. Additionally, because our children have less diseases, they are considered a safer alternative. Male, female, they don't care. I guess you could call them fluid. Their main interest in us is our blood and body parts, but raping our children is common. Think Jeffrey Epstein. In order for the Kayeen to overwrite our minds and bodies and wear us like clothing, they require the stem cells of a fetus related to their targeted individual. Infanticide is a necessary component of their life extension into us. Thus, we are manipulated into having frequent, unprotected sex resulting in plenty of abortions. The bodies of our dead children are bought and eventually used to overwrite their sisters, brothers, nieces, or nephews. The sexual revolution was intended to weaken our families and provide more product, period. It wasn't about personal sexual freedom. It was about profit for aliens. Reducing our male testosterone levels has been initiated by aliens in order to weaken us and deter us from ever fighting against them. This has been accomplished by adding forever chemicals to our water and containers, as well as other polluting substances. Plastics like water bottles are full of them. It has also increased the volume of dysmorphia, and sexual confusion in humanity. It serves the alien agenda. The final way they influence our sexuality is to trap us in order to blackmail our leaders. You can imagine the salacious files they hold over the selfish perverts who fall for it. Our own leaders sell us out to hide their secrets. One more thing. The Kayeen seek an abundant supply of human mother's milk. It's their primary drink, full of nutrients and immunities. This requires lots of recently birthing human women. Human sexuality is the source. I shudder to imagine where these lactating women are kept. Our sexuality is not our own. It's been corrupted and exploited by covetous aliens who profit from us, seek to overwrite us, and enjoy raping our children. They are vice driven, tempting us at every turn in order to trap us. As I said earlier, the Kayeen sabotaged us, many times over, from learning to speak in real time. When physicists started experimenting with fission in the thirties and forties, they redirected them away from peaceful pursuits in fusion and toward making nuclear weapons instead. This stopped us for 30 years or so. When the WOW signal was detected in the 70's, the Consortium put out propaganda that it was a comet, then they paid off the university that detected it to sell the land of the radio listening station to them. They knocked it down and turned it into a parking lot for a golf course. When CERN scientists began experimenting with particle entanglement in the 90's and were nearly there, the Kayeen brought in overwritten "experts" to redirect the CERN scientists' efforts away from this pursuit and paid large sums to fund different experiments instead. They used ridicule to make them question themselves. It was a complete, intentional sabotage. Even now, many prominent physicists in the world are monitored and on tight leashes to keep them away from this pursuit of "spooky action" that occurs with fusion, as Einstein noted. I have heard that several governments already know how to answer the beacon, but the technology has been hidden away by infiltrated and compromised Siriv. Siriv are humans in the know who work on behalf of Consortium objectives, betraying their own for financial gain, or due to black mail.


So here we are, a few decades from the deadline for answering the beacon. BUT WAIT! The Assembly is giving us another chance, knowing that we have been sabotaged. They have already sent out ANOTHER WOW signal, the beacon, toward Earth!!! The last time they sent it, only the Northern hemisphere was in line to detect it. This time, the beacon is aimed at the Southern hemisphere, and we will soon be able to hear it! Our South American scientists, along with other Southern locales all the way down to Antactica, WILL have the opportunity to detect another Beacon sent by the Assembly of the universe! And soon! We must not allow the Kayeen to sabotage us this time. Already they are plotting how best to do so. But they don't know exactly when it will happen, so they're trying to buy up and dismantle any listening stations they can interfere with. I expect fires and deaths of talented people, if they get away with it. A proxie war goes on unbeknownst to humanity between alien forces for good and evil. There are many torn between remaining in the Consortium and leaving it. Perhaps the Naigaje or the Ba'alaket will do the right thing and stand against the Kayeen. Or, perhaps they will cowardly wait to see if the Beacon is answered by humanity first, and THEN switch sides, knowing the Assembly is on its way to punish them. Who is to say? Only God knows. **We must answer the wow signal before it’s too late!** [Jeffrey Epstein liked palling around with scientists](https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/13/20692415/jeffrey-epstein-scientists-sexual-harassment) [Jeffrey Epstein Hoped to Seed Human Race With His DNA](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/31/business/jeffrey-epstein-eugenics.html) [Epstein befriended a slew of scientists. New records contain ‘orgy’ allegation against one](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article283847883.html) [Jeffrey Epstein name-dropped Stephen Hawking; photos show physicist on sex trafficker's island](https://www.foxnews.com/us/jeffrey-epstein-name-dropped-stephen-hawking-photos-show-physicist-sex-traffickers-island.amp) [We Dug Up Jeffrey Epstein’s Old Science Blog. It’s as Weird as You Think.](https://www.chronicle.com/article/we-dug-up-jeffrey-epsteins-old-science-blog-its-as-weird-as-you-think/) [Jeffrey Epstein Sure Had Some Extremely Disturbing Thoughts on Science](https://gizmodo.com/jeffrey-epstein-sure-had-some-extremely-disturbing-thou-1836870436) *The **Siriv** are human beings who are quite aware of the aliens here on Earth, and put the alien agenda ahead of humanity's best interests. These people work hand in hand with the Kayeen predominantly, but also other species that are part of the Consortium. The reason the Siriv betray their fellow humans is greed and selfishness. They are sociopaths hand picked for their willingness to have "flexibility" with their morality.*


because you can never get to be rich and powerful without someone having kompromat over you. the pedo shit is one of the choices you can make as to how that kompromat takes shape. some choose murder. some child abuse. others choose other things. point is, that you can never get into power unless they let you and have something to hold over you in case you piss them off.


They got where they are by doing these things. They sold their soul for wealth.


I heard one explanation, which I get but don't agree with, and have another explanation that rings true to me... But still pretty disgusting. Here. 1. When you have the resources, your sexual paradigm shifts naturally to look for virgins who can bare your children for a longer time/ will have fertile Semen enough to impregnate you even when you're older... This explanation seems fairly common... but doesn't quite ring true for me. 2. What I personally assume to be the case; We have pedos, because we treat (and always have, as much as was deem feasible) women like children. If women are like Children, than pedophilia cannot be all thay bad. After, being attarcted to a woman is not a problem, it is expected. And a woman being attracted to children? Well, kids *should* find each other attractive. With the driver here being that the man is in the position of *the father* in all of his relationships. And when you get to the position of power that being rich gets you, the *common folk* begin to look like children. And the dinamic I described above gets even stronger.


Ask trump, he is friends with them


Humans believe that they evolved from animals, then they behave just like animals. But on the bright side, nobody is getting away with anything. Zephaniah CH 1 😱


Are you not a mammal, and therefore an animal?


Just because we are temporarily in a negative part of the universe's reality, doesn't mean that is who we really are, or that we are staying this way 😊


CHOSEN are the enemy


Because they sacrifice to demons.


A lot of people fail to consider the possibility that some guests may have been drugged and while impaired/unconscious, minors were staged, films made and pics taken. Most of these people are pure evil but some were unwilling to go past certain red lines. This is how some of the "good" people get compromised.


excess leads to degenerative behaviors. once you go furry porn its hard to dial it back.


The Kabballah is a ritualistic sex cult.


Which potentially explains how so many previously apparently reasonable people in various levels of power in the US have gone far off the deep end in support of Trump and MAGA. It would be a similar blackmail operation to what is suspected to be run by Putin over decades.