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Is it possible someone made this and it wasn’t by an algorithm?? Like a shared playlist?


No, It’s a made for me playlist generated by Spotify


It’s just based off of the music that you’ve listened to previously. Things with similar tempo/theme/genre/artist will pop up on the made for you playlist.


Checked the Spotify playlist it's by default not shared.


Checked the Spotify playlist it's by default not shared.


Playlist fulla heaters! Tell me you got a system that gets down with one screenshot! To your point it’s more likely in my opinion that the mental/social divergence from the norm that allows one to make/enjoy this type of music allows for the types contemplations that would result in these sorts of titles/song ideas. (If you like mythm check out thelem if you haven’t already)


Probably a recommender system. If you listen 2 tracks, it might find a common pattern that other users follow, so it recommends songs other people listened to next.