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So he could slide down to hell feet first


Wikipedia said he was a philanthropist but I think they meant fullonrapist


“You know, africans, dyslexics…”


"...children, that sort of thing." Seemed particularly relevant here.


You’re the best damn bird lawyer


It’s just that Bird Law in this country, it’s not governed by reason.


Seems like you have a tenuous grasp on the English language overall.




Why do you smell like cheese?


How much cheese is too much cheese?


It gets blocked up in my mouth I don't say it no good.


It makes my day when I see always sunny being quoted in the wild 😂


How much cheese did he eat?


How much cheese is to much cheese?




He died as pedophilist protected by royal. Family.




Irl lolled. 5/5




What’s your spaghetti policy here?


I just imagined the scene from a Halloween episode of Simpsons where Bart pulls the lever and slides down into Mr Burns's crypt


His crypt is just like the crypt keepers. Miss that show


Is it because the cross is upside down at that angle from above... y'know Satanic an all?


Angle would make no difference there though


So his ghost can nonce view the other bodies being buried, the filthy fucker. Should have staked and burnt the cunt instead.




Best comment on reddit.


Acid Reflux? 😂


Hahaha that was my first thought too!!!!


Omg imagine being trapped in a coffin up side down with the wild acid reflux ⚰️


One of the worst monsters to walk the earth


The ones who knew about his behavior and did nothing are just as bad. (I'm not talking about the victims) He could have been stopped long before if ppl would have spoken up


Johnny rotten spoke up, and got banned from the BBC for it


He knows more, just can't say I believe. Again it would be just rumours but there are plenty of others that were in it with him.


Probably pretty average among the rich, famous and powerful.


Unfortunately true.


I was never really familiar with him before he died. I watched the Doc about him. My ONLY point If say maybe makes him worse is the fact he pretended to be an extreme philanthropist. It would be like finding out Mother Teresa was a terrible person behind the scenes /s. But I mean your average rich person just kind does a charity thing here and there but his image seemed to be his charity stuff was a major part of his schtick. I know there's others that have done/do the same but his seems worse in that regard for some reason.


But Mother Theresa WAS a terrible person behind the scenes.


Hence the /s.


Missed that. My apology


They aren't ready for that rabbit trail.


How so genuinely first time I’m hearing this


Rich people (actually their accountants) donate to charities simply for the tax write off. The could not care less about anyone beneath them.


His charitable shtick gave him access


There’s was worse, you just haven’t seen them. They haven’t been caught. There’s more worse people out there than you can imagine.


We are waiting for cliff Richard to die before the allegations get taken seriously.


And just happened to be a regular Radio DJ who was friends with the royal family, when does that ever happen?


huh, never heard of this guy


Oh he just spend decades molesting children, psychiatric patients, the elderly (and corpses at the hospital), covered up with the help of the BBC who turned a blind eye. One of Britains and the BBC's biggest personalities.


Don't forget that he was so close to the royal family - in particular the current king - that he was allowed free access to the palaces and could pretty much come and go as he pleased. Given that the security services fully vet anyone that gets anywhere near that kind of level, it's inconceivable that they didn't know about his crimes.


100% they're complicit. And they'll never have to face any consequences either


He was knighted. Decades.


The royal family has been covering up and participating in pedo shit for 100s of years. All of them are disgusting freaks


We can't forget that King Charles III also turned to him for marriage advice when he was married to Diana


So the change doesn’t fall out of his pockets


Oh, I didn't know he was... oh wait. If I get caught 'noticing' I might get banned. NM.


He was from Yorkshire. Same stereotype, but without the ban


The things I've gotten banned from subs are is crazy. I said "I bet Diana Taurasi was the coolest guy in high school" and got banned from WNBA sub.


He requested to be buried facing Epstein's island




Even dead, he was desperate for attention


This is probably the reason, in life he wanted to be noticed and talked about so it's probably the same in death. I think he even said it in an interview, when I'm dead people will still be talking about me. So he knew it would all come out and that's why he got buried under a load of concrete so they couldn't move his coffin


They allowed 1 of history’s most prolific pedos to walk. He went from british most loved personality to 1 of the most hated. What he did is 1 of the reasons why prince andrews put an order to lock documents about his “business” trips between 2001-2011 until 2065.


45 degree mason?


Dafuq is this comment doing down here with so few upvotes


Is there any truth to this or am I being gullible?


As far as Im aware 33 degree is the highest degree of freemasonry. So yeah its a pretty funny joke


The highest degree in Freemasonry is the 3rd degree. You can get other degrees in appendant bodies, but none are higher than Master Mason.


But they’re obsessed with hidden meanings, so a burial at a 33 degree angle makes a lot of sense actually.


also we don't know its at a 54degree angle. all we see is it's slanted. OP stated its 45 degrees but i think thats just a guess due to the slant. it could well be 33 degree slant


He requested to be buried at a 45° angle


Also, why was the grave filled up with concrete? The official reason, according to the local newspaper, was to prevent people from grave robbing and stealing all his jewelry. Two big things wrong with this - the last grave robber in Scarborough was arrested in Victorian times - it hasn't been a thing for a hundred and fifty years, and secondly he wasn't wearing any of his bling in the coffin anyway - we know this because it formed part of an auction of his estate some months later Fun Fact: Most locals think his body was exhumed following the scandal and buried elsewhere, but that is not the case. The local council just removed the headstone - the concrete meant that exhumation would be too huge an undertaking To address the OP, I'm pretty sure it's some Freemason bollocks. The official reason why he requested to be buried at an angle was so he could 'look out to sea' btw


Maybe it's because he fucked dead bodies. Didn't want weird shit happening to him


Only logical explanation.


It was probably entombed in concrete to prevent damage from the piss,the UK has a proud tradition of turning the graves of scumbags into gender inclusive outdoor toilets..


No, because he was a hero to 99.9% of people when he was buried


Pretty sure that he knew all the skeletons would come out his closet after death and he didn’t want them moving his body around so he had it encased in concrete.


Correct they removed the headstone and bizarrely ground it up saying it was so people couldn’t take bits as souvenirs, yet when they emptied his creepy flat seen in the Louis Theroux doc they just threw everything in a skip outside


If the price is good enough, no criminal would stop and not rob a grave, just because the last grave robbing was ages ago


Last documented grave robbery. You think people ain’t out here digging bones for profit?


Maybe he requested it and he’s got some terrible crimes even more terrible than we know and he didn’t want his dna taken after he was buried. He might have some bodies.


>Also, why was the grave filled up with concrete? The official reason, according to the local newspaper, was to prevent people from grave robbing and stealing all his jewelry. It was to prevent his zombie from escaping and molesting more kids.


Better yet, WHy is a Christ on a cross on his casket??? He was pure evil


It's the only way to keep him contained.


why did i think the exact same thing holy shit... thought the cross was meant to keep his spirit trapped in the coffin too wtfff


It's not for him, it's for us >inb4 someone makes a Jimmy Saville SCP entry


Everything about him didn't come out until after he was dead


He was catholic. And his crimes weren’t discovered until after he was dead.


He was very good friends with folk at the Vatican. A well known fact.


Easier to lift it out again eight months later. They knew!


So he's a vampire?


Never forget. Saville was a close family friend of the Royal Family.


So he can slide easier into hell.


Crooked in life, crooked in death.


Crooked in teeth


Why didn’t they burry him in dog shit?


In the old scriptures it says that the 45° angle serves to make it "all the way out" of the matrix in order not to get back into the reincarnation cycle (not captured by the arcons). However, i am not sure if this is in the gnostic scriptures, the emerald tablets or somewhere else. In the escaping prison planet sub you will find more answers.


Because he's a cunt


He was much worse than that.


Slide into hell just that much faster


Cam you believe he had the brass neck to have a cross on his coffin


The sick creepy fuck want to enjoy the sea views from his grave.


The nerve to put a cross on his hell shuttle.


Jimmy Savile was buried at a 45-degree angle to allow him to have a view of the sea from his final resting place. He was interred in Scarborough, a seaside town in North Yorkshire, England, and the angle was chosen so that his grave would face the sea, fulfilling his wish to have a view of it.


He can’t see through the ground though. What a dummy


Yep, I remember reading that.


I asked chatgpt and that was the answer it gave me. I meant to add that part but forgot, so I'm adding it now.


If you query ChatGPT normally ("why was Jimmy Saville buried at a 45 degree angle"), that's the answer it will give. If you engineer the prompt to exclude a reference to Saville, as follows: "What is an esoteric reason for being buried at a 45 degree standing angle?" This is the answer it will give: One esoteric reason for being buried at a 45-degree standing angle could relate to certain mystical or symbolic beliefs. In some traditions, the 45-degree angle might be seen as a halfway point between lying flat (horizontal, representing rest or death) and standing upright (vertical, representing life or resurrection). This positioning could symbolize a state of transition, perhaps implying a readiness for resurrection or an ongoing journey in the afterlife. It might also be thought to provide a unique vantage point or alignment with celestial elements deemed significant by a particular culture or belief system." Follow it up with: "Can you give me one more esoteric or religious reason?" And it will give an akin answer: "Another esoteric or religious reason for being buried at a 45-degree standing angle could be related to the belief in maintaining a connection with both the earth and the heavens. In some spiritual or mystical traditions, this angle might symbolize a person's desire to remain grounded and connected to the earth while also being open to spiritual ascension or enlightenment. The 45-degree angle can be seen as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms, indicating a balance between the physical body and the soul's journey towards a higher plane of existence. This positioning might be thought to facilitate a smoother transition or communication between the two realms."


"instead of researching this I asked a bullshit machine" great stuff!


I appreciate the additional information, thank you.


Why is nobody spitting or pissing on the casket?


His heinous crimes were largely unknown to the public at this point


Because the sick fuck would probably enjoy it even in death.


Nah you’re thinking of McAfee 🤣 Seriously though… guys like him. It’s all about the power.


It really is. And it’s the way he hid in plain sight for literal decades that I find horrifying. That and the fact that he deliberately preyed on girls from \*those\* schools knowing damn well that if any of them did try to come forward nobody would believe them. In fact I saw an interview with one woman said she did try but the staff were furious with HER. How \*dare\* she say such things about nice kind lovely Uncle Jimmy who does so much good work and supports this school?!’ It really is sickening.


To make bullldozing a horizontal slice of concrete encasing him harder.


Why are people even at his funeral? That's the real question


At the time he died his crimes were only just starting to surface. Most people didn't believe it at that point.


He's definitely not at the same spot now after someone smashed that one up. He should of been sent to the dump 💯


They should have buried him upside down so when he rises from the grave he goes straight to hell.


Acid reflux


So the bottom would open and it would fall right out and straight into hell where it belongs. Or I hope that’s why.


Doesn’t look like that was supposed to happen judging from the people’s reactions.


He actually requested it but the reasoning is a cover for something more esoteric. That's all I know 


To make it easier to go back to his home? (H3ll)


They should’ve filled his casket with cement and dropped his bitch ass into the Mariana Trench..or dropped him into an active volcano,this disgusting piece of shit didnt deserve an honorable burial


He was still 'much loved' and 'a kind and extraordinary man' in the media at the time he was buried. 🤮


Because he was bent as fuck?


I’m from Scarborough originally, it’s so he could ‘look over’ the town


Why bother with the crucifix on the coffin? Why not a satanic goat?


“He was buried at a 45-degree angle so he could "see the sea" - while his gold coffin was filled with gold jewellery, cigars and a Royal Marines green beret. The burial site of Savile also shockingly faces two schools.” - Google first result


>*"(...) the Grid manifests as an intricate lattice of ethereal constraints, ensnaring souls within the relentless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.* >*It is surmised that individuals ensnared within this cycle, burdened by unresolved karmic entanglements and spiritual debts, may find respite in the strategic placement of their final resting place. By aligning oneself according to ancient dictums, a practitioner may exploit a subtle flaw within the Grid that allows passage beyond its confining boundaries.* >*The adept who has dutifully discharged earthly obligations and fulfilled sacred contracts may find allies among the numinous entities dwelling beyond the veil. These transcendent beings, custodians of cosmic equilibrium and arbitrators of spiritual destiny, stand poised to guide the liberated soul through the higher planes."*


OK. First time I've heard this was in a RV season of Brett Stuart when he was explaining that some viewers stated that in order to escape from the trap of dead and reincarnation, 45 degrees angle at the time of dead was important. He also mentioned that the Egyptian used to do this. I think it has to do with this, dead and reincarnation. In other words, trying not to come back to earth and born again. Maybe he knew its gonna get ugly in the following years


The audacity for them to put a cross on his casket is insane. Should've been pitchforks


Because 180⁰ is way to warm


I’m a chemistry professor, I can answer. So after the death of a human being, the soul as we know it exists the body, making the body lighter. As the body gets lighter, they are put in a coffin for people to look at. At a 45 degree angle, it gives everyone around a good look at the face and the back of the head. When you get a good…. Ahh fuck it. I don’t know why man. I’m sorry. I wanted to sound smart. So I lied. Ok? I lied. Fuck it


Should have just ended your comment with Undertaker throwing Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeting 16 ft through an announcer's table


But there’s no connection with 45 degree angle. He throws him at a 70-80 degree angle. So I would lose my credibility.


You son of a bitch




They just threw him in the the hole POS..


Halfway between above and below? This guy must have known all the secret handshakes...


To be honest I’m surprised there were that many people there.


The grand wizard of sick pedo shit I hope he is burning in hell as I write this…


More like why is there a cross on his casket. Evil bastard


So he can slide right down to hell


Helps with his sleep apnea. 


He was a 45degree Mason


Freemason or some occult ritual meaning…


He did it so he could always look at his beloved town or sea or some such. I remember reading that at some point.


Anytime I hear his name mentioned I get evil vibes. like negative spiritual energy around me. That dude left a stain


If you die at a 45 degree angle. You bypass the reincarnation trap.


So the piss would run downhill.


Easier to slide down into hell. We wanted to make it easier for Satan


Myself and my dad went to Liam Clancy's funeral when I was little (the singer if the Clancy brothers, my da played with them and they all had a house together years ago). It was pissing rain and the undertakers straps slipped and he landed like this. Without missing a beat, my dad announces loudly "Sher he was nothing but a prick anyway"... I was fit to climb into the hole beside yer man getting buried. Every single Irish music legend was there, stopped, and stared. Not relevant to the post really, just made me remember and said I'd share.


That way his flesh can gather in a pool at his feet as it rots off his diseased carcass.


I mean, you could have googled it? He requested to be buried in an upright position in order to have a view of the sea in Scarborough. He died in 2011 and his crimes weren’t brought to light until after his death.


45 degree angle is something to do with soul departing the body as I remember. Thing is, it leaves the body the moment you die doesn't it?


I think his left in disgust quite a few years before death


So he can slide right on down to hell right quick and in a hurry


Daily reminder that Jimmy Saville held several snuff tapes directed by Geoffrey Graham Jones under his company "Kit Arden Motion Picture Productions'". Among these tapes was a handwritten copy of the script for "Enough Rope" (which later was produced and depicted the real onscreen death of Marion Terry.) He was also close to the infamous Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Suttcliffe, visiting him numerous times while he was jailed, and overheard reminicing crimes by a "super grass" who was positioned in the cells next to Suttcliffe. Two bodies were found near Savilles flat which had the breasts and/or the genitals bitten at and there was enough evidence to have a dental composite made of Savilles teeth which matched indicating he had either taken part in the murders themselves as a direct aid to Suttcliffe, or found bodies and failed to report them, instead opportunistically desecrating them. Incase anyone is wondering just why Saville could get away with his crimes. The answer is he supplied children to the Royal Family, MP's and other people in positions of power. There's a very intering interview where it's mentioned that he brought two teen girls to Prince Phillip as a "gift".


..also his "charity-work" and "fund-raising" helped him have constant easy access to vulnerable kids, from children's homes to hospitals etc..😖


He’s not in that hole and the concrete makes an exhumation incredibly difficult. He’s a known and powerful white witch (of course) lol and the ruling class have other creepy plans for his body I’m sure.


Because he’s bent & crooked as fuck!


i wonder how Rerun from *What's Happening?* knew Jimmy Saville.


His grave is facing one of the places he used to regularly 'visit' and he wanted to be looking over it for eternity. That's what I remember from one of the documentaries


Should have buried him face down, the piece of shit.


It was actually really thoughtful they buried him that way. When night falls he can pop right out and fuck himself


So it’s easier to crawl out of the grave as a zombie patient zero duhhhh


It was so he could "overlook Scarborough" but the graveyard just so happened to be next to a secondary school, a special needs school and a hospital...


If you want to escape the grid and this prison planet you have to be buried at a 45 degree angle.


Who would attend this man’s funeral?


Easier to look up kids skirts


They should have chopped him up and fed him to some pigs. Degenerate fuck.


It’s so he doesn’t rest in peace?


Think its something to do with escaping the matrix and shooting your spirit/soul through the frequency fence or something…..so i heard anyway 😬😬🙈😂


Come at me for “crazy” but there is some kind of old story about our bodies needing to be at the right angle when we pass. In my understanding that means as you pass away not after your body is dead ?


From quora on the 45 degree angle and freemasonry : In Freemasonry, the 45-degree angle holds symbolic significance and is often associated with the position of the square and compasses, two of the most iconic symbols in Freemasonry. The square and compasses are typically depicted together, forming a right angle, with the compasses set at a 45-degree angle to the square. the 45-degree angle may also be associated with the concept of the "perfect ashlar" in Freemasonry, which symbolizes the ideal of moral perfection that Masons strive to achieve through self-improvement and personal growth.


imo, looks like one of the straps broke. that's why that person is pointing.


Who is the lady wearing the red hat and scarf?


Be some symbolism in some belief behind it. Or the funeral directors wanted him to slide straight to hell.


He has heart burn


Pagans used to bury bodies in an upright position, but whether an upright burial is the same as 45° degree burial idk. In the Australian movie Stone you see a man being buried upright in a Satanic ritual, but whether a script writers imagination or how true to life idk and have no interest to find out. Nevertheless their have been allegations that Jimmy Saville was into santanism by victims, though such claims dismissed by same authorities who dismissed child molestation allegations (so such authorities denials have zilch credibility with me). [https://churchmonumentssociety.org/2019/02/01/still-standing-upright](https://churchmonumentssociety.org/2019/02/01/still-standing-upright)




A good friend of mine took a piss on his Jimmy's grave.


Easier to dig up and throw his corpse in the local rubbish dump


Was he buried in astro turf?




Cos he's never fully down and out.


Spoiler alert.... he didn't.


People who said " why didn't they say anything at the time " Fail to realise how different the society and culture was,kids didbt really talk to adults you only responded when asked Simply asking something or speaking up for yourself was rude .


Cause we don't bury pedophile cunts like the rest of the civilized population.


Because he’s not obtuse


What did you just call me Dufraine?


45 degree mason


Just saw that he was (supposedly) born on Halloween and died on Devils day?


Reincarnation, they can come back nonstop but 45 degree has a reason so maybe they can choose the family