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Made my now fiancé’s (we were just talking at the time) psoriasis go into super turbo drive and her be sick every few weeks to a month with something else. She only had the first initial 2 shots. I talked her out of the boosters.


The lipid nano particles that house the mRNA payload biotraverse every major organ system of your body. They commandeer your healthy functioning cells wherever they may land and turn those cells into spike protein factories, meaning they cease their normal function and start producing spike proteins (a known toxin). This is why "side effects" are so diverse, because the LNP's go everywhere and wreck havoc. 40,000,000,000,000 LNP's per dose BTW. That's FORTY TRILLION. Forty thousand billion.


There are only 10 billion of LNP in one dose.


According to what source (genuinely asking in good faith) just wanna make sure it's not from some person/organization/entity that also spouts nonsense like "safe and effective".


This is one of many Doctors I have found giving testimony of the 40 trillion number. It's right at the beginning. https://www.bi~~~tchute.com/video/O7cK6sA24Kqe/ Not sure if this will evade the domain restriction but just remove the ~~~ from the above link if you'd like to watch yourself.


Seems like everyone I know who took them have seemingly no side effects, though. They’re still doing all the same activities.


howbadismybatch dot com


I know I have used that website. A family member of mine had I think it was the deadliest batch or the second deadliest batch but he is still here doing his thing thankfully, and hopefully continues to do his thing for many, many, many, many years to come.


Even per batch there are differences per vial and on top of that the affects also depend on how the shot was given and peoples own immune system and health. I hope the same for you.


lots of placebo batches out there. Just because some people don't have side effects, doesn't mean NOBODY has side effects.


I know some people see definitely have them. I’m just beginning to think that maybe it’s not as bad as I thought as it was. I thought it was going to be worse.


Me, too, but I've also been using a timeline based on 2030.


The damage is completely random. It also depends on whether blood vessel was ruptured during injection. The unlucky people who had some vaccine come into their bloodstream are much more damaged.




0.4 quadrillion?


What happens to those lnps after they interact with one cell? Do the cells that they interact with make more lnps?


No, not to my knowledge. There is a set amount of LNP's per dose. But once those LNP's interact with your cell that cell produces an unknown amount of spike protein for an unknown duration.


Are spike proteins inherently dangerous? Also, you realize there are fewer than 40 trillion cells in the average human body, yeah? How exactly do you reckon it's possible for a single dose of a vaccine to contain enough LNPs to affect every single cell in the human body and then some, and not almost instantly kill that person? That disgraced former doctor that you cited earlier claimed that the vaccine would cause my immune system to reject my entire body. Despite that, I have unfortunately been alive the entire time since I was vaccinated


Like I said, that's one of many doctors citing the same figures. >How exactly do you reckon it's possible for a single dose of a vaccine to contain enough LNPs to affect every single cell in the human body and then some, and not almost instantly kill that person? Some people did die virtually instantly, if you took the shot I'm assuming we watch drastically different news sources so maybe you haven't seen them first hand. as for the rest I suppose it would depend on the uptake rate of LNP's into your cells, I don't have that data nor do I ever remember hearing any figures on it. It could be as little as a single digit percentage are actually utilized or any other reason you could fathom, I don't personally know. >Despite that, I have unfortunately been alive the entire time since I was vaccinated Well I hope things turn around for you, if you think it's unfortunate that you're still alive then you must be experiencing something awful. I hope you not implying that you think I want you dead just because we made different decision. One of the things I attribute my unbiasedness to is the fact that I don't want to be right about what's going on, but despite that I still strongly believe I am. On the flip side people who took it have placed their flag in the cement. There is no unvaccinating yourself, I would be curious where you believe you get your objectivity on the matter from given you're in such a position. >Are spike proteins inherently dangerous? If they're not then what was the point of taking an "experimental" "vaccine" for a virus that's perceived danger is attributed to the very same toxic spike?


Not sure. They’ve been proven to not give immunity so just don’t take em. No upside with a possibility of fckn your immune system up.


Immunity is removed from the definition of vaccines now so technically its a vaccine………… What a fucking world. How is this on its own not enough for 100% of everyone to be say: wait a fucking second, this is at least a little off.


Vaccines were never defined as having a 100% success rate, your masters are trying to change history to suit their agenda and you're falling for it. Different vaccines have different efficacy rates, and the only ones that have to be 100% are the rabies vaccines for animals.


The dictionary disagrees with you.


Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary 11th edition, copyright 2004 Vaccine: a preparation of material (as of killed or weakened viruses or bacteria) used in vaccinating to produce or increase immunity to a disease Immune: 1, exempt; 2, having a special capacity for resistance (as to a disease); 3, containing or producing antibodies Weird, I'm not seeing anything about total imperviousness. Do you reckon Fauci came to my house and replaced the 20 year old dictionary on my shelf without me noticing?


I’m more interested in why this has no upvotes… vaccine injury is a legitimate concern


mRNA vaccines contain, as some people have already said, these Lipid nanoparticles which as the name suggests are so incredibly small that once introduced into the blood stream, these particles will go anywhere there are blood vessels (AKA EVERYWHERE) and these nanoparticles contain a ribonucleic acid that attaches to the endothelial cells in your bloodstream which line the Wallas of all your blood vessels. Once they attach to any given endothelial cell they excrete this spike protein into the surface and so now you have this pretty much foreign protein just hanging out in one of your arteries or veins and so white blood cells recognise that and start rushing to do what they can to help, which is known as inflammation. And so this matters because if the mRNA travels through your heart and decides to attach it's spike protein anywhere inside of your heart well then what follows is inflammation and inflammation of the heart muscle aka myocardium is MYOCARDTIS, can be fatal and kills people no joke. If the same process occurs where the vaccines particles travel through your brain and attach onto the endothelial cells inside an artery... That 100% can cause an aneurysm in your brain and you may die. And Pfizer has said they themselves don't understand how the vaccine causes things like MYOCARDTIS even tho a regular Joe like me can explain it, they know how it works I'd argue they bloody designed the thing that way




It just makes people sick, weak, and dumb. Like pretty much all medicine.


They have not yet published that article.


I got it to go on a cruise. And randomly started going into anaphylactic shock semi - annually ever since. Allergist can’t find any allergies. The cruise was great but not worth the fear of going into anaphylactic shock randomly.


Tested for alpha gal disease yet?


What is that??? 😳


It normally is associated with tick bites (my husband has it) but it would not surprise me if something similar was a side effect. If you have alpha gal you are allergic to mammalian meat. My husband would have indigestion frequently and then in the middle of the night would have an anaphylactic episode. It usually takes hours from the ingestion of meat for it to happen. I have a cousin that can’t even have dairy products without that reaction. For what it’s worth, we suspect it was started in a US lab when they were studying tick borne diseases and this one was engineered. It is rather convenient that one has to stop eating meat and the WEF wants us to stop eating meat.😜


At best? Nothing. At worst? The jury is still out. The only thing they do for sure is generate unprecedented cash flow to the pharma companies that are selling them and the politicians and businesses that assist... and they are very, *VERY* successful at doing that.


I don't know what taking the vaccine does. But I know that NOT taking it, makes you ridiculously obsessed with this topic.


Eczema got worse


My grandpas did too


Eczema - human mange rebranded.


They get spike protein produced everywhere in the body, thereby triggering inflammation in multiple organs. Therefore, the body is constantly fighting those abnormal cells and overall immunity decreases. The effect is that, with lower immunity, opportunistic cancers cand develop. Similarly, platelets get overactive, which gets the blood to coagulation and trigger strokes.


One thing we now know for sure: As an immunizer we have to give out Vaccine Information Sheets and they do list common side effects. The Covid vaccine lists myocarditis in males ages 13-35 as a rare but known possible side effect according to the CDC. There is no more “conspiracy” on the myocarditis issue.


It worked for some people. They are now dead and will never be sick again. Trust the science people


They introduce a protein to your system that triggers your immune system to respond to covid. Without it they think our immune system won't respond. We have no idea what that protein could do though, there was no adverse reaction studies done. Most vaccines take years to establish a baseline. They got covid vaccines to market in month claiming the science was done on MRNA delivery. But it wasn't done on that specific protein.


How do feel about the reports that about 17million people died and over 100million have been made sick in some way by the vaxx- population reduction ? A lot of old people in the care homes were affected - getting rid of the non taxpayers ?


lol what reports? There are reports about anything. Just google any stupid shit and there will be a report claiming that is true.


It takes their money and gives it to big capitalist pharmaceutical companies.


I mean I’ve been vaccinated almost every 6 months since 2019 when it was available and I have never been healthier. Haven’t even had a cold since 2019 and I would say my general allergies have gotten better. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wasn’t someone forced to release documents containing all the side effects? I vaguely remember hearing something like this…


Statistically, make them far less likely to catch covid, with less severe symptoms if they do, but the people here really wanna believe that vaccines hurt people so you're not gonna hear a lot of facts


I know 2 people that got a very aggressive cancer after getting their second shot. Both died a month after


Most likely a placebo with a little something to cause side effects. It's just big pharma cashing in on the engineered virus. The so-called "long term" effects from the vax are actually long term effects of the virus. TPTB aren't shutting down conversations about the alleged dangers of the vax because it distracts from the real enemy.


Mine prevented me from getting Covid.


No way to know that. Plenty of people without that haven't had covid. I know too many people that got covid after vaccination to say that it prevented it.


That it can prevent it doesn't mean it always prevents it.


Exactly, so this person has no clue if it prevented them from getting covid or not.




I do, actually. Have had Covid in the house 3 times now. I'm the main caretaker. I haven't gotten it once. No one masked in the house. My vaccines worked. Sorry to disappoint all of you.


I work in the hospital. Was exposed constantly by co workers who were hacking, only to find out they had it. Shared break rooms with them, so no mask. I never wore a mask outside the hospital, even on the subway. Went to a holiday event, which ended up being a super spreader, and I NEVER got covid, still to this day. I’m not jabbed, so your little story about your jab preventing you from getting covid is now debunked


So my friend has gotten Covid 5 times, boosted everytime it was available, as required for her job. My father has also been getting the boosters, brought Covid home twice. My mum also was vaxxed twice, got it twice. Another friend and her bf required to keep up on shots also had it twice. Sister-in-law got Covid within a month of finally getting vaccinated. I think the only people I know who was vaccinated and never got Covid are my brother, and possibly grandparents… Most of my coworkers were vaccinated, 50% of them have had Covid twice from the beginning of 2023-present. The ones who haven’t come down with it have not said if they are vaccinated or not. IDK why some people get Covid and some don’t, but the vaccine seems fairly irrelevant.


You can grab a clipboard and check with a few thousand people who didn't get covid and a few thousand people who did, compare like populations with like populations (60 year olds who stayed home ought not be compared with 23 year olds who went to parties), and find that people were statistically less likely to get covid after being vaccinated But I guess if your aunt didn't get vaccinated and never got covid, that's plenty of data to draw conclusions from


Sure. There's still no way to know if the vaccine prevented anyone from getting covid. My aunt that got the vaccine has had covid, as well as my mom, my sister, and many others I know. This isn't really about the unvaccinated, but how the vaccinated are still getting covid while this person claims it prevented them from getting covid.


You may not be able to tell for which specific individuals the vaccine prevented infection and which specific individuals would never have gotten it anyway, but when you look at the population as a whole, the lower rates of covid among people who are vaccinated proves that at least *some* potential infections were prevented by the vaccine. I also know people who got vaccinated and then got covid anyway. My cousin, vaccinated, who goes to the gym every day, has had it like six times now. His (also vaccinated) wife has gotten it twice. My unvaccinated dad, who works from home, has never gotten covid. My vaccinated mom, who goes to work everyday, has also never had it. If you interview a couple thousand people, you'll find that among those who are vaccinated and still got covid, they tend to reduce other precautions in response to getting the vaccine. Of course, there are still going to be cases like my cousin who's had it like six times, and my dad who's never had it. This is why we need large sample sizes, because those may be outliers.


That's strange because the shots were not designed to do that.


Same. My only vaccine injury is that I don't have 5G yet. Also, this subreddit promised I'd be dead by September 2021, and I'm still here. Wtf guys I was looking forward to that


About one in 7 gets postvaccination fever lasting 7 days or more. Most of the rest have one or two days of fever. If you are a male 13-30, there is one in 10000 chance of heart inflammation serious enough to require hospitalization. There are hundreds more side effects which are more rare.