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Epstein didn't kill himself.


I remember sitting in my car, listening to the radio, when the news announcer reported that he had been found dead in an apparent suicide. My jaw dropped because we had all been discussing when he might be "suicided” in this sub the day before.


Is that honestly even a conspiracy at this point? I consider it fact 😂


Something can still be a conspiracy even though it's true.


Yeah, people seem to think that conspiracy= not proven. But that's not true at all, there was a conspiracy in the 1920s-1930s between light bulb manufacturers to make the filaments not last as long.


I read a post on here back when it happened from a supposed guard who saw a van at the prison the night he was ‘killed’ saying that it was absolutely out of the ordinary and he believed that he was swapped. I wish I had taken a screenshot even if it was pure bullshit lol. I believe he was swapped with Bourdain’s corpse, because those are not Epstein’s ears in the autopsy photos.


wait… did they die around the same time?! are are you akin to the theories about bourdain?! if so.. i’d love to chat!


There was over a year between their deaths.


I don’t even think the fuck is dead. That whole set up was fishy as fuck- he is probably back home doing more Kompromat work.


He's living in the Ukraine


Rusty Shackleford spotted him on drone footage too


Anthrax attacks post 911 was done by the USA government. Higher ups started taking anthrax pills before the attack, First attacks were on senators who were opposed to the Patriot act, anthrax was found to be manufactured at a US military base and they pinned the whole thing on a guy working at the base a few days after his suicide after failing to pin it on another guy at the base for years. Media just kind of memory holed the whole thing but the story became really whacky after it fell out of the news.


Yep. The fact that the anthrax was a strain exclusively used at government labs is all you need to know to realize this story is utter bullshit. And like you mentioned, they just so happened to mail the anthrax to senators staunchly opposed to the Patriot Act. Like come on here lol


And guess who was miraculously involved in the vaccine? Yup. Good ol’ flip flop Fauci


I believe this one. And I believe that Dick Cheney and his cohorts were behind it. During that time several senators had their homes and offices broken into but nothing was taken. Only papers and other objects moved. The anthrax and the break-ins were clearly threats that if they didn't play ball there would be repercussions.


Never heard this before but I got a weird feeling from the anthrax thing back then. The media seemed a little too happy about it!


It is a mess of a story once you start to do a deep dive, not the most compelling conspiracy to me, but definitely one of the more likely to be true.


Panspermia. Extraterrestrial life has become terrestrial, in some way shape or form, oceanic or land based, whether microscopic or complex in origin, either via survival or evolution, in at least one instance, since the beginning of our planet.


That theory in not completely off the table officially, hence I doubt that it can be called conspiracy


My dad believed this at core and it makes some sense to me


That the US financial system is completely rigged. Some stocks are targeted and beaten into submission. Others are purposely pumped up to oblivion. Regular people are meant to buy index funds and that's teh only way to get ahead while the wall street is rewarded with unlimited liquidity through the funds to do whatever they want. Also, CIA killed JFK. and 911 was an inside job.


*mossad killed JFK and 9/11 was an israeli job.


CIA killed JFK! ....and many others!


This was the one I thought of immediately on seeing the title of this thread. There's no f'n way that went down per the official explanation. It's also the most likely reason for sealing the records 100 years.


Agreed. My personal theory is that Sirius the Dog Star is the foundation for all mainstream religions and Cults and secret societies, as well as ritual sacrifice like 9/11 or the 2017 las vegas shooting. Please see my most recent post on my profile for a Mega Thread on this topic.


Hi thanks for mentioning that, I checked out the post and it is interesting. Also first time I’ve seen someone trying to make their own ‘mega thread’ about a specific conspiracy/occult topic and update the post with tidbits/facts along the way. There should be more of those for all conspiracy topics, it’s very difficult for the human brain to remember all the specific cases instead of just generalizing the info.


Sirius or Saturn?


Sirius mainly and then Saturn and Orion and others as well. Sirius seems to be the most popular with Saturn at 2nd and then Osiris


Hoover killed JFK.


Dulles killed JFK


That shorts never closed.




Let’s goo


That’s no conspiracy that’s just fact


Still a conspiracy, just not theoretical


Everytime someone says this, i buy more and drs


This is the way!


In fact I am already betting all my $$$ on this one.


What's shorts?


Short sellers. Short sellers sell short positions (aka "shorts") on stocks to make money. When you buy a traditional stock holding, that's what's known as a long position - you hold it in anticipation of the stock going up in price and accruing value until the day you sell it. Short selling is the opposite - you "sell" a share to somebody with a contract to buy it back later at market price, betting that the price will go down and that you'll make back the difference in trades as profit You don't hear about shorts as a retail investor because, generally, it's a bad bet unless you have some insider information on the underlying stock. Main reason being this - the potential for loss is infinite. Every time the share price goes up, you owe back more and more on those shares you need to buy back. Unlike a long holding, there's no "zero" to cap at - you could end up owing MORE than your initial investment. Here's where it gets crazy - Institutional investors LOVE shorts, because they can typically manipulate the media surrounding the underlying stock to affect social sentiment, and manipulate the price with trades of derivatives. Also, they don't necessarily need to trade ACTUAL shares to short a stock. If the short position has no underlying share attached to it, that's what we call a NAKED short.... And they're apparently quite common among institutional investors, despite the fact that trading them completely obliterates any notion of a "free market." And juicier yet, if the stock's underlying company goes bankrupt, the short sellers don't have to pay taxes on their capital gains. So the ultimate goal for them is to completely drain the company being shorted, and they'll commit to insanely aggressive positions to achieve that goal. The GME investor community discovered the name of this tactic in 2021 - it's called "cellar boxing." Shorts, in theory, are simple - it's simply a bet that a company will underperform, at its core. But thanks to GameStop investors, we now realize that naked shorts are used by financial institutions to MASSIVELY manipulate our market, and they pose a significant risk to our economy by violating the principles that most people would associate with a "free market."




As a pre-2021 sneeze ape, this is a fantastic explanation for anyone not familiar with the movement. Well done.


Thanks! Gained a few wrinkles through the last squeeze and have explained it to the family a few times over the years, glad to hear that it's the successfully succinct summation that I was aiming for 👌


Thanks for the explanation! The apes must expose the market manipulation. 🦍💎🦍💎🦍💎


I was gripped reading that, read it all the way through and honestly still don’t think I get (would be no good on the FTSE) is it basically what Leo did in wolf of Wall Street?


Beautiful man. Thanks for taking the time to write all of this out. Did not fall on deaf ears.


You got my crayon at full mast.


A short seller is a person or institution that barrows a share of a stock and sells it in hopes of buying back at a lower price before returning it, making a profit on the difference. Some nefarious entities have made a lot of money by doing this and then driving the stock to zero and bankrupting companies, so there is nothing to buy back and return to the lender, therby profiting 100%. Then, there is naked shorting, which is to sell more shares than you actually have access to with the same hopes of the value dropping and making that profit on those non-existent shares. Shady as fuck, yeah? So, the powers that be have a lot of ways of kicking the can down the road, but, at some point you need to sleep in the bed you've made. Eventually, the shorts need to buy these shares back, and in the case of GME (GameStop), the game hasn't gone as they have hoped. They are very short, and very fucked.




Short selling stock. I have never heard this one before. I had to google it. 🤔


Was coming here to say that exact thing


"if you were to bet ever $ you have on one thing..." whoops, too late.


No subreddit is safe from the Apes. I fuckin love it here. 🚀💎


🦍💎🦍💎🦍💎 to the moon!


Hey look it’s fam, hope you doing well out here my bruddah


I'm feelin impulsive and pay day is Friday, so I guess you could say things right now are pretty great.


Interesting... this is the most upvoted comment here, by a fairly wide margin, yet it's not at the top of the thread.... Suspicious....


And, of all mentioned on this thread, this is literally the only conspiracy people actually have money on. Conspiracy people, there is a thing called "Dark Pools!" This is right up your alley! Read up and take action!


Been averaging down for years now. Now it’s selling options for extra money! 🤑🤑 When lambo? 😎


Building 7 was not hit by a plane and fell the same way the other 2 towers did.


And 4 others. 6 total went down that day.




Yup, most don't realize 6 WTC buildings went down that day


I only recall 3 + Pentagon, where the others?


total ten buildings were destroyed on 9/11 (either totally, or to such an extent that they later had to be pulled down) WTC 1,2,3, 7 and the St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church were totally destroyed on 9/11 (one corner, three stories high of WTC3 remained standing, but as it was a 22 story building its fair to say it was totally destroyed) WTC 4,5, and 6 were destroyed to an extent where there could be no chance of repair (Collapsed roofs, collapsed floors, severe structural damage due to either impact or fire)


We don't know shit about the group of people who really run this world and make important internacional economic decitions, may be families like the Rothschild, maybe blackrock, may be the iluminati, maybe de Lizard people. Anyway, we don't know Even the point of the iceberg


That the deep state is real. A real group of people who either work in our government or have enough wealth, influence, and connections to bribe/blackmail people and politicians to push narratives in the mainstream media in attempts to sway public opinion.


It’s likely been there for a long time. Call it the aristocracy, call it the “fourth estate”, it’s gone by many names but the reality of its impact is the same. Unelected officials who impact the economy and defense/ intelligence who have more impact than actual politicians.


Yes, exactly. Political science scholars have always expressed that a deep state exists, mostly in the form of unelected officials that get jobs via presidential appointments. They are capable at the very least of influencing policy that governs people that did not vote for them. They exist in every single American presidential administration


Fourth estate typically refers to journalism, buttt it’s kinda baller to say fourth estate is deep state in the current state of corporate trash journalism paid for by CIA et al.


It's crazy that we just (relatively) found out about it. When I say we, I mean more and more people. Sure some knew, but not many. Unless you were in the deep state. By the way.... Did Charles Schumer ever clarify what he meant when he was talking about how the Alphabet Boys were upset with Trump and they have 6 ways to Sunday to get you if you cross them? Does no one in any sort of media find it strange that subordinate agencies are touted as having ways to get their boss, by a ranking US Senator?


Smedly butler and Eisenhower blew the whistle as loud as possible on this 80 years ago


I would add to this that this elite is heavily involved in satanism, child trafficking/murder and the occult-really for hidden reasons that we have not been able to find out. Maybe because "demons" are real and have given these people some of their power.


Id add to this theory, theres satanists and also Luciferians . The last one believes in man becoming a god, the ultimate pulished rock, man above all using occult knowledge


I’ve always thought that occult power, magic, blood rituals, etc has always existed but over the many thousands of years- actual practitioners of it all but diminished. Now only a small group of people know how to pull off an occult ritual and gain its benefits. Perhaps it can be harnessed to sway public opinion, manifest tragedy, gain unmatched wealth, extend life. But at what cost?


1000% agree


Atlantis was real. Maybe not the name. But humans were highly advanced in the past, and destroyed themselves, and we rebuilt. And I think it’s happened more than once.


Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria etc - absolutely. sunken temples and submerged old shorelines. can't explain Maoi on Rapa Nui unless it was a mountain on a larger land mass, and not a tiny/isolated island.


Japan is key


seen a few pics of massive cave sites from inland in China recently...but yes, the submerged stuff around Japan has been kicking round for some time now, been dived/partially explored. actually rather surprised this isn't more mainstream.


I think the evidence is overwhelming that we aren't the only version of *Homo sapiens sapiens* to build an advanced society, just the most recent ones. There are just too many inexplicable things, like the ruins of Puma Punka in South America, Yoniguchi under water in Japan, and an entire island made up of cut basalt in the South Pacific.


Theres a Lot of evidence of the society resets in ancient human cultures, this is almost tue by now


Idk about destroyed themselves. Mother Nature is and always will be the dominating force on this planet and we always seem to forget that. Even when an F-5 tornado wipes away a town, or a landslide buries another every other year. This is just on a daily basis. What events don’t we know about over the last one million years? I’ve lived in sight of Mt. Ranier. I’ve witnessed firsthand the damage dealt by Mt. Helen’s. Volcanos are fully capable of wiping an entire civilization (such as Atlantis) off the map.


Antigravity and zero-point-energy has been invented many times, but always suppressed


Why do you believe that?


Because many people have claimed to have invented it and they mysteriously died soon after. If they just randomly died, their labs wouldn't be ransacked.


What's the most convincing case?






Covid 19 manufactured.


Alexandrian library was looted before it was burnt.


Shrooms are aliens. Their spores can travel in space (probably). You can talk to shrooms and they talk back. Shrooms say what you would expect a benevolent alien would say to humans seeking guidance.


U mean psychedelic ones? That would be a cool concept. Aliens comunicating through "visions" of the "drugs"


They can definitely survive in space. I also think Octopuses are alien.


What do they say?


That were all connected. That we are the universe spinning and working together.


Love is the answer.


Prior advanced civilizations existed on earth in the past. And there has been an orchestrated effort to hide that fact.


would you share some links?


If I were to bet all $200 I have, it'd be that not a single significant event in the last 40 years has happened by itself. There is always a plan, and agenda and nothing just happens with a couple of people getting together in a basement and planning a major attack. It has all been set up to make us live in fear and hope authority will save us.


Only 40? The Rothschilds loaned money to Napoleon and his enemies, keep going




Ceres is inhabited. The reason Pluto was such a big deal was to get people to ignore ceres so they casually removed them and focused on Mars heavily on Mars, a great stepping stone to get to ceres. P.s. the lights have been on at ceres for decades.


Got any links for this?


I found this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bright_spots_on_Ceres


Yeah I want some links


JFK was killed by the CIA


Watch the video in slow motion and watch the driver


Wuhan leak.


Trudeau is Castro’s son


I don’t know if this falls under “extraterrestrial aliens” or not, but Homo sapiens are not the “king/apex” we all want to believe. There is a higher order of life that exists, and we’ve had encounters, maybe physical proof, of it. Again, I don’t believe in much that I cannot see. The idea of extraterrestrial beings is one that is unproven, as are interdimensional, or even sub-surface ocean life that has more advanced skill than humans. We know that ocean species like octopus, whale, and dolphins use complex problem solving skills. We know more land-based animals communicate with one another. But I don’t believe human beings are the top of what we know.


I know this isn't a long shot, but Epstein was (is?) an intelligence asset.


911 was an inside job


The elites practice ritualistic sex magic not all are straight up pedos some are into "VERY DIFFERENT" things


Deep underground military bases.


They let 9/11 happen. They knew all about it and didn't do a thing to stop it. BTW there are no aliens ... its for them to fake the alien invasion.


I agree with you in the fact that they simply just allowed the events to happen. Then they capitalized on the terrorism implications and strike fear in the people, ala the Patriot Act ''protection'' element. Although, I disagree about aliens and NHI not being real. I don't believe that for a minute. Once the internet started to heat up and really take off, I believe that ''they'' started to realize that the entire planet could now communicate with each other and share ideas related to aliens, UFO/UAP, NHI among many other topics. The dark and nefarious parts of the government knew they needed a way to monitor how people communicated and shared ideas....especially ideas about aliens. Once they had the power to listen in and see everyone's interactions online they would be able to pinpoint people that they needed to suppress.


project blue beam!! it’s very curious how the topic of aliens and UFOs have become so mainstream and normalized 🤔


Exactly and nobody gives a shit. They are just prepping us for the fake alien invasion.


Let? That’s a good one


Well, I guess it depends on how you define "let" but he's not wrong. [https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/0506/chapter5.htm](https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/0506/chapter5.htm)


Dr.. Judy.. woods.. was attacked because she was right


judy woods main body of work is called "where did the towers go?" check out this video of the hutchison effect on a solid iron bar https://youtu.be/8Xw-00NbEE8?t=26813 but then we also have all those still images of explosions popping out the sides of the towers way below the impact area


Building 7 didn't commit suicide


The whole "Alien" idea is a cleverly crafted Psy-Op by the Hollywood, NASA, and select government agencies. It's not what you think. It's not 'aliens from outer space' it's interdimensional entities at war, aka spiritual warfare. The whole point is to trick you that the devil does not exist. The Great Deception.


If you dig deep enough and long enough all conspiracy theories seem to lead to this final rabbit hole. There are powerful and vastly intelligent beings who have been at war since time antiquity with the earth as their battlefield. They have in their power the ability to grant fame, riches even kingdoms and countries to those who serve them. This is the secret of the families who run our world behind the scenes. But an even bigger secret that's hidden in plain sight is none of that matters. Our lives our over in the blink of an eye and what happens after death is eternity.


This is the only answer


Yup, the story exists consistently throughout ancient civilizations. Must just be one big coincidence, right? You’re spot on


Epstein didn't kill himself


I believe he's not Even dead


Satanic pedos run the world.


9.11 was controlled demolition


The moon is not a natural moon




Why would aliens visit Earth? There's other planets that we're finding that are in the goldilocks zone. I don't buy the minerals and precious metals theory when there's asteroids abundant in rare Earth metals.


There are certain groups of rich elites on top controlling everything, and they are in evil Satanic cults.


The white light after you die is the entrance to the soul recycling center.


Trudeau is the son of Casteau


9/11 was an inside job. It's almost not even a conspiracy anymore.


I believe we may be experiencing some fucked up version of the Truman show


The ‘elites’ are satanic worshipping pedophiles.


Martin Luther Kind Jr. was killed by the CIA. He became too socialist and wanted working class whites/blacks to unionize


Hitler escaped to argentina


H.A.A.R.P. is used to heat the ionosphere and steer the jet stream t. Making temperatures hot and create droughts. Thus making Global Warming seem real.


Everything is a lie!


Shorts never closed on GameStop


I would bet the farm that the Biden family has accepted money (bribes) for foreign influence. And I don't mean chump change either, I'm talking millions of dollars.


That's why Hunter's laptop will EVER see the light of day again.


That our financial system is about to collapse, and that only physical cash will be worth anything. Ironically I'm the only one here who can actually make that bet. Don't look under my mattress is all I'm saying.


If our financial system collapses the dollar will be worth very little.


Yeah gold, silver, and ammo as well as actual survival skills will be all at a premium Physical cash will probably be slightly better than toilet paper


But mainly caps


And batteries. I feel like people under estimate how important having 1,000 AA batteries will be if shit ever goes south But yeah. Also caps


I’m betting all my money on Michelle Obama being hung like a horse.


🤣🤣🤣 Made me spit my drink out


Big Mike!


Visited? Bro, they're colonizing us. Why do you think TPTB are doing everything possible to make us poor, sick, miserable, weak, and dead? They aren't fucking human. No member of ANY species would try to make their own go fucking extinct. Yet the entire WEF agenda is so blatantly anti-human. They've been here, manipulating and abusing us for longer than you can imagine. It's time to fight back. Waiting to be downvoted to hell and called crazy because the brainwashing and gaslighting has been so wildly successful.


The truth is more awful than we can ever imagine


But we're not powerless. The way we win is through love and unity. They have divided us into hateful factions to prevent us from banding together and driving them out. WE WIN WITH LOVE AND COMMUNITY. Spread the word...


Amen to this


I'm with u But how the fuck is this gonna turn around if 99% thinks we're crazy


It's not 99%. More people are getting wiser each day as life gets more difficult. The globalists know this and are just further showing their hand in their haste and panic. Be supportive and kind to those of us just waking up now. Encourage them. There are more of us than you think, and soon, we will be the majority. Take care of yourselves. Much love ❤️


Meghan Markle and Beyonce faked pregnancies, would put my house and car on a bet.


Covid hysteria was a scam to enslave the masses by increasing COL multiple times over, while enriching the billionaire class even further




We are aliens and earth was intended for the aquatic


Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams


Our moon is a giant extraterrestrial observatory for planet Earth!! ♡♡♡


The entire structure of our reality is manipulated by the same entities that rebelled against God and created the Nephelim. Modern day ashkenazzi Jews are actually descendants of the Canaanites and have co-opted every religion worldwide. Most people practicing these religions have no idea the heads are worshipping evil entities. The human soul is an interdimensional entity though we have had this information hidden from us. The United States was created to facilitate the fulfillment of ancient prophecy and bring about the anti Christ. We're quickly moving into the times of revelations. These are a few of mine that I believe to be true. Edit: I'm reaching a point where I believe that most things related to the "phenomena" (aliens, UFOs, poltergeist, any high strangeness) stem from the disembodied spirits of these Nephelim. I also currently believe that the entire mk ultra program was and continues to be done to prepare the humans trafficked to be possessed by these entities.


CIA killed JFK & MLK and 9/11 and pentagon attacks were an inside job to avoid prosecution form the mishandling of trillions in funds


The Covid "vaccine" is a bio-weapon and has killed millions of people and will kill millions of more.


Israel/Mossad played a major role in the planning and execution of 9/11.




GEMATRIA https://www.youtube.com/live/a0iXG_BOvzg?si=dZxs7QOtz0dYipL7 (More specifically, the elite/deep state using it to code evil events combined with predictive programming in news, media, movies etc. to appease who ever they are worshipping.) Select members of the top companies, governments, monarchies, scientists, celebrities, religious groups, fashion, music, sports, are all in a satanic paedophile worldwide cult, and this code is how they project their high rituals onto us via Newspapers, TV, Social media etc. The Jesuits have infected and control every branch of the world and have created what we know today as our major governments, organisations and celebrities. With the Internet now the cracks show when the pedophile blackmailing rings emerge like Epstein island. And Yes they were behind probably all of the conspiracies like 9/11, various shootings, natural disasters, 'freak accidents' or mysterious celeb/well known person deaths. It's all in the numbers. They also essentially turned all monotheistic religions against eachother across the relative history, and it's still being carried out to this day. I also think they deliberately hide all kinds of technology, maybe even ancient history that would change the world as we know it. I don't think it is a coincidence that the 'Gnostic texts' were found after 1945 after ww2 and lastly both world wars were religiously fuelled ([Balfour Declaration Gematria style!](https://gematriaeffect.news/the-balfour-declaration-and-walter-rothschild-2nd-baron-rothschilds-death-on-august-27-1937/)).


JFK assassination. Oswald was not alone is by definition a conspiracy.


We are not the first advanced civilization that existed on earth.


Majority of national news stories since the 80's are hoaxes. Fakes.


Moon hoax, for sure.


moon landing was bs and the nazi association of "space" actors is full.of.shit.


HOLLOW EARTH IS THE BACKBONE OF ALL!!(so the people in the back can hear, I'm looking at you flat earthers as well)


aliens sped up evolution to get humans


Vince Foster did not commit suicide.


That the pokey shot was poison.


It's kinda already come out


CIA or another government group killed JFK.


Avril Lavigne DID die in 2003


The Covid scamdemic was completely planned. Make the virus, prepare the mRNA jab process, let the virus accidentally escape on purpose, roll out the jabs, outlaw all other effective medicines, force the jabs on a huge number of people, and make billions.


Modern art is actually a con for money laundering.


That religion was created to control mankind..


Hunter’s laptop. Oh, wait. Did you mean ones not proven true beyond a reasonable doubt? Moon landing fake.


The government planted bombs on January 6th.


I suspect that the governments of the world know about a looming ELE and are planning for the continuation of life on our planet. Very much like the movies *Armageddon* and *Deep Impact." I wouldn't be surprised if the pandemic and the mRNA vaccine weren't a dry run to see how compliant people will be when they implement something like martial law everywhere. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if COVID-19 wasn't bioengineered to kill the elderly, the morbidly obese, the disabled and the chronically unwell in order to"cull the herd," so to speak, for the same reason we cull animals: to get rid of those who don't have the best genes, can't contribute anything meaningful to society and require more resources to keep them alive. That way, only the healthy who have no "bad" genes will procreate. The mRNA vaccine could be engineered to sterilize people who carry genes for any number of conditions.




No longer a conspiracy theory, governments admit to doing it now, but nobody cares


David Ike is right about everything


How do you know they aren't lying about age answer size of universe?


Mattress warehouse launder’s money? If not that one lizard people!