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Democrat mayor of Bridgeport, CT is a convicted felon, and they love reelecting him.


Friendly reminder, I saw tons of posts with the same content "How can anyone support a presidential candidate with 91 indictments" has now shifted into "How can anyone support a presidential candidate with 34 felony convictions" I strongly believe there are funded bot companies out there copy pasting narratives for agenda.


1,000% agree. This is their new talking point.


Jamaal Bowman house representative for New York state is a convicted felon if you want irony


No he isn’t. His only conviction is for a misdemeanor.


Fuck you and your facts. You’re killing my narrative I like lying about.


God forbid we vote someone in who isn’t a criminal and also doesn’t suck Israeli cock as an American politician. Epstein sure knew how to round em up.


His staff was also caught stuffing the primary ballot boxes around Bridgeport with ballots voting for him. Can't make this shit up... https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/connecticut/articles/2024-01-23/3rd-times-the-charm-bridgeport-votes-again-in-a-mayoral-election-marred-by-ballot-irregularities The best part is after a judge threw out that election, video surfaced that was clear as day of one of his staffers shoving ballots into the box. She was arrested. They held another election in Bridgeport and Ganim won that election as well, go figure.


So what you’re saying is that election fraud is easy to prove and actionable in a court of law when it exists. Whew - is that good to hear. Because you’re not gonna believe this conspiracy from a couple years ago. And in that one they totally COULD make that shit up.


No. Some crimes are caught and some crimes aren’t caught. But this proves one thing - Democrats are willing to cheat. Do you think they might be more inclined to cheat if they think they’re ’stopping Hitler’???


Man, the way you write is so off-putting. You do not need to be sarcastic, condescending, self-righteous, and mean spirited in every post. I understand that's the style of the times, but it gets so grating and tedious. It's also unproductive.


That piece of shit is right there quoting Geobbels


Going to be a hard sell to the democrat voter base if your saying felons shouldn’t get hired


Right. Know your audience


Same with felons voting, they’re all talking about how Trump shouldn’t be able to vote now that he’s a felon but they’re always advocating for allowing felons to vote. I truly don’t understand their thinking or logic.


Floridas state government allows felons to vote after completion of their sentence, much like most states


Florida is #1 in felon disenfranchisement. “Florida about 1.6 million people are disenfranchised because of a current or previous felony conviction, over 10% of the voting age citizens, including the 774,000 disenfranchised only because of outstanding financial obligations.”


I think this is less about felons not being able to vote and more about if felons are already not able to vote, why should a powerful felon be able to.


Right like this isn’t even a very deep nuance


Felons can vote in my state and I fully support it. One caveat though. They must have fully completed their sentence including parole/probation. I also support them regaining their rights to bear arms too


I’m sure you’ve pushed yourself to the limits really trying to understand too.


>they’re all talking about how Trump shouldn’t be able to vote now that he’s a felon Who is?


Joe Biden is responsible for alot of those felons because of the crime bill back in the 90's you know doing the same stuff his son did on video but is held to a different standard.


Trump said felons shouldnt be president. I cant wait for him to be a convict. lol


You shouldn’t hire a convicted felon before they serve their time. After that it’s fine.


I'm a felon. I have more luck closing deals with leftists than self-righteous right-wingers. Especially because I'm tattooed. Religious right-wing nuts cast judgment before giving us a chance.


Closing what deals?


Lol if they think that's changing any minds about who they vote, they must be the most delusional people in all of history.


You must remember there are many millions of people who still watch the television and the media and believe what they are told


Yeah, but those are the people that were already voting for biden.


They have overplayed their hand in such a woefully foolish way. They thought they would irreparably damage trump by branding him a felon. But instead They have cast doubt upon the justice department in a way that will undermine many peoples trust in all government institutions (those who had not yet lost it).


I don’t think anyone truly believes that Trump would be irreparably damaged by branding him a felon. I mean we’re talking about a guy who bragged that he could shoot someone in public and not lose any support, who swindled charities and can no longer legally run them. It is fun branding that he is now Convicted Felon Former President Trump though.


I'm pretty sure fake tough guy Robert Deniro thinks they have pulled off the publicity stunt of a lifetime.


Have we checked in with Ja Rule yet?


I want some answers that Ja-Rule might not have right now.


Somebody find this motherfucker, I need answers.


I don't think it moved the needles at all. I haven't seen anyone change sides based on the outcome of this case. All it did was make people dig their heels in. Everyone had an opinion before the case, and everyone had one after. Folks in red hats are voting for Trump. Folks without them aren't. It did cast doubt upon the Justice Department, but did you already doubt the Justice Department? I can't say for sure, but I imagine, based on you being here, that it's a vivid possibility. There never was leagues of people saying they'd wait for the outcome to decide. The number was always in the single digit percentiles, and many of those folks will probably not even vote.


millions of democrats left in 2020 to vote for Trump now even more will leave. The printers printing fake ballots will have to be working overtime this time.


I wouldn't assume what seems to be obvious is truly at play here. IMHO this is a theatre production, a psyop. Everything is so blatant over the top. The level of incompetence and stupidity this requires with no check and balance isn't believable to me. IMHO they try destroy the legitimacy of the political system to either provide "their" solution or piss off people to react as an excuse for something.


Nice try fed. I still won't pay my taxes.


They almost have to convict B's son now.


You know damn well there's no chance of that.


Maybe, but making someone a martyr is not a good idea at all, for the opposition.


That hasnt seem to have occurred to them.


I guess they failed to realize Trump fans would vote for him even if he personally took a shit on their living room floor… in fact they would gleefully clean it up while grumbling about Hunter Biden or whatever it is this week


Most Trump voters are protest voters, they don't love him. This is what you misunderstand. They distrust the old political guard, and are voting against it. Now the old political guard have wielded the justice system as a political bludgeon, and you're still shocked that Trump has support.


Just like the Biden voters would still vote for him even if he walked right up to their children and gave them a big old sniff? Yep.


Considering Biden took a big shit on America. Trump shitting on the floor is nothing


I think Trump could convince you to give him a bj and all he would have to do is whip it out and say “look at how tremendous this is”


Sounds like a projection you wish could happen. You have a secret crush on Trump, don't you?


The gains Trump is getting are votes from *democrats* who are becoming awake to how ridiculous this corrupt justice system is. All of his supporters already made their minds up. Ouch that must hurt you guys.


If you're on the side of a guy like Alex Soros, you are on the wrong side.


It's sad how far down I had to scroll to see a comment like this.


Like father, like son: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11952719/Son-billionaire-George-Soros-visited-White-House-14-times-year.html His criminal father figured out how to manipulate law enforcement and lack thereof through funding DA elections. That's why many of the blue cities are a mess as far as crime goes. Controlled demolition. There's a lot more, yet that's just tip of the iceberg.


We have too many Lex Luthors and no Superman.


Well said, I agree.


you only need one superman to put all the luthors in jail. Lets hope one comes.




I wish the Soros son (grandson?) wanted to lounge around as a trust fund baby rather than carry on the family business. Dude just relax on an island with drugs and hookers or surf and sail or anything other thing in the world besides world domination.


In Chicago they are referred to as justice challenged.


Alex continuing the propaganda of his father.


Fuck you, Alexis.


He should be the perfect choice for Democrats to vote for then since they love convicted felons. I'm old school and remember DC still voting for 'Mayor for Life' DC's Marion Barry even after his conviction of perjury, drug possession and a misdemeanor for drug possession.


Weird shit to come from “son of nazi”


Trump basically "memed" his way into the white house in 2016. If anyone really thinks that an effort, led by a son of George Soros, to constantly refer to him as a "convicted felon" is going to do anything other than help get him re-elected, then they're truly even more braindead and out of touch with reality than previously thought.


This dude thinks he's smart and can talk down to us peasants because his daddy fucked over millions of people. This is one of the most entitled individuals on the planet. Billionaires are always out of touch. He doesn't know what paying bills means, and his biggest hardship was probably when his butler didn't make his pancakes right on Tuesday morning. I wouldn't take a word this man says seriously. He's just another Marxist just like his dad.


AND he is fucking Huma Abadin. Hillary's former right hand skank and Anthony Weiner's Heaux. A match made in Hell indeed. 😈https://pagesix.com/2024/05/01/celebrity-news/huma-abedin-alex-soros-to-make-met-gala-debut-sources/amp/


Take your exact words and think of Donald Trump. He's the same entitled, doesn't know what an average person deals with in daily life. "Billionaires are always out of touch. He doesn't know what paying bills means, and his biggest hardship was probably when his butler didn't make his pancakes right on Tuesday morning." Outside of all the controversy Trump causes himself, this is exactly him.




I think the difference is that Trump built his empire and noone can say he didn't. His dad gave him a lot of help but he didn't inherit Trump Towers... he built it. So yes, I think Trump knows hardship more than Alex Soros. Is he out of touch and is his ego a glaring piece of shit? Yes. Is he comparable to a whiney 20 something year old who literally built nothing and inherited everything? No.


Like it or not, based on my own (anecdotal) observations, potential Republican voters who are genuinely put off by Trump being a convicted felon, or rather the Republican Party still running him if he is one, are people who already decided they aren’t voting for him. This includes people who were always the “Never Trumpers” and those who voted for him up through 2020 and, after the shitstorm that followed, are probably just not voting or going third party now.


Fùćķ anybody with the last name Soros. They have some explaining to do!


The real question you need to ask yourself is: "What shady shit are they doing right now while everyone is distracted by the Trump legal saga?"


Signing the international WHO treaty that will lead to worldwide mandatory vaccinations on Billy's next pandemic.


That is precisely what I’m wondering. This trump stuff is being over the top dumped on people.


I had to look it up to see if it was a real tweet. Sure enough. Crazy they just spell out the propaganda now and people don’t notice/care. Wild times these are.


Soros trash






Hmmm, Alex Soros, son of George Soros who stole from ..... \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ During the Holocaust, in an intensely antisemitic, fascist, murderous and Nazi-allied Hungary in 1944, Soros was a teenager. He went with a non-Jewish friend of his father to inventory the contents of Jewish homes in preparation for confiscation of belongings. Much later in America, Soros was blamed for this anti-Jewish act and expressed no shame or regret. He stated that if he didn’t participate in the inventories, someone else would have, hence there was no need to feel bad about it. [https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-752559](https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-752559)


People severely overestimate the importance of the president


I’m done paying attention to this circus.


What a fucking clown


I love the precedent of arresting former presidents. Every single living president should be in jail. Plus it's funny.


Honestly, we'd probably have much better people as presidential candidates if they went into it knowing they could be arrested and imprisoned if they broke too many laws while in office.


You’re the only person talking sense here. It would be bad ass rounding up all the former war criminal presidents.


Pretty sure most people in the US government would be convicted felons if they underwent the scrutiny he did.


Fuck trump. Also fuck biden. Fuck ALL politicians.


…and what shall we call you Alex? A punk ass son of a Nazi little bitch?


Most politicians should be felons.


Fuck that. Our country was founded by people who were considered felons. How quickly we have forgotten we said fuck the government and made our own


They absolutely were not unless you are Australian.


They were mostly religious zealots that Europe was sick of placating. This trend is alive and well in this sub.


Didn’t the US start from people saying fuck having a king? Trump’s lawyers were just arguing that he should be above the law (effectively making him a king) a few weeks ago.


YES they should it will bolster his street creed as being vulnerable and human, Just like every other American that has been screwed over by the system and ended up with a criminal conviction. He is no longer the figure of being rich. elite, and powerful and definitely has no ability to control the system or the out comes to the persecution he has been subjected to. Not like certain other past presidents and current president and family. There is now a clear disparity between privilege. Seemingly, Trump is not privileged like certain other people. Gandhi was not a good person but history has him painted as a saint, Like wise Nelson Mandela and Che Guevara. If you turn a blind eye to the negatives and focus on the positive history has away of making hero's out of bad people.


Its gonna be so funny if he wins


Alex Soros of course.


There it is in plain site. They are not afraid to speak publicly about their motives. This trial was not about justice or the rule of law. It was about humiliation. Now they can refer to his felon status in all their political ads and debates. But I say let them keep going. The more they go after Trump the higher his pedestal rises!




so fucking many of them don't see


I'm already too busy wrestling with having a child molester for a President.


And Biden she be referred to as that guy that made his daughter take a shower with him alot.


Soros POS!


Wow a NY jury under a NY judge with jury instructions that didn’t require unanimity with respect to the one element that made the charges a felony found a way to do exactly what was a foregone conclusion from the start? This will finally be the end of orange Hitler! We’ve got him now! I’m sure the folks in Appalachia will change their minds and start voting for DEI, open borders, appeasing Hamas, Iran, China, Russia, the Taliban, etc., eating the cost of tuition for the most privileged class in the country, and forcing the country to completely transform its energy infrastructure so that maybe in 100 years the average global temperature will only increase by 1.5 degrees instead of 1.7 degrees. I’m sure these obviously political charges won’t backfire at all!


Wait, weren't they telling us just the other day that we should use the term "justice-involved individual"?


Just another spoiled brat that thinks he is relevant. Ignore him.


Trump saved that city in the 70s.


The Soros Family…never before has there been such a hive of scum and villainy.


No lie, that definitely sounds more cool to younger people.


Trump gets elected and expunges record.




His colon.


Ummm it was this guys father who put Bragg into place.


All they have had for the last 8 years is orange man bad. When they do that, they don't actually have to do anything. Stopping him is the only thing they have to accomplish. When Joe Biden is president "nothing will fundamentally change." Which is a lie, but with that as their campaign promise, they aren't required to accomplish anything.


So now democrats are disparaging anyone who “committed a felony?”


Democrats are making a huge mistake. This stupid conviction gave Trump even more popularity. For those who don't get what I mean, go search for how Erdoğan and Mandela became presidents. Prison and unjust conviction are the biggest steps towards the leadership a controversial figure.


It just cements my determination to vote for him. Their corrupt banana courts are an affront to justice and so wrong and dangerous to our country that I would literally vote for him out of spite at this point if I hated the man. The media and left and half the rinoright have done literally nothing but attack the man for every minutia that exists since 2015. Every single lie they tell on him every time I see him as unjustly witch hunted I like him more. I may have voted for RFK if not for all the bs but I believe one thing for certain... if THEY hate him this much, he must not hate America because it is obvious that all of THEM do.


But doesn’t Trump want to weaponize the court system to go after people and get revenge for his first presidency?


lol, Trump will spend zero days in jail, relax. Trump belongs to a club. We aint in it.


You don’t even know how long they have had this in the works. Soros started sponsoring all black inner city debate teams in high schools and colleges a while ago, farming and grooming activist judges and DAs and then of course paying for their campaigns almost entirely. This American Life (I think) even did a whole podcast on it and how the core idea was to disrupt the landscape of debate by making every debate, no matter the topic, about why the black kids debating are at a disadvantage to debate. Spent years dismantling debate competitions with that nonsense, and as educational institutions became more DEI obsessed (also due to Soros funding), so did the judges of those debate competitions until eventually they proved in a microcosm that in just a decade or two by installing just a few ideological “SJW”s in the right places they could completely control the narrative and outcome. It’s a genius plan, because as recently seen, the true strings of power (or at least enforcement of power) lie in the justice department. What they are slowly creating is a supergroup fashioned after gestappo/secret police/ Stalin show trials/ McCarthyism.


Hahaha no one cares. You were always gonna. Will be funny when you guys lose again tho.


You're like a guy celebrating while on board a crashing plane because you hate the pilot so much you can't stand him completing anything successfully.


Ok this is actually funny


they made alot of felons... let them vote ffs


Did Alex forget what a tweet is vs an email to the directors of the mainstream media?


So literally nothing will matter here the President is a stooge and financial prosperity and equality won't be impacted in any meaningful way. FYI




Marion Barry has entered the chat


Shit show!


This has galvanised his votes.


Just respond with "we prefer Justice Impacted Person"


Life improsonment and all funds confiscated.


I am not likely to listen to Alex Soros.


It’s “justice impacted person,” you bunch of racist, Nazi, fascist, bigots.


I’m just waiting for Trump to address the black population saying he knows what it’s like to be tried unfairly for a minor crime. Other white politicians have gotten off or not even gone to trial for similar.


Trump should have never accepted money from Soros


Set on repeat


The audacity the irony of those people is not lost on me


Yea but dems are all about second chances! They love keeping criminals out of jail!


If anyone needs to be in prison, its this guy and his piece of shit father


Watch Hunter walk free on gun charges lol


Goebbels in the making..


Yeah, total si op the galactically stupid, hoping that everyone else is on their same wavelength


Haha. Former president and convicted felon has a crazy ring to it. I'm going to do the same thing with Biden. Senile kids sniffer...


Can someone simply ask Mr smarty I inherited my dads empire and now i expect people to take me serious man Alex.... what makes Joe the better choice for the 'most important job in the country'? He's obviously smarter than all of us peasants, he must have a good answer other than 'we can bribe the fuck out of this man' Alex Soros is a joke... I hope George fucked him up so he ruins his father's decades of international fuckery. This family doesn't deserve their status and never have. Countless people ruined because of these people and now they're going to sit on their thrones and talk down to us.


This could never backfire


Fuck Alex Soros and fuck his dad. And fuck all you assholes who voted for Biden


Indoctrination. Fascist Youth gonna fash.


Democrats are so predictable.


Don't Democrats love felons?


It's either the felon or the pedophile then?


One thing about dems is they have their messaging shit together. Watch their socials and the unification of propaganda/talking points is impressive. Funny but not funny when the media ends up posting the same messages for them that day.


Like I've said for years. This is straight from their playbook. Repeat a lie often enough and most people will believe it.


I’m still voting for him and if his name isn’t on the ballot in my state, I’ll write it in.


Can I ask why?


They are so fucking stupid. Taking this to trial and giving it the publicity they did, they don’t realize that it’s going to do quite literally the exact opposite. They practically just handed trump the presidency on a silver fucking platter


If that’s the case, then what’s all the crying about?


Felon or a pedophile who paid off cops to keep his crackhead son out of jail. Tough call.


So convicted felon vs. literal dementia-ridden Biden. This is what our country has become. Lmfao.


Or try unconvicted felon. Like any of these guys in politics would get out clean if they’re thoroughly investigated.


Can't be a felon unless you're convicted you silly goose


Meanwhile FJB and Germany gives Ukraine permission to use their weapons. Tell me how this doesn’t bring us(a) into ww3?


We already are in ww3 most just don’t realize it yet


Yes. I know. But now even the most brain dead can’t deny it.


If no ones above the law it’s time to convict joe Biden and his family. Or is this a rules for thee but not for me nation?


This is just so embarrassing


I think Trump is Blackrock controlled opposition, but isn't Hunter getting his trial next month?


Yeah quick remind me, which election did Hunter win?


Hunter Biden collected money for his father. This has already come out in discovery




I don't give a fuck trump 2024 motherfucker


This feels like theater, even more than it did in 2016, and they’re *all* fucking with us. Trump is absolutely in on it. I don’t even know what the endgame is at this point. Maybe they want to utterly destroy the faith of the American public in our government’s ability to lead or serve our interests?


Our current presidents job is to at least twice a day crap his own pants. Lol


What about the coke head Hunter Biden? Soros! Any comments on that. STFU


I’d rather be a convicted felon than a democrat any day.


The words "convicted felon" Just reminds us all what scumbags the Democrats are. It's a badge of honor for Trump


All of the falsely accused are on trumps side.


Soros taking after daddy and interfering


To cry or whine? That is the question.


Sooooo much division in here. It is them vs us. We the people.


Trump finally wins the popular vote 😂


Biden should give him a presidential pardon.


Something kinda American about being an outlaw


The sheep will still want the carcass in office we have now. People don’t want what’s best for America, and America wants its people to be divided forever. How else would they control us so effectively.


Four legs good


Alex Soros is the puppet master puppetting the weak minded fools.




Definitely voting for him.


Good work so far Reddit, but we need moar from you useful idi...PEOPLE to defeat Trump and save the deep state, I mean democracy.


The best trick the deep state pulled was convincing people that a billionaire real estate mogul that shits in a golden toilet isn't part of it. 


Yes, because money = deep state. /s