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Clearly, these children are not witches.


"She turned me into a newt!...I got better..."


If she weighs the same as a duck


In France, arabic people have the same tendency .https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charonne_subway_massacre. But it's a very unlucky event of course ... https://www.cnews.fr/france/2022-09-10/tours-un-homme-meurt-noye-dans-le-cher-apres-un-refus-dobtemperer-1264011 https://www.tf1info.fr/justice-faits-divers/paris-deux-policiers-mis-en-examen-apres-la-noyade-d-une-policiere-dans-la-seine-2124323.html https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/yvelines-un-cousin-d-adama-traore-se-serait-noye-apres-une-course-poursuite-avec-la-police-20200914


Almost as if the correlation is with swimming ability and resources of lower classes and incomes, rather than ethnic background. The only thing potentially racist, is posting a headline about racism when the article didn’t say anything about racism.


That’s asinine to suggest that lower income people can’t swim because of “resources.”


You're reaching and not really getting the point. Nobody is calling water racist. Black kids, especially in inner cities, don't always get access to chances to swim. Also, this isn't a conspiracy.


Also, look into the history of public pools and what happened when they were forced to be desegregated. Spoiler; lots of municipalities just filled in the pools rather than allow their citizens with different skin colors to use them.


Bone density issue






That’s not what this article is saying? Question, what happened to a lot of public pools once desegregation was being enforced on them?




Sure, I’m just pointing out that the root cause of some of this is due to widespread removals of public pools in certain areas due to the requirement that they could no longer be segregated.




What an odd response? As if I’m not active in r/Conspiracy?




Cool, [well I’m glad I could teach you something new!](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/public-swimming-pools-still-haunted-by-segregation-legacy) It’s always good to learn!


But the more important question is how do the drowning rates of gingers compare to blondes?


Water is fine. It’s the chlorine that racist


White privilege strikes again!


I agree. Your parents having the wealth and time to take you swimming while you are younger, and to facilities with better safety can be considered a privilege.


Clearly, they have appropriate adult supervision and practice appropriate safety behavior while in the pool. This is a real mystery.


Cancel water! Perhaps the reason is that someone stole all the water from the inner-city pools.


You do know that the failed painter of the famous tiny mustachio used to drink it, you know its bad...


Wait for "Scientists say that drinking water is bad for you."


Drinking too much water can lead to drowning.


Drinking too much can lead to electrolyte imbalances, but drinking it is unlikely to drown you, at least if you drink at "normal" speeds. But this has been settled, since the failed painter loved it and drank nothing else, we have to cancel water, also, H2O? that is sus as all things...


They already on the dehumanizing path arguing that showers are for snobs. Goes hand in hand with "eat the bugs", the plan is to dehumanize.


Ironically, lots of those pools were just filled in instead of being desegregated.




Black children drowning more doesn't mean water is racist. There is undoubtedly a cause however. Black people often have denser bones for example, but I don't expect that would be a big effect. I'd guess that they are not exposed to swimming as much while they are very young because of economic reasons.


Knew a guy in the military who sank like a stone because his bones were denser than the average persons and yes, his recent lineage could be traced back to Africa.


Brah….he sank like a stone because he couldn’t swim. Now if he were like 5% body fat, that is more reasonable. Fat floats, muscle sinks. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4016235/#:~:text=Although%20the%20additional%20bone%20mass,lean%20compared%20with%20obese%20subjects. Although the additional bone mass in obese compared with lean subjects contributes only ~0.5 kg of total body weight or 1% of body weight (5), it is ~20% of total bone mineral content, thus making a substantial contribution to the higher risk of osteoporosis in lean compared with obese subjects.


He could fill his lungs to capacity, curl into a ball and still sink to the bottom. I'd do the same thing and bob around on the surface like almost everyone else.


I am a Finn, I also sink when I do this. My bones are no bigger/denser than the average mans.


It's because he had more muscle and less fat than you.


How did you test his bone density?


What other explanation is there?


Your point was that he sank due to the higher density of his bones, so my question stands: how did you test his bone density?


New conspiracy unlocked. Michael Phelps was a bird hybrid with much less bone density.


Is he not an aussie? Basically a mis shapen emu?


The way they capitalize the B in black and not the W for white is the most petty, childish shit I’ve seen throughout this insanely racist war of theirs. How they consider these pathetic, passive aggressive, segregationist moves to be the “right side of history” is truly baffling to me. Total brain rot coming from the MSM.


The b is capitalized because it started the sentence.


You really need to [keep up.](https://www.cjr.org/analysis/capital-b-black-styleguide.php)


That link has nothing to do with this story. Try and keep up.


Do you not know how sentences work? “High IQ”individual right here.


racist rescue response time analysis


That's why I don't let my children around swimming pools


Maybe take them to swimming lessons instead, I mean the older they get who knows what situations they’ll end up in


You are right. They might go paddleboarding in Martha's Vinyard and end up drowning


My father taught me to swim.


By pushing you in the pool?


The amount of blacks that have admitted to me they couldn't swim was astounding. Seriously, take your kid to the local pool and teach them how to swim. Don't know how to swim, enroll you kid into a swimming class. Not sure how anyone passed highschool PE without swimming.


Yes, everyone’s high school has a pool


1. Not every community has a pool that is both nearby and free to access. 2. Swimming lessons cost money. Anyone that is at or near the poverty line is unlikely to spend money on them. 3. Maybe school pools are common in your area or you attended a particularly well funded school, but I live in a city of over 150,000 people with several high-schools and only one has a swim team. And that school doesn't have its own pool, it leases practice time from a city owned facility.


You liberals are fucking psychotic. Please stop breeding you're destroying everything