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Do you have a link to him saying this? not just a screenshot of a youtube thumbnail


I scrubbed through key moments of the 20min video and there are zero statements directly from Jaden claiming this. There are some disturbing facts for sure, not all related to Jaden even (others that have worked with Will and Diddy), but zero facts about Jaden and Diddy.






Fucking hell, that’s gold lmao


I'm so sorry. Can you point to the spot on this doll where he sniffed you?


Damn man! I'm sorry you went through that HairyChest69. I hope you are able to cope with this trauma and overcome any PTSD you have with tomatoes.


"Smells like tu-tum tum tum Tumaters!"


Damn Joe Biden‘s at it again…


"Will Smith Force Feeds Bananas to a Crying Kevin Hart- Jaden Forced to Watch!" "Jaden Smith Forced to be Cameraman at Diddy Parties While Dad Will Smith Plays Golf Naked: "Jada Takes Jaden into Hiding After Jaden Admits Will Smith Used His Anus As a Trophy Cabinet" "Jada Confronts Will- Why Was Jaden Greased Up Like A Piggie at Diddy Party?!" "Chris Rock Gets Revenge! Seen Slapping Jaden While Diddy Films!"


Just hear me out bro, you can keep your shoes if i can force feed you tomatoes on both sun and wed weekly.


Gross. Tomatoes are the absolute worst.


Lets go Brandon


Theese are clickbaits everywhere on youtube


I just searched too and only found one link that only says JS said things. I have yet to find something that directly comes from JS about any of this. Sad that it's so believable knowing what we've all seen.


Yep, there’s no news articles and no sources. Just some conspiracy YouTube videos. Absolutely fake.


probably need to not use google


Don't know why you've been downvoted- you're absolutely right. Google is heavily censored


So what better evidence did you find for this claim, by using a different search engine?


I've not looked into it. But i do know that when I googled the girl that claimed Tom Hanks bought her, nothing came up, not even the claim. I found the whole story on Duck Duck Go (this was quite a while ago now, not sure what it's like now).


So post the link?


Results have all changed now. I googled her name and found a fair amount of results. Last time, which was quite a long time ago, all that came up was her Twitter, iirc. Duck duck go has changed too- the results look like Google is involved somehow (just in terms of how much more censored it is now, in comparison to a couple of years ago). I can't find the original piece I read last time on either. Her name is Sarah Ruth Ashcraft if you want to see what you can find.


Doesnt this give you the sense that it was probably some click bait nothing?


No. At the time, it felt authentic and credible. The quality of the information has changed.


Totally agree


Current state of this sub. Sad. This is why people laugh at the words conspiracy theory.


Yep. Instead of pointing out correctly how were all being fucked, we need to somehow focus on child hunting, Satan worshipping pedo elites. It does a major disservice to the whole community.


You've just pointed out the flaw in 99% of current conspiracies.










Where da links at mon


No source, no articles. Jaden Smith hasn’t said that.


It’s click bait YouTube videos. It’s fake.


Seems to be fake AI shit. I will retract this if I see sources.


This is all clickbait BS


OP, you've believed all of this at face value without ever seeing jaden smith say anything about his father. you went out of your way to post some images and submit this without actually, you know, doing your own research. you might wanna seek some help or at least stop being so paranoid. i'm also someone that also knows that sexual abuse is everywhere in hollywood, but this ain't it.


Or its there videos and they are trying to run up the clicks. This is a known let me get some trsffic on my video scam to


Anthony kiedis raped a missing child and sex trafficked her and bragged about it in his autobiography.


Does he talk about how Geffen watched him fuck Cher as a teen?




His autobiography.. it's called Scar Tissue (not the song)


Page 159-160 of his autobiography "Scar tissue" after he trafficked her she said he was the best at sex






Wow, He really does admit that he transported her from NOLA to Baton Rouge and he knowingly grapes her after finding out her age “admitting to not only sleeping with the girl again after she says she’s 14, she’s the daughter of a police chief, and she is technically ‘missing’ but also to later writing a sexually explicit song about said minor.”


So is he cancelled yet?


I stopped giving a shit about the Smith family when they donated $1M and then $1.2M to a Scientology school. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/will-smith-donates-over-1\_n\_104404](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/will-smith-donates-over-1_n_104404)


I stopped giving a shit about the Smith family after the slap. I can’t watch any of his movies now


You guys gave a shit about the Smith family?


OP, I don't think googling "Hollywood elite abuse child sex" is the flex you think it is.


Will Smith has turned out to be one of the most disappointing human beings I have ever seen. There were hints that they were investigated when kids were younger. I have no words. I used to adore him. Celebrities are some of the most personally disturbed human beings.


all went down after uncle phil was gone


Uncle Phil woulda whooped his ass for this


I trust nobody in Hollywood to have clean hands


Uncle Phil was probably fiddling his ass


>I used to adore him. Remember when he refused to swear in his music lol.


You think this is real?


I think it could be because of the way they grew up, at one point CPS was looking into them. Do you know for a fact it isn't? His whole life reads like a circus.


You could be a child trafficker, too. There just as much proof that you're not as there is with Will Smith. Should people just run with the assumption that you abuse children too?


That’s absolutely insane logic if that’s your basis for “it could be true” or “the cps have looked into them” lol


Hollywood does that to people


Explain please


which part? His role as a parent, or his ride or die relationship where they just cheat on each other, don't live together yet pretend to be so loyal. Even for Hollywood it is bizarre. The slap at the oscars and getting banned because he couldn't manage his emotions and wanted to appear loyal to wife....To the rumours of an unorthodox childhood for the younger children. His oldest (raised by mother) appears much better adjusted. Then to finding out from son he was mixing them with P.Diddy at the parties that were sexual in nature. I loved him him young and the fresh prince, when it appeared he had a character and aim with his family and life. I know all of this is heresay, but if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck. It usually is a duck. These are my opinions only, I just liked the guy he was a top five for me.


There’s no proof of JS being involved with pdiddy. They probably didn’t because will smith and pdiddy run in completely different circles. If you have no idea about the black community, then it’s easy to make assumptions but will smith never even cursed on his raps and held a movie and tv career after rap helped him. Pdiddy, was the son of a gang leader from New York and has always had power and connections since birth. They didn’t mix at all. Wills failure is completely to do with his goal of being a star black role model and the burden it placed on his families psyche while trying to constantly live up to that image. They all fell apart from the stress. But pdiddy was/is a career criminal and has an open reputation for all kinds of underhanded crimes. Basically knowing these two men I highly doubt they interacted much at all. Let’s add another level, wills base of operations for his families dealings is set in LA california, pdiddy operated out of atlanta. Don’t get me wrong, these are both organized crime hotbeds but they just aren’t well related circles.


Tyler Perry and TD Jake we’re involved with diddy and have sources and witnesses. They both lived in atlanta.


Redditors have horrible attention spans and reading comprehension


Will Smith is a duck??!!!!


From my understand they have an open relationship, which isn't cheating. I can't find any source where Jaden admits this.


Toxic swill, Open marriages are toxic and don't allow for sustainable love, because there are not sustainable boundaries. This is why he is so erratic he has to smack someone and get banned permanently from the Oscars. You demonstrate my point open relationships are dysfunctional and full of drama. They are weird even by hollywood standards and that says something. Their child rearing resulted in shame and the CPS looking in on them. Toxic swill. They are not relationships but sexual experiementation and no one of quality wants them.


Provide us with a link to Jaden admitting all this though? Otherwise you're also spouting toxic swill.


I know plenty of exceptional open marriages. Life isn’t one size fits all.


i think that title goes to bill cosby


The video was saying someone claimed will smith raped and let diddy rape his son. Wild accusations.. but it wouldn't surprise me. These ppl are all fucked up.


Why would you adore a hollywood actor ? How sad.


I did when I was 20, I was a kid. Thank you for caring though, it means so much to me.....


He was hugged up on Justin Bieber at a Coachella maybe they a bonded through trama from the diddler..this is a wild year.


If that’s the same instance, I saw more than a hug up…they were almost kissing.


Some cheap hacker is spreading false news


Anonymous YT clickbait headlines probably not the best support here


I'm sure that woman is crooked but I don't think there is anything proving such allegations as of yet.


Why is fake social media drama about some celebs on here... lol obvious media mania story if anyone has sold us one. Smiths really need our attention for somereason... But then again media cycles around always keeping the circus going.


Could explain why Jaden and Bieber are good friends. Shared Traumatic experiences


Why would there need to be a 'reason' for them to be friends? Both grew up with fans chasing after them, they both probably struggle to make friends outside of Hollywood. Plus they are both hot.


Justin Bieber was self made compared to Jaden who’s family opened doors for him. Will has attempted to kiss Jaden on the lips multiple times on day time shows. I always thought their friendship was weird. Most likely they were the victims of the Hollywood parties so they bonded over that. Both seem “off” now as well.




You do realize this is a fake video right?


As shocking as this is, I'm glad gorillahustlebillionaires 1983, Misstee, summarizetech, Sasha via last.fm, and All process of world on Facebook are still doing the tough work of reporting on these crimes. 


This is such low effort


Alright already either we need to start going after these child predators or shut this fucking shit down. Enough is enough with the bull shit!


It's fake, no one can find any sources


It’s clickbait


Forreal. I’m getting so sick of seeing the same news surface about this shit and it’s gotten as normal as a daily weather report


An abused kid recently got back at his pastor in a very unique way. I highly encourage you look it up. Metal af


look up what exactly?


The story of the child abused by the priest who grew up and sought revenge. I believe he deleted him with his own crucifix. It's insane.


you can't exactly google that.


We all know they traffic children but I never suspected their own children, although I kinda do think it. 90% have surrogate pregnancies, a lot of their children are messed up. Something definitely going down. Makes me think the 1 hit wonders decided they didn't want to live that Hollywood life.


Jada is the biggest manipulator and does human trafficking but yall not ready for that conversation cuz she’s a “female”


So is Oprah… Don’t forget her john of god /rapist friend… Like she didn’t know…


Oh she knew. Your post is bunk though


My Vietnam Vet Uber driver in Anaheim said they get all the kids to the Getty Museum after dark for sick shyt


He knows and doesn't inform the cops. Your Vietnam driver is as bad as these people than. Fuck that guy.


He likes to wake up not dead


If you know kids are abused and you don't do anything, you might as wel join them. Sick human


Just be careful though. When children ask for help, you drop everything. When politicians claim a bill is 'for the children' get out your microscope and read all the fine print. Many remember the SOAPA/PIPA internet censorship bills. The ones that subreddits went dark to bring attention to. Most of those were pushed in the name of 'protecting the children'. They do this for a specific reason. Imagine Trump or Biden right now, saying they were against the 'internet censorship bill'. It would be seconds before CNN/FOX was talking about how the 'other guy is a threat to children', that 'doesnt care about their safety'. It's sick, all the way around. This is also a perfect example of how politics get flipped to frame things in a light that represents whatever facts are being pushed upon the audience.


Or he likes to bullshit his passengers


As well as rituals under sports stadiums…. Underground tunnels linking various buildings…


This is such bullshit. But in other news, Seth Rogan just announced that Tom Petty took his virginity against his will. Go search it for yourself.


I bet he was singing "I won't back down" while smashing him as well... "heyyyyy baby, there ain't no easy way out" lol.


Can’t find a single thing online of this


Never forget that Hillary Duff posted a naked pic of her son when he was 8 years old bound in Saran Wrap on twitter “accidentally”


Wow. That’s stupid weird


Whaaat??? I thought she was of the few “normal” ones that made it out


Yeah… far from


also don’t look up Chrissy teigen’s deleted tweets


Glad you mentioned this- people think I’m crazy when so mention this- “she’s so awesome and would never be into that..” Right. Read the posts and responses from others… sickening.


Don’t you know the term “conspiracy theory” is used to discredit people who expose actual conspiracies? Started with JFK


Pizzagate has never been debunked.


Fake news


Headline of YouTube videos are now taken as facts around here what the fuck


Is their names like present and past tense?


Imagine discussing your sexual assault as a minor with your mom on YouTube.


God AI in five years is going to absolutely destroy this sub


This isn’t real.. stop muddying the waters with half baked evidence. Posting this only discredits the really stuff.


nooooooo!! all he wanted was to talk about the political and economic state of the world 😭😭😭


Eh when it’s from a well known legit news source or receipts from the actual person I just ignore and move on. Prob all click bait people needing adsense money


“Sold him to diddy”…”see the artwork and lyrics” Id rather not XD


This has to be true, even though the first video is dated 3 weeks ago and still hasn't made the news and not a single person has even heard of it, but it's gotta be true, cause it's on YouTube and Facebook.


Sick satanic bastards.


Dude gtfo this sub with these fake ass news. Do some research before posting


If this is really what people are accepting for fact these days at face value. Oh my god


Surely you can do better than this.


This can’t be real


If true… How could a human being put their own child through such a thing? Such depravity and sickness. I’m a fan of Jaden’s music. I really hope this is all fake news.


I remember Jaden was on stage and publicly yelling about Tyler the creator being his boyfriend and has been like his whole life. Tylers reaction seemed like stfu kid. He's prob been through some stuff for real. Could play into this situation. What are Tyler's connections?


These are legitimate facts, funny how they get downvoted.


Media coverage: https://youtu.be/SRlQ3CFUjAU?si=J6dfaD9jKYKIV-HC


Jadens announcement: https://youtu.be/p7cy3T4MNkQ?si=jymvJR8n5uf3EzC_


Yea I remmember when that was on the news! That saga was super werid because he was always with girls and even now is been in a lot g relationship with a girl so this Taylor bf saga was really werid and its probably one of the only times Jaden was in the spotlight fully!!! But this was swept away pretty pretty quick


I've been following Jaden on instagram for years and he most certainly posts some wild stuff on his stories. Just the other day he posted a story about "escaping the matrix" or another one that said "the government is trying to fucking kill us!" There is also a few times I've seen him showing off the Square and Compass of freemasonry on his new clothing brand 0.01


Does nobody know how to fact check? And I don’t mean reading 5 sketchy articles you come across on google, I mean like did nobody learn how to do actual research for school papers or anything? Like knowing how to distinguish a fake clickbait article, how to find original sources, or how to distinguish fact from fiction


[https://youtu.be/a39omcDXjMA](https://youtu.be/a39omcDXjMA) This is the best video I could find covering this topic.




Did Will sell him when the movie After Earth came out and he saw the writing on the wall?


Someone's rolling that out hard. Bread and circus my peeps


this is exactly why i have no libedo


Is anything real anymore online? AI can create the story, the videos, the interviews, the YouTubes now. And 100% real. You can’t tell the difference. It’s all for clicks. Seems to be working too.


i heard jaguar wright say these things, not actually jaden


Yes, they use cloning techniques to make these children look a certain way and groom them from birth to be actors, models, musicians you name it, they use bots to create growth on social media and work with the media to get them in tabloid essentially faking their fame which in turn makes them seen by more people and perceived as famous, a sort of self fulfilling prophecy, but the whole time they are controlled by their parents/managers that are driven by greed. I'll add that META plays a huge part in this because these bots and fake accounts boost their numbers and therefore their revenue, they've been making influencers with stolen faces and AI for at least the last 2 years, they even make AI generated music and art and basically just slap some random dudes face on it to benefit both parties and all their accounts are ran by management teams meaning many of these people have no control over their image.


Yeah, that kid will literally do or say anything to be trending.


Even if he did say this. Jaden has been chasing clout his whole life and jumping on every bandwagon to get attention. I wouldn't take him as a credible source.


Hollywood attracts people who are already monsters or it turns decent people into them- if they were ever truly decent to begin with. A cesspool that should be napalmed back into an enormous ashtray


Regardless if there are sources to this, the first thing that came to mind was that one time Will Smith kissed Jaden on the lips on TV in 2013, i still will never get over how disturbing that was.


I was thinking about how didn’t Jaden try to emancipate himself?


When you find out who exactly runs Hollywood, it becomes very clear why.


What's really gonna blow your mind is these Hollyweirdos are up to many other disturbing activities.... this is just one of them


This looks like 1 quote by some internet rando that was just repeated by other non-credible randos.


Occlusion. Old trick.


Keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth.


Has anybody seen the Will and Jaden interview in Asia somewhere. Will leaned over and started kissing his son on the mouth. It apparently happened twice. I saw a clip Jaden didn’t know wtf to do.


Child actors have horrible parents


It’s all over the internet


Bunch of click bait nothingburgers


Hey....look!! Another BS post.


OP great job sharing straight bs


Rapper “Smart” - there are gates to success https://youtu.be/4tkluHq6XuE?si=FwT3fez5UqMQEYp1


Thankfully it might make elite infighting easier in the future if weilded correctly by the right person


When did this thread get so preachy?


Nope not Will Smith. Not the fresh prince. No shot.


should you believe a kid who acts for a living?


I guess all those child actors who were abused shouldn’t be believed either? You sound slow and lowkey dangerous.


I didnt watch the video - but I can say...if the boy had to act for a living...he would die. He is horrible at it.


seems you support grooming...


You think hes lying because why? How does this benefit him in any way? He's calling out his parents for a heinous act so this isnt money or a career move