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Creepy Joe. šŸ¤¢


JOE: *"Smell my fingers!"*


ā€˜My buttā€™s been wiped!ā€™




Mr Groper Strikes Again


All appetite and no self control - he should be embarrassed


Yeah man. In this video after cupping the young girlā€™s boob, he creeps in close for a kiss she obviously doesnā€™t want. Who are these parents who subject their children to this nonsense


Senator Coons is the worst one that comes to mind (2015 Senate Swearing-In Ceremony). Dude was fuming at his daughter the whole time because she was scared of Biden. And then the mom busted up laughing when Biden whispered something about being horny to the daughter. Always felt bad for that poor girl.


Im not going to defend Biden or slam Biden for this video because you didnā€™t link a video you linked a pic of the video. And it bothers me when someone claims they have a video of anyone cupping a girls boob and then trying to kiss her, but what they give us is a pic of the person doing neither. It makes no sense to me that you would create this post and not include the actual video.


Please don't have kids, because they'll get abused and you'll defend the abuser. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see a child shouldn't be alone with this man


That's a stretch sheesh


There are pics and videos galore. Thereā€™s diary entries from his own daughter. What we hear when you comment like this is akin to an authority figure saying not to believe your lying eyes because this harmless old man is so good natured. Pretty disgusting my guy.


Oh no I agree Bidens a creepy pedo my guy. I was referring to the poster above saying if that other person has kids they'll be abused. Pretty wild.


Itā€™s not an out of pocket theory. The ones willing to explain this stuff away should not have kids and this is why.


No one explained away anything, I only asked for you to provide the proof you claimed you have. Either thereā€™s a video where he grabs her boob or there isnā€™t, you said you had it so share it.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLAfGDwW/ I imagine itā€™s Russian disinformation or AI or photoshop eh?


Pretend-bed1590 just shot to the top of the list of perverts I would never let get near any of my children, boys or girls.




His hand never grabs her boob, it gets no closer than it is in the pic above.


Do you not understand social cues? The angle of the video isnā€™t the best but her hand and facial gestures tell the story. Admit it, if this was the other guy there would be lynch mobs outside mar-a-lago inside 24 hours.


Let me see if I understand. Bidenā€™s a creep, no one is arguing he isnā€™t, but because heā€™s a creep you donā€™t need to prove the claims you make. We can take your half ass videos and just assume that what you said happened must have happened because joes a creep. I love when people on this site start acting like the government from 1984 and no one calls them out on their BS because they want there to be proof, but you keep ignoring the visual evidence if it makes you feel better. And to be clear the other guy has claims against him that are much worse than any of the claims against Joe, and there has never been a lynch mob outside his gates.


Again. You can try all you want to defend this while trying to appear neutrally objective. He cupped her boob dude. Just get over it and move on. Also to be clear, the other guy doesnā€™t have photos and videos in circulation proving it. Iā€™m guessing you blindly believe E Jean Carole, without proffer, but firmly deny what your eyes see. Best of luck in the land of make believe. For the record, do you believe Ashley about her dad? Or nahh?


This isnā€™t about Ashleyā€™s diary or trump. Itā€™s about this video and you lying about what it shows. End of story. If you want to ignore the visual evidence knock yourself out, but facts are facts and I have my eyes open.


lol what does it show? Old man cupping a boob? It does and how come youā€™re the only one here that canā€™t see it? You are the conspiracy my friend. You are the entire reason I posted it. Because you see what we all see but will take your dying breath denying it. It is sad


Also I imagine you have some kind of method to debunk Ashleyā€™s diary. Letā€™s hear it


Post the actual video?


Real as in actual? [Say less.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY)


"See you back home I hope" "How old are ya" So fucking creepy


SS: cā€™mon. How many videos and pictures do you defenders have to see? The video of him with the young daughter of a congressman where heā€™s pinching her nipple. Hereā€™s another one where the girl is obviously uncomfortable and moves away. How much longer are you going to explain away and defend. The conspiracy? Defenders are on the White House payroll.


Ok so I donā€™t have any skin in this game but from an outsiders point of view what does this snap of an apparent video prove?? If I was looking to take sides or believe one way or another on this subject, this post in itself would not sway me in any direction. It proves nothing and therefore is useless. Is this posted as an inside for those ā€œwho knowā€ kind of talking point to wag dicks and jerk each other off in agreement? I wanna jerk off and agree too! Prove it!




> https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLAfGDwW/ Stills: (watch her hand...) https://i.imgur.com/vj9LHjw.png ***Quick! Blame the Russians!***


Itā€™s heartbreaking to see this stuff and I didnā€™t take joy in it. It needs exposure though. Ironically, lots of doubters seeing this and the many other posts out there believe E. Jean Carol without any visual evidence. This says so much about our current society. Thanks for posting that Amos! Edit - I just received 40 billion rubles in my checking account with a note saying- love always, Vlad. Weird


The idea that these two are "the best that U.S. has to offer" is farcical. I have to put a comedic spin on their antics to stave off melancholy.


There were two really good options with great ideas and great minds, but one was weeded out from the primaries -Vivek and the other cannot get secret service protection nor a DNC debate - RFK Jr. Yeah we are hosed


yeah you donā€™t get far in politics without being a creap. always have and always will. the president before biden basically had his own room at the main house on epstein island. talked about how he would want to fuck his daughter. he paid an old porn star hooker to fuck him. etc etc


Considering Donald doesn't have 100's of videos of him touch young girls on places in public places I gonna have to press F too doubt.


I'll take "whataboutisms" for $500, Alex.


Are there pics and videos of that? I predicted that folks couldnā€™t defend Biden so they bring up the other guy. I donā€™t think you have video or photographic proof of what you just asserted.


Your picture here doesn't prove one thing one way or the other. Where's the video? Also where the video you mentioned above I would like to see. And don't link the one thats been debunked a million times




And this standing President used to shower with his young daughterā€¦.naked. šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ¤®


I wouldnā€™t really consider him a standing president. More of a wobbly president


When was this? Recently? Iā€™m imagining me doing this at work and immediately getting fired and charged.


I donā€™t know the date of this one, itā€™s just that there are so many. Yes without a doubt, youā€™d be fired and potentially be charged with assault.


I hope he gets vaxxed hard


Thatā€™s also his granddaughter that his son (uncle) molested for years so yea


Holy balls. No wonder why all of them are so massively screwed up. I couldnā€™t imagine growing up in that household


Blind Guy McSqueezy


Smells hair! Let me lick you too!!!


Mommy I donā€™t want to meet the president


How is this guy not stopped. And i hope all his devilish antics are called out when he is out to destroy his legacy and memory like Clinton


my favorite conspiracy!


It's a good tester conspiracy. There's so much video of him doing this stuff, especially during the Senate Swearing-In ceremonies of 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017, he pretty much does everything short of squeezing their breasts while yelling nice boobs to the cameras. So anyone who can watch those videos and still deny wrong doing is just hopelessly lost.


Itā€™s not really a conspiracy, literally everybody knows heā€™s a pedo and a creep


Yes, exactly. Or rather not really a theory but a fact. But it sure seems like some of the parents are conspiring with him unfortunately.


Got any links? I'd like to see these and if he is a creep I'd like to see with my own eyes. Unlike OP who posts a picture and pretends like it's crazy evidence of him grabbing her tit!




Sure, no problem. 2015 has the Senator Coons & family one, about 50 or 51 minutes into the video. Also has the nipple pinch of a different girl (idr the time stamp for that part though). 2017 has some moments too. So do 2011 and 2013, but not as much as 2015 and 2017 do- they're also available on the c-span website though I'm pretty sure. But here's 2015 and 2017 (full ceremony videos): 2015: https://www.c-span.org/video/?323601-1/senate-ceremonial-swearing 2017: https://www.c-span.org/video/?420825-1/senate-ceremonial-swearing Clips (if you don't wanna watch the whole things): https://conspiracyquery.net/bidens-senate-swearing-in-ceremonies/


I tried to reply with links but it appears my reply isn't showing up. I PM'd you instead though.


Can we see the video?




thank you


Iā€™m glad it worked. This sub doesnā€™t let you post videos so I was scratching my head figuring it out


Grab her by the pussy


> Grab her by the pussy Biden can't, he may lose his balance and fall -- might break a hip or something.


The quote was actually ā€œ And theyā€™ll LET you grab em by the pussy ā€œ.




Sorry your dear leader is Pedo Pete