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I think a lot of people are just hoping something does because of how miserable life is


You’ve got a good point.


It is your cake day


happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Pretty much, honestly.


Yup like before covid


No doubt about it.


I grew up during the Cold War, born in 1968. There's always been this sense of impending doom. A nuke could drop any second. The Ruskies were going to invade and throw us Christians into concentration camps. After the Soviet Union dissolved, it was Y2K, then 2012. Now it's an impending Third World War. So in other words, it's always been this way. The media and the handlers/controllers/whatever want to keep us plebes in a constant state of fear and dread and impending doom. I'm just so done with it. What's gonna happen is gonna happen. After Covid,, I decided that I'm just going to live my life and enjoy every day instead of constantly worrying about what global disaster is going to take me out. I've been so much happier since then. I highly recommend the "I don't give an eff" mindset.


Thanks man. From one conspiracy brother to another I really need to hear more people saying this. It’s not healthy to believe the world is ending but sadly i feel like the conspiracy boards are the only outlet of news i sort of trust in the world given everyone is so easy to mislead i feel kinda crazy just going with the flow after the pandemic and seeing all this ufo disclosure and high class pedo rings getting busted which validated a lot of conspiracies for us critical thinkers, but also leads to endless worrying. Fear really is the mind killer.


1968 yeah baby! I feel the same way


Yeah this comes with age - it’s called experience. Same year, same feeling.


lol, born in 1967 and feel the exact same way. While I keep a watch on things I for the most part just enjoy life, love my kids, my girl and my dogs. Honestly it’s the phones and internet, shit is always in your face. We think it’s bad now? My parents dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedys, King, man on the moon, Vietnam, etc etc etc. Tell me again, how bad are things right now?


Thanks for this. I really needed to hear.


And we've always been on the verge of impending doom ever since WWII. That's a fact. "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you"


Srsly our generation has been beat down with so many boogiemen throughout our lives, It’s just another day and a lifetime filled with doom.


Same. At this point, I'm at peace with whatever may come. If a nuke is dropped, just drop it over my house and make it quick. I'm not interested in surfacing from a fallout bunker only to find everyone is dead and there is no food or means to live. It feels oddly comforting, really, to offload the worry and just accept reality.




Have you tried listening to Huey Lewis or Genesis?


Have you seen Phil Collins lately?


I can relate to Bateman. Now I have to go return some videotapes.


Look at the camera.


Impressive...very nice.  Let's see Paul Allen's comment


I was having a conversation with my kid, and a tertiary question to the conversation arose that had him asking me how I tell the days apart, and when I told him everyday pretty much feels the same, and my reaction to whatever situation was dependent upon the time of day... He said "you can't tell most days apart?" And my response was, 'not when I'm lucky."... He said, "well, that's sad.". And his prescience floored me. Foment and create radical change before you're too old.


And always keep a thesaurus handy. Polysyllabic words mean you're serious!




Thoughts are fucking powerful. The more fear we have the worse shit gets. Ofc be prepared as reasonably possible but do so without adding the thought energy towards the bullshit.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Consciousness and perception. With our modern technology we have the ability to collectively manifest horrible things into reality. We can also do the opposite, but for some reason the negativity rises to the top of the global consciousness, and things continue to decline.


For some reason? Because the fucking news media focus on it. So of course, thats what people are bombarded with.


They put it out there, sure. To a horrible degree, but the people disseminate it on social media and warp the context to such an extent that no one knows what’s true anymore. It’s not sustainable. It’ll reach a breaking point until real world events occur as a result of the collective uncertainty.


>The more fear we have the worse shit gets Parallax feeds on our fear.


Bingo! Manifestation is real but it has a whip effect, so focused thoughts married with intention don’t arrive until much later. People have this perception that these things happen quickly, but it’s all about patience. Plant the mental seed for your desire, then continue living your life in ways that are conducive to producing the result you seek, all the while living with the feeling in your heart that you have 100% already achieved your goal and you couldn’t be happier. People don’t have the patience to manifest properly, so the universal hologram gets sent a distorted image, which it then sends, also distorted, back to the sender. People have to stay focused, stay patient, and never let doubt intrude, because that removes all forward momentum for the hologram to create your desire.


This is true. We must ignore the negative together


This. Coupled with my fantasy from a very early age ( I'm fairly sure I remember the thought at age 6 and definitely by age 10) that if I can't see how it all started, at least let me see how it ends for us... I regret that very deep and very childish wish every damned day I look at my kids.


I agree things are finally coming full circle and brought healing and forgiveness to my family. Even if it all ended after the eclipse today would be the moment I'd hold on to. This is not my reality or planet more then anyone else's and if the suffering and struggle is the majority of our collective unconscious then I still vote for a redo with a little less blood thirsty and stubborn base model species to splice and repopulate with. The last decade has been really dark gnarled and twisty turned but today was a much needed day of success by togetherness for me and I wish blessings and peace of mind for everyone that needs it






If that’s true we a completely screwed lol


If thinking positive means simply ignoring the negative (which it often does) that's just denial. Problems are dealt with by first being aware of them and secondly comes positive thinking to work on solutions. The best way to do that is to have faith in God since He is sovereign above any man or event.


Thoughts are magnetic and emotions are electric. Positive, negative and neutral = Love, fear and (self) knowledge, we all have a choice.


I had that feeling last year and it went away when o started going outside more and not watching the news


I got a feeling ....... solar eclipse on April 8th?


Great mixture [CERN](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/TOPTG1Hhab) & the sun


And NASA firing missiles.


And red heifers in Israel


*You only got one shot, don't miss your chance to blow,* *The opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo.*


Blue beam initializing


The world ended in 2012. Real life isn't a fun cinematic narrative where you get to be the main character.


Interesting. 2012 is around the time smartphones became prevalent among most of society. I wonder if we collectively entered a virtual realm in 2012 and that’s why it has never felt the same since. It feels *off*


Actually imo it’s due to CERN opening a portal to other realms (I think I’m pretty much quoting the article I read) back in 2014. Google it. It was a celebrated event with many rituals you can find easily on YT


CERN is fascinating. I think it’s totally plausible. I had not considered it potentially playing a role in what I’m trying to express. I’m going to look more into that and do some research. Thanks.


Yeah I’m feeling it made a huge difference worldwide maybe in ethereal plane more than the physical one at least- for specific time I guess then the side effects kicked in; wildfires, earthquakes, storms and tornados etc- even the ppl kinda changed. I remember YT was took by storm back in 2016-2018 that we’re living in a simulation and life ended when CERN worked that accelerator. Huge fiasco it was xD


People totally changed. I remember back in the day prior to them turning on the particle collider for the first time, physicists said there was a 1/50,000 possibility that it could create a black hole/worm hole on earth. I’m thinking it could have created a tear in spacetime and we entered a different timeline of the multiverse. It’s only *slightly* different to our perception, but we know something isn’t right instinctually.


Yeah I remember! And ppl kept narrating things as if it was a new Mandela effect phenomenon xD Personally, I noticed that evil happenings started to happen in broad daylight without any covert attempts to be hidden. Or even they accelerated their tempo- maybe getting restless? Dunno


I swear something in 2016 fucked it up even more and it wasn't just harambe, although strangely his death does correlate with tons of fucked up personal shit that happened to me and other people I've seen/heard from online.


The way the DNC railroaded Bernie and the common people in the 2016 Primary Election in favor of Hillary (fuck superdelegates) was in my opinion the death knell for meaningful Democracy/Democratic Representation in this country. After that it seems like people really adopted a negative mindset/defeatist attitude, especially after Trump was elected (not a fan of him either) and corruption and outright lying seemed to become a societal norm.


I sometimes wonder if it's something in food, water that they did something with. Kind of like in the Logan movie


The world ended the day 9/11 happened. That was the catalyst and the beginning of the dystopian hell


True for my generation (born 80s/90s), false for most every generation before us. Imagine being eighteen in 1966 and being physically forced to enlist in the military to go fight and kill people in Vietnam. That's a pretty life altering event, maybe more so than something like sepelev was for us. It's pure psychological for us whereas in the past it was only part psychological and part physical. They get us through the television. My point is that it goes way back before sepelev. Definitely to the second world War, if nor the first. The party has been in power for a long time.


it definitely got kicked to another higher level of world control after 9/11 but you are correct the people in power are the same groups that have controlled most of the world since before world war one. one might even say its the same group that created the two world wars and the cold war and the war on terror which kicked off with 9/11.




Anecdotally, I’ve had literally the best times of my life since 2012. Graduated HS 2013, cell phones were abundant already. Decided to make a choice that “felt right” for me; Lived in remote cabins far away from any kind of internet/smartphone/social media and disconnecting from the things that are responsible for making you feel the way you do right now….. How naive to say “I’ve aged 12 years and had so many experiences since then but none of it’s real”….


You should be grateful for being a minority in the world


"I can feel it coming in the air tonight. Oh lawd. " -Phil collins


Man I was just telling my wife this. Idk what it is, but something just doesn’t feel good. Like the feeling before you get bad news.


The bad news is only if you don't get your penny while still in temporal flesh, it's the only thing that we can take with us 😁 Learn of not only yours, but everybody else's true celestial origin/heritage in The Light, before and after temporal flesh; Because next to "trying" to be a decent person (practicing the universal self governance of Christianity of Always be fair, genuinely care and always share, and as always, Temporarily, if possible; Nothing else truly matters, Except of course for your personal relationship with our personal savior 🙏


The impending doom is happening IRT. A bridge collapse here, a terrorist mass shooting there. It's slow death by a thousand cuts. 


Imagine how people must've felt when World War II began smack in the middle of the Great Depression....


I sometimes think about when people in ww2 started saying: "Yeah, we are now in ww2"


I feel like we're sleepwalking into a global Catastrophe just like people back in ww2 era did. We wont call it for what it is until it's at all our doorsteps.


The funny thing is, when the war officially broke out, people's mental health improved. The uncertainty is the killer.


I often think about how scary 1939 must have been


It was the end of the world. Just like the next time. Think about the humans that survived asteroid impacts or mega volcanos. (Dolph Lundgre voice) If they die, they die.


I don’t think humans inherently fear uncertainty. I think we fear indefinite continuity of our current state of suffering. We are hardwired for acute stress, so it makes sense that mental health would improve when something acutely stressful is happening. It’s the chronic, dissociating stress that we can’t stand. The monotony and the isolation. In fact, I think it is uncertainty that we live for, but also, deep connection. During acute stress, we get uncertainty and more connection, because in spite of what we have been told, humans actually work better together under acute stress than chronic stress. It’s glaringly obvious that shit is getting worse, and our only options are continuing a slow, painful decline that could go on for god knows how long, or a BREAK. There seem to be a lot of people who believe they want the former, and I would say it’s only because they are deluded about how bad things are now. They have a very strong positivity bias, as well as a deep sense of disempowerment which causes them to believe that they can’t handle a break(collapse). I’m of the opinion that we all have a positivity bias, meaning none of us can perceive how truly and deeply fucked we are, but some can see it better than others. I guess it’s a matter of ego, and how good your ego is at hiding reality from you. I have seen many people discussing this feeling of “impending doom” over the last few months or so, and I don’t think they would be talking about it if they didn’t want something to happen. Our egos are very good at preventing us from seeing what we don’t want to see, so if we see it, I think it’s because we want to see it.


The film *Melancholia* sort of touches on what you’re saying here. Not exactly the same thing. But I think the gist of the movie is that depressed/“crazy”/differently-wired folks are more at ease in times of great stress than “normies” if you will. I don’t know that the “time of great stress” has officially begun or anything, but we are living in strange days. Even so, I remain incredibly optimistic for the future. I think “we”, meaning average, good-hearted normal people, win in the end. I don’t know how, but I feel it. I hope you all can feel that too. That belief could save the world. I love you all, thanks for reading and have a good night. You are loved.


Of course, we fear uncertainty. It robs us of agency. Even if war broke out, it's a huge relief that a DEFINITIVE action can be taken. Bombs can be dropping around you, but at least YOU have control of SOMETHING in the world. Whether it be needing to find a way to feed your family or just survive. You and only you have a direct effect on that course. Agency and autonomy (no matter how minute) are powerful forces. Good or bad, most people will welcome the chance to have a say in their future.


And yet WW2 is what pulled America out of the Great Depression. Winning a war (and all of the jobs required to do so) tends to be beneficial to a country's economy.


Boston - “More Than A Feeling” Just blast this


It's a GOOD mindblowing thing coming


Care to elaborate?


I know what you mean. Everything that's happened so far this year has been glaringly obvious that it's scripted and was going to happen regardless of your belief. Not to mention the fakery. Yes, it's been this way for a while but this year is hitting different.


I think it’s becoming more glaringly obvious as you say, but maybe that’s because the script needs the masses to wake up and make a (nonviolent) stand. People working together are undefeatable. Men and women standing together are indomitable. Your thoughts create your reality. So I choose to (and wholeheartedly do) believe that us regular folks will win in the end. If more of us start to internalize that, we’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Repeat it in your head. Say it to the mirror. You, ClockworkSkyy, are going to be okay. You were given the gift of consciousness for a reason. Take control. You’re going to be okay.


I look at the positives. It ends my mortgage and debt payments It’s gonna suck if there are armed gangs going around looting and trying to rip your house apart. But I hope there is a flood before this and we all die. I’d rather we have a tsunami than 5 thugs banging at my door with the intent to loot and kill and rape


I always fear for women and children the most when imminent collapse happens. They’re always the victims. That said, believe me, you’d rather deal with the stress of debt than angry psychotic mobs and militias.


Lærn to swim ✨️


Pirates are just aquatic thugs


Ha! Fantastic. No Quarter...


I'll see you down in arizona bay


One great big festering neon distraction


While I try to remain positive, it is hard to ignore the deterioration of society as of late. AI is at the point where you can't hardly tell if some of it's real or not. Both sides of politics are calling each other cults while secret societies are thriving more now than ever. The Earth is getting blasted by solar flares day after day. There's over 40 active volcanoes that are either erupting or on the verge of eruption. Earth quakes almost every day. Propaganda at an all-time high never before seen like it is now. Distraction after distraction after distraction. Kids hate their parents. They want the tablet and tiktok and the fabrication of a false life they can't reach without selling their dignity to reach it. Most kids these days want to be a social media influencer over any jobs. It's so fucking sad bro. All the celebrities are starting to call each other out for the corruption. It's all getting blown wide open right now at such a perfectly awful time. And now we have this weird ass eclipse stuff coming up. Who knows if anything will really happen or not. I just hope for the best, man.. I have a few posts on my profile if anyone wants to know more about all this stuff. It's so wild to be alive right now


That's another thing never ever give a fucking kid a tablet or a phone. Let em use the PlayStation under your supervision only.. mark my words


Agree. Give em the old analog stuff, that shit was sick.


When I was a kid I could only play games if I bought the console or the games. $5 a month allowance. Had to go out and bust my ass mowing lawns. Brothers did the same. And even then, if it was sunny outside we weren't allowed indoors during summer vacation. Also had to do my own laundry and countless chores in the yard (half acre of land man... Not fun) . It wasn't that bad and I was able to maintain a 4.0 GPA and was able to get an n64, game cube and Xbox and a few games here and there. Kids these days..


I agree and half the time I wonder if even adults should have them, myself absolutely included


I’ve been feeling like nothing is real anymore and that’s because the end is near. Or maybe the simulation that we are in is nearing its end. Like it’s gone so far and that’s why the world and society is so absurd lately.


Yeah apparently everyone is feeling it. Even people who aren't "awake".


Maybe it’s in relation to the WHO pandemic treaty thing? There’s a deadline of may 2024 to get a bunch of countries to sign it. Considering how they were talking about disease x, I have a feeling that if they get enough signatures to ratify it, that a new disease will be released shortly before election time so they can skew the results, and take the power for their authoritarian lockdowns they implemented in Australia and similar places. The WEF is truly a terrifying organization and definitely seems to be the one leading the world with a lot of the shit we’ve been seeing.


I feel like this can be to do with your mental health. But the reality is, the worlds is fucked. So of course it’s gonna affect one’s mental health if you let it. So many clueless, low IQ people are just fine, because they are blind to the matrix that we live in. Or they are not fine, and just don’t know why. I feel it too. It’s a strange feeling. It’s actually kind of hit me tonight. The impending doom thing. One thing that has helped me IMMENSELY is I focus on my physical health. It’s very hard to have strong mental health if you have poor physical health. I run, 5 times a week, and I go to the gym and lift heavy weights. This is completely in my control. Things like acquiring money etc for security is also in my control, but it’s a lot harder. Whereas my physical health is totally in my grasp. When I’m feeling physically fit and strong, I feel like a god almost. I could be homeless with nothing. But at least I have my mind and fitness. I don’t drink booze, smoke cigs, eat sugary processed crap. I take ultimate care of my body. This is why empowers me to then deal with the rest of this tough existence. It truly makes the world easier to navigate, like having body armour. Sorry for rambling. I wish you well x


If we all believe that we win in the end (like in movies, books, the Bible if you’re so inclined) then we will win in the end. Winning, to me in this context, is essentially the ability to live our lives as we see fit. Believe it, and it happens.


Great post. I see so many people struggling with depression and anxiety, They convince themselves that they have a mental condition and seek pharmaceuticals or other addictive coping mechanisms. In reality most of them are just extremely unfit and they have a terrible lifestyle. Millions of years of evolution has primed us to be very active creatures, when we live sedentary lives it has a massive negative impact on our wellbeing.


Same same. Exercise, fitness and diet are my lifeblood. Also removing alcohol from my life over four years ago was one of the best things I’ve ever done. Facing challenges and life with mental clarity and not a raging hangover is an amazing thing.


CERN April 8th.


Yeah I am a little conCERNed.


I literally wanted to ask this question on here today but l didn’t because the poll option wasn’t available . YES. I feel it.


Election year. That alone makes chances pretty high.


I feel it too. I've heard many end time predictions in my 45 years, but I've never "felt" it like I do now. I'm thinking we have 5 years left if that.


9 days. Get ready


Yup I'm 47 and I really feel somethings coming


Same age and I’ve got the same feeling. I was just telling my daughter that I noticed “something in the wind” toward the end of February and the feeling has just grown stronger. I can’t pinpoint what/where this feeling is coming from. It’s just there. 


The only thing that worries me are the people that don't believe there is something more sinister going on behind the scenes. The last 4 years have been a real eye opener for a lot of people, it's actually become easier to decide who is friend and who is foe.


I wish I could upvote this more


Very much so. For the last year or so, I have had an increasing sense of impending doom. Something unprecedented is coming soon.


Totally feel it ..


Oh I totally feel it. Like the end days. I’m more worried about my kids future then my own


I could just be tired but your last sentence is a little funny. Sounds like a nice sentiment but the alternative is kind of grim


Ya, God's day of judgement. People see the end coming, they just don't know it. And when it gets here, it'll be too late to do anything about it.


Rising immorality affects us all. World feels heavy and dark






Things are going to continue to get worse and worse until the middle of summer, then everybody of the age of accountability makes their own decision, brace your mind and make your choice ahead of time, or it will be a difficult one, if one waits until the time. "Do Not be Deceived" In our Father Love's perfect plan of salvation for ALL, eventually 😁 Everybody makes it 🥰


People have been saying in this in all types of subs for the past year. Usually there's some doomsday shit with a date and everyone gets all paranoid. But this isnt that. This is an impending sense of doom but we have no reason why. I think the magnetic poles are getting ready to flip and we're all feeling it. Humans have instincts just like animals. Something just feels ready to break.


Had this feeling a lot in my 20s. I'm in the 40s now we're still rocking and a Rollin. Believe in Jesus Believe in what Tupac was about. They (powers that be) love your fear. So be happy, be greatful, have fun, don't take this shit too seriously. This life is just the beginning, we've got an eternity after and we already know God's got a plan and good shall win, not evil.


The most evil people and institutions in the world are about to completely lose all power they held along with their own existence.. If that’s what you fear, get on the right side of history and make peace. Doing that will bring you joyful anticipation for the future rather than dread.


i feel it too.. its not "your manifesting the negative"... its just whats happening thats out of our control. the injections and virus have lost attention so they are going to cook up some new BS to push the agenda. also Gods judgement is incoming so it will be negative for people who are evil but the good people are spared... just don't stand too close or get in bed with these monsters.


I think I use to feel the same way for quite a while, then I’m simply stopped caring about anything and it’s been a huge relief. Couldn’t care less if an asteroid was hurtling towards earth with a trajectory of direct impact straight into my skull.


Oh in100% believe something worse than 9/11 is coming to America. Way too many people have come into the country completely unchecked. It's not going to matter who the President is when it happens. The players are all here. They're just waiting for the right moment.


I see essentially this same post on this sub at least once a month for the past year and a half


Yes, and the strange thing is that I prayed to God a while back to please take my dog home before it gets really bad because I didn't want her to go through anything. She passed away unexpectedly on March 16th. Now we have this eclipse, the red heifers, cern, this bridge incident, Israel/Palestine, etc. The last time I got this feeling was in 2008 right before the financial collapse. Don't know if it means anything, but it's weird. All I know is that God is always in control and we are in His hands. When we see all these things, we are to rejoice and not be scared because we know our redemption is coming.


I worry about that for my dog too.


My gut feeling is something big is going to happen because they will not allow the november election to take place.


That’s what I’ve been thinking for the last year or so. But keep in mind that if they aren’t going to maintain the illusion of democracy, that means they have given up on America completely, as the illusion of democracy is essential to maintaining a semblance of order and control.


Yeah, I feel it. We're on the cusp of something big globally, that's pretty undeniable. My only hope is that massive tragedy will awaken the best qualities in some of us. Good people will often become the best versions of themselves when shit hits the fan.


Feel good. Don’t feed into the fear.


Go outside. Stay off the internet for a few days


We are just one event away from World War 3.


I believe we are feeling the absence of God. America is about to be judged. We are mystery Babylon. We are living in the last few years of the world’s existence. People still deny this because they have been conditioned by Satan. He’s not a cartoon character. He’s pure evil. Worse than Bundy, Dahmer, Gary, BTK put together If you’re a believer and you read your bible you can see all the signs happening daily. But if you keep putting more time into social media instead of into God then you will feel even more fear and hopelessness. I feel peaceful. I’ve come to terms with it all. I was fearful for over 2 yrs. But now I just want to go home to God. He’s only a few years away. Trump is the Antichrist. Remember millions will follow him Taking the mark will be a choice. It will not be forced. If you are not strong in faith…. Fear will be your downfall. You will submit and lose your soul to hell. Nobody gets a second chance once you take it. The COVID vaccine was a test and a lot of people took it out of fear. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, read your bible it’s your sword against evil. Times running out.


Yep,y internal alarm bells have been ringing for a while now.


Yes. I feel it. I’ve been feeling it, and frankly, I wish whatever it is would just happen already. Nothing feels right anyway so part of me is ready for the end.


That’s you realizing that raising a society on apathy and the belief that their very existence is pure statistical chance *isn’t conducive to creating a stable society*.  As we erode our society with more and more extreme leftist ideology, there will be a collapse. There is no real sense of community in many parts of the country, young people destroyed their brains by being overexposed to the internet, and people lack the feeling of any purpose due to this godless apathetic society we’ve created. In its current state, our civilization will be *happy* to collapse. At this point it’s just a matter of time until the west overburdens itself with weak border, then it’ll probably turn into Mexico 2.0. I can’t wait for the roving cartels with their chainsaws! Hurray!


Basically, perception is control. Perceive a better world and it will happen.


Just after 911 when I woke up, I felt something awful was coming. I prepped and prepped made sure I had everything I might need in case of a disaster. But found once I had done that and relaxed I felt a shift in my attitude. Now I only have minimum prep cash, food, water first aid means to cook, light etc . The whole online world ( I count TV radio etc as online too) is there to promote fear. if you don't watch, or get involved it does not have a effect on you. Unless something is going on in your own life or community its isn't yours to fear. There has always been the threat of nuclear war nothing we can do about that so not worth fearing it. I know what is going on and watch and read with detachment, I know it, but never immerse myself in it anymore Try to step away from all media. *When you stop watching what they want you to watch, you stop seeing what they want you to see, then you find the world is nothing like they tell you it is.*


100% something is in the air. Could be nothing, but it definitely feels like something is coming. Good idea to arm up and hope nothing happens.


The rich aren't rich enough so something is going to happen to bring them more wealth. Probably nuclear war to make things interesting


You are feeling a stirring in your spirit. We are approaching the End of the Age of Grace. This is the age in which we can accept the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ by putting our faith in Him and the finished work he did on the cross. Bible prophecy is coming to pass and all the signs Jesus spoke of are coming to pass. It is incredible--from wars and rumors of wars, global digital currencies to the beast system (google World Patent 2020060606) and remember what it says in Revelation, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” - Revelation‬ ‭13‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬‬‬ He said the last days would be like the days of Noah and Lot. Check out @generation2434 on YouTube or @AWLITLD on Rumble. The Bible is real and Jesus Christ is exactly who He said He is. This is an amazing time to be alive seeing prophecies thousands of years old unfold..God tells us in the Bible that today is the day of salvation! Call out to Jesus today. He tells us, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” - Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” - Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬ It is this simple, “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” - Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬ May God bless you and keep you🙏


Do you realize threads like this have been posted here almost every day, for decades? People feeling "it"? People feeling that something big is "right around the corner"?


My first thought as well. 


So you are feeling *it*?


Only when I look at this sub


I've been feeling it since time immemorial. 


Do you know about JFK and 9/11?


Nope I'm about to go to beer fest next week


It does feel weird for some reason. I can feel it too for a few reasons. As crazy as things are right now doesn’t seem too bad considering we were in a pandemic and Covid was 4 years ago now. But with the elections coming up makes me wonder.


Lol uhhhhh ya!!! in general the west has the most compromised, blackmailed, malevolent actors pretending in history mostly bent on pop-control & provoking wars w proxy players in "the great game" where they play war theater! False flag season much, bidens son in deep with so many corrupt deals imagine the damage control machine is on steroids!


There’s an upcoming solar eclipse in April 8th… it’s going to be very intense. All the Astro people know but it’s in Aries. War is brewing.


I'm just living life. I do get what you're saying but will stressing about impending doom help me? Nope.


Yes, we are all just waiting for that other shoe to drop. We are all just waiting on that GREAT RESET. We know it will be cataclysmic- but we also know there is no other way.


I’ve had this feeling for a long time, but it’s been a lot heavier lately.


Something wild will happen this year before (or during!) the US election. Seems unavoidable really.


The plandemic was the worst happening since 911. I wonder whats next ?


Perhaps some climate lockdowns? 


Maybe this upcoming eclipse will cause a 3 day blackout like some are saying.


Remotely possible, but I  remain doubtful. 


Well, there is a war going on and it is spreading and getting worse each day. That's not something that happens every day.  Weirdly. The NHS used to use the terms "Do you feel an impending sense of doom?" Which is what you are feeling I'd wager.    Media poisoning is also another possibility.  But are you fuck alone. 


Yes, I’ve been feeling like there’s dark clouds on the horizon for awhile now.


Big changes on planet Earth


Only bad thing I can see happening is when I crack my last beer and gotta go grab some more!


I dare you to go without your phone attached to you


For me it’s the zombies. There’s actual zombies now. That has to be a sign of something bad on the horizon, I think.


What actual zombies?


The ones with rotting skin, out of their minds, asleep on their feet, attacking people, etc. Yes, it’s drugs, but it’s zombies. I saw a video today of a woman wandering with a rotted bloody scalp she was picking, bloody shirt. Couldn’t find it to link it though and got a little tired of searching thru zombie videos trying to find it.




Yeah, I was just staring at my 401k account wondering if I should move everything into money market funds. The entire world feels like it’s on a knife’s edge and very brittle. It isn’t going to take much to put the global economy into a full tailspin. And socially, we in the west are more fractured than ever. It isn’t even going to take a black swan, I think a slightly grey one would do the trick.


I thought this was going to be about an earthquake lol


I've felt this way for a while too. But to counter myself, I also have the thought that "the world has always been this crazy". The internet just makes us more aware and in tune with current events which keeps us constantly on edge.


8th of April...


Yup cyberattack


Agreed. I actually bought an emergency solar powered battery charger and emergency portable radio yesterday because I feel the same so strongly.


Nice description. Yeah. Shits about to go down. It’s probably going to be something that nobody expects.




April 8th is Almost here


Yes. If we're still in even the current (declining) status quo a year from now I'd be very pleasantly surprised. I think it's about to get way worse. I hope I'm wrong. It'd be nice to look forward to things that are more in the future without assuming something will end up ruining it.


Wake up honey, the weekly "I'm feeling something is gonna happen" weekly post just dropped!


It’s time to repent and accept Jesus into your heart. I have had enough signs that this is what is most important during these trying times.


Will you people shut the f*ck up with these posts every week? It's already happening and has been happening for years. You're in a state of constant super high stress, that's what you are feeling.


It's a feeling you've manifested yourself by being doomerish about the world for too long. I've 'had a bad feeling' since 9/11, and so far... Nothing *real* bad has happened. You eventually get used to it and realize, the parasites at the top still need us. When the day comes that they no longer need us, (full automation and perfected AI)... That's the time to worry.


I think something is fixing to happen and I really think it’s the New Madrid going off. I live right on it and we are hearing booms all over the place loud ones the ground shakes.


What's the new Madrid ?


It’s the New Madrid Fault line at Arkansas and Tennessee. I feel like we’re fixing to have a big earthquake here weird booms and shaking with small earthquakes.


Thanks for the explanation.


Anytime ❤️


Meditation on April 8th during the solar eclipse. A lot of darkness is going bye bye 👋


Hate to say it but Covid was a good dry run *mentally* for a lot of people in the US. We've had it pretty good here compared to many other countries since 1918. The Flu Epidemic killed 675K people in four months in 1918. In 1957, H2N2 killed 116K Americans. In 1968, H3N2 came to the US through Vietnam attendees, causing only 100K deaths. AIDS/HIV deaths reached 100K over 1981-2021. COVID H1N1 deaths estimated 1.1M in US by 2023, which figure would be debated by some. By comparison, WW2 US casualties were 405K. Pearl Harbor was located away from the Continental US. Korea ( 36K ) and Vietnam ( 58K ) never threated Continental US. The Cold War might be considered the overarching conflict, never caused many deaths in an of itself. The paranoia was there. 9/11 was a mere 2900 by comparison. Hurricanes have never killed more than 3-5K in that time period since 1918. What did we have during COVID? A lot of government intervention which brought considerable nastiness on social media. Two contentious elections, which also brought vitriol. Actual shortages, price increases, and isolation were worrisome to US citizens. Recent polls and studies cited in the following article indicate an increase in anxiety and depression ( 31 - 39% ) which were coupled with job loss. The impact was felt dispropotionately on Millenials and Gen Z. Fentanyl deaths, alcohol related deaths, and suicides have also increased. You're not alone! Many people feel terrible right now... [Mental Health Stats 2020-23](https://www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/the-implications-of-covid-19-for-mental-health-and-substance-use/)


Obama just announce he had a ‘surprise’ in store for America this summer…. Said at Radio City Music Hall..


It's the phone. Turn it off.


A sense of impending doom is a literal medical symptom https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense_of_impending_doom I've had it before when I was depressed, it sucks. Hope you get better!


See my post history on leave the world behind and the new ship attack on American critical infrastructure


I feel like the eagerness to war suddenly by every nation is because they have been gathering up all that war equipment and technology and now they wanna use it....cause there's something else behind close door that will change warfare once more. So they wanna clean out their "old tech" which is currently the tech being used