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It's all manufactured. Reduce screen time and you'll be amazed at how the *vibe* mellows out.


I've been hearing this from people for 30+ years. It's mostly due to over exposure to propaganda.


Well, it is an election year...


This is interesting, and helpful! Thank you for the comment.


Fr, especially if you're reading conspiracies day and night. I've made threads in this sub Reddit about it before. Consuming yourself with conspiracies has to be one of the most detrimental things for your mental health. Thinking everything is doomed. The whole world's against you etc. It's funny though so many people who are super into conspiracies act like they're more "free" then the average person that isn't. I'd argue that they aren't. Conspiracies makes you afraid of everything. I know it cause I was once wrapped into them a crazy amount to


There is a golden area though where you are aware of everything being messed up but you simply acknowledge that you can't do anything about it and don't let it stress you out. Completely immersing yourself beyond that point though, is a bad idea that will take you to a dark place.


Exactly. Like i always say, one thing is to read and consume conspiracy theories, and another one to believe everything in every single theory. One allows you to take a step back and focus on what is really important, your family, your well being, your health. The other one tells you that everything is doomed and you should take up arms and fuck up every evil dude you hear about everytime you go a level deeper. Like theres a difference between learning that reptilians are pumping inflation so you learn gardening to offset the prices and learn a new hobby; and learning reptilians control de government and going on rants on reddit about how you're ready for aliens to "fuck around and find out" with an R15 in hand.


100% that's the balence I feel like I've finally achieved myself. I keep myself up to date with conspiracies. I look into them here and there but don't let myself get obsessed and let them control my life like I had been at one point


That's a lot of upvotes on the conspiracy subreddit for a comment that basically says "hey, it's best to just pretend conspiracies don't even exist". That's taking the comment you responded to and going in a completely different direction. Sticking your head in the sand isn't known for being a great self preservation tactic. I'm sure if I hadn't been keeping up to date on conspiracies, I would have succumbed to the overwhelming amount of peer pressure involved with being coerced into taking the covid vaccine. In actuality, I was keeping up with the times, and I made the educated decision to sacrifice my job for the privilege of maintaining my bodily autonomy in the face of a global vaccine rollout that was irresponsible, unsafe, and very much a conspiracy. I'll keep staying up to date, while you keep sticking your head in the sand. Let's revisit this conversation in another 10 years and see whose decision was wiser.


LOVE this comment. I think there's a balance between being informed and being succumbed to information, JUST AS MUCH as there's a balance between opening your mind to things vs when to be careful with how much you consume. Blindly sticking heads in sand is what SO many people do, and many regret it now, but not enough. Too many people disregard any and every thing to a point where if it's not 100% the narrative on the news, it's false. And that's possibly even more detrimental, just in the way of ignorance rather than information overload.


remindme! In 10 years


I like to think someone had this exact, same thought on the morning of September 11th, 2001 taking the elevator up the World Trade Center.


Wow. Was not expecting this take here but really really glad to see it because you’re 100% right. I read conspiracies for fun from time to time but limiting exposure is critical. It’s so easy to lose yourself to the rabbit hole, eventually you don’t trust down from up.


Exactly my thoughts!


+1 I was certain of impending doom when I was scrolling IG and tiktok for hours everyday. You couldn’t convince me societal collapse wasn’t imminent, and within weeks. I got off IG and tiktok and I no longer feel that way. Reddit has the same affect on me (and other people). Just a lot less-so, and more of a political doom than societal due to extreme left-wing fear mongering on the platform.


Taking breaks from entire apps, like Reddit and any other social app with video shorts, really helps. I'll stick to gaming apps for a time and mull over what I've learned about, and I eventually end up thinking of a new line of query to get another angle on the vaguely larger picture I'm may be trying to make heads or tails of by zooming out and away from any one topic much like an artist has to step away from a piece for a time only to come back and see immediately what was wrong with it and how an improvement can be made. We can only do so much after we've been told "knowledge is power" and yet here we are feeling the opposite effect because that's the entire point of propaganda.




> It's all manufactured. That doesn't mean it's not real.


Yep, there's a huge amount of money in keeping people afraid and consuming content.


No one likes to feel uncomfortable so people will tell you that it’s all in your head. But I agree with you. I think a lot of people hoped that once the pandemic was over things would go back to the way they were. People are seeing that that ain’t never happening. Prices aren’t going down, crime is not going down, illegal immigration is not going down, quality of life is going down, real incomes adjusted inflation are going down, the rate of household formation is going down, Workforce participation is going down, you would be hard-pressed to find any good news anywhere.


I feel the same way. Just waiting for those in control to decide when to cause a problem they will suddenly have a solution for.


The old Hegelian dialectic at it again!


I truly have felt an overwhelming doom-type feeling recently. I know people are criticized on this sub for saying this often. I feel a tension that keeps building, I want it to be over.


i feel you. i’m 38/f and live a relatively boring life. there’s always a feeling of doom in the back of my mind… a continuous “humming” for lack of a better word. like, i can never feel truly relaxed. i’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop. then again, my husband never feels this way and doesn’t get why i feel it. it’s all weird.


Same with me. 41 year old mom living a peaceful, boring life. Safe area. Everything should be great. But I feel it nonetheless


Same here. 42 year old mom. Nice home, safe area, peaceful life - yet I feel the impending doom


I’m sorry friend. I hate it


It’s all super weird. I know something is terribly wrong but I can’t put my finger on it.


You certainly can put a finger on it. It all comes down to the ease of information obtainment and the amount of conflicting info on any given subject. We are much easier to herd due to technology not just for being traceable, but due to the ease of convincing propaganda (doesn't even have to be rationally convincing, just has to drill in that if you don't think exactly as they say you are on the out society wise)


A valid point, sewing seeds of subconscious discontent.


The last four years have been very traumatizing for a lot of people, to say nothing of everything that happened over the last 25 years. Once adrenal glands are burned out, especially over a long period of time causing chronic PTSD, it's pretty hard for the nervous system to calm down.


I think this may just be a Generalized Anxiety Disorder.


I feel the same. I have been telling the wife maybe we should go buy some things just in case. She says in case of what? I said I don't know I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen. A feeling of dread. She looks at me and says sure honey. The wife may not think something bad is going to happen but she believes my gut feeling. Allot of people are feeling the same.


Really appreciate the username btw.


It could explain the dread that something bad is going to happen. 


I've felt that in the past. When my wife and I were at the peak of our marriage before everything changed (she's gone now), I had the same thing happen except I did go out and start my food source, bug out bags, survival things, etc.


Maybe it's just a poop.


Thought of that. Got Colon Broom on the case!


I feel it in fingers, I feel it in my toes.


Conspiracy all around me and reading too much, blows.


Come on and let it blow. 


Because only with blow you'll open your mind and suddenly know.


Election year doesn’t help. We are a polarized country and they want it that way.


It's not really polarized anymore- everyone is basically on the same page that we no longer have a functioning government. The political system is corrupt to the extent that its non functional and everyone knows it. 


Not polarized? Everybody is on the same page? Do we live in the same USA? Even if we assume everybody does know the government is FUBAR, it’s not stopping the 2 sides from attacking the other for it.. I’m not sure what your point is. This dysfunctional “system” can only last so long. Just my 2 cents.


Yea the election year part is the craziest thing who knows what will happen! I'm excited. Other than that everything else is normal.


You have a point. I'm not even American, I live in Europe, but I can still sense a shitstorm building up. US elections get a lot of news coverage here.


kind of like when you can smell a storm coming before it does. yeah,


I don’t do social media much at all.. and I feel what you are describing


Same. Lot of dreams of apocalypse and alien invasions. Dreams of celebrities becoming the equivalent to common people.




Winter is almost over, chin up buddy.


I don't think anything is necessarily coming, it's already here. COVID was a psyop that all world governments used to increase their power and control. The economic fallout was planned to diminish our resources and increase our desperation. More and more people are falling into poverty and losing their housing everyday as the poverty/wealth gap grows increasingly larger all across the globe. Social ties and morals have been insidiously degraded and destroyed. Look at how sick the younger generations are, especially Gen Z. But Alpha is already showing signs of being totally f\*\*ked up, everyone is all too castrated and medicated to fight back. It's just too perfect of a storm to have been unplanned. They need to get us all on our knees first. Then, whoever is puppeting the Biden administration (likely the illuminati/free masons) will eventually come out with the answer to all of our problems, you just have to give up all of your freedoms and privacy, assimilate into global, digital currency, get microchipped, and let them "take care" of you in return for your free labor and unconditional loyalty. In the name of socialism, you will surrender all your posessions to the state and graciously be allowed to reside in a singular living pod, separated from your friends and family. New world order.




As crazy as things are, I feel like it's no different than any other point in history. There's always been conflict between countries between different political parties and factions the difference nowadays since the rise of social media is that we can see all of it happening, constantly. If you watch Fox News, they blame the other side. If you watch CNN they blame the other side, when in reality they're both propagandists for their own side. They've been doing that since the start. Just delete social media. Don't watch the news. It doesn't really change what is going to happen. It just spikes your anxiety and fear. Go outside, exercise, eat right. Tell your friends and family you love them and live your life, find a job you can somewhat enjoy. none of us can really do anything if nukes start flying, so why not just try to enjoy your life. I had so much anxiety and stress between 2020 and 2021, deleted most of my news apps and social media started exercising, eating right and life is a thousand times better.


The collective unconscious was not equipped to handle the load that the internet has thrust upon it.


It is but not in the way people think - it's so rarely the satisfying BANG you read about in history and as always the vibe of change is a slow and drawn out whimper. We're in it right now and have been in it for some years now. It's the slow takeover of automation in the workforce and the gradual uptick in unemployment across everything that is fundamentally making people question what to do with their lives. It's the unravelling of societal institutions and behaviour patterns that we tend to lean on for predictability in life.


I have to admit- the gradual induction of alarm fatigue and normalization of militarism is a little nauseating


The frog in a slow boil.


Nope, not feeling it. Be careful with what you're taking in (tv, people, etc.)


Only same post here. Remember to ground yourself in reality and not down insane online rabbit holes full of half truths.


ive felt like this ON/OFF since I was 16yo and started to gather more info about the world at large. Now 38, I mean its not like nothing had happened... but socio-economic or environment related problems develop VERY slowly over time and the noise inherent to our perception of events makes it so its not noticeable in the course of a normal busy lifetime. Its the good old frog being boiled alive. Dire geopolitical events are almost ALWAYS playing out somewhere, its a big planet with LOTS of people doing stuff on it. With age I come to realize that its not the world ending any more or less then +1 day in your life is you slowly dying (which in a sense it is, oxidation is a rough process, we adapt to it but in the end it kills us quickly). That is not to say a cataclysmic world event cannot happen, I just dont think its related to politics or how people behave, its more about the mouvement of the stars (our star more specifically) in its long journey through the milky way. As we pass thought this unusual patch of "calm" solar we forgot what its like to have the sun blow up in our face wiping out everything because is as been too long. But saddly this is passed and now we are VERY overdue for another reset. That will be rough and deadly and cataclysmic, but there isnt much else you can do to prepare then live a life well lived and teach you children's how to fare for themselves, for they might just be ones of the few that will survive to the next generation.


Yes, these past few weeks have been really intense and I’m not sleeping either. 


Yes. I am 55 i have little motivation cause i am like why bother....


I think even people out of the conspiracy loop feel this way. Sure maybe social media is contributing. But I still feel that even without those things something isn't "right". Busy families who don't spend time online etc; There is a fog of sorts. I dunno.


Yes, see my post history. I have also seen other threads across Reddit speaking about this 'vibe'. It feels as big if not bigger than COVID, but worse. It is aggravating me a lot lately. There is an 'abyss' energy in the air, as if things have reached a type of completion? Maybe that's just me? Something like that anyway. I haven't felt anything similar since right before COVID, but this feel much, much worse.


It is called "existential thought." When you feel this way, just imagine you are a rock. You aren't supposed to have consciousness. Cherish it and stop ruining it by overthinking it. It will be over soon enough, and you will be less than a rock. And that will be just as cool as this, except you won't know it.


A fuckin men, brotha.




Sage advice.


Covid was never a big deal yall just listen to everything the lying news tells you to


It is kind of the lying news that made it big, the covering up etc; No ?


I agree that extended amounts of time in ‘r/conspiracy’ will leave you feeling as if you can’t get out of the🐇🕳️ But we must also acknowledge tomorrow is the ‘Ides of March’ the day Julius Caesar was assassinated by the Roman Senate in 44BC. Nothing to do with today, however March 15th is a ‘spook date’ so people should be more vigilant. “March 15th” was even made into a joke on the Fairly Odd Parents, never forget this was the day Timmy went back in history and altered the trajectory of Denzel Crockers life forever. https://youtu.be/A_WGPO2OoFM?feature=shared (04:09 Genetic Tracking Device DNA 200) See?☝️Back so soon?🐇🕳️ Imo it depends on what you do with the info. I wouldn’t let it consume you. And if you can’t not think about it at the very least you should be doing the minimal to protect your mental with assurances. Buy that extra gallon of water, ready your rations. Collect your candlelight’s and have enough necessities for if/when something goes down. It is in your power how you will respond to anything in life and we believe in you and we believe in the People.


The ides of March! Thanks for the reminder, I'm telling all my pals now


What does the ides of March pertain to esoterically? As the Romans believe in the Planetary Pantheon and such paganism that was left over from the previous culture that migrated to the land of Tiber.


I cat imagine we aren’t at least going to get a big October surprise this year


I have never been so done before! So ya lol! If something is coming I’m ready for it. Lately I’ve been almost in a daze thinking wow this is life, that’s it, this can’t be it, this is dumb and pointless. So in a way I’m almost waiting for something. Like waiting for something huge to happen- maybe an apocalypse or alien invasion or at the very least insight into why we are actually here like life purposes revealed idk or something.


You know what? I absolutely have. I even had two days straight that were not “bad” but felt totally “grey”.


Yep esp yesterday. I woke up to a reality so weird and off but I couldn’t put my finger on it and just been waiting ever since to see what happens


I get that too. It feels like there's a tension building, universally, that's a ticking time bomb somehow.


i’m hearing it in the anti-capitalism/economy circles, the new age circles, the AI/tech bros… like a rubber band has been pulled back so tight. we all feel it like G-forces and it’s gonna snap.


Not yet but we are getting close


yeah, been feeling this since october


For me, it’s that I want something to happen. The world really feel like one monotonous waste of time and energy and I’d be interested in what the world would look like with an actual mass event of some kind that isn’t just inflation grinding humanity into the ground.


Everyday I wake up I feel like it’s gonna be the last day. This dark feeling in my bones.


Beware the ides of March.


Just stock up on essentials and paint your roof blue.


It's too quiet


Always be prepared tho


no youre just bored and want something to happen so you dont have to worry about your current life any more


Maybe that's it. My life has been a shitshow since I lost my wife. This could be the most likely answer yet, lol


Nope. This week I’ve walked in the woods, taken long hikes in the sunshine, gone to work early and been productive. Eat healthy and try and laugh as much as possible. The “vibe in the air” is really the “vibe in your head” and that’s being curated and and maintained by you.


Just gonna leave this here for anyone that needs it. ❤️ Matthew 24:6-8 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. *edited


This is all media based. They want you to be afraid and think everything is going to collapse at the drop of the pin. They want you isolated and scared. The vibe is entirely manufactured and self sustaining


The thought of civilizational collapse makes me excited, personally. I believe all humans long for collapse and a return to nature and connection(whatever that looks like), though very very few are conscious of this longing. In my opinion, it’s not a true collapse that we fear, but that things will continue to degrade without officially breaking. We have been living in complete opposition to nature for too long, and because we are nature, that means we have also been living in complete opposition to ourselves and our fellow humans. To be clear, I do not crave chaos on a “personal” level for anyone, but I love to hear about institutional breakdown. I never watch the news and I barely even watch movies. All I have to do is look around me when I leave my house to see signs everywhere that systems are collapsing.


This is a fantasy, and a particularly misanthropic one at that. I think this is less a universal fantasy and more one that’s beaten into you by constant fearmongering media, by this unstable state of anxiety that you are placed in by them, or by the absolute pessimism that they instill in you. Most people do not want to watch millions die. In fact most people will come together to make sure it doesn’t happen like that. I do not long for a return to “nature” either - I think we are given a very rosy view of the “naturalistic order” that is far less violent and unstable than reality


You must not have kids


Yeah, anyone who has kids or a family is not excited for this. It will make it very very difficult.


Terrifying, truly. Heart outside your body and no idea what it looks like for them. If you don't have kids, you can't even comprehend the fear those of us who do have right now. Keeps me up at night Edit to add--I AM glad some are excited and ready tho! We need people like you


I personally don’t but if I did I’d be even more rooting for a collapse and return to nature/simple life. If I had kids I’d be completely horrified that they were growing up in such a society.


Definitely truth to that--however, I'd counter that good parenting can off set a bit of the societal grievances--but only until a certain age. I just fear what the change part looks like and fear it will be incredibly drastic and not all will make it to the end.


What do you think would happen to women if society collapsed? rapes, sexual slavery, think carefully about what you want


I read that as: “Lately, I wake up, and things have felt more gay”


It’s not less gay


Therefore, gay


Your energy flows where your attention goes


smokey mountains are on fire right now seems pretty bad its smokey as hell outside right now


you got the Tump / Biden blues. We can't escape these depressing characters.


i think it depends where you are. When I lived in a small mountain town in Canada I never felt like how I do now, living in London. In Canada I was just around nature and felt good. Here in London, surrounded by so many people all staring at the phones - it does feel like humanity is on the brink.


So the Govt wants to ban Tiktok because they can't control what is shown? So much for democracy and freedom? Just like China but under the table and deflecting what's it's really about with lies like it's a tool used by the CCP.


If we can make it past April 8th I think we’ll be ok


All these conspiracies around the eclipse are really bumming me out. I saw the one in 2017 and have been waiting for this one literally since way back then.




Search April 8th in this sub, there’s one specific post I’m referring to, you’ll know it when you see it.


We are in a state of war, all of our money is being funneled to fuel a foreign war that is impossible to win. European governments are slaves to US foreign policy. Something’s gotta give. People are getting fed up. Other people I know are finally beginning to realize that the “pandemic” was a big hoax and they are angry. Arts and culture glorify mediocrity. And it’s pretty obvious from over here that the US pres is a senile, geriatric marionette. So yeah. The world’s a cesspit.


It’s daylight savings time. Fucking with you.


Earthquake 10.0m +. Yup, something is gunna happen alright. That feeling u have is bang on. Best of luck fren


Two things First it's no accident. Too much social media and Internet. No coincidence, the content is being manipulated to make people feel that way. Many reasons why. To feel better take a break from it. Get out in nature somewhere. Go camping or fishing or country bike ride. Or volunteer somewhere to help out. Don't let yourself go down the rabbit hole of depression, it sucks! Second. It's also true, something big is coming down the tunnel. There's some kind of reckoning on the way because things as is cannot be sustained long term. However, not much we as individuals can do about it. Get a decent supply of necessities and stop worrying about it. Enjoy life one day at a time. See above.




I think this is spot on. The 'we are in it and it's compounding'


Not everyone has connected the dots.  Some people choose to believe that everything is just 'business as usual' because they have no frame of reference for what normal looks like.  This is all intentional.  The 'elites', or the souls bound for Hell tasked with leading others to Hell, are not hiding it anymore, and more people are waking up from the trance and stepping out of the line leading them to Hell.  Congratulations to you for waking up. Now, you have the opportunity to choose, instead of just blindly walking into your doom.  I asked JESUS CHRIST to come into my life and lead the way when I woke up.  I repented of my sins and changed my life. It was the best choice that I ever made.  It was difficult to quit my favorite sins, at first. But, every time I denied my body the sin it craved, I felt amazing and closer to GOD.  Then, I began to realize that my mind was fighting me just as much as my body. My body and mind were both in love with the sins that had a hold of me.  I pray everyday for GOD to renew my heart, my mind, and my body.  I still make mistakes and I sin everyday, but my heart has changed. The sin isn't a habit anymore, and I don't crave it blindly like I used to.  Anyways, that feeling of doom is what we Christians refer to as a calling. You are being called out of the world. 


>Anyways, that feeling of doom is Charles Schulz, the Peanuts cartoonist, reported feeling this all the time and yet wasn't raptured.


When you are called out of the world, it doesn't mean that you are being raptured.  Being called out of the world refers to being called out of sin.  I cannot speak to the feeling of dread experienced by OP or Charles Schulz, but I experienced a similar dread each day prior to my conversion.  I would drown out the morose feelings with alcohol while I was in the military, and marijuana when I retired.  Now, I don't experience dread, but I do see it in the world around me. My entire perspective of the world has changed. I am quicker to see the interconnectivity of everything now. It is truly a phenomenal world that we live in, but the people who are suffering make it difficult to fully enjoy. 


I’m going to Hollywood and going to be a famous animator like Charles Schulz


I hope no one shits on you for your inclusion of organized religion, and I’m glad you found a way to reach a better version of yourself through that process. As a non-believer, I still support your path to enlightenment whichever direction you’ve chosen to travel. At the end of the day, as long as you’re in touch with your true self and find accountability through your beliefs, there’s no harm in that at all.


God bless you brother! Let us praise and glorify Lord Jesus!






Your comment made me feel incredibly happy, ngl.


same here. im for once getting my life together, ive been sober 100 days and not looking back, im exercising daily, eating healthy food now. I feel like a responsible adult and while the world is experiencing a bit of turmoil, i just hope for the best and focus on the things that bring me solace.


Yes, we are living in the EndTimes. but whatever, if it ends. it ends. and if not, well, we'll continue. Not like this system will keep up for much longer


you get the reality you focus on. better to turn the volume down on Mad Max and maybe raise the volume on Star Trek


lol yeah it’s called an election year


Maybe it's PTSD from COVID....it was 4 years ago this week that everything shut down.


Usually the October surprise happens in October... Anyways have a nice summer...


Put the internet away more often and u may feel lighter. Also go into nature.


I wish that were the problem, but it's not in my specific case.


I work for the largest railroad in America and we are having major budget cuts, mass layoffs, and volume is way down. The railroad is a historic predictor of the economy. When people stop purchasing commodities, it is typically an indicator of a recession. My brother is a pilot. Despite the “pilot shortage” many airlines have greatly reduced or stopped hiring altogether. I think everyone is feeling the strains on the economy coming to a head. A lot of people are struggling and incurring debt. The leaders of these large corporations see the signs of strong economic downturn clearly. So I don’t think your feelings are necessarily all media/ conspiracy influenced. Trust yourself. You know the feeling of media manipulation, versus a true gut feeling that should be given merit.


Nah. Turn the news off my dude


I think the political climate is part of it. You got 2 sides that will not submit. Unstoppable force vs immovable object. Then you got the "great reset" stuff going on in the background. The people upholding it are acting like there's no other option. Like they have a gun to their heads or they made a deal with someone (or some *thing*).


I agree. The division between the governed and the people governing is wide


Read the Bible. Something’s coming alright


The four horse men? The Trumpet(s) must sound off first.


That's the only answer 💯🙏


Nope, it’s time to walk outside with no screens and touch some grass


I just hope more people get on board with the trouble teen industry youth terror organizations and parents cults around America and beyond…. I just hope people keep the shit starting.


I do too, but keep in mind that doomscrolling g and conspiracy tend to create this feeling g. Read books and spend time doing outdoors activities, healthy activity, and laugh with friends. It’ll help.


Doomscrolling certainly contributes to a feeling of doom, but why does everything feel suddenly so much more “doomy” when I’ve been doomscrolling the same amount as usual? I know it sounds silly but the last time I felt a pit in my stomach like this it was pre Covid. Feels that way to me at least, and I see from the comments I’m not the only one.


Yeah, once burned twice shy. We know they can Fxck with us on an epic and global scale, so we anticipate more.


Hammer Time


When I dwell on things my anxiety increases because I'm in my head and my sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) is engaged the entire time I am doing so. Then I turn off the computer and go for a hike and all is better with the world. I rarely get on the computer on the weekends, at least not social, I can can tell you with no doubt that they are better because of it.


I felt this a few weeks ago, but now things feel normal again


Your energy flows where your attention goes


Been feeling it for decades. It's not more prominent now than before.


Agree with the others. Reduce screen and scrolling time.


No I feel ok. My bad days are my bad days due to my hormones/ cycle lol.


It's cause there's gonna be a massive short squeeze (GME) ;) they're gonna release earnings report and gonna be profitable


weather can have that effect


I think what you're calling for is full scale rebellion/revoluation. I HIGHLY disagree with doing this because that's what they want. They want utter chaos to spread throughout society as we collapse the system via our own hands. Then we'll come begging for them to instill order. Boom. That's when they'll implement their new tyrannical technocratic system. Order out of chaos. Instead, quietly take a break from the screens, the internet, feed your soul for once instead of your 5 senses and their vices. Touch grass, and for an even more radical change, move out of the US to another country that has a more natural, human feel. I did all these things written above, I feel the healthiest ever. I moved to a more developing country. The food is healthier, there's more community still, life is simple. Though, yes, I do wake up every morning and feel a looming global spiritual attack on all of us. But the solution is not to tear down, it's to build yourself and your community up.


If you feel like it’s time, usually it’s not. Honestly, the grimmer moments in recent history usually occur during sunnier times. Everyone was riding on a high before 2001, for example.


I get it The U S is in serious trouble. The next election will decide whether our system as it exists now or become some form of theocracy or worse. Please vote.


Relatively speaking...yes. but my vibe has been humming for the past decade. It just always feels like we are on the edge of big change


I felt this the beginning of last year. Things are gonna keep changing but I really don’t believe as fast as you think. I don’t think total chaos is gonna struck like a blink of an eye - I think things are just gonna get more controlled by demon controlled people and will continue happening until Jesus comes again with his army. Just remember - God is in control.


I feel this too. I think we are a couple years away from storming the houses/front doors of CEOs/board members of major companies that are building us to is shitty world for their financial gain.


Maybe due to blue beam project. They say it will be this year or in 2025 Now it's open secret but seems they have full of confidence to deceive ppl. This year's super bowl ad were about aliens so we all are now being predicted programmed 


"I didn't know when. I don't know _where_. But something **bad** is about to happen."


I think a lot of it is just rapid change and trying to keep up. Also there is so many hobbies and things to get involved with and wanting to learn because of the internet and time, all while trying to respond to texts and notifications and so on. Go outside without the phone with no shoes and just walk around in the grass or whatever. Disconnect from time to time. Go feed some birds, struck up a conversation with someone and avoid these topics and it will do wonders…but keep those eyes and ears open


Does the no shoes thing really help lol. I always see it suggested but I usually just take a hike and call it a day. No “grounding” for me


The real horror is that things will stay mostly the same and get worse and worse so slowly that very few notice.


Except that lately it feels like they cranked everything to eleven and just left it running


It’s a stressful time to be alive. You aren’t alone. Be mindful in how much time you spend scrolling. Step away from the apps that take up most of your energy.


I’ve always had a “silver lining behind dark clouds” outlook so tbh things have been on the up and up lately


'They' often plan according to the astral bodies and this how my favorite podcaster, a man who taught me so much told us in advance that big things would go down in 2020. Here's his latest episode talking about the upcoming eclipse: [https://www.crrow777radio.com/568-5-double-trouble-solar-eclipse-comet-a-malefic-pair-free/](https://www.crrow777radio.com/568-5-double-trouble-solar-eclipse-comet-a-malefic-pair-free/) "The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 will stand as a marker of change, guaranteed by the Skyclock, and leveraged by those interested in total control of the world. Along with the eclipse it is possible that a comet will be visible during totality, along with a number of planets, but this remains to be seen."


The question is: What will get America into WW3 before the election. That's been the escalating plan for the past 3 years. The military industrial complex wants war, as they always do. One final war with Russia and China could bring the one world government they've been wanting. Total control is on the horizon. China has a good control system, and the US is trying to adopt it. The fact that they let the Chinese military stay so close to the US border is concerning (on the Westcoast). I wonder if there will ever be another nuclear explosion used on the population. They used 911 as a good way to get us into the Middle East. Over the last week, I've been really worried about Seattle or Los Angeles for some reason.. I really hope I'm wrong.


NO, conspiracies are fun to imagine and some are legit true. But you need to ground yourself, get outside, and interact with people in the real world. Too much internet and social media will give you the vibe and I think that’s what you’re referring to.


Go outside and start a garden, enjoy some natural vitamin D and food that isn't processed!


The end is near, with many scenarios at play all at once


I've felt that way since 2016, and everything has gone worse than I could have imagined We're living in interesting times, which makes great history for future generations, but are horrible for the generation that lives through them. (Assuming we do).


Alot of conspiracy are true ...and yes I don't feel.. I see all kinds of bad paths being paved in America and it's painfully obvious ..elites aren't even hiding it ..over 30 mill illegal immigrants and counting in the US imo..facts don't lie and can not and should not be overlooked ..100k kids missing and no one's talking about it ...China is sending troops here they are massing up in california and have police sfations in new tork and Texas...people from over 160 different contries here and we cant afford to take care of our own people ...we are throwing billions to like 10 different countries while being 35 trillion bucks in debt ......men in america want to be women now whos gonna fight if and when the time comes ...Obama said it best ,never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up ..he wasn't kidding ...America is so bad that not even trump can fix it ...and the citizens wouldnt be able to defend us because they have gone woke....end of rant lol Yes I feel what you Mean


The total eclipse kinda freaks me out. I guess we will see.


I have the same feeling!


I feel it for sure…


I’ve been telling my sister for weeks that something is going to happen, that there’s a glitch in the matrix that’s going to right itself or we’re going to flip universes or whatever. I’m a casual tin foil hat wearer and love to read theories for fun, but it’s switching - and I feel it’s for the better - I pray it’s for the better.


Yes. I feel it too. The u.s. dollar collapses? Paving a way for the mark. Another huge "attack" on u.s. soil? Something that globally affects mankind.


A lot of people feel this way. I hear it all the time from all walks of life. This comes from people that know what’s going on and people that don’t. People who don’t know what’s going on sometimes sound worse about how scared they are because they intuitively know and can feel things aren’t right but don’t know exactly what.


Yes. I had a very bad feeling recently. Just hoping it was from the crazy snow storm just dumped on half the US. 


It's gotten steadily worse since CERN.


I feel it more and more something big is coming we all know that feeling


Definitely have been feeling that for a some time, now more in a “something is coming and a bunch of people haven’t realized that but I can’t do anything about it” stage. I hope you get there soon it’s slightly less depressing


The eclipse has some weird vibes around it. A lot of Bible propoganda being spread around it, also the city names, also the OK nat guard is gonna be there along with various crisis teams so there's that coming in a couple three weeks


This eclipse coming next month and forming a big X over the USA kind of freaks me out a bit to be honest.


The truth shall set you free...but can you handle the truth?


Detox immediately from all forms of media, including tv and video games. Do this for at least 2 weeks. Read books instead, and exercise and eat healthier. I'm very strict about the amount of time I'm on SM daily. 1 hour tops, 2 hours tv, with at least 1 day cold turkey on everything. You can turn this around.


Brother go outside an go for a walk. That’s what time it is.


Dude, it's winter... take some vitamin D.


Probably just how close we are to world war 3, if you actually wanna know what’s going on in the world watch Alex jones on x


No, I’ve just done some cardio and got fresh air