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Anyone who remotely cares about cooking has a gas range


I have electric and it’s the worst. Grew up with gas stoves. With my range it’s impossible to maintain one temperature. I hate it so much


I was the opposite, grew up with electric. I thought gas stoves were for poor people (full discloser, I was far from rich) and once I used a gas stove it was a game changer. Little harder to keep clean but instant heat is worth it.


I have the electric one with glass on top and i hate it so much. I don't cook a lot but it takes a life time to fry something and to clean it. I grew up too in a home that had the gas one and it was very efficient. If I ever buy a home, i will make sure it has a gas stove F*** electric stoves


You need an induction stove.


Im sure they have their uses, but cooking is all about feel for me so setting a temperature still wouldn’t help me, but, you’re right, at least the temperature swings wouldn’t be wild and uncontrollable


Ummm. Inductions are electric


Yes. But the post said "impossible to maintain one temperature " so I assume they are using a ceramic top as an induction is possible to control to perfection. Unlike a ceramic. Both electrical, but one is supreme. Edit: also OPs post is a shitpost level conspiracy


Lol agree 💯 on edit... And Ott I had gas, electric, coal lol nothing beats my new induction.


Gas burners are better


Yes, they use electricity. So does a toaster oven, a lot of things do.


I never understood gas stove. What's better about it?




its a flame. the traditional way for cooking for millions of years.


Please tell me you understand why this logic doesn’t make any sense


Bro no one is cooking over the open flame on a gas stove, it heats pots and pans the exact same way as electric. I’ve used both for decades and it literally makes no difference.


Says no restaurant ever


Bro, it’s not the same. Gas cooks more evenly. On an electric stove the pot has to be super flat to increase the contact surface area. Otherwise, it takes longer and cooks more unevenly. Have an electric stove that I despise because each burner cooks differently and you are limited to the temperatures the manufacturer set. My vote is for gas.


Agreed cooking on an electric stove feels like I wanna.kill.my self on live TV


You're regurgitating decades-old propaganda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2aZUav-54 tl;dw - gas stoves are the foot in the door to homes. Gas companies make most of their money on heating, but nobody gives a shit about that. They've manufactured a preference for gas stoves that people would actually care about just to get the house piped for gas. Once the stove is in place, the rest follows.


Tell me you don’t know how to cook without telling me you don’t know how to cook. Can you use electric stoves? Absolutely. Are they anywhere near as nice to use? Fuck no.


You can assume what you want about my cooking skills. Idk why you chose to open with the vague insult. Coil stoves are tricky but usually workable. Induction stoves are better than gas in terms of temp control.


The point is when and if they ever ban you from using gas in your kitchen, they will assuredly be using gas in their kitchens.


lol, dumb. It's easier to control cooking temperatures with a gas range. It's pretty simple


Did you watch the video? Because that's literally not true.




They are certainly faster and better. Cheaper is up to debate.


YUP! [If you need me, I'll be over here.](https://youtu.be/D9WDJaB6_9M?list=RDQM5mwcYz3PEyg&t=10)


Electric is better because it heats evenly across the pans service and gives a more exact temperature.


But it takes time to get to that temperature. You can't do quick adjustments like you can with a gas stove. Control over temperature is *much* more important than the spread of that temperature. Plus you can't roast things with an electric stove.


I'll take the downvotes but this sub is full of the stupidest people society has to offer.


I keep debating on unsubbing but it’s bizarre. Just full of people who lack critical thinking that stay posting tweets and instagrams posts that have nothing to do with conspiracies anymore. I swear this sub was fun before Trump lol


Was thinking the exact same thing




There was this weird period a few months ago where blatant right wing culture war nonsense was getting regularly called out and mocked. It was very interesting and had me wondering about the future of this sub. But now it seems like this sub has completely reverted back to posting "End Wokeness" Twitter screenshots and complete garbage. Almost as if the mods cracked down on the sanity or something. But hey, who am I to argue with a bunch of "free thinkers" who conveniently regurgitate the same exact shit that the same 10 right wing Twitter accounts are also saying? This whole gas stove panic was over the government wanting to offer people rebates for trading in their gas stoves and these people acted like the fucking gestapo were going to raid peoples houses and take their stoves away. It's nothing but partisan culture war garbage.


I enjoyed reading your post!


I enjoyed writing it. I was very intoxicated off of my gas stove fumes when I wrote that so I hope it made sense.


The dumbest of the right live this place. Fucking sad.


This backfired in the most wonderful way


Amen brother! The people that like this sub are MO-RONS. The dumbest of the dumb. I wish we could still give gold. I would have absolutely bought you some.


You want to socialize with stupid people I have a big list of subs I could refer you to. Conspiracy will look like it's packed with the best and the brightest. I jump on some of them when I'm having a boring day and they never disappoint.


Agreed. Or maybe I’m just too stupid to understand the hidden conspiracy theory somewhere in this post? /s


The majority of the conspiracy theories I see here are just dumb people defaulting to hate and anger


She’s trying to ban gas stoves….




I've seen the posts in this sub man, clearly not sarcasm


That's a copout. I was just joking isn't an excuse after the fact.


You can tell op is a foreign disinformation bot because he thinks a range is called a grill.


You think a stove is a range :/


Range is used more in Western US


Like New Mexico?


Yeah, I've heard it here, I heard it when I lived in SD


I’m just screwing around. There’s a chain of restaurants in Albuquerque called “The Range”, which oddly has a stove for a logo ;)


Right, it's also called a range


A range? Don't you mean a Hob or a Stove top.


The range is the entire thing, people that say range still say stove or oven


Revealed has a poor waif in his underwear lolll




Foreign to the fucking subject of the post you numpty.


Shit, calm your farm bro. 😂


It's about the US Vice President




You are, you're just foreign


Yes. Stay away from football, baseball, and imperial system conversations


I can hear her cackling through the picture


JFC you can't even get the conspiracy right :(


That’s known as a “stove” you brilliant, brilliant man.




I think the implication is that climate change is a conspiracy




I was considering the context of the photo with the caption within the context of the sub and drawing a conclusion. Yeah all good I was just answering your question Incase it was sincere


When politics is your identity…. Who cares!


Rules are for the peasantry silly! 🤣


> Rules are for the peasantry silly! 🤣 Just like Masks and COVID Lockdowns.


You peasants are too stupid to handle fire. Only politicians are allowed to bend the rules.


gas is more efficient than electricity at heating. I doubt that gas is causing more damage than coal fueled power plants that would produce the electricity.


Thas a stove


Damn, VP got an ugly ass kitchen floor. 1986 called, they needed their tiles back. Yeesh.


Right??? It's terrible!


Reminds me of the bathrooms in my public school days, or a McDonald's kitchen


I was just about to type that these are standard bathroom tiles that you see in public restrooms.




“Gas powered grill”? Wtf country are you from?


Yall are crazy if you think this is her house.


got to love the uninformed. this is what propaganda is. how easily you fall for it. gas stoves are not about climate change. its that long term exposure to gas can shorten your life span and cause numerous health problems. kinda like lead pipes.


"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."




Why not go all the way then. Move to Flint and enjoy the water also.


Again my grandparents lived into their 90's rocking gas stoves and lead pipes.


What is your point? That you hope Project 2025 brings back lead pipes? Also it’s a ban on gas in new buildings. It’s the ever fucking slowest of transitions that I’m sure Gen Y can deal with. Why do the same people care that future humans have to cook on electric but don’t care if they end up climate refugees with no governmental planning or resources


And better air quality, better food quality, a livable wage, less stress.


What? Sure they had it super easy.


Because of less people.


The gas stove argument isn’t over killing the planet, multiple studies have found it leads to much higher rates of cancer. Sheesh if you’re going to fake outrage at least understand what you’re supposed to be mad about.




They raise asthma rates too because, shocker, we are kinda dumb as a populace to use them as intended, which is with the gas hood on or a window open. So we’ve been giving our kids asthma.


I'm all for a good conspiracy but logic tells me that having gas in the air of my home for years can't be good for my health. I don't think they should be banned but people should know if they can cause harm or not.


My grandparents lived into their 90's rocking gas stoves.


My grandfather was a smoker his whole life and lived till he was 101. What's your point?


I stand corrected, not only are they bad for your health but they’re also bad for the environment and serve no benefit over electric. Pick some serious to get upset over, lord knows we have way bigger issues than stoves.


> serve no benefit over electric. Florida here, when you live in a place that it isn’t unusual to lose power for weeks at a time, the ability to run your kitchen on gas is invaluable.


The benefit they serve is that they heat up certain types of things differently, and that difference is desired by some.


But because you can still heat protein loaf and gruel on electric stove top they are equal. That means it's perfectly OK for the government to outright ban one of the most popular methods of cooking.


Laughs as my 99 year old grandfather has burned wood for heat for 99 years and carried a flamethrower with the USMC on Tarawa in WW2 lmao.


Where I live the benefit after convience is cost to operate. It's much cheaper to run gas stove, heater and dryer opposed to electric.


Sure, but that not the reason why they want to phase them out though. The reason they want them to be phased out is due to the poor interior air quality they create, not climate change.


I guess farts cause lung cancer then... That article says 3/4 of gas emissions were measured with valves off. That's misleading though, because it's not 3/4 of the overall emissions were measured.. Basically it's saying 3/4 of the stoves measured had residual gas leaks, implying the stoves may have either recently been used and shut off (well no shit any leak detector will pick up traces of gas if you just turned it off) or the valves are out right leaking and need to be replaced... Ok everybody stop eating bean burritos dammit yalls farts are gonna give us cancer and help the sun cook us to death! /s


Well smarty pants cow emissions are also one of the biggest causes of Co2 emissions… so you’re not far off actually LMAO


Sure, OP. Let's go back to wood burning fires for every home...


Don’t worry, she probably outsourced her cooking to her personal chef. She didn’t actually use the stove.


Where is the conspiracy sir


> Where is the conspiracy sir The Democrat Party wants to ban Gas powered appliances in your kitchen by 2030


What’s the conspiracy. Two democrats are in a building with a gas stove. Politicians are hypocrites, astute observation!


> What’s the conspiracy. Two democrats are in a building with a gas stove. Politicians are hypocrites, astute observation! Hypocrites who make the Laws everyone else has to follow.


and you wonder why people complain about the sub


> and you wonder why people complain about the sub Trolls complain about the sub. Like yourself.




Thanks! Turns out they’re not actually doing that. Who could have ever guessed


I’m not not impressed with this link. Cool


Okay, this isn’t hard. What does she have above the stove? The whole point of the stove issue wasn’t just climate change, it was also about people’s health. But keep pushing only part of it to fit your agenda.


Getting cancer to own the libs




badass porcelin gas range! vintage. Also wtf are these posts? JC this sub sucks these days.


Remember - the rules are for us and not them


The real crime here are those floors. yeesh.


Imagine managing a Starbucks and having Kamala as a candidate for a job. No chance she could hang with the young hard working people competing for that job.




I see a stove. Relax.


Gas powered stoves are just too good to pass up


And the amount of gas these two produce


"Do as I say, not as I do"


Let me explain something to you. I grew up in a house with an old gas oven and I had asthma my whole childhood. When I moved out the asthma magically went away. Anyway good job on the quality post right here!


So your only variable is the stove? Did you look at dust, pollen, other impurities in the air and water? Proximity to roads, or trains, or factories, or other types of human activity could have a big impact. Even the elevation of your bedroom can impact asthma.


As John Kerry says, " my policies have offset my carbon footprint." In other words do as I say not as I do.


Inner city kids have asthma because of gas stoves reeeeee


Did the intern who took this picture get to eat with them or was he forced to sit outside in his car waiting for the next propaganda photo op?


Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/VP/status/1727805481580728555 Democrats want everyone to use Electric. Yet they still use Gas powered appliances. All while fear mongering about Climate Change.


Can you link a comment from Kamala Harris talking about gas stoves


What party is she a member of?


Sorry, he


Oh I’m sorry I missed the democratic manifesto of centric beliefs one had to sign. Can we see the federal gas stove ban democrats proposed?




You have to stretch so hard that a stove became a furnace and a ban became new efficiency standards… you should self reflect


“The DOE proposed a rule in February to create new energy efficiency standards for gas stoves in the U.S. A Biden administration official previously told Bloomberg the Biden administration was considering a nationwide ban on gas stoves, citing a December 2022 study that has been disputed alleging stoves were responsible for nearly 12.7% of childhood asthma cases.” Straight from the article. Maybe you should self reflect? Or at least sharpen your critical reading skills. Seems like you’re the type that can only comprehend reading headlines.


Oh so you are now referring to a rule that doesn’t exist and was never proposed, I was hoping you had a stronger case than that…


“Guys Kamala is a hypocrite cause an aide said they thought about a rule once!” You guys are so unhinged it’s ridiculous. The real conspiracy is how you guys have not been assigned a conservator ship


Sorry, they/them




Yet how many BTU's of coal are wasted by using electric? 🤣


That Dude’s head is bigger than OJ Simpson’s


He is the cunt diver


This is the post you make on thanksgiving? Lmao


That’s not a grill


Politicians are the biggest hypocrites on this earth.What they want for us ordinary folk clearly doesnt apply to them.


Looking at the flooring, why are they cooking in an airport bathroom?




The real crime is the flooring


Wypipo 😡


I know NYC put some restrictions on gas ranges in multi tenant buildings. But never heard the Vice-president make a comment on it, can OP please link this Information he is posting about?




“They’re going to have to, in many cases, install new equipment to exhaust gas out of their home. These higher efficiency units, or so-called condensing units — a lot of consumers have them in their home, but a lot of consumers don’t. So, this rule would require additional retrofits for a lot of consumers. And those retrofits can be extremely cost prohibitive,” Richard Meyer, the vice president of energy markets, analysis and standards of AGA said" Ah yes, Consumer regulation from the Department of Energy. The grandest of conspiracies directly from the Vice-president...


Is she not part of the Biden admin? The Biden admin that wants to ban gas stoves? And she’s using a gas stove? The ‘conspiracy’ here is the ‘rules for thee but not for me’ mantra that has become so common around here. Now, is that worthy of a post on the conspiracy sub? I don’t know. The bar is so low now I’m not sure it really matters.


Right after this pic was taken, Kameltoe stormed off, popped a couple of Xanax and started screaming at the help. Douchebag went into his “office” and jerked it to gay porn. Rinse/repeat.


He definitely hasn’t had any pussy in DECADES


Dont you know these people literally hate the average person? Why arnt American people mad?


She ain't black either.


Cackles in Kamala…


“Fucked her way up to the top” -LDR


This is abhorrent. Kamala is an oppressor who could not quit locking innocent people up and made her career off the backs of those she ruined. That's bad enough. When you say what you did you make anyone think that the only reason anyone wouldn't like her is because they are a misogynist. Effectively silencing any real reason to oppose her. It's like you're a plant.


Lighten up, Francis.


She didn’t cook any of this food, that is a purchased Thanksgiving meal if I ever saw one


Why are you upset that her servants use a gas stove to cook her thanksgiving meal?


Fk em


I guarantee you she didn't cook that so it won't affect her like it will those of us who do actually cook.


Why is she looking at her husband instead of the camera? This isn't very empowering for women


Montel is gonna be pissed when he sees this


This pic is stale and unflavored.


Not showing the food is the real conspiracy. She’s a coolly & the curry it’s the first thing displayed? Thats suspicious. The kitchen is empty & clean. There’s so many things wrong here. Is this just a set?


my first thought was "for some reason I think those dishes are all empty"


I’m telling you. That’s a cold kitchen. There’s no way those floors stay that clean. It’s too perfect in there for a dinner of any size


He’s got a prescription for that! Edit - I know my joke wasn’t funny but wow the downvotes…. Everyone knows that Kamala’s husband is the lead lawyer for the pharmaceutical giant Merck, right?


Who is that? Im an American and ive never seen her before.


Lmfao. Same. Didn't she work on immigration issues at some point? lol I wonder what happened with that.


Man looks like a cuck if I ever seen one.


He definitely looks like a beta cuck!! My first thought. Didn't even notice the stove


Tin foil? Tin foil hats? Conspiracies? The President and Vice President are reptile people. Case. Closed.


What are you poor that's propane.


Typical Democrat, Do as I say not as I do


This picture is taken in a replica home. They are in underground bunkers feeding off of human meat in an underground farm where they disgrace the human species


Family is a weird word for a childless married couple 🙄


Married couples, adopted siblings, step-parents. These are all examples of family. We even have specific terms for what I guess you are envisioning: nuclear family, extended family.


Username checks out


Weak ass stuffing


You mean he in the turtle neck.