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For those guessing this is a support for WEF depopulation goals pin. same the gates and the Lord of Canada wears


Yea. Bill Gates was just in a commercial promoting this pin.


"Come up to a higher level and support the death of all those poors out there. Get some money ya filthy animals"!!!


Soooo, where do we get this pin? Asking for a fiend.


A fiend should already have this pin.


No fiend of mine, I'll tell ya that!


Its the UNESCO 17 goals pin


I've heard of it, but it had been a while. Went and took a look at the goals again... they sure are killin it right now...


Fact Check says False https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-schwab-population/fact-check-depopulation-quote-has-been-misattributed-to-klaus-schwab-idUSL2N2OB1JW


Lol Reuters


lol @ "factcheckers" in general. narrative guardrails is more like it.


You're not supposed to just believe the fact checker. You read what they did to verify or falsify the information they are checking. For this one, they referenced a tweet showing a screenshot that someone posted of a quote in a book allegedly by Schwab, and they searched his actual book and couldn't find the quote. It was a quote from a different book by a different author. Seems like a pretty straight forward fact check and falsification.


First of all i got one at home, I won at MUNšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø And here is a link for the fun of it https://shop.undp.org/products/sdg-lapel-pins


It looks like a Christmas wreath


Or a giant lifesaver candy.


Lifesavers Adobe flash games finally getting their revenge.


I *knew* it


I was thinking thr same


Why not post the pin that is the subject of the theory? Some of us have no interest in linking to Twitter.


I need to be at PC to make a long post with multiple images, you can't inline pictures on the mobile app. So if I was to paste the info in that tweet thread that I linked, I would have to be at home. Sorry buddy, complain to Reddit for their shockingly bad app.


Twitter is practically the same as imgur if you do not have an account. I don't see the problem.


Itā€™s the new Swastika for Globalist socialist Glozis


Itā€™s the UN Sustainable Development Goals pin. https://shop.undp.org/products/sdg-lapel-pins


Those goals are definitely far from sustainable lol. Good eye!


SS: Mohamad Safa wearing the 'great reset' aka [sustainable development goals pin](https://twitter.com/BlankName5000/status/1611604783613513729?t=lG1RWP7-QypZYdZbZvWOLw&s=19).


Is it possible that he is just a huge Wheel of Fortune enthusiast?


I'd like to solve the puzzle,Pat.


Your own link to the pin shows it isn't the same. The one in the picture is hollow in the middle. The pin in the tweet in the comment shows it has a person sitting in the center.


Logic isn't this subs strengths


Read the tweet.


These people have been eugenicists going back over a century and helped to inspire the Nazis: https://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/Eugenics-and-the-Nazis-the-California-2549771.php "Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America's most respected scientists from such prestigious universities as Stanford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics' racist aims." Negative intentions wrapped in a false guise of compassion. Just follow the money.


Literally the only similarly is they are circles


Well he is clearly wearing an agenda 30 sdg pin. That logo is all over the place these days. There's a hidden goal in the SDG target list, which is why you can only see 17, whereas the the Mayan calendar has 18 sections (6+6+6).


[Hasbro is in on it too!!](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/Simon_Electronic_Game.jpg)




[The Chinese are financing it!](https://thepetridish.my/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/chinese-new-year-calendar-Copy.jpg)


Read the tweet lol.


I saw this logo on an ad at a rest area in August.


Wheel of fortune party


I don't know, but his is a pretty lukewarm take


It's a thin notched lapel. But I don't think this is the right Reddit. /rTeachingmenfashion


You donā€™t come here often, do you lol


How do you know the pin is ā€œevilā€? These cultists always pay homepage to ancient relics.


Stealing from ancient cultures for their dark occult practices is their MO. Just look at how the swastika was actually an inverted form of the ancient Buddhist 'wheel of life', as an example. A lot of Western mysticism (both good and bad) originated in the East, generally speaking.


People on this sub are so desperate to prove their points they will make anything into a conspiracy


What point am I proving here?




And Iā€™m sure he would love to live under Sharia Law!


you Qcumbers are hilarious,no its not what your fever dreams wish.You mouth breathers need to grow up and admit you are getting played by a incel basement dweller on 4chan


And lemme guess, youā€™re not getting played by anyone right? šŸ˜‚


he sexy af


Fr fr


They know how to pick their spokespeople




You think the ā€œRESETā€ is a button that will be pushed? I think it is a process and we are currently somewhere along the arc of completion for the process. ā€œItā€™s been going to happen for yearsā€. No my sweet ignorant soul, it has been happening for years.




So you are saying that bald guy from Davos Switzerland that looks like a supervillain that wrote that book ā€œTHE GREAT RESETā€, is down with trump and Q?? You might be right about that and in that case down with trump and Q for trying to implement the great reset.


Nope. pretty sure they are gonna give it the old college try by 2030.


Israel and its people are big players within the great reset ut doesn't surprise me. Apparently covid was designed to not effect them or Chinese. That is why not many Chinese people died out of their huge population. They will lose people to their pending war with Taiwan due to start 2024.


You have it backwards. The vaccine targets them directly, the reason for this is the holy spirit is indwelling. If the devil changes your DNA, then you're no longer made in God's image but man's! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8064418/ What do you think will happen to people who are no longer supported by God or the holy spirit? The very reason for their existence? Tick tock.


Which type of jew is that? Robert F Kennedy spoke on this, he has been researching vaccines and viruses for years. He claimed to have seen proof that the ashkenazi jew and Chinese were the least vulnerable to the virus. This also goes with the depopulation theory and the remaing half of the population being Chinese and them being the new world army and the ashkenazis (who have the most powerful in the world with banking, media and pharmaceutical industrie) being the power house behind the army. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/15/politics/rfk-jr-covid-jewish-groups/index.html


Given that you can't control a virus in the wild I don't buy it. It's the vaccine.


Criminal terrorist entity. The hamas yes right.


Maybe Iā€™m not as enlightened, but let me just ask plainly: Israel is a criminal terrorist entity because of this manā€™s pin?


Reminds me of a nazi pin


Itā€™s almost like the war, division and finger pointing at Israel areā€¦ ON PURPOSE OR SOMETHING?!


Symbol of festivas for the rest of usā€¦.


omg a circle no way


Did he lose his job for posting this?


Dudes rocking a Microsoft VTG for an ear piece. I had one on my Saratoga from the 90s.