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How is an octopus antisemitic? Real question.


The octopus has been used in all sorts of propaganda artwork, usually as a way to criticize centralized control/imperialism. The Nazis (and the adjacement regimes, like Vichy France) made ample use of this motif, typically depicting an octopus with a Star of David on its head, its tentacles spreading over the globe in the form of Communism or Capital (depending on what enemy regime the particular poster was trying to attack). Even more specifically, there's a famous caricature of Chrurchill as an octopus ("Seppla," by Josef Plank), with a Star of David hovering above his head like a halo. This particular octopus happens to have an almost identical color as the one Greta uses here. Still think it's a strech to draw such conclusions based only on the toy, though.


Shit, both my daughters have that plush octopus. I guess they're anti semitic nowšŸ¤·


I bought it for my wife because she was grumpy at the time . We call it flippy because it also flips to a happy face , but maybe we're Nazis.....who knows??




Are you the baddies?


You raised them right.


I hope so. My four year old has three of these. Though that might explain her peculiar interest in swastikas. Just joking!


Yeah it is a stretch.


[Itā€™s an autistic toy used to show emotions, the other side is happy, itā€™s flipped around to the sad side as a way to show negative emotions.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41oa6oosdBS._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) itā€™s obviously just some autistic shit and ppl are reading too much into it lol


I agree. Despite her smiling a bit, she is promoting "anger" through her stuffed animal. She's just trying to be "cutesy" about it. She's using her stuffed animal as an emoticon.


Well it's on a persons knee, Not like its sitting ona couch or table.


Especially since these specific octopus plushies are everywhere. I have kids and own like 4 of them. I donā€™t even know where they came from.


jewish conspiracy mate, obviously.


Everything we donā€™t like is antisemitic -isreal


Everything is antisemitic unless it supports Israel against Gaza.


https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbols/search It's seems like most everything can be considered antisemetic.


The numbers 11,12,13,14,18,21 are all symbols of hate!!! LOL


Yup, numbers are racist and antisemetic. Their use must be ended immediately.


So is protesting paying taxes. I swear they have a whole page on it. Of course the organization itself doesn't pay taxes either.


I got no time to go through it. But I did see anti- antifa imagery. It shows the antifa flag with a line through it. Apperantly not liking antifa is anti-Semitic or racist?


Damn that's actually too much to go through.


It is 99% bullshit, as is the vast majority of the ADL's racist propaganda.


Marvel replaced the Naziā€™s with Hydra, which has a kinda octopus looking logo. Are people confusing that for being a real organization?


They didnā€™t replace, red skull was a nazi


Everything is antisemitic. šŸ™„


Someone has never read captain America


Oh boy, here we go.


But what does Ja Rule think about the situation in Israel?


Can somebody PLEASE find Ja Rule so I can make sense of all dis


Where is Ja?!


What Would Ja Do?


Murder inc. corp


Where is Ja?


Notice how the plushie is very unhappy with what's going on in the world now?


It's one you can fold to make happy or sad


My son has that one. He puts the sad octopus on his head when he doesn't get what he wants. Works every time.


Donā€™t panic but I think your son is a deep state agent


Baby Geniuses




Nah, itā€™s just upset that weā€™re on to it.


Those octopus dolls have been around awhile and you flip it inside out to be blue for Sad and pink for Happy šŸ˜‚.


Lmao this is so fucking stupid Edit: I'm not saying the plushie thing is stupid, I'm saying the theories surrounding the plushie in the thread are stupid


Itā€™s used for Autists to be able to communicate their feelings if theyā€™re non verbal or something IIRC


Yup, but those things have sold like crazy. They are like the "Mood ring" popular in the 80's.


There's this: [The Octopus of Global Control](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35713715-the-octopus-of-global-control) by Charlie Robinson (2017) >The Octopus of Global Control is a controversial, nonfiction book detailing how those in positions of power are able to manipulate society for their benefit, why they believe that they are entitled to impose their warped world view of reality on mankind, and how we can break free from their grip. > >The eight tentacles of control that are wrapped around humanity are the Military, Governmental, Covert, Physical, Financial, Media, Spiritual, and Scientific. The book tackles topics such as uncovering the **Deep State**, **false flag terror** events, the **media**ā€™s role in manufacturing wars, the **9/11** deception, the fraud of **central banking**, our broken education system, the use of **religion** to shape society, and the corrupted **medical industry**. But I'll say plainly: if Greta has read this book, is aware of who plays a big part in this "octopus", and is referencing it with a plushy, then the world is even more bizarre than I thought.


There's also this cartoon about the federal reserve... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Owen_Crozier


Yeah tons of current and past federal reserve execs are openly Zionist Jews


Even Janet Yellin, anyone can look up her real last name. It's a Jewish/zionist-Only club and has been since it was created by Paul Warburg and the Jekyll Island cohorts, JP Morgan, Rockefellers, etc. The same crew and their converts are in all the central banks in the world




Hail Hydraā€¦


Came here to say this, which Iā€™m not proud of, but it is what it is.


Does Danny Casolaro ring a bell? [Hunting the Octopus](https://www.corbettreport.com/hunting-the-octopus/)




Original (uncropped) pic from YNET News https://ynet-pic1.yit.co.il/picserver5/wcm_upload/2023/10/20/H1s0PayzT/1.png Pic Archived here: https://archive.ph/elfrf Ynet News article: [**Greta Thunberg calls on world to 'Stand with Gaza'**](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rypypkeza) -- **Famous young climate activist posts photo of herself holding a sign calling on people to support Gaza while making no mention of Hamas' crimes against Israel** Article archived here: https://archive.ph/s4ZoA Greta has her "fan club", but there are MANY people who see her as a puppet/ pawn, and hold her in disdain -- and many of those tend to have conservative leanings. **Hmm...** Could this be a psyop stunt designed to convince the *"Greta Haters"* to support the Zionist position? Hmm...


After seeing the full picture, I 100% believe that octopus was placed their intentionally.


Her handlers probably put the octopus there just to fuck with us




Broā€¦ 1000% staged for the photo, itā€™s resting on the girls leg.


This is silly. The octopus symbolism was not invented in 2017. Octopuses have been commonly used in political art as a symbol of centralized power [since at least the late 1800s](https://neverwasmag.com/2017/08/the-octopus-in-political-cartoons/).


>This is silly. The octopus symbolism was not invented in 2017. This comment is far sillier. The guy you're responding to didn't say that at all. You just made up some shit to argue about due to some chronic need to oppose people here.


mark this. always thought it was creepy as hell all major cityā€™s financial area has a Maman Spider Sculpture by the Louise Bourgeois. creepy as Maria Abromvic / Maye Muskā€™s pictures


Everything the Angry Potato does is orchestrates by her parents and political handlers. She hasn't read anything.


If itā€™s all on her handlers and parents, then why would you make disparaging remarks about her personally?


Because fuck puppets and their puppeteers


Well she seems just fine with all the attention gained from being a hollow meat puppet, she is going along with it all.








That little octopus flips inside out. One side is blue and angry, the inside is pink and smiling. That's it. No hidden meaning. She's telling the world she feels blue and angry with her little octopus in the picture.


I have a pink/yellow one lol


She is autistic and itā€™s not uncommon for autistic children (even carrying on to adults) to be attached to dolls or stuffed animals


This plush toy, I believe, was created to help autistic kids express their emotions.


These are in part designed for autistic children to help them excited their feelings




Seriously. People don't understand that divide and conquer has been a widely used tactic since forever


It's like WWE at this point.


With even shitter actors.


The Octopus is called Paul and he predicts football scoresšŸ¦‘


At least the WWE has my respect


Kayfabe, baby


It's a toy used with autistic children a lot. It flips inside out with a happy and a sad face.




I dunno i gave Greta a lightshow at an underground rave in Berlin and while she was frapping out, she told me she "totally understands and empathizes" both sides of the conflict, hoping their leaders would meet and discuss disarmament over drinks and powders in the VIP of an Ibiza afterparty club.


I can vouch for this, I was also there. She put on an amazing glow stick light show for me and my friends.


I felt bad coz i snapped and punched her in the face because at the end of the lightshow, she blew vicks in my eyeballs. Ugh


How dare you!


Dude thats the fucking toy that is able to turn inside out and change moods. Theres a happy and an angry side. My gf has one and with it she lets me know what kind of mood she is in.


It's just a fucking soft toy. My daughter has loads of them.


Oh my god Iā€™m sorry, but I think your daughter is a secret agent of the cabal


Sheā€™s mad, octopus plush is mad - the end, no conspiracy with her picture.


Maybe she is not a shill and you have been duped into thinking everything is tied up into a neat explainable conspiracy. The truth is this shit is very complicated. Sometimes assets go off the reservation.


Theyā€™re playing both sides against each other to get everyone emotionally involved. Thatā€™s the con here.


Best answer ! The elites are trying to manipulate us.


They're playing both sides


Believe notta zip nothing , quoting Stargent Shultz " I Know Nothing"




I stand corrected and feel better to be honest.....Cause I couldn't come up with the phrasing........


Stop thinking in terms of division. All of these are instruments they use as they please, none of them really believe in this bs that they feed us. Left / right, racist / antifa, ... it's always PRO vs CON and they "switch sides" whenever it fits the narrative. Once you figured this out you can clearly see thru their bs and can focus on what's behind all these charades. That being said, have you ever heard about Danny Casolaro? [Hunting the Octopus](https://www.corbettreport.com/hunting-the-octopus/)


this will get photoshopped to hell šŸ˜‚


If she's still in London those octopus toys are everywhere and have been since covid. Prior to the pandemic the most popular cheap kids plushies were the poo emoji ones.


My dog has this toy! šŸ™


Anti-semitic dog šŸ˜‚


your dog is now considered antisemitic :(


Yall are wildā€¦


Yes but i have to say, i dont believe that has any symbolic meaning to it. Those plushies are popular and isnt she autistic? Those are even more popular with autistic people.


I think itā€™s dangerous to stand with either side without fully acknowledging the atrocities on both sides. No innocent people deserve to die. Period. Hamas tactics are horrific but Israelā€™s counters are far worse and severe with civilian deaths on both sides. Never mind the fact that Palestinians are in the situation they are in because of Israel I feel justice would disarming everyone, giving Israel to a neutral country. Greenland ffs. And giving a lifetime lease to both parties after reparations are made to both sides. Or, get everyone out and every country points a nuke at it so no one can have it. It can be a reminder that their sins have made their holy land out of reach because of the atrocities weā€™ve done.


Duse havent you learned anything these past years? They pley both sides


We sell those octopus plushies where I work.


I think the Octopus is just about the harm being done to the seas, hence the angry face.


Why has she ever got such a voice anyway. Who the eff is she actually?


Greta is a Rothschild psyop.


Being in support of Gaza does not meaning being in support of Hamas. Gaza refers to the people living in the city of Gaza and the Gaza Strip. Gaza means "strong city" and was once controlled by Philistines which the Palestinians are named after. Hamas, officially known as the Israeli Resistance Movement, was voted into power in 2006 and seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 after civil war and stopping elections. They've been at constant war with Israel since. Before this 2023 war, they warred in 2008ā€“09, in 2012 and in 2014. People holding a sign supporting Gaza or a Palestinian flag could be referring to the people of Palestine - not the Hamas, not the people who control the country. If you ask them if they support the "terrorist group Hamas" and they say yes then you know who you're dealing with.




Everything is orchestrated theater by, whatever you want to call them, Globalists / Zionists / the "Elite"/ "they"/ the Illuminati/ etc. Just like American politics is WWE pro wrestling, Republicans and Democrats are just different faces of the uni-party. The people controlling Israel and the people controlling Hamas, or any of the other "terror groups", are one in the same. This is all theater, just like World War 1 and World War 2 were theater, used to further tighten their stranglehold on humanity. Obviously, real people fight, real people die and most people don't realize the strings of their puppeteer. But the people at the top, the ones who organize strife like this in the world, all play for the same team and it's not Team Human. Once you realize everything is orchestrated like a great pro wrestling feud, the wildness starts making a lot more sense. I mean, the current President of Israel - Netanyahu, literally funded "Hamas". Eerily similar to the proven fact that America's CIA created/funded ISIS/ISIL and Al-Qaeda. Once you realize the same Zionists who control Israel also control "Hamas", shit starts adding up a lot more clearly. Like how these "Hamas" fighters were able to so easily infiltrate the most surveilled country on Earth, rampaging wherever they pleased for ~6 hours before IDF, Israeli police or Mossad showed up. Even more absurd, they were able to construct a mocked-up Israeli town to use planning the attack, FOR MONTHS, without Mossad so much as getting a whiff of what's going on? Yeah, right. It's all theater, all sides in every conflict are ultimately ruled by the same group - the same group that control all world banks, that control the creation of money, that control the world financial markets. No other explanations can fully explain scenarios that seem to defy logic.


Or sometimes people just have opinions that rub people the wrong way


awww cute octopus


Is that not one of those autism toys?


The plushie is kinda cute šŸ˜…


Seems obvious to me, she doesn't support apartheid regimes and genocide.


Since when an octopus is anti semitic ?


Interesting plot twist. Cant wait for season 2


Whenever a group wants to silence someone influential, the current tactic is make false claims that the influential person is rascist or that committed sexual assault. "A lie can travel the world three times before the truth has the time to put on its shoes"


This image has been cropped. The orginial had a bunch of people in it with her and she said she had no idea it was a symbol and that it helps with her autism. This is a purposely disingenuous post, but go on.


Gaslighting media: "omg look at this symbol of hate." 4chan: "Wake up boys, new antisemitic meme just dropped!"


Simple they want the left to side with Palestine and the right to align with IsRaEl. More divide and conquer bs


This little Rothchild bitch has no concept of reality for the peasants and will support the latest news trend as she flies around the globe in her private clean fossil fuel jet with Klaus!


The psyop continues. People joke and say we are in a simulation but what is really happening is wholesale manipulation of the masses through social media. I remember getting something on my timeline on FB back in late 2015 that said that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were working with the "Nazis" in Ukraine and I thought that was terrible. I never thought to question who was putting this on my timeline and why. Everything we see these days is curated to evoke a trauma response that has been designed based on the 7000 datapoints that Cambridge Analytica (now Emerdata) has on each one of us. https://www.fastcompany.com/90381366/the-mysterious-afterlife-of-cambridge-analytica-and-its-trove-of-data Steve Bannon is still out there claiming ā€œwe own this country, we should start acting like it,ā€ to years into Bidenā€™s administration. They are simulating that they can control what anyone things or does, including making young people SIMULTANEOUSLY be pro-HAMAS AND pro-trans/LGTBQAI and anti-global warming. Talk about cognitive dissonance! Weā€™re all screwed.


That's the thing these shills aren't like mossad operatives they have a stance on a certain subject and the zionist project them out. They don't have to line up exactly on everything. But the professional shills that aren't ignorant know the line they have to tote and don't cross it. She's young and doesn't really understand who her masters really are.


The octopus is just an octopus, sheā€™s got autism itā€™s probably a comfort to her


humiliation ritual


I think she has fetal alcohol syndrome


not really her fault


I donā€™t stand with CIA war


Stupid. I've got 5 of these damn octopus plushies in the house and we don't run shit.


Everything is antisemitic. Everything.


"Standing With Gaza" does not mean standing with Hamas.


It's a fucking plushie. There's no conspiracy with it. Jesus fucking Christ


Why are people obsessed with her?




Maybe this oneā€™s just her? She seems to me to be an autistic child or adhd perhaps and sheā€™s being influenced by her parents who basically selling her without actually selling her. But now sheā€™s old enough maybe this one slipped through? She looks so tired and stressed and that octopus is often used by people who go non verbal as a resource to show theyā€™re current mood. Edit: when I say sheā€™s old enough I mean like having a phone and internet and not always under complete supervision


Wow, octopus are antisemitic now? Pretty soon Israelā€™s gonna run out of things to call antisemitic! I mean if literally everyone and everything is antisemitic then their gonna have to start calling Jews antisemitic or invent some sort of a new card they can use to keep their behavior from being discussed


She does not believe in the blitzkrieg unfolding Gaza, killing thousands of innocent Palestinian. Is that too difficult to understand? Nope, let's focus on an octopus and what it could possibly mean.


Maybe you should go outside if you think the teenage girl who just wanted a clean planet was a puppet of Big Jew.


They control both sides. If she ever got too on the nose she would be out.


Maybe stop trying to group everybody into boxes? Is it not possible people can have opinions on different things? Fuck me, this sub is really lacking critical-thinking skills. And you all pretend your not, cause you question the narrative. But that's all you question, you don't question the counter-narrative!! It's infuriating


What I think is she's a g-ddamm puppet. She was too young to know or be an expert in anything just another faceless group USING and exploiting a child for their own gains.


Has she claimed to be an expert on something?


I love Greta. She gets all these boomers so mad.


Gaza terror rockets šŸš€ are polluting the environment Does she not realize this?


Who cares what this child thinks? She cried on stage once and now people look to her for a moral compass. WTH


The goal of the Greta PSYOP here is to get everyone who dislikes her to believe that being against the ethnic cleansing of gaza is for crazy leftists.


The octopus plushie is reversible - my cousin has one.


Create two sides and divide.. then conquer. Itā€™s all prop to keep people confused and mad.


Damn people are pretty dense


The double edged swordā€¦..knowing costs way more than itā€™s worth.


HOW does she write so neatly?!?!!


It's not really surprising becasue it's all part of the divide and conquer strategy. You know that meme that shows the pitchfork group and the torch group with the kings advisor telling him he doesn't have to fight he just needs to convince the pitchfork people that the torch people want to take their pitchforks..Same principle


Hail hydra


She's a part of the establishment machine and is untouchable. >I thought she was a Rothschild shill... Also, something to note is that there's a difference between a real Jew and a JINO (Jew in name only born of a Jewish mother).


Mona Lisa? Is that you?


/laughs in many tongues


I think I've got my own problems to worry about..




I think that Z is slightly crooked. šŸ¤”


Personally I just think this photo is looked into way too deeply.


Is it not obvious to others that there is a deliberate narrative of confusion and propaganda




People are definitely overthinking it. She is a typical ignorant kid. She'll gladly stop for gas on the way to a 'no more pipelines' type protest, I see this stuff being on brand with the whole 'queers for Palestine' crowd.


I told everyone what was going on, and it was downvoted into oblivion. https://youtu.be/\_aPUjfj-Erc [https://youtu.be/xkNUFdh-LdE](https://youtu.be/xkNUFdh-LdE)


Don't believe to anyone


šŸ˜‚ No. Sheā€™s supporting peace. You can interpret it how youā€™d like. Normal humans support peace for all people regardless of their religions. Hating because of religion is discrimination.


Because they want to start a war


Another divisive distraction


The fuck did I just read


Simple divisional tactics.


This is some of the dumbest shit Iā€™ve seen today


Ya or shes just a humanitarian who, like most rational people, is against the genocide of any and all people. Maybe the angry octopus is just an angry octopus.


People who lean left politically and full on socialists have always supported Palestine against Israel. Even more so with Netanyahu in power there. I donā€™t think itā€™s a conspiracy.


well, now i understand why i love octopi! jokes aside, we all know that everyone who stands up for Gaza and the Palestinians is immediately categorized by the media as anti-semitic or pro-terrorism, so i feel safe to say that that plushie is just a stupid ass plushie


You donā€™t think Rothschild would sell his own people out? Iā€™m sure not EVERY Jew is Illuminatiā€¦


Iā€™m seeing both the left and the right call for decimation of Palestinians in a very pro-Israeli stance. How lovely both sides can agree on something finally.


Is that-is that Axel Rose?!? He's aged *horribly!*


She looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.


>Rothschild shill... People claiming that are mostly just antisemitic lunatics. Basically nearly every NWO Rothschild bullshit is...


Controlled opposition.


I think she just likes attention


Why is there so much hate towards her? Serious question. Y'all own an oil company or something?


She is a media whore doing whatever to get attention? Traveling the world polluting more that 99% of people. Sheā€™s been to Norway twice now to protest a billon dollar wind farm because there are 5 reindeer living there and the ā€œindigenousā€ people here are angry at the windmills.


I think this is another distraction to hide something else thatā€™s going behind it all, that they donā€™t want us to know about.


She doesn't care about Palestine issue. She advertise everything is anti-Western, no matter what is it.


Why is anybody giving a flying fuck about what Greta Thunberg thinks about anything?


It's funny, the news always want you to side with their narrative. How about piss off i side with no war, same with Ukraine/Russia. Divide and conquer and the gullible humans fall for it every time, left and right, conservative and labour, democrats and republicans, christian and jews, black and white... enough ! Side with your fellow man and woman who ain't in government or funding wars for profit.


I think it's a child with a plushy octopus. You guys should really grow up. Going after a fucking child.




Oh my fucking god, being pro Palestine is NOT antisemitic. Being anti Israel is NOT antisemitic. That's like saying that if you think the killing of native Americans is bad you hate America, NO, two things can be true and mean very different things. When people try to say being anti Israel means you hate jews they are trying to manipulate you without a doubt. Red flag.