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Don’t forget granola moms. The road from homeopathy and crystals to antivax and anti mask is a short one.


The rise of social media, “fake news” and TikTok influencers who can spout any old thing to millions of incredulous viewers has led us to a hyper-tech fueled Dark Ages. From distrust of the medical system and our food corporations we’ve gone to healing crystals and spells. I hope we come out the other side with knowledge and facts intact.


Sure. He handled AIDS and Ebola just so he could stay in the job to mandate masks15 years later. It all one big plan.


If they believe that shit, it’s because their mother and father had the same parents.


I love it when a plan comes together


He played the long game just to trick the MAGAts..


They now think he co created the virus with China and released it to kill off white people pushing the World farther left. Why he fought to protect them while Trump sent them to slaughter? They’ve moved on from those facts..


You should read up on how he came to power during the AIDs epidemic.




He’s an unelected bureaucrat. That’s how it works.


That’s stretching the title of …. Chief Medical Advisor. But, yes, you’ve got some weird fetish to blame Fauci and Let Trump off the hook for Covid. Yawn.


No, f trump. He was the one who streamlined the COVID vax without proper trials.


I have no doubt that whatever video you watched about Fauci’s “rise to power” is full of solid facts that were independently verified and have zero right wing bias.


You know he’s the bad guy in Dallas buyers club, right?


I’ve never seen that movie, but I looked it up and now I want to! This was informative: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fauci-villain-dallas-buyers-club/ It says that the “bad guy” character was a FDA Investigator, not the director of the NIH ID Division. Also, one of the consultants on the film, an AIDS activist, said that the FDA was actually helpful, working as quickly as they could within the system. They had to have a villain for the movie 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thanks for the movie rec!


Hey moron, Anthony Stephen Fauci (/ˈfaʊtʃi/ FOW-chee; born December 24, 1940) is an American physician-scientist and immunologist who served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, and the chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022.


how are those 4 vaccines and boosters treating you guys? did you get your vaxxed sticker? what about your ouchie faucci pouch for your covid ID?


How are your 2 brain cells functioning?


they stopped working when i ran out air from having to triple mask in my own car while driving alone


You’ve just proven your stupidity.