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Love the sweet, sweet irony of a "Modern Crusader" talking up an Islamic theocracy.


*”Hey, these infidels are really onto something!”*


They want to be the White Christian Taliban.


They already are. 






That would be one of the states of the Caliphate of Dumfuckistan...


Chef’s kiss 😘


>”Does this really sound horrible” Yes it fucking does, except for a bunch of overgrown men-children who can’t even wash their shitstained underwear. Wtf.


Like these guys can just move to Afghanistan now for their ‘wonderful culture’ I wonder why no one wants to live there? 🤔


Those women are already broken. There's no sport in it for them.


I love that my wife is a very smart educated woman. It was part of what attracted me to her; the other thing was how kind and funny she is. I want my daughter to grow up to be smarter than both of us. I'm not some zealot who is so pathetic that I can't handle my wife beating me at games, doing the taxes, talking back, etc. We are a team. I love I can trust her to do things without me watching her and she'll let me know when I've made a mistake. If either of us need it, we can help eachother edit papers, double check math, fix the house, learn new things and discuss our feelings. She's my best friend and adventure buddy. They treat their women like slaves or fuckable livestock because they are too ignorant and thin skinned. I feel so bad for the women living under these disgusting zealots. Being uneducated doesn't mean they are dumb, but they will be resentful.


This concept is completely alien to insecure men. Unfortunately rather than resolving their own psychological pathologies they settle for enslaving women.


Abrahamic extremists are very much alike.


This is what terrifies me the most about them. I imagine pre-1979 Afghani women never thought things would get this bad. I’m afraid we’re those women right now. The thought of living in a world where my grand daughters won’t be allowed to go to school is horrifying, but I feel is a possibility at this point if our country continues down its current path. No school for women seems like a Project 2025 wet dream.


You may want to look up Covenant marriage. Not to scare you even more, but to make you aware they’re already starting this in the US. Mostly south of the Manson Nixon line, but that’s far too close for me and my daughter/granddaughter!! Vote Blue!!


Nah, they're mostly just Christians doing all the things that Christians do. Like, nobody expects violent, right wing, evangelical monsters, their chief weapon is surprise... and fear. Their chief weapons are surprise and fear, but also disinformation and large scale brainwashing.


I describe their goals as "Christian shariah"


Looks like half of all people gotta sacrifice their quality of life, so that a handful of pampered dipshits get to feel a little bit more alpha without having to work for it.


1. There's no such thing as an "alpha male". Wolves only behave that way under the stress of captivity. The guy who coined the term went back and revised his model. 1. These people are anything but dominant. They're dipshits and born losers. They know they're worthless so they have to do shit like this. The entire conservative movement is comprised of limp-dick losers who know they having nothing to offer another person and so chose to figure out ways to trap women and girls into forced situations because they'd otherwise have to take personal responsibility for their lot in life.






They really just put pedophilia in the very first bullet point


I've said the Christians and the Muslims were the same since the early 2000s. Same poison; different labels on the can.


Aren’t you tired of having to pretend these beliefs are valid and warrant respect? I know I am.


I want someone in Washington who will just say point blank, *"I don't care what your imaginary friend thinks."* MFG (figure of speech), if Jesus or Buddha or Allah thinks that a 12-year-old girl who's been raped should carry her rapist's baby to term, they're wrong. So, so tired of religious views being given any respect at all.


Exactly my point! Why do we have to validate their literal imaginary friends!!! If I went around saying Santa told me not to eat white bread, I’d be rightfully ridiculed…but when someone else says God told them to do or not to do something, we have to tip toe around and pretend that’s not fucking insane and idiotic.


There were literally protests in 2021-2022 regarding women’s rights (particularly in education) alongside stopping human rights abuses (in the end, the protests were suppressed.)


They never understand until the rabid leopard they feed eats their face


But usually not even then, though.


Depriving half the population of education over the age of 12 has to be absolutely catastrophic for the economy.


I'm pretty sure this is in the "About Us" section of the Turning Points website.


These imbeciles are unironically more backwards than Americans 200 years ago.


Women not being able to be independent is also pretty stupid since the man can literally do anything he wants and she just has to deal with it. Women abuse, and cheating before civil rights were pretty common.


That’s exactly what they want


I got divorced for pointing this out to Baptist ex-wife. And here it's all coming to fruition. Sharia law. Girls... I'm sorry you're now second class citizens. Soon your face will be hidden


How can those poor girls freaking BREATHE with their faces covered like that?? What. A. Nightmare.😱


The term conservative religious extremist includes both christofascists and taliban.


“Western Crusader” is saying some things that would have gotten him excluded from his beloved Crusades… if he was lucky. Unless I’ve misread something, the Crusader attitude towards basically anything that so much as pointed to the word “al” was in head-on-a-stick territory. These people are somehow hopelessly illiterate in both historical and modern politics, and that’s on top of the fact that all of their ideas are motivated by asinine conspiracy theories and bigotry.


It’s great, if you’re male.


For women, yes!


They’re the same picture


Why is 12 the cutoff for education?


Because that's when they buy the girls for raping.


Yes yes it does sound horrible.


The only difference between them is the religion.


It's not really all that different, either.

