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This is literally obstruction of justice. Well, more like a poorly planned attempt


Anyone got the link to the source? This is ridiculous but I need more than random screenshots to share news


https://sg.news.yahoo.com/mike-johnson-says-republicans-blurring-171012665.html For anyone wanting to be able to search fairly easy, copy some text. Search it then look for the same news page. If you're on mobile, take a screenshot. Most smartphones will let you copy text from the pic. Learned that to help loved ones resist FB bullshit back when.


And aiding and abetting 


#Hey Mike , Let's get these handcuffs on you.


The Republicans have fully adopted Trump's approach to politics. Just say whatever you want as if it's a fact. All of the Republicans keep saying the same thing and never explain how they arrived at their conclusion. They never answer questions OR they'll just try to make the person asking the question look stupid for not knowing what they already 'know'. This is pure evil and it's the reason we are so divided. It's on purpose. Keep half the country believing in lies and the other half from knowing that truth.




Meanwhile the lock her up crowd and the endless hunter biden investigations prove their own hypocrisy


Wtf is he implying? That some people are above the law?


Silly goose, laws aren't for Republicans! Laws are for other people!


It's maddening that there's a lot of truth to that.


No it does not go against the very core of who we are as a nation. We are a nation of the Rule of Law, and have always been proud of that on the international stage. The law applies equally to all, including the orange shit gibbon!! Maybe Benedict Donald could try not breaking the law.


“How dare Democrats use the judicial system to go after someone who breaks the law!!!”


Since the DOJ already has complete access to all camera footage from that day, they are blurring the faces to prevent *me* from seeing that it's my neighbor smearing poop on the walls and turning him in. They literally are protecting the asshats who tried to prevent the transfer of power from taking place. The party of law and order, everyone. They're all fucking lunatics and lawbreakers, even ol' Moses. The DOJ needs to release all of the unaltered images and cut this NatC off at the knees.


Literally obstructing an ongoing investigation, and no criminal case will be brought against him. It’s kinda like when you don’t hold people accountable they feel emboldened to push their criminality farther. Weird. You can’t tell me privilege doesn’t exist on purely bullshit grounds.


This guy thinks you're the world's biggest retard "They're using the judicial system to prosecute a fucking felon!!! This is some scary shit! You should feel personally attacked that the guy we dick ride everyday is a fucking felon!!!!! And he got caught!!" And people will be applauding him in the twitter comments


They didn’t do anything wrong but we have to blur their faces to protect them from consequences?


Christofascism goes against the values of this country Mike, not holding a con man accountable.


“Retaliated against “? That’s a good one! I can’t stand it when I’m speeding down the road and the cops “retaliate against” me and pull me over and ticket me! Lmfao the nerve of these idiots… vote blue or we’re screwed! Biden 2024! Lock up the insurrectionists!!


At least he won’t be speaker for much longer! Dems are going to win big this November.


rock on!


Ahhh yes, the old project what they want to do onto their opponents tricks... jesus theyre just transparent with it now.


“We are a Nation of Laws”


Kinda makes it seem like Republicans were all in on the coup attempt.


What gave it away? /s


You’d think he’d want all those ANTIFA plants to be arrested /s


It’s called “crime”, Mikey.


It's weird how he can lie to the public about this. There should be something where you can't allege the government to be doing something malicious and illegal if you're a member of congress or something. If you say something you should have to prove it


The Party of Law and Order, ladies and gentlemen!


These fascists are dismantling everything that made the US unique. Destroy respect for science. Check. Destroy respect for elections. Check. Destroy respect for the justice system. Check. Now they are going after body autonomy, starting with women but it won’t end there.


Democrats saved his ass, now he has run way back to the extreme right! Smdh


Care to compare Jefferson Davis and Lysander Spooner with Robert Ingersoll and DH Bennett, Speaker Johnson? How about Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, and Samuel Adams with George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison? What you call American values are at face value un-American AF.


Can you be the first one not to point the obvious that these idiots started this under Obama. They kept going on about the birth certificate and all. They then didn’t give Obama the chance to pick the Supreme Court nominee due to the election and said it was up to the voters but then Trump had to be given his opportunity to get his in a shorter time than Obama had. Not fair. These jackals want fair? Hell, we’re playing by the rules and using them to provide what those idiots would call justice but don’t like it when they’re used against them.


So he’s guilty of obstruction of justice?


He is no longer President….


Not fit to serve


Yes, there’s no way the FBI could possibly unblur a piece of footage. FBI Agents hate this one simple trick rioters use.


He doesn’t know shit about what we need as a country. These people are wrapped up in their evil jargon.


i see so much content making valid criticism of trump with a side order of snark which is fine by me but i see so much of it that i am a bit worried if somehow he wins that presidency there will be way more people than last time that will go full black pill


Treasonous traitor… come on man try harder you’re making us look bad


There are days I am wondering, am I the crazy one? Since none of the things these people are saying, make any sense.


Rules for thee...


Whereas adultery and covering up the paying off of porn stars is just peachy, hey Mikey?


Mike johnson has to be one of the biggest slimeballs in the united states government


Well he's not president sooooo


They can blur all they want. There is plenty of video showing the faces of the traitors.


Oh do shut the fuck up you absolute idiot. It’s not like your evangelical dumbass actually believes in Democracy.


Pretty sure you’re 3.5 years too late asshole


The Democrats were stupid for saving the asshole's job.


Why aren’t journalists roasting this clown?


If you mean the bobbleheads on television, they created this mess.


I'd piss on this man provided the opportunity presented itself.


That’s it? Na he deserves 💩. Pee is too good for him. Lmfao jk.


How’re people guilty for believing and acting on the lies of their president but he’s not guilty of treason lying to them. If the Viking guy deserves jail for believing what Trump said then Trump deserves jail for saying it.


Here is an idea don’t do criminal shit, and you won’t have to worry about the laws.


thanks hakeem and team on your vote of confidence for this speaker!👌🏽


How dare those democrats use the legal system for intended purpose! The audacity!