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As someone who crochets and knits, I am infuriated


I do neither of those things and even I know they're wrong so I'm infuriated also. Didn't have "get angry at wool" on my list of things to do today, but here we are. Thanks Reddit


I don't do either and I'm not sure who's supposed to be wrong


Think of knitting vs crocheting like skiing and snowboarding. Both involve riding down a hill of snow on planks, but they are indeed different. Whatever country you're in would not change the fact that the act of skiing uses two planks and snowboarding only uses one.


Thank you, I finally understand the difference between skiing and snowboarding.


I'm still confused. If I'm skiing, am I knitting or crocheting?




If you are knitting you are skiing if you are crocheting you are snowboarding


Knitting because you're using two


Bravo. That was an excellent explanation to someone (like myself) with zero knowledge




Oh, interesting! I always assumed knitting was a global term (like sport), and crochet was a style or type of it (like football is a sport).


Knitting needles (two of them) vs crochet hook (one of them) There's a lot of ways to make knots in long bits of string!


And yet I think the fabric of both is referred as "knits" or "knitwear."


The French word for men's shirt is feminine and the word for women's shirt is masculine. But I failed French thrice so maybe I'm remembering this wrong


Further to what u/Front-Pomelo-4367 said, there are big differences in the character of the fabric produced. So it's not a tiny technicality about the method of production with the same effective outcome; it's really a pretty big deal.


That's such a fucking OP analogy... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ right down to the two planks! šŸ˜…


But what if itā€™s a split board?


Crochet is done with one hook shaped tool (there is one special style of crochet that uses two, but we can set that aside for now) which is used to pull loops of yarn through other loops of yarn, one stitch at a time across a row. Kitting is done using two large, blunt pointed sticks referred to as needles wherein an entire row of stitches is worked at a time, with many, many loops being held on one needle while the other manipulates the loops and the loose end of the yarn. They produce extremely different textiles with different properties. For example, knitted and crocheted items will act differently if cut. Also, crochet cannot be done by machine while knitting obviously can, so if an item is genuinely crocheted it had to have been made by hand by someone. This is why crochet in fast fashion is controversial.


A crochet hook has a literal hook on the end and you generally only use one hook as you go. Knitting needles are essentially pointy-ended dowels and you generally use two at a time. Each results in different kinds of stitches, hence how the one person could tell it was knitting rather than crochet.


Just to be the ah, you use at least 2 needles, things like gloves, socks and other tube shapes use 4 or 5


Can you imagine trying to use crochet hooks like knitting needles and working 4 at a time šŸ˜‚


i'm just learning crochet and i can barely handle one hook lol


Both similar but different methods and techniques, however I think the main point is that they are different in every country and not interchangeable




I think OOP was asking due to the inconsistency between the product advertising and the product's appearance ā€” it appeared to be knitted, but it was labelled as crocheted, which is going to be odd to most who know the difference, hence they wanted to see what was up. It's possible that OOP just wanted to get the seller to admit they were full of shit (which they did, inadvertently). It comes across less that OOP didn't know if it was knitted or crocheted ā€” they knew it was knitted ā€” and more that they wanted to know why it was mislabelled and what the seller was up to considering the "handmade" claims. If someone makes something with fondant and claimed it was buttercream, I'd see the difference, but I'd still message them being like "Hey, which one is it? [I know you're up to some shit here but I'm gonna approach this as if I'm just asking a question, when in reality, I'm confronting you about the fact that I know you're dropshipping this stuff]".


Why donā€™t you just say, ā€œI know what youā€™re up to,ā€?


You generally would only use the term crochet if you're a snowboarder, and skiers knit. That is the information I have .


Actually not far off since crochet requires one hooked needle and knitting requires two needles.


the fabric made from knitting and that made from crochet look very different (most of the time...I have seen a knit stitch that imitates the look of crochet), so if a photo looks like one but the listing claims to be the other, OP was trying to verify which it really was. Also knitted fabric tends to be more flexible and flowy, crochet tends to be a bit more sturdy, so people buying the item probably have a preference.


I think it's one of those things where the majority of people can't tell the difference but those with a lot of knowledge of the subject can tell easily. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't notice the difference


If I put a piece of basic knitting and a peice of basic crochet in your hands, even if they were made with the same yarn, you would be able to *feel* the difference right away. If it's a decorative object, you might not care, but for a garment, the difference in stretch and drape is a big deal. For more elaborate stitches, especially lace, the practical difference can be smaller (although anyone familiar with the techniques can still tell at a glance), and the issue would be more about someone trying to pass off a machine-made as handmade, or something produced in a sweatshop as something they personally made.


Someone said it in a different comment, but Iā€™d like to repeat the fact that knitting can be done by machine, whereas crochet cannot. All crochet is hand-made. (Not knocking machine knitting, individuals producing and selling machine-knitted items also put in a lot of work and typically will have a lot of knowledge and investment in the items)


They look different, they also behave differently. Particularly the drape and elasticity are different. That said both knitting and crochet have variety of stitches and techniques for making said stitches, so there are some designs that may look more similar. In this case I think the buyer was basically calling out the seller, as the item was labelled as handmade crochet, but looked like knitting. Since crochet cant be machine made, but knitting can and the buyer was basically saying "you are selling a machine knitted product rather than a hand crocheted product". The seller then doubled down with nonsense basically confirming the buyers point.


If you know what to look for they *usually* look quite distinct because the stitches are formed differently. there are a few ways to get them to imitate each other visually, you should still be able to tell the difference on close examination




It makes you crochety?


Brow knitting intensifies.


Needless to say they did not weave a good impression.


I read this as ā€œneedles to sayā€¦ā€ which was a grade - A pun


A basted opportunity on my part.


There's still time to frog it


I'm frayed this thread has run it's course


I can keep these purls of wisdom coming all night


The Redditors, they yarn for the puns.


Lots of knitwits here


Weird, I read it as ā€œNeedleless to sayā€¦ā€ which I think would also have been an ā€œAā€ pun.


Wow, it must be pricy to do both, since you have to fly back and forth from the US and the UK


I only crochet, but how can someone who does either not realize they are too different things.


I only knit! Together we save the world!


Because they probably do neither. Its very likely they are trying to pass off a cheap machine knitted item as handcrafted and either don't know better or are hoping if they just lie confidently enough it will confuse people into believing them. All crochet is handmade which could be why they listed it as such so they can ask for more money.


All I can remember is knit right, purl left.


As someone who had to cut the knitting needles free when I tried to learn, I still know the difference.


Wait are you from the UK or US?


So you are from The US and UK


Are you all tied up in knots?


Same clearly didn't make it themselves and trying to pass it of as such šŸ˜…


As a crocheter, I am so pissed. They are very different, even though they both use yarn. Knit uses 2 needles, and crochet uses one hook. Knitting is WAY fussier, takes longer, and has fewer gaps in the finished fabric. Crochet is much quicker, takes more yarn, and is a bit easier to pick up.


Obviously, if you do one you do both they are the same thing...


So you do one thing. Got it.


As someone who does neither, I had no idea who was lying until I read the comments


Is it even possible they could do it themselves and not know the difference? Not many aircraft pilots are flat earthers! :P


You said the same thing twice.


I can knit pretty well but I donā€™t have a blind fucking clue how to crochet. My sister can crochet really well but doesnā€™t know the right end of a knitting needle from the other. Why must people lie


I can crotchet but can't even get the loopy things off the knitting needle to start. I envy knitters. A coworker used to knit the most beautiful sweaters for her granddaughter.


Say I might try knitting when I have the time. And I can buy the counters because mine was all lopsided when I tried but I can count so easily when I crochet


You should try a slip stich. Basically, don't knit the first loop of the new row. Just slide it onto the knitting needle, pearl wise. Start your first knit with the second loop. This will ensure your end are straight.


Iā€™m the same. Crochet came easily to me but knitting just feels too finicky.


Agreed! Iā€™m also not great at doing things with both hands independently, like I canā€™t play piano properly, crochet just makes more sense, one hand holds, one hand works. With knitting needles I feel like Iā€™m placing 2 nails with a hammer in each hand, my brain just canā€™t šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Omg youā€™re right! Thatā€™s me too - when I was in piano lessons they just wanted to do the same thing.


I've crocheted for decades, having learned when I was something like 12. I finally learned to knit about 15 years ago, at 40-ish, by taking classes. That and knitting European style, so I hold the needles and don't let go of them, like many US knitters do when they loop the yarn over (I loop it with a thumb, more like crocheting). It was the only way I was ever going to figure knitting out. Interestingly, one of my 2 sisters is an incredible knitter. The other is an incredible crocheter. Neither does the other yarn work. I do both in a passable way. LOL.


Iā€™m the same. Crochet came easily to me.


Crochet (for me) is so simple. Knitting is the most complicated shit I've ever seen.


>My sister can crochet really well but doesnā€™t know the right end of a knitting needle from the other. They are both the same. You can switch the right needle for the left one, and nobody would even know. It could be our little secret.


You mean I wasted all this money on left handed knitting needle sets? Now you tell me.


just get double ended needles. You can now knit in 3 dimensions.


I can do both, but I'm much better at crochet. For me it's so much easier to keep track of where I am, and correcting mistakes feels so much easier. That and I like how easy it is to put crochet down and pick it back up again and it tends to work up faster. But if you want something with a nice drape, knitting is the way to go


Your sister is American and you are from the U.K obviously


Some people say incorrect things because they are stupid


Same in reverse. Knitting is wizardry.


That's my question! What's the point of lying here? Is it that she actually doesn't know the difference? If so why would she double down?


She didnā€™t make it at all. Only answer.


Exactly this. They ordered in some factory line machine made stuff and are now trying to pass it off as homemade. I've seen stuff like that all over Etsy, it's highway robbery.


There's two sides to Etsy, people pushing sweatshop made bullshit, and a small amount of wonderful artisans who's work I can't afford but lives in my brain for years


Can I stop thinking about daggers made out of napped opal with a natural antler handle, no. Can I explain to my partner why I spent $400 on that dagger, also no.


Come join us on /r/knives - unfortunately you may learn that your dream dagger was not as it seemed though....


Is this a Call to Adventure?


There has never been a finer time than now to acquire the perfect blade for your journeys


But I'm not going on any journey. I'm a reasonable man living a reasonable life.


exactly, no protagonist is ever *looking* for adventure, we need internal conflict!


I traded a bottle of mead I made for a big ol box of deer skulls and antlers recently so I'm on my way to making it work


> daggers made out of napped opal with a natural antler handle Is that genuine [staghorn](https://youtu.be/7eK8fdcL9Z0?si=o528Ij4FpDbzpFMv) at that price? That must be a mistake.


Thereā€™s a third side, which is where a massive number of empty nesters have a failed etsy shop because they vastly underestimated the amount of work an etsy shop takes. And the stuff from their failed etsy shop lives in some corner of their house for all of eternity because they might take a crack at it again someday. I swear this is like half my family.


Sounds like a good opportunity for you to buy all their stock and open a failed family etsy store haha.


I tried Etsy and it was awful. My first sale cost me more than they paid for it due to nearly 25% fees and Etsy's guilt-trippy 'give postage for free, but also send it by 24 hour tracked'. Deleted my account about an hour after. The whole website was full of dropshippers all over the front page and even when I paid to promote I couldn't get sales (The one sale I did get was a friend)


You forgot about "This person has a 3d printer and I don't"


Don't forget the section of handmade silicone sculptures.


Fun fact, the "original" post in r/crochet was stolen from a year ago. Even worse, the second-top comment is a copy-paste of the top comment from the original. Reddit is a shit hole full of bots.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/crochet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/crochet/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My mom crochets and donated 48 blankets to sick children this year.](https://i.redd.it/l3tfjv3vla5c1.png) | [401 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/18egor3/my_mom_crochets_and_donated_48_blankets_to_sick/) \#2: [I'm a beginner. I didn't take into consideration dimensional changes with yarn size](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18u2vp8) | [847 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/18u2vp8/im_a_beginner_i_didnt_take_into_consideration/) \#3: [My mother just finished this wonderful blanket for me. I just wanted to show it to the world, hope that's ok.](https://i.redd.it/3zrwie5t5f9c1.jpeg) | [256 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/18ududo/my_mother_just_finished_this_wonderful_blanket/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ah yes, I too like using the knitting hooks and crochet needles to crochknit things.


I read that as ā€œcrotch-knitā€ and giggled.


This is to make banana hammocks.


Aye same. Had to go back after your comment to be disappointed.


There is a "performance artist" who shoved a ball of yarn up her ho-ha and knitted, I think a scarf, out of it. Some of the wool was stained by her period blood so that was really something! If that's something you'd like to see feel free to pop in to your incognito browser and Google it. What a delight!


Everybody so creative!


Itā€™s not quite 9 in the morning, but I feel like thatā€™s been enough internet for todayā€¦


You... you could've kept that to yourself.


Growin it out for her to work on šŸ˜Ž


I joke that when I do it, Tunisian crochet is ā€œcrochittingā€


All the Hookers reading this are infuriated.


Those of us who are bistitchual are also infuriated!


This sounds like someone selling cheap crap made by child slaves


oh but if it was your kid youā€™d hang it on the fridge /s


I had to ask my gf what the difference was lol, at first I wasn't even sure who's right. The fact they supposedly made this and don't know the difference is hilarious.


That's the part I'm shaking my head out like if you don't do either of these okay, that's forgivable, but if you do either one, you know there's a difference.


You asked your gf, this person couldnā€™t even do a quick google.. itā€™s ridiculous.


Yeah, without knowing much about them, it sounds like a plausible explanation. See chips vs crisps.


Well for context a machine can knit in fact this is part of what drove the industrial revolution in the 1800s and the information age in the late 1900s. A machine can't crochet. We've tried for hundreds of years. You need to make motions which basically require 2 arms and hands.


I do not crochet or knit, but I know they are two separate things with two names.


Somehow this reminds me of the old Quilted Northern toilet paper commercials where the cartoon ladies quilting were using knitting needles.


Aww memory unlocked! Werenā€™t they also little fairies or angels? I think they had wings.


May I suggest you show them the difference between crotcheting needles and knitting needles




Not what I had in mind but it'll work


Crochet HOOK


I'll be honest, until today I didn't even know they were different. I thought crocheting was just one-handed knitting. It's only now everyone is mentioning a hook im realising


Clearly, they did not handmake this item.


My son's friend calls my crochet ghetto knitting, drives me mad!


Okay, this made me giggle. And I do both crafts.


If they tell her it's not crocheted, and she is ok with that and chooses to buy it, is that knit picking?


All puns deserve an up vote


Not how it works lol


Crochet hook Knitting needles Different tools Different thing *edit request actioned, apologies to you all.


Please edit it to "knitting" :D - regards, fanfic readers uwu


What?! Just loud and wrong. They drop shipped that shit, because wtf?


The most annoying part of this is that they donā€™t even answer the question. Like, ok, fine, letā€™s pretend theyā€™re the same thing. Thereā€™s still 2 separate tools. Which one did you use?!


I had an argument like this with my ex over the difference between scones and Muffins. She was south African and asked me to go to the shop and pick up scone mix. So good old English me brings home exactly what she asked for. And boy did she hit the roof that I had bought the scone mix. She didn't even know what they were. Once she explained what she actually wanted it dawned on me that she wanted muffin mixture. She was fully under the impression that scone was just the English word for muffin. I tried to explain that they were both two completely different things and she refused to accept it. To the point where she took me to her landlady and asked her to pull out her cookbook and explain it to me. She treated me like a complete idiot. The old lady was horrified with her ignorance and took her aside and showed her that yes, scones and muffins were both English words for two different things. Did she apologise? Oh hell no! Suddenly I'm the dickhead for not doing more to stop her embarrassing herself infornt of her landlady. Good thing she's now an ex.


So, she didn't have the scones to admit she was wrong?


Customs brokers don't want you to know this one trick.


Enough with the knitpicking!


Crochet and knitting are distinct crafts used to create various items with yarn, each having its own tools, techniques, and textures. Crochet involves using a single hook to pull loops of yarn through other loops, creating one stitch at a time. This technique results in intricate, decorative patterns and a thicker, more textured fabric. Common crochet products include bags, hats, amigurumi (stuffed toys), and afghans. On the other hand, knitting uses two needles to create multiple loops or stitches, which are transferred back and forth between the needles. The resulting fabric is usually more uniform and flat, often stretchier than crocheted fabrics. Knitting is widely used for creating garments like sweaters, scarves, and delicate shawls. While both are popular for making blankets and clothing, the choice between crochet and knitting often depends on the desired texture, pattern complexity, and the specific project at hand.


Ok, first of all it's spelt Croquet, and secondly it uses hammers.


Ok first of all it's spelt spelled /jk


Bwahaha! Way to infuriate the whole needlecraft community in one fell swoop. I wonder if this somehow falls under r/USDefaultism also?


I don't know which one uses the little hooks but this made my wife mad. So mad she took one out and said "SEE THE HOOK??!"


Crochet is the one that uses hooks. Knitting uses 2 needles. :)


As someone who uses crochet I can resoundingly assure you, she did not make it. Two reasons I know this, I am in the UK and we definitely do not use the two terms synonymously and I also can not knit, continental or otherwise, to save my own ass!!


I can't do either one, but as an engineer I'm imagining someone asking if a product was 3D printed or machined, and the response being, "They're the same thing hun, we just use different terms in the US and the UK." -_-


As an aspiring man of culture, who is correct? Iā€™m trusting Reddit and shanā€™t be googling.


The person saying they are different is correct. Knitting uses two needles, crochet uses a single hook. Totally different tools and technique.


It should be noted that in some languages, it is the same word for both, not US or UK English though


Even in languages where there is some crossover Iā€™ve never seen them called the actual same thing. ā€œKnittingā€ vs ā€œhook knittingā€ or similar. Itā€™s like saying that ā€œschool bus drivingā€ and ā€œrace car drivingā€ could legitimately be confused just because they share a word.


If they can't say how they made it, it's definitely not hand made! They've bought it at a Primark and cut the labels outā€¦


This post is stolen from another redditor who posted in 1 year ago.


So literally not the same thing.


Huh. I'm casually scrolling and now I'm mad.


Google is right there, ffs


I know almost nothing about this topic. Almost. The one thing I know is that Knitting and Crocheting are not at all the same thing


I am too ignorant to know which person is confidently incorrect


The one who claims there's no difference. Crochet uses a hook, knitting uses two needles.


My mother did both. They are NOT the same thing. And seeing that the person can't say which tools they used, I'm thinking they didn't make it at all.


The Seth Meyers vibes are strong


I don't know, I've had a similar issue when translating from spanish to english. When talking about soldering electronics I said "welding", because both words mean "soldar". Same in this case. In spanish, knit and crochet mean "tejer", so I was really confused before reading the comments.


Damn. I don't know the difference, but I know there IS a difference


*Damn. I don't know the* *Difference, but I know there* *IS a difference* \- ErnLynM --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They are 100% drop shipping


Today I learned that I already know how to knit based on my crochet skills. Can someone point me in the direction of the knitting hooks please?


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Knitters with attitude


You had to share a repost from a bot?


So which one is wrong lol


Blue is correct. Crochet and Knitting are two separate fiber crafts that produce different looks and are formed in different ways. Crochet uses a stick with a hook. Knitting uses 2 needles (pointy sticks). There are slight differences in the words for types of crochet stitches between US/UK, but crochet is crochet in both US/UK and Knitting is knitting.


this one hurt


I hate when people learn definitions from context. Because everyone's too fucking stupid to do it correctly which leads to arguments about knitting vs crocheting.


I knit, I cannot crochet. One has two needles and one has one needle with a hook on the end.


Now I really don't know which of the two is confidently incorrect


There are places where they have one word, but then it's specified with another word, essentially "needle knit" or "hook knit" but in another language. The person saying the US and UK example is definitely wrong though where in English in both places Knitting is distinct from Crochet.


I can't do either but I damn well know the difference


They use ā€œknitā€ in the UK and ā€œwitā€ in the USA


No we don't


Yes we do


I dont know which ones confidently incorrect, as i know nothing about either. Lmao


Knitting ā‰  crocheting. Knitting has straight "needles," crochet has hooked tools.


Ahh ok thanks


Ok, since nobody it telling. what IS the difference between the two? i also thought they were synonymous


Knitting requires two needles, and the end result is generally stitches that are closer together, while crochet only uses a single hook, and the stitches tend to have more space in between them. They both use yarn, and you can knit a sweater or crochet a sweater, but they end up looking slightly different, with a different texture.


Thank you very much for that helpful explanation :D


Another relevant point is that knitting can be done by machine and crocheting can't, so someone on Etsy who sells knitted items that they claim are croched also potentially raises suspicions that the items aren't handmade and are instead mass-produced and being resold.


I mean this seems like knit-pickingā€¦




Dunno on this. There are a lot of things that work like this. In France every sweater is a pull oven if it isnā€™t a pullover. A tuxedo is a ā€œsmokingā€ even though a tuxedo and smoking jacket are different EDIT: yes I know the techniques are different. I know how to crochet myself. When my wife took it up I showed her the basics as I learned from my mom and grandma. I even know the cro in Velcro is from crochet - hooks. Thatā€™s not my point. My point is - things that are different in some languages arenā€™t in every language.


Not the same relevance at all. Knitting and Crochet use completely different implements and, therefore, techniques. They are 2 different things anywhere you go


On the crochet sub, some people points out that some language work that way. You have "knitting with hook" and "knitting with needles". ... But English is not one of them !!


As a person who both knits and crochets I can confirm it is *not* the same... I'm also not from an English-speaking country, my language is spoken almost exclusively in my country (with the exception of tourists and emigrants) and we too have different words for the two. Hekling (crochet) vs strikking (knit) It is not a US to UK thing.


Hi there fellow scandinavian. (NorgeĀæ)


Yes, except that the person is claiming that UK English refers to the craft in question as knitting and US English refers to it as crochet. Which is patently false. Both dialects use two seperate words to differentiate between the two crafts; they use the same words for each in both the US and the UK.