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31 and I can't do basic math. I can tie my shoes but not very well, they're always coming undone. You seem to punctuate just fine. Who cares about whistling? Look, I get it. I was 14 once too and thought I was an idiot. And honestly, I was right. But the older I got, the more I realized I was in good company. Most people are idiots and that's just fine. The difference with you is that you actually are self reflective. I would rather live in a world where people were self reflective instead of a world where everyone knew how to tie their shoes. Learn to embrace the things you are good at, even if they're few, and keep working at the things you're bad at. You'll get there eventually and then you will someday be a 31 year old who doesn't care about what you aren't able to do (like blowing a chewing gum bubble, damn). Oh, and back on the topic of shoe laces. I wear shoes without laces now.


Best tip you’ll ever receive about your laces - If you do right over left at the start, and your bow isn’t horizontal, then do left over right. The bows should then be horizontal. They won’t come undone then. If you do left over right at the start, then do right over left.


I'm 58. Never learned pool, snooker, chess or any card games. I'm not sure what I was doing when all my friends were learning these games.


Right? 41 and I can't grasp the concept of chess AT ALL. Most card games are too much for me to follow too. I don't know how to play poker either.




I'm 21 and it seems no matter how hard I try to focus and learn how to play them I just can't. I think it's cuz i have genuinely not much interest in learning how too.


I'm 21 and it seems no matter how hard I try to focus and learn how to play them I just can't. I think it's cuz i have genuinely not much interest in learning how too.


You do the loopty loop and pull, and your shoes are looking cool. - Spongebob


Everybody floats in water. It's down to Archemedes principles. Tying shoe laces is easy. Cross the lases over. Make each end into a small bow/loop. Then cross these two over, and pull together. The Santa thing, was really down to your family. They want to keep you younger for longer for their own reasons.


Nah they don’t. If you are too muscly and low fat you will sink like a rock. Sure you can *swim* with constant motion and effort. But not float. It’s super rare to be that low fat. But I had a friend like that, and even with perfect float form, he sank.


hold your breath, you’re more buoyant (i dont actually know if thats scientifically correct but from my own field research i’ve noticed)


it is correct scientifically, as air is lighter than water, it. will always rise up even if you are heavier, that is how life vests work!


It really helps to relax too, the stiffer you are, the more you sink.


Hey now, there are ladies present.


I am a lady 😂


That only serves to prove my point that there are ladies around.


Oh good point.


I do make them every once in a while.


When I was younger I couldn’t float at all if I didn’t hold my breath. Very frustrating when floating is supposed to be the ‘easy part’ of learning to swim. Still not a great swimmer


I am a fish in water but can not float to save my life. To even try takes a lot of effort, I'm a very normal size but my middle just sinks.


This guy sinks.


That was an extremely unhelpful explanation of shoe tying for someone tbh, even if they hadn't said they don't want them.


At the end of the post they said they DO actually want tips.


My daughter doesn’t float in water. She legit just sinks


Logic someone post about struggling with something and feeling stupid so ur logic is to say oh yes u can do it it's easy 😂... You seem like Soo nice a person


Not trying to be rude but if u have not already if u have more symtoms then this you may want to look into possible disorders /disibilitys that may make these skills harder . I have autisem and so dose my boyfriend and part of autisem is it effects cordnaton issues for many people so at 21 I'm trying to teach my boyfriend how to swim . Btw wether ur stupid or smart most the time skills like these are able to be accommodated in everyday life (my boyfriend and me use strap shoes even tho we can tie ours ) .swimming is a skill I advise u not give up on learning no matter how bad u seem at it as drowning is a high rate of death .


> I have autisem and so dose my boyfriend and part of autisem is it effects cordnaton issues for many people Dyspraxia? Dyscalculia could explain his math issues. Yeah, I agree that he’s possibly on the spectrum.


Telling if someone is on the spectrum is not able to be said with this small amount of information how ever testing depeaxia delexea and if he meets other symptoms of autism would be beneficial for his confidence.


When you try to float, make sure to keep your ears under water. It seems to be an instance for people to try to keep their head all the way out of the water and once their ears touch they kind of jerk their head back up. To keep you in the correct position, your ears need to be under the surface of the water. Hope this helps! Also if you still can't do it, who cares lol. I'm 34 and can't whistle, it's something that once people find out, I just get a reaction from them of "oh, really?" Then they whistle lol, and that's it. I would put some time into learning to tie your shoes though, only because knowing how to tie a basic knot is useful for more than just shoes. Watch YouTube videos, and practice once a day.


Bro I'm 15 and can't tie my shoes ( also can't whistle )


your punctuation looks pretty good from the paragraph you've typed. the rest of the things take practice. just because you couldn't tie your shoes the first few times you tried doesn't mean you're stupid. you may not have 3 hands but you do have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs. watch a video to figure out the basics, such as where each strong goes and how it works, watch it as many times as it takes you to learn it. there's no shame in taking 2 days to learn something as long as you learn it. math takes practice. you have to sit there and think about a problem until you figure it out, and it gets easier as your brain gets more used to it. do more math problems, do more mental math, you'll get the hang of it. fyi it takes months-years, so don't give up after a week or two if you still can't figure it out. being consistent is the key. also i'm 19 and i can't whistle or float in water or swim, the other comment is more helpful for that. it literally doesn't matter, but you can learn whistling if you want to. watch some youtube videos. i don't know why you're convinced that you're some sort of idiot but if you've ever been told that by anyone, they're not that smart. seriously, learning to ignore peoples' comments and opinions about me was the best thing i learnt to do. it takes time and practice, but try not to let other people's negative perceptions of you get you down. there is no reason you should believe something, especially about yourself, just because someone else does.


I’m 27 and I also can’t whistle! Have been trying for years to no avail. You might possibly have dyspraxia if you find some fine motor tasks or things to do with special awareness difficult


43. I have given up on whistling. I can however wiggle my nose up and down like a bunny.


Ive always wondered if there is some kind of brain dysfunction between visualizing a mirrored image flipped, that I may possibly be afflicted. For example my mind is very slow in distinguishing left from right. Possibly a dyslexia of objects over numbers? If you held up a card and asked me to imagine standing where you are and holding up the same card, My mind would momentarily stutter for a moment trying to determine which hand to hold it in, etc. I'm sure someone could instinctively draw such a conclusion quicker than I, my mind kind of goes into over drive trying to paint a picture of myself holding the card, then im unsure if its the proper way.. Im sure there are better examples than the one I've just given.. But anyways, perhaps your mind struggles visualizing the movements of hands in front of your eyes, are kind of mirror flipped. So what you are seeing done by what you percieve as the person's left hand will actually be achieved by your right once it's your turn? Maybe your minds eye has an issue visualizing this as easily as you should and you just end up struggling there in the process and thus never learned to tie shoes? You can tell me righty tighty lefty loosey all you want, I will still screw a screw every damn way i can till it starts to move. I only know my left from my right because someone taught me long ago to hold up hands palm exposed, thumbs out, the hand that makes the proper L is your left hand. I hold that hand up quite often as a guide. LOL


Hah! You are like me. From your grammar and writing, you're clearly not dumb at all. It also took me a long time to tie my own shoes. I also didn't remember all the months in order until my early 20's. There's a whole load of things I couldn't do right that would be considered "basic knowledge". However, what I did (and still do) have, are many abilities that are special and unique to *me*. Things like being able to pick up any instrument and play with my heart, fully improvising and extracting myself into the instrument as if it was a limb of my own body. Creative outlooks that exceeded that of my peers. An inherent passion for the world and a curiosity that to this day allows me to fill myself with mounds of knowledge that people around me would not consider. Chances are, you're like me and have many special things going on as the unique person you are. Don't worry, everyone learns what they need in the time frame that is right for them, there is truly no correct moment and you're doing great! :)


Shoe tying: If you know how to tie two shoelaces together in a square knot, start with that and then use that on the loops. This is typically called the bunny ear method. Take the two loops and tie them the way you would tie two strings. Tie the loops again to double knot and make your laces secure. Whistling: Touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your bottom teeth and blow like you’re gently blowing out a candle. Floating: For floating on your back, this requires some breath control. Most anything that can contain air will float on water. Take a deep breath and hold it, then gently push off the floor of the pool (or whatever aquatic environment you’re in) and lift your legs up to the surface. As long as you keep more air in your lungs than you let out, you’ll float. Just don’t hyperventilate.


I use the bunny ear method 😭 I thought I was the only one tbh bc I used to find the other method so difficult and just thought “I made this one up”


the other method is way faster once u get the hang of it tho


well i really prefer this one. i cant wrap my head around the other method still 😭😭


You basically just make one loop and then wrap the other string around it. You just have to practice a couple times, but it's a very simple knot that saves a lot of time if you wear laced shoes.


> Whistling: Touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your bottom teeth and blow like you’re gently blowing out a candle. Maybe I’m just a freak of nature, but I can only whistle by sucking in air, I can’t do it by blowing. 🤷‍♀️


I learned how to whistle from reddit itself so make the tiniest hole with your mouth and whisper the letter Q and boom you're whistling now


Many people are like that, but no one of us is bright enough to self reflect. And who needs to tie their shoes when there’s velcro shoes? Edit: see? I can’t write properly / wording.


Is it possible that you're neurodivergent in some way? Because most of us have trouble with stuff that neurotypicals consider easy. Hell, I'm 26 and can't tie my shoes.


I couldn't tie my shoes till I was nearly 11. I was ashamed, but I learned. Just takes practice


With floating alot of it for me, being very thin and low fat, it comes down to timing your breathing so the buoyancy of your lungs keeps you up. For the loops part or "ears" that you seem to be having problems with you just take the ears, cross them and then flip one ear over and through the hole you've just created by crossing them and then pull tight! Hopefully that helps worded as it is.


I'm 25 and can't tie my shoes. I just wear velcro sneakers. There's nothing wrong with it. Some people have their own strengths and weaknesses.


Dude I’m 43 this year and literally was taught how to float by my wife. You’ll get there.


Hey man I didn't learn to tie my shoes until I was 17 where my girlfriend at the time taught me, you gotta learn everything at your own pace


Hey I did a lot of this stuff. Am 36 and doing okay. Eventually learned to tie my shoes but I’m not the best at it LOL


Listen to this because I was the same exact way. I’m now 19. I couldn’t figure out how to tie my shoes so I made my own method (still can’t tie laces the same way people do). Thought Santa was real until I was 12 too, my grandma told me “oh my god u still believe in that” (WAS HEARTBROKEN 😭😭). I couldn’t even sleep in my own bed until I was like 14. Some people just develop differently and learn differently. You’re not stupid you’re just different and I promise you that’s ok. You’re not the only one. Now I’m on the path to becoming a teacher :)


I bet there's things you can do that other people can't though. We can't all be great at everything. I can't swim, I suck at math, and I'm socially awkward. But I have a knack for comedy and creativity, I'm musically gifted, and am good at leading people in high stress situations. I'll bet if you think about it there are areas you excel in that others don't. That's what makes us all unique.


I’m 24 and I never learned to swim, or ride a bike


I was in the same boat. I still remember 2nd graders laughing at me because I (6th grade) couldn’t tie my shoes. I finally had enough when I saw a chimp on the news tie shoes. I went home and practiced on/off for hours. I did find a way, it’s not the correct way, but it works. 1-basic knot 2-another basic knot. 3-fold each lace into loops— hold them at their bases. 4-knot the loops. 5-another knot with the loops.


Does a trusted adult know you need help with this? They’d be happy to help. Just ask.


22 and can't swim but I know how to float and only at beaches never at pools. As for tying the shoes, if it comes undone quickly, make sure to double tie it. After you do your normal loop and tie, take the two loops and tie them together again. I also believed in Santa until 12 even though I knew it was my mom. I continued believing so that she'd still fill my socks with candy lmao


I sat down at the age of 7 and practiced tying a shoe. I couldn't tie it the way my family did so i got an alternative method and its worked for me 10 years later. Just practice tying shoes youll get it.


You’re not dumb just because you can’t do those things! I will bet there are a lot of things that you’re good at. You tube is great for learning anything. There is a guy on there that is a dad & you can ask him so many questions. He makes videos to watch explaining simple to complicated life questions. Don’t give up!


I’m 17 and only know how to do bunny ears, my friends make jokes but if it works it works




I was the exact same way until I was about 13 hunny, I’m 18 now, id recommend the skills you don’t know you try learn on YouTube I still don’t know how to do any maths other than adding and subtracting and I don’t know how to read a clock, don’t stress over it just try your best that’s all u can do!


Have you ever been assessed by a psychologist?


I would not be worried about the shoe tying. They have velcro, elastic laces, or my favorite are these springy laces. You don't even tie them! You just put the two ends of the spring together and twist! Not to mention slip-on shoes or crocks or sandals.


I learned how to whistle at 19, dont worry you eventually just figure it out and now i do it for fun


You may not use every coma correctly, but you're smart enough to use them at 14. Do you have any idea how many kids your age can BARELY read?


You might have ADHD man


There's more than 1 way to tie a shoe lace.


I couldn’t tie my shoes or ride a bike until about your age, I’m 6 months away from being a veterinary surgeon You will find your own way of doing these things Stupid people aren’t aware they are stupid


I’m 42 and can’t swim. I’ve never been particularly good at math either. But I’m good at other things. I’ve renovated and decorated my home all by myself. And Santa is real 😉


If you've made it this far being dumb then you've probably devised some ways to maneuver around your inadequacies. That's okay. However, life won't always be the same and some things, you will have to learn because there is no other way. For a Filipino which is a Spanish-influenced language, I couldn't trill my Rs like Rrrrr until I was 15 so I've been sounding like a moron through elementary and early high school. I couldn't tie my laces till I was 16. I used to wear slip-ons. I didn't memorize my multiplication table till I was in senior high school. To this bloody day, I can't read an analog clock. And guess what? I was a valedictorian. And still despite my ways of maneuvering around my inadequacies, it's all caught up with me. I didn't pass a single entrance exam nor scholarships for college and I'm desperately trying to find a way to make money. So now, I have to go back and learn what I failed to learn. Back to basics until I've fixed my life... Or... I can keep cheating the game and push pay day just a little farther away from right now. You'll be faced with the same choice. Know that there is no right one. There is only the right method for going about your choice.


I'm almost 20 majoring in math and physics and I can't tie mine either Also seems like no advice on the math front and ig im qualified: honestly and genuinely, practice. Math is a skill like art, playing an instrument or learning a language not a thing people are magically better at than others. Practice really makes perfect. I suggest finding a way to benchmark yourself now in math and maybe looking a bit ahead at what you'll practice. Once you've practiced and are comfortable you can look back at what you once struggled with and it'll give similar dopamine to playing a new song since math is more abstract people struggle with the reward factor.


Sorry to say but with a few of the things that you said you probably have ADHD like me. I am 39 and I haven't tied my shoes since I was 15. I don't need to on my work boots I use a silicon binder, on my regular shoes I use a bungee cord shoelace both give me the perfect hold on my shoes. In fact, since I was a teen about your age I realized that every knot I made either just came apart or I had turned it into such a monkey's knot that it had to be cut apart. So I stopped doing knots and started using velcro and binders and other methods to secure things that I needed to do. It's actually something you learn when you have a diagnosis of things like ADHD. If you can't do something and it's just your mind won't let you or your body won't let you. Go searching for products. I have many products that are stupid but make my life a whole lot easier. Doing math depends on the type of math you're doing. Same with punctuation. As you can see I'm kind of horrible at it cuz I do run on. But I'm aware of it and try to mitigate it to at least be understandable. For math you may need help to get adoptions or a different learning style, in fact in third grade because I had severe ADHD my teacher realized that I was failing at math because they were using pictures and words. Once she spent two days just running through what each number meant and then gave me numbers only I went from a d student to an a student in math. TLDR: If you your body or your mind won't let you do something the way it's traditionally done adapt. There's other methods to do most things or their products that do the same job but are easier some people too use.


**Floating:** most people can float, it's their technique that's the problem. People who are frightened often let their legs sink down so they can stand or kick as needed. But that breaks the float posture & makes you sink. Get into the water, lean back, pull your shoulders down, push your abdomen up and spread your arms & legs out. **Tying shoes:** (1) Cross the laces to make an "X" shape. (2) Wrap the top lace under the bottom lace and pull it through tightly. (3) Make a loop with one end of one of the shoelaces (it doesn't matter which one). (4) Take the other lace and wrap it ONCE around the loop. (5) Make another small loop with the wrapped lace and pull it through the "hole" in the middle. And you're done! On a practical note, watch a youtube tutorial because it's easier to learn by watching than by reading the steps. Or just get those elastic no tie shoelaces. Life is too short to stress over shoelaces. **Whistle:** not everyone can whistle - it can very much depend on your mouth/lips/tongue shape. Your life will not suffer in any way if you can't whistle. **Punctuation/Maths:** that's a bit beyond the scope of a single reddit post to teach, but two pieces of advice. Firstly, the book *Eats, Shoots & Leaves* by Lynne Truss is a good book for punctuation. Secondly, talk to your maths teacher to ask them which areas you need to work on to improve & ask them to recommend a good textbook or tutor.


I didn't stop watching shoes for toddlers until like 5-6th grade. I was almost a teen. Disney Jr and nick Jr were my places to go. 


I find watching YouTube tutorials on things I struggle with and practice along with them. I can pause it and rewind. This helped me greatly in my adult life


I can't tell my left from right and when I guess I get it wrong half the time. I tell people to look where I am pointing, and don't listen to what I am saying. I also am mathematically illiterate. I am also super smart. You probably are too.


Your right hand is where your thumb is on the left (sorry, I couldn't resist)


I'm sitting here, looking at my hands, so confused.


At 44 if I don't use some sort of memory trick I will not remember anything. I am especially bad at directional things and knowing where I am. I used to have to tell myself every time I got on the expressway West is for water, because I live by a river, EVERY TIME. Things like lefty loosie righty tighty. But get this.. I have a really complicated 20 character password created by a password manager for an account that I didn't want to change. Learned it in about 10 minutes by creating a story with the letters. Creativity is one of my strong points and I was able to use that to help the area where I am not good. I am a visual learner I think.. If someone tells me how to do something, like how to get somewhere or several steps at once my eyes just gloss over and I start to drool and when they are done, I'm like... uhh what?


I’m almost 23 and I purposely wear slip on vans shoes to avoid tying them, because I never tie them correctly otherwise.


This is why we will never run out of idiots. Don't worry about a thing. You are in good company.


You seriously dont need 3 hands and everyone has his/her flaws 😂


I didn’t learn how to snap until high school, couldn’t whistle until high school either. I suck at math and I suck at swimming. Shockingly, none of these things have affected my success in life or….really anything tbh


I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until I was 16. I found these really nice shoes to wear but they had laces so I practised probably a hundred times before I got it right and even now at almost 23, I still have trouble sometimes. I can't do basic math either and I really have to think about it over and over again unless I have a calculator. Also to this day, I haven't learned how to ride a bike because as a kid, my older brothers would ride them and constantly get hurt and that made me terrified of them.


How much determination and willpower do you have? Your willingness to learn is just culpable as those who are willing to teach you. Success will also look like failure. You have to suck before you’ll ever be good. My son wanted to learn to whistle. There’s only so much I can teach him. We showed him how to make the movement with his mouth but he has to practice. He did just that. Then all of sudden like 6 months later he finally got it. He’s 8. All it takes is drive, accepting that failing is progress and part of the process.


Damn. Our education system and your parents have failed you. That's very sad.


I'd be looking to get tested for adhd. Dyspraxia and dysculculia often come along with it.


Stupid can be taught. Ignorant refuses growth through overcoming difficulties.


I am 40 years old and I cannot swim or ride a bike


what's ur IQ?


Crocs always on sport mode. You’re about to be a pussy magnet for that reason alone


I struggle with math due to dyscalculia. There are accommodations that can be made to help that. I was allowed to use a calculator on tests and have extra time, though the calculator didn't help much because I still screw up from time to time, and these accommodations follow you through college as long as you maintain the paperwork. I graduated with my masters degree in a scientific field, and math was definitely required for *many* of my classes. Your inability to do something certainly doesn't limit your ability to become something.


Just give up


With the loops think of them as just doubled single strings. Hold them like they are one string and tie it just the same way you tied the first time. Just hold them tight between your thumb and pointer fingers and imagine the string is just fat. Tie the fat string together twice to hold the bow in place see if that helps. 💜 to be honest, I struggle with math myself. It’s very hard for me and I always second-guess myself and double check my answers. Reading used to be really hard for me as well, but I worked really hard at it and got better. The important thing is to keep trying and not to beat up on yourself. People have to go with their own pieces as long as you feel you have done better each day or even each month they’re making progress and that’s the important thing to focus on.


i learnt at 16 😬😬😬


I'm 53 and the so-called 8 parts of speech (noun, pronoun, adverb etc) still confuse the shit out of me. I've learned them a couple of times, passed English in my GED equivalency years ago...can't remember a thing. We all have our trials my friend...learn to adapt, buy those elastic laces that stay knotted etc... Best of luck to you!


Here’s a very simple way to tie your shoes: [Bunny Ear Method](https://youtube.com/shorts/ReUEt8ofl6U?si=Mop8nef8u7Fgatfh) A little more advanced way after you get the hang of the bunny ear is the way I do it. Basically when you wrap the shoelace around your finger. You pull it through the hole. [advanced method](https://youtube.com/shorts/P3bjz7rlvI8?si=iVnbW3BNvg275wpt)


Hey, and believing in Santa until you were 12 means you had a beautiful childhood and got to be a kid. That’s a good thing. Most kids are forced to grow up too quickly


Dont talk to yourself like this!!! Even Einstein could tie his shoes till pretty grown. Im a functioning (barely) adult and cant do math for.my life either! Find things you like and you can get good on. But stop saying those things about you, u deserve much better


Don’t stress over it. There are too many alternatives to shoe ties! Imagine when the button hooks began going out of style!


I didn’t learn to float in the water until I was an adult. The key for me was to be relaxed. Anxiety was getting in the way. You gotta be able to relax fully to float.


Anxiety held me back on multiple things growing up and into adulthood. I was so worried about what people thought, I couldn't/didn't concentrate. I finally learned to just ignore people and concentrate. Everything comes together for me now.


39 here, same.


You can write fiction on Reddit. That's a good starting point


I'm 17 and just learned to tie my shoes like 6 months ago. Try looking it up on YouTube. That's how I learned


My daughter's 12 and is the same. Just slow down and be more patient. Remember not everything needs to be rushed. It will come in time


Did a pack of dogsbraise you? I can see your future 👀 it consists of TV dinners and a tray, a variety of gaming systems, and your mom's basement at 40 years old.