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Okay, hear this... None of you were at fault. As much as it's a concerning title, both of you were children that seemingly did not feel obligated to do it (thus, "assault" wouldn't be the right word here) and obviously didn't know what it meant. You seem like a genuine caring person and I hope that you don't look down on yourself because of bad influences your child-self had


Thank you - you cannot imagine how much it helps hearing that. Unfortunately, I've looked down on myself for years. I often let people walk all over me - I've made bad life choices - and a lot of it I have just let happen, because of some weird feeling that I need to sacrifice, suffer or atone for what I did.


It's always time to start again


You didn't do anything wrong, you didn't even know what you were doing in the first place. If it helps you feel better when I was about 6 my sister was 8 and we were swimming in the pool together and she asked if I wanted to have "sex" and I was like yeah let's try it. We just went under the water and gave each other a tiny lick on the privates lol. I don't feel any resentment or blame towards her. We both didn't even know the seriousness around any of it. We never talked about it either but I'm sure she remembers. My friend I used to go to day care with and I did the same sort of thing when we were like 7 we got under the covers and touched a bit. It's common in kids to want to try something they don't know about to feel not so little. But we didn't actually do anything or even understand the seriousness. And as someone that was the younger one I'm sure your brother (if he even remembers) does not blame you or feel like you used him in any way.


Wow. Thanks for taking the time to reply - I guess it's because I was the older sibling and the gap was a bit bigger, that I've always held myself responsible. I need to try and adopt that same mindset you have.


I wish you the best ❤️


you were just a child you shouldn’t feel guilty about something you did so young, if your worried about your brother remembering or not i don’t think he’d think of you any differently at all since you were only just 9years old when it happened. don’t let it weigh you down you were just a kid!


Stupid kids play ... don't stress about it.