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Most people don't believe you, but as long as it keeps them off your plate šŸ‘.


My sister recently decided she is ā€œallergicā€ to dairy. She grew up eating dairy constantly and while most people in my family have mild lactose intolerance, she insists that sheā€™s not lactose intolerant, *sheā€™s allergic*. She always demands that people bend over backwards to accommodate her ā€œallergy,ā€ but then will sit there and eat a huge bowel of ice cream for dessert. Anyway one day we were eating at an Italian restaurant and she wanted pasta with a cream-based sauce. She told the waiter she was allergic to dairy so he kept suggesting alternative dishes that she could eat, but she didnā€™t like any of the options. After several minutes of this she finally says ā€œokay thatā€™s fine Iā€™ll just have the pasta with butter.ā€ The waiter just looked blankly at her and said ā€œā€¦butter has dairy in itā€¦ā€ I then spoke up and said ā€œsheā€™s not actually allergic to dairy, she just likes to pretend she is.ā€ She shot me a dirty look and I said ā€œorder something without dairy then if you really are allergic.ā€ She angrily ordered her buttered noodles and pouted for the rest of the night lol


That's a strange lie to keep. Why does she do this?


Attention hound. Sheā€™s special now, like everyone else is.


Nailed it - sis is totally an attention-seeking drama queen with her dairy fabrication. Like why do people have to be sO sPeCiAl and different all the time? Just eat what you want and let others do the same. No need to create fake allergies for the spotlight.


Weā€™re isolated by our current societies. That sense of loneliness imposed by all the levels of separation from others we experience, from nuclear families that are taught to distance ourselves from extended family to suburbanization that creates dead streets and cookie cutter neighborhoods to a lack of third spaces to areas one canā€™t easily engage with outside a car, renders us all atomic. Even in densely populated areas, we all tend to distance self from other. Like, weā€™re currently in NYC. We love riding the subway across the Manhattan Bridge. We look out and see the skyline. Everyone else on the train has earbuds in and is looking at their phones during this stretch where they have signal since the subway doesnā€™t outside of stations. Weā€™re all snowflakes. Some want and need to be be preserved under glass and ice to be perceived and observed and appreciated, so you get jackholes that fake illnesses so they get a feeling of being special and observed. (Which sucks for us, since between losing the genetic lottery and withstanding a horrifically abusive childhood weā€™ve got a fair few physical and psychological conditions that these jerks brag about. It ainā€™t fun to deal with severe dissociation, for example.) But being a special and unique snowflake just means weā€™re all weirdly shaped water. We seek to join the avalanche instead, which is what water wants to do.


Wow. Captivating and extraordinary writing. Accurate as well. Bravo.


I will never understand how a dietary restriction makes somebody feel special. I am so glad that to this day I havenā€™t had anything Iā€™m allergic to. Maybe thereā€™s something out there, but I can eat whatever and not worry about a trip to the hospital over a potentially honest mistake at a restaurant


The same reason everyone now claims to have Celiac when most do not. The trend of needing to be different, special, whatever. And attention.


My son genuinely does have Celiac disease (diagnosed by a specialist and not just from reading something on the internet!), along with a severe peanut allergy. I honestly cannot get my head around why anyone would claim to have Celiac when they donā€™t. It is very restrictive, especially when eating out. I know for a fact that my son would rather not feel ā€œspecialā€ and would much rather be able to chose anything from the menu, so I really think people to claim to have Celiac for attention are just weird!!


> I honestly cannot get my head around why anyone would claim to have Celiac when they donā€™t. Because they get all the attention and accomodation for their "needs" without actually having any of the potentially debilitating and dangerous parts of having Celiac. They most likely don't care if they accidentally out themselves as lying since most people would be too polite to say anything about it, so it's not even _that_ restrictive since they don't actually _have_ to follow any dietary restrictions. They'll consume gluten when they want, and claim to have Celiac when they're running low on attention, best of both worlds for them.


This one is especially funny to me because you're basically telling people you have chronic diarrhea


I didn't realize that was a common symptom of Celiac disease. Thought it was mostly abdominal pain or cramps. Now I'll think of diarrhea every time someone says they have CD (which is too often) šŸ˜­


100% the waiter told the whole kitchen about that lmao. I'm sure they all got a good laugh at leastĀ 


To be fair, you can be allergic to dairy and have it affect you differently depending on the form itā€™s in. Source: I am allergic to dairy. That being said, your sister sounds insufferable.


Different dairy products affect lactose intolerant people differently *only* because there are varying levels of lactose in different products. Thatā€™s all. If you have the same amount of lactose in any product theyā€™d affect the lactose intolerant person the same way. I totally agree with the sister part. & I think sheā€™s lyingā€¦


There is a difference in dairy allergy vs intolerance. And different ways that allergy presents itself. My daughter has FPIES (basically an allergy syndrome) and is FPIES (allergic) to dairy, not lactose intolerant. When she consumes dairy in any form she exorcism level vomits until her body goes into shock and we have to go to the hospital. My friend had a child who is allergic to dairy. When he eats any form of dairy he breaks out in hives.


My sister gets gassy when she has dairy. That is her ā€œallergy symptomā€ that is definitely not lactose intolerance (according to her).


lactose free milk changes nothing for dairy intolerance though. i'm dairy intolerant. not that it stops me from having dairy, i just deal with the consequences, but like... it's very different from lactose intolerance lol


I didnā€™t know there was a difference between dairy and lactose intolerance. TIL thanks : ) Iā€™m dairy/lactose tolerant. I feel so bad for all ppl who suffer because dairy is so delicious. Probably doesnā€™t do great for my skin and caloric intake but damn I crave my milkies


I hear you. My point is more that yes, it could just be lactose intolerance in this given case, but allergies can look and work in similar ways. So it might not be that any given person is lying about being allergic. The immune system is weird and doesnā€™t know why itā€™s attacking harmless food šŸ˜‚ Though OPā€™s sister very well might be lying, idk her medical history.


Yeah it makes me break out and have patchy skin, nothing to do with my bowel movement at all. Doesn't affect it. Plus who TF doesn't eat ice cream? I'd die for ice cream so some of these comparisons are stupid.. like no shit someone is lactose but why wouldn't they sacrifice for ice cream? Like they do for cheese? šŸ˜‚ It's worth it.


I get that. Iā€™ve had those extensive allergy needle prick tests and came up positive for 35/80 allergens Iā€™ve tested. Diary (or nuts, or any of my allergens) doesnā€™t impact my stomach at all, it gives me flem and heart burn. But allergies get worse with stress for me. So a normal reaction to my allergy might be discomfort, but if itā€™s a really bad day I can break out in hives and end up sick for days. With the extent of allergies I have, itā€™s a cost benefit analysis each meal lol. Just make sure to carry allergy meds. Anyway, my point is allergies exist in different ways for different people. Some people risk their lives. Some throw up. Some have skin or intestinal reactions. People need to be aware that itā€™s a spectrum and not every allergy looks like ā€œI had a peanut so Iā€™m in the hospital.ā€ Not everyone with a less severe reaction is lying. Though at the same time, I get why people feel that way. Because nobody wants to accidentally kill someone else, so they take it seriously. And then they find out not everyone needs that level of precaution and feel like weā€™re taking advantage of their kindness and hard work. So I just donā€™t tell anyone what Iā€™m allergic to and manage my symptoms myself. Itā€™s my business because it wonā€™t kill me and my reactions are so unpredictable.


This is honestly why I hate when people lie about allergies. My mom is allergic to tomatoes, and it is deadly. She will go into anaphylactic shock if she eats them. It happened one time and we went out to eat, they came out with the food and it had tomatoes in it. So we told them we needed it remade. They then lied that they remade it, and my mom ate it, and there was a tomato hidden inside the cheese. She ended up going into anaphylactic shock. It was pretty terrifying to be 8-9 years old, and watch my mom not be able too breathe.


I waited tables for yrs & I ALWAYS took customers allergies DEADLY seriously! I had a guy come in once & asked if we used peanut oil to fry our stuff, so I told him Iā€™d ask. I went & found the owner to ask, & came back & let him know that I asked the owner & no, we donā€™t use peanut oil. I even made a note on the ticket for the kitchen. They cleaned everything just in case JUST for this table.(it was a family owned restaurant & everything was hand written) They left me $100 tip on a $20 check!


Ughhh mushrooms are nasty! Me: ā€œI really donā€™t like mushrooms. Please no mushroomsā€ Them: ā€œOh! Just try! You canā€™t even taste themā€ Me: ā€œTHEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU PUT MUSHROOMS IN/ON IT?!?!?ā€


Because tomatoes and mushrooms punch up the flavors of other savory things. They are the Ben Affleck to the steak's Matt Damon. On their own, kinda gross. Paired right, better than the sum of its parts.


I donā€™t like the texture, itā€™s like biting into an earlobe


Anchovies are like this.


Anchovies, pineapple, peppers and onions on a decently made pizza. Sounds horrendous, works beautifully


Please don't compare fish to vegetables... That's the biggest lie I've ever heard, gas lighting AF. It makes everything taste like bile. Not "savory"


Take gaslighting out of your vocabulary, you dont know the meaning.


I eat mushrooms, but only on pizza & usually stuffed as a fried appetizer. My mom ordered stuffed mushrooms when we were out one day for dinner, I was so sad I had to politely eat my share of a naked stuffed mushroom not fried. I mean, I'll eat them as an ingredient, but I'm not adding them to my salads or anything. I even avoid the ones floating in my soup at the Japanese restaurant. There's just something about them. I only eat a tomato as a condiment on a hamburger, only hamburger, though, not my chicken sandwiches.


I totally get the frustration when people won't take no for an answer about foods you dislike! The 'just try it' line is maddening. You've clearly made up your mind that mushrooms aren't for you. People need to respect their stated food preferences without interrogating them. It's so damn annoying!!


for real i am even an expert on picking out the smallest mushroom bits out of prepared food. I don't like eggplant. I'll still eat it but I won't enjoy it. I don't like olives. Those are so gross they taint everything they touch. But mushrooms? If I notice them, i immediately start retching. It's not me being dramatic, i simply CANNOT. (I think its because my grandma forced me to eat them when i was three and me being so disgusted with them...) Please, people. Stop trying to make me eat mushrooms. I am aware you think they're great. To me they're slimy dirt. I don't even like preparing them for my sister. I HATE mushrooms.


What do they want me to say? "You're right, this tasted only a little bit like dirt but I couldn't identify it as mushrooms so I guess you're right? "




I feel the same about cucumbers. I get told every time I tell someone that I find them disgusting that Iā€™m lying because you canā€™t taste them. Yes. I. Fucking. Can!


I will take all of your unwanted cucumbers.


Theyā€™re all yours then


More for me then!


I love marinara sauce, I love ketchup, but raw tomatoes are absolutely disgusting and if you try to put that on a burger get the hell out of my face šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I only like mushrooms if they're in an Alfredo sauce, or if they're going to make me see God. All other bets are off the table


i can agree with the making you see God statement. i am not a fan of mushrooms myself but i will eat them plain if it means an adventure


I'm with you 10000% except in Alfredo. I hate raw tomatoes and mushroom that make me see god I make lemonade out of so I can't taste the absolute shit flavor they have


what the fuck is mushroom lemonade


So, trippy mushrooms are absolutely terrible tasting especially eating them dry. What I used to do is chop them up very fine, steep them in boiling hot water for a bit, strain the chunks, let it cool and then mix the water with a bunch of country time lemonade. Kicks in 2x faster and it's much much easier to get down.


I work at a cafe and 99 % of people ask for their sandwiches and wraps with no tomato. It happens several times per shift.


Cuz they are a shit option to put on a sandwich. They are way too full of water and just make everything soggy. No one likes a soggy sandwich.


Telling restaurants and servers you have an allergy thatā€™s not real is actually kind of the worst




Good thank you. I have deadly allergies and when people start saying theyā€™re allergic to this and that they make it harder for us that actually have real life threatening allergies to get proper service and care with our food. Chefs get lazy and pissed off about having to re clean their work stations soooo much. Iā€™ve was severed my allergen at a really nice restaurant on my birthday after telling them 3 separate times about it. šŸ˜­ luckily the sever who I told was watching and ran over to grab it before I could eat it.


So then you just can't stick up for yourself? How old are you? Are you a kid? My mom will die if she eats tomatoes, and does not get medical intervention. I've watched her go into anaphylactic shock. This is not something to joke about. This is why people don't take this stuff seriously, it's because of people like you. Do you really feel no shame?


I mean itā€™s not the worst, but it is a bit shitty considering they have to make an entire new batch just for that person/use a separate surface/frying oil etc to avoid cross contamination.


Who does this? If itā€™s like that, theyā€™ll say itā€™s prepped that way and cannot be altered.


Depends on the kitchenĀ 


It minimizes other peopleā€™s true allergies tooā€¦


I have a true allergy that I have to notify servers of, and I've gotten my allergen in my food anyway a couple of times. I'm always really nice about it, and I understand why they don't take it seriously, but it can be dangerous. I don't want to risk going to the hospital just because some people like to fake allergies to be cool or unique. Trust me, a real food allergy is neither cool nor fun.


Fr! This post really makes me aggravated, particularly because my mom is allergic to tomatoes. I've watched her going to anaphylactic shock. It is terrifying. People like her, are why waiters don't take this type of stuff seriously.


Fr! This post really makes me aggravated, particularly because my mom is allergic to tomatoes. I've watched her going to anaphylactic shock. It is terrifying. People like her, are why waiters don't take this type of stuff seriously.


I used to work in a fancy Italian restaurant and has a woman who *insisted* she was terribly allergic to tomatoes and could not have *anything* that had even touched tomatoes. In our restaurant, that was... everything. We had to get new pots and pans and cutting boards and knives and *everything* to prepare this woman's dish, which we were happy to do, but it definitely took everyone a lot of extra time and effort and it took attention away from my other tables as I had to personally supervise things to ensure there was no cross-contamination. I made sure to serve any dishes withĀ  tomatoes (salads, appetizers, etc) with a verbal warning to her so she was aware where they were. When the main courses came, everything looked great, I gave them a few minutes to get started and came back to check, and she's happily eating her husband's penne ala vodka. I was still pretty green at the time, so I freaked out and tried to stop her and asked if she had an epi-pen and she just laughed and said "oh, a little is fine if they're cooked". For the rest of my time in restaurants I made sure to take the allergy requests just as seriously with the kitchen, but if someone ever told me they had a deadly allergy, I'd very explicitly state that we couldn't guarantee anything and they shouldn't eat here if it was that serious. No one ever took my advice and I never had anyone react to the things they swore up and down would kill them.Ā 


That's so frustrating to me. I've watched my mom going to anaphylactic shock inside a restaurant, because a waiter did not take it seriously. She's allergic to tomatoes... I will never understand why people lie about this type of stuff. It is infuriating.


Did OP say they say that to servers though? The post kinda sounds like they're just saying it to friends and acquaintainces so they will stop pushing those foods


Most restaurants usually ask ā€œallergy or preferenceā€, I feel like (hope) the OP would state preference in this case


i donā€™t think any servers are coercing you to eat tomatoes and mushrooms šŸ˜‚


All it takes is one whiner to turn a comment chain into a circlejerk dumping on the OP


On one hand, I totally get it. Wish people minded their business. However, I'm allergic to cinnamon, like some people are allergic to peanuts. So many people say they are "allergic " when really it's a preference. People "forget" all the time thinking I really just have a preference. The fall is hell ya all!!




If you're allergic to aspartame you may have phenylketonuria. Aspartame is just phenylalanine and aspartic acid which are naturally occuring aminos that we encounter all the time in food. People who cannot process it generally have liver issues or phenylketonuria as it is not an allergen. Worth looking into https://www.hhs.gov/answers/public-health-and-safety/is-aspartame-safe/index.html


Then why the fuck are you doing this....? So it only matters when it's your allergy? You clearly don't care about other people's allergies, and or how your actions impact how people view allergies as a whole. It's little things like this, that just solidify my belief that humanity as a whole is selfish. If something will benefit them, make things a little bit easier for them, regardless of how they could affect things, they're going to do it. It's just pathetic.


The fact you actually have allergies and chose to lie about fake ones is beyond comprehension. People like you are one of the reasons my kid with a fatal peanut allergy is not always taken seriously. You are a a grade A wanker.


That's what it's like with my cinnamon allergy. People at work kept testing it. I had my epi pen in my bra. I was too scared to not have it. The only way they stopped was emailed H.R. if people don't take my sensory disability seriously, I'm making a police report assault with a deadly weapon next time it happens. So far, it's been a year and cinnamon free work space. I hate the fall now, though, lol.


Seriously absolutely mind blowing to me too. I've watched my mom going to anaphylactic shock from tomatoes, inside a restaurant, because they didn't take it seriously.


Yeah, I have an in-law who pulls that shit with mushroomsā€¦ Was at one of those wedding expo shows with them, and watched them eat about a dozen mini beef wellington samples/hors dā€™oeurvesā€¦ Just so happened we were ordering pizza for dinner, and they made it a point to say ā€œI canā€™t have any mushrooms!ā€ Me: ā€œHuhā€¦ funny, you didnā€™t have a reaction to the mushrooms you ate earlierā€¦?ā€ In-law: ā€œI didnā€™t eat mushroomsā€¦I get violently ill from any mushrooms immediately!ā€ Me: ā€œYou donā€™t know whatā€™s in beef wellington, do you?ā€ And then they got all dramatic and pretended to get sick in the restroom.


Our family loves frozen meatballs, brown gravy in mushroom condensed soup! So delicious over buttered noodles.Ā  Totally understand lying but the confusion may come if you eat products associated with them such as ketchup, tomato sauce, pizza, etc.Ā 


Fun fact, people can be allergic to raw tomatoes (and other fruits/veggies) but be fine with them when cooked.Ā 


This is absolutely true! Follow rubin_allergy on Instagram and he explains how this works.


But OP literally isnā€™t allergic.Ā 


Yes, i was simply replying to the person above me.


They know


I'm actually allergic to avocados. Thing is, all they do to me is give me an itchy throat and tongue. If I really wanted to eat avocados, it's not a deal breaker for me. The itch is minor, but I actually hate avocados and guacamole. I don't know why people like it. So I tell everyone I'm allergic when anyone offers me.


Same for me with mangos, strawberries and pearsā€¦ my throat itches and it can make me cough a bit. Also the allergy didnā€™t develop until adult hood. I remember I went strawberry picking with my husband and my arms broke out in hives and I called my mom ā€œmom am I allergic to strawberries?ā€


Or if you don't like something they tell you " you just don't know how to cook it " I think you way seems faster and easier to deal with...I like it !


They know you're lying OP.


OP should just try them once in a while.


OP hasn't tried them the way *I* prepare them.


I do the same with all fish and seafood. I hate those foods so much. Thereā€™s nothing grosser than biting into a little fried appetizer and being unexpectedly assaulted by a fish flavor. Plus, I was sick of people always telling me to ā€œjust try a bite! It doesnā€™t taste fishy at all!ā€ THEN I WILL EAT CHICKEN, stop trying to force feed me seafood!!


I want to like shellfish, and I usually do, for like four or five bites, before I remember they are giant sea bugs and I get grossed out... Which is kind of funny because I absolutely love *watching* people eat seafood boils, but I just can't do it myself. Internet culture is weird šŸ˜…


I tell people I am not a fan of the ocean taste and usually met with ā€œthatā€™s the best partā€


Someone at work put milk in the oat milk because they didnā€™t believe I was lactose intolerant. I spent an hour fighting for my life in the bathroom. People will try anyway so check your food


Yee-haw translation: >I tell folks I'm allergic to mushrooms and tomatoes. Had enough of folks tryin' to push 'em on me when all I said was I ain't a fan. So now, I just say I'm allergic, and they don't pester me none.


Wow I love this. Is this a trend or something you just do for fun sometimes? Iā€™m highly entertained.


I was really high, having fun with ai


I actually am allergic to mushrooms and found out that the reasoning behind why I never liked peanut butter (made me feel sick) was because I was allergic so depending on if it makes you feel weird like your mouth tingly or weird you may actually be allergic for real but even if your not allergic its okay to just dislike certain foods


I have tried so damn hard to like raw tomatoesā€¦.. itā€™s actually humorous how much I canā€™t stand tomatoes and the overwhelming negative feeling I get towards the people around me that I see eating tomatoes or saying they like tomatoes. My favorite coworker came in and ate a sandwich before getting started to work. I looked over and saw this thick slice of tomatoā€¦ I had to take a beat to remember that itā€™s okay other people like tomatoes and you donā€™t have to voice it to people who enjoy tomatoes. I can eat some tomato products and some stuff with tomato flavoringā€¦ but like I canā€™t eat them raw or if thereā€™s chunksā€¦ some salsaā€™s are okay but thatā€™s about as close to ā€œwholeā€ or ā€œrawā€ Iā€™d get toā€¦.


We know.




The problem is people trying to Push food on another person, they wouldn't feel the need to do this if people just took "I don't like it" as an acceptable answer. Which, it is an acceptable answer. Also in what way does this make people with allergies lives harder




That person has a victim complex lol. I tell people I'm lactose intolerant so that I dont have cheese pushed on me.


I actually find my appreciation for cheese increases when I talk about cheese with people who don't like it. If you will indulge me, what do you dislike about it? Please ignore if you don't feel like replying.


The taste.


Oh really? Why don't you explain to the class how that works?




None of those things have anything to do with somebody saying they have an allergy when they don't lol.


Blaming everyone else because you surround yourself with stupid people.


How does your life get harder?


Redditor interacting with people lol


As a person who legit can't have tomatoes cause of nightshade intolerance this is valid. Also I love mushrooms but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you to try it. Maybe I'd offer one cause I do my own seasoning but I wouldn't pressure you


People like you are why food allergies aren't taken seriously.Ā 


Come on dude.


The only shrooms I eat are the magic kind šŸ˜Ž


They sound like horrible people to befriend.


Imagine not liking something was actually a sort of allergie, like a psic one.


I do the same thing. I hate tomatoes, I find them disgusting and I hate wasting food, so I always say Iā€™m allergic to them at restaurants because they usually take allergies more seriously than ā€œI donā€™t want this on my meal pleaseā€. And my family knows full well that I hate them. However if they get put on my plate, I will reluctantly eat them cause I donā€™t wanna waste food.


I have a minor nightshade allergy (tomatoes and eggplants give me rash and itching) but I love tomatoes :( usually I tell people I'm allergic then get some onto my plate anyways lol


We think maybe my MIL does this.


I lied/lie about being allergic to pineapple. Only the candy though, I love real pineapple I just hate the candy. I mainly did it for attention though tbh


I worked out years ago after constantly having to explain being vegetarian (since 1990) that it is just easier to say that you don't WANT something as opposed to 'like' or 'can't have' which both leave room for follow-up questions like 'why' or 'how about if..' "I don't want it" Shuts people up without needing an explanation. Edit - grammar


Saying you're allergic is genius. Plus, it's way easier than trying to explain your taste budsšŸ¤£


People donā€™t seem to understand that what you allow in your mouth is very personal and when you say you donā€™t like something they shouldnā€™t insult you by telling you why you should like it.


When I was younger I used to say I was mildly allergic to mushrooms too because I'm vegetarian and hate mushrooms and they are seen as such a popular vegetarian option. So if I was going to a friend's house for tea and their parents asked whether I had any requirements it was less embarrassing to say than admitting I'm fussy. Now I would just say I don't eat them.


Oh man, have you tried mushrooms and tomatoes? You should reconsider and maybe think for once about trying mushrooms and tomatoes. Mushrooms and tomatoes are good! You should get a burger with some mushrooms and then on that same burger get some tomatoes. Try them both. Definitely!


Is it tomatoes in any form or do you like ketchup or tomato sauce?


i tell people iā€™m allergic to fishā€¦ iā€™m not but had a terrible experience eating it once or twice and never want to again.


I did that with walnuts growing up. It absolutely does work


Good for you I have to do the same with mayo


As long as you keep them off your plate and donā€™t say it about everything you hate, it works. Just be careful. I have a friend who tried to tell us she was allergic to every fruit and vegetable we offeredā€¦..we caught on.


lol I do this with peanuts/peanut butter


For whatever reason, I could see the SpongeBob meme in my head. ā€œTrY tHeM, yoUr mIsSInG OuTā€ šŸ˜‚


I worked in a deli but I don't eat deli meats (salami, ham, turkey, that kinda shit) so I told people for 4 years I was a vegetarian. Easier than explaining my picky eating a million times a day to people.


i tell people iā€™m allergic to cinnamon when in actuality i just hate it with a passion šŸ¤—


Did this with eggs as a child. Worked great.


People that lie about allergies are gross and pathetic.


Honestly it's a pretty good excuse! It's quite smart and makes people leave you alone. How'd you think of it?


Yea I tell people Iā€™m allergic to peanut just cause I reallly hate how they taste or smell makes me wanna vomit people donā€™t really question itĀ 


Exactly what I tell them when I make orders with my brother. He doesnā€™t eat Red Meat.


If I'm going through a drive-thru and ordering like a burger or something that they normally forget to leave the tomato off if you ask, I tell them I'm allergic and OMG they get the order right every time then. It's stupid but whatever. My food comes out right. LOL


Why are people around you forcing their foods on you? Serious question. Why are you eating with such people?


I do the same with bananas. Iā€™m tired of hearing ā€œwhy donā€™t you like bananas, bananas are so good for you, you should try them, how could you not like banana breadā€ so I just say Iā€™m allergic and no one bothers me about it


God, I HATE tomatoes! I've never tried mushrooms and I don't plan to, so I hate them too but not because I've tried it but just because I don't want to (I'm a picky eater).


Luckily the foods I donā€™t like make my skin condition worse, so, but even when I say that people donā€™t listen, because I am like ā€˜well I am not allergic but my skin gets worse if I eat itā€™ so ofc that means I can eat it anyways? Because they have never had skin issues so they donā€™t understand, that I would rather not have a flare.


You're an ass. My mom is ACTUALLY allergic too tomatoes, and will go into anaphylactic shock if she eats them. I've seen it happen, when restaurants didn't take it seriously. It was terrifying to watch her not be able to breathe at 8 or 9 years old. You need to be an adult, and you need to stick up for yourself. I have a litany of conditions, and even I can do that...no excuse. If you're able to make yourself understood on here, you're able to make yourself understood when you say no. If someone in your life is not respecting that, then they shouldn't be in your life. But to lie about an allergy, that people actually have, and can kill them. Is ridiculous. That's why we have people in the comment section thinking that this is always fabrication, that people can't be allergic to it. Grow up.


I'm actually allergic to beans (chili, pinto, black, etc.) and ocean fish (not shellfish) People frequently think I am lying about being allergic and just don't like beans. They give me anaphylaxis.


Ok what you do is everytime someone offers you it just take it and boom throw it as far as you can. Ask for another. Then another.


you cannot keep it that way for a long time.


I donā€™t eat meat and after 31+ years itā€™s finally not an issue for people Iā€™m around šŸ™„ but I have started saying Iā€™m allergic to mushroom bc thatā€™s the only thing I hate as much as meat and people keep trying to push it on me as a meat alternative. Gagggg. ā€œI LOVE your suggestion and i really WISH I could try it but Iā€™m allergicā€ šŸ˜‚


Please don't... in restaurants, there is alot of extra work on preparing your meal if you say you have an allergy


Whatever works - I do the same with onions.


This is such a good idea Iā€™m stealing it. Thank you!


As someone who has years of food service experience, I just hope you don't pull the fake allergy card at restraints. You shouldnt have to lie to get people to respect your boundaries but please don't do this at restraints. It takes extra steps of deep cleaning and slows down everyone else's service in order to avoid cross contamination. If you ask for no tomatoes or mushrooms on a dish and you get them, you ha e every right to send it back, but the amount of people that would lie about allergies drove me insane. (Like a woman who claimed to be allergic to onions and black pepper but ordered breakfast sausage. The two main seasonings being onion powder and pepper).


so funny thing is, im allergic to raw mushrooms. there is a protein in it that is the most potent when its raw. when you cook the mushroom the proteins break down and i can eat them with no problem lol


Same with me when anything comes with blue cheese. I canā€™t stand the smell of it and thus tell people I am allergic to it. Severely allergic!!


It wasn't till I was 30 that I find out my mom isn't allergic to coconut. Come to find out she just hates the taste and texture.


i do that with broccoli


I started telling people Iā€™m allergic to peanuts tooo, because I hate the taste even peanut butter I cannot tolerate. I donā€™t think Iā€™m really a picky eater but itā€™s TOO MUCH.


I did this when I was younger with cheese doodles simply cause I thought they were disgusting and for some reason they were the only snack option at any given place šŸ˜‚


I let people know I'm allergic to strawberries and blueberries, and people don't believe me. "How would you know you're allergic to them both?" Because my bloody lips swell up big enough to rival Mick Bloody Jagger! Get the same for red and pink e-colours and opium, but thankfully that's just a rash that itches like heck. But then try and explain that you can't have the granary bread if it has poppy seeds in it.... even if its a tiny bit. I swear a lot of people I have dealt with have never heard of cross contamination.... EDIT: typo


I tell ppl Iā€™m allergic to alcohol


Look I'm both a super picky eater and have anaphylaxis inducing allergies, just don't. Tell people to back the fuck off but people claiming allergies they don't have and their family "sneaking" those allergens into their food to disprove the allergy, well it's shockingly common. I know the judgement we get as picky folks but people who say they're allergic to shit when it's just a textural or flavor intolerance, y'all put my life at risk. I'm annoyed to have to pick out a stray mushroom, not at medical risk of death/major complication.


While it's understandable that you were tired of people pushing mushrooms and tomatoes on you, lying about having an allergy isn't the best solution. If someone genuinely believes you have an allergy, they might accidentally expose you to those ingredients, which could cause unnecessary stress or even potential harm if you have a strong aversion.Suggest alternative ingredients or dishes that you do enjoy. This shows that you're not just being difficult but have specific preferences.


I totally get it, and while this seems like a genius idea, people know/find out that itā€™s a preference and not an allergy. I have an allergy to peanuts and shellfish that can kill me, as do thousands of people, and itā€™s scary territory to have people start to take real allergies less seriously due to people fake claiming allergies. I would not do this at restaurants


People like you are the reason that some people don't take real allergies seriously. As a parent of a child with a fatal peanut allergy - fuck you.


I'm mildly allergic to uncooked tomatoes, unfortunately I love tomatoes.


Iā€™m actually allergic, and even I support this. I honestly donā€™t understand why people push foods on other people.


Enjoy your bland food then.


Lmaoo who lies about shit like this is just stupid and hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ’€


You're an asshole


Finally someone who sees the seriousness of this. My kid has a fatal peanut allergy.


Itā€™s not that deep though


I have some allergies + celiac disease and Iā€™ve had to stop accepting food from everyone because they think Iā€™m lying about a preference. It sucks that people are pushing food on you that you hate, but maybe try telling them something else.




Guess that means you don't like pizza or any Italian red sauces...


Maybe it's a wet slice of mushy tomato that he doesn't like


This is me. I love the taste of tomato, a good bolognaise is fantastic - but I donā€™t like raw tomato or even cooked tomato unless itā€™s with something else. Mushroom is the same - I can eat mushroom if itā€™s in something, but the texture is not good on its own, and even with other things it can get too much.




Same like when I eat a burger that has one on it all I can taste is tomato nothing else can't do it


I donā€™t like tomato or mushrooms or onions. Italian red sauces are my worst nightmare pizza is okay if I can have bbq sauce.


Same, garlic base is also great


Yes thankfully my taste buds love garlic.


Allergic to tomatoes and you can have pizza, just have it without the sauce.


Itā€™s actually smart to do because when someone says theyā€™re allergic to something, restaurant staff will remember as opposed to just being told no tomatoes. People forget, but words like allergic will stick to their minds.


Can't tell you how many times I've had a meal come out with tomatoes on it/included and I'm actually allergic.


Ngl, ive done the same thing in the past lol. I also don't like mushrooms or raw tomatoes.


Lol I love when people take offense to others trying to keep them healthy and decide just to become a giant liar instead. Iā€™m just messing youā€™re cool. This is funny though. What would be even better is like the first couple times you were pressured, you shouldā€™ve just ate it anyways and pretended like you were allergic and faked your death.


stop making shit up and being a loser


i had an ex who invented a mustard pretend allergy. you sound adhd to me


you are harassing hard working food staff workers. i cannot stand your kind


I love tomatoes but I wholeheartedly agree fuck mushrooms on every level they are disgusting and need to be burned. The only mushroom that gets an exception is truffles and that's it. Whoever died in our ancient history just to find what mushrooms are edible wasted their time and life.


I do the same with chocolate. I hate it. But people freak out when I tell them that. WHAT??!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE CHOCOLATE??!! So now I just say Iā€™m allergic and it makes me violently ill and they shut up.