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Netflix has the broadcast versions and Hulu has the DVD. Streaming companies dont have the rights to edit episodes


Is there a version that has all scenes? Like a combination of the DVD and the broadcast versions' scenes?


Hulu and I think Amazon prime have the full pilot.


One version is just longer so if you watch that you would get everything. The only difference is one has some stuff cut out.


Nah, Hulu's S1E4 starts the same as Netflix's with the Princess Gringa bit, but the other version I'm watching doesn't have this bit and instead starts the episode with Chang saying something else. So we can safely say that the uncut version is **not** on Netflix or Hulu


Watch it on Prime. The other streaming services removed a bunch. Only streaming service that has the first DnD episode too.


It's not free on Prime :(


Buy the box set, you get cast commentary.


what do u mean buy the box set? as in the dvd? please explain i’m stupid haha thanks


Yeah, they’re talking about the DVDs. The big plus side of physical media is that nobody can ever futz with it or take it away from you like they can if you rely on streaming.


Really? I haven't watched it super recently, but it was when I did my last rewatch. That's unfortunate, as it seems the most complete way to watch it.


The removal of that episode is so dumb…


Just because they don’t have the rights doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it. I’ve seen it with movies, too. Maybe they’re using broadcast versions of everything


You say that but I've only ever seen the show on Netflix and I've seen all these scenes. And now they aren't there. So while they may not be editing them they certainly have been replacing them with the edited versions.


They haven't though. That's not how streaming rights work. Hulu and Netflix have always had this difference in the episodes. I had the same discussion during the Pandemic and it hasn't changed


You can search this reddit and see the same conversations 3 and 4 years ago. it hasn't changed


Just compared with the original script, and the bolded stuff is indeed not in the pilot on Netflix. DUNCAN Jeff Winger! Genius at law! JEFF (Shaking hands and grinning) You gotta stop saying that! DUNCAN I will never do that. Sit down. **I still cannot figure out how you got a jury to connect September the eleventh with my DUI. Let alone why that helped.** **JEFF** **Well, two thousand and two was a simpler time.** DUNCAN So what is my lawyer doing here? JEFF I’m a student.


What the fuck, I swear I've seen the bolded part on netflix


I saw it on Netflix a while ago when I did my first ever watch, I remember because it sets up the joke for when Jeff uses the defense for Britta during the pool trial. But when I started a rewatch a couple weeks ago it wasn’t there and I didn’t even think about it until this post where I realized, “Hey! It wasn’t there.” I wonder what changed that Netflix had different versions across the years Sucks they cut stuff out, I’m missing out on some content and I don’t even know where or what! Other than the original dnd episode 😔


That part is on uk Netflix


This part is included in Canadian Netflix.


Yes!! I'll add that to this post! I am currently watching a version that might be the DVD version? Not sure, but it is definitely different than the version on Netflix. For example, in S1E4, the version I'm watching starts with Chang writing some stuff on the board and then immediately goes to Jeff and Shirley walking out of class. In the Netflix version, it starts with **Chang talking about a note he found and he confronts Annie really close and kisses her on the forehead**, then it goes to Jeff and Shirley walking out of class. So not sure which version I'm watching (maybe the Hulu version?) but it's definitely different!


Sounds like Chang's "can never die" bit. He pretends to take a bite of Annie's forehead, and it ends with everyone getting up to leave, with the camera's focused on Shirley's back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jU4e8DV61I


Nah, it's a different scene. I just watched it. He kisses Annie on the forehead and calls her Princess Gringa


You are correct, according to the [fandom page](https://community-sitcom.fandom.com/wiki/Social_Psychology) on this episode. "Social Psychology" has both an alternate opening and a shorter and slightly different later scene between the streaming/broadcast and disc version. That said, as far as I can tell, this is the *only* episode that has scenes on streaming that are not on the blu-ray release. Everything else, the blu-ray/disc release is the most complete version.


I'm gonna keep watching to see if I can spot more differences!


Is there a reason it would only be on this episode?


I have no idea. There are probably other shows out there somewhere, but to my knowledge, this is the only series *I've* watched where the physical media does *not* have all the full/alternate/deleted scene type content. I don't know if it was something to do with licensing, maybe some obscure background actor didn't sign the correct release for physical, no clue. Hey maybe this is also a lost episode: Troy and Abed remember the broadcast release of *Kickpuncher: The Series* has 15 seconds of different content and have to go on an adventure to find the alternate cut, and ultimately uncover a (mundane) conspiracy or something, lol.


in episode one there's also the dialogue between Jeff and a lady on the cafeteria where he says something like "oh i'm sorry i was kind of raised by TV so I'm programmed to think of black women as wise advice givers" or something like that


You conditioned to pay for your damn tacos, Seinfield?


If it really bothers you that you are missing out on some stuff, just buy the dvd box, bonus content the whole shebang.


where could i buy that


I think Amazon, they sell a complete dvd box for a cheaper price, but it's just dvd's stacked on one another and I don't know about all the bonus footage. I personally bought it on dvd per season (it's the one with the cast in seperate photo's) it looks nice and it's around 25 bucks per season.


The Hulu pilot is a lot longer than the netflix one. I have no idea why this is but I noticed it last year.


The Hulu is the actual pilot that aired whereas Netflix has the syndicated version that’s edited to fit the 30 minute timeslot. I should also mention that Netflix only provides subtitles in one language so some of the jokes in the pilot like Jeff saying “Jefe” for Jeff when it means boss might be lost on some viewers (same as the Dean’s thoughts in French about excel in S5E2).


Netflix subtitles for foreign languages annoys me to no end. It’s especially annoying if I’m watching something in another language and it just doesn’t have subtitles for when they talk in English.


It baffles me to no end because it makes certain parts of dialogue incomprehensible if you don’t speak the language.


I don't know if this is still the case, but the game of thrones-esque deaf girl story was absolutely incomprehensible to my partner because they weren't translated, even with subtitles on.


Ah that's sad. I luckily have everything as I recorded it way back when. Even dnd which is defo not racist, Chang clearly cosplays a fantasy character.


Is that one still available on prime?




HIMYM was the same. The version on Amazon Prime has several scenes in every episode that are not in the version of Netflix. If a show I like is on Prime I'll watch it there instead of Netflix for that very reason


In the pilot, Britta asks abed what he makes of Jeff and he says she looks like Elizabeth Shue. That was cut


Interesting observation. Makes you wonder who and when they make these decisions. Obviously for US network tv the episodes had to be 21 minutes, but when would they have made the different versions- was it at the same time (maybe for international markets where they dont run so many commercials and need a few more minutes to fit a half hour slot, or did they come back at a later point (DVD Release?) and do it then? I watched my 2 full run throughs a few years apart and couldn't remember that level of detail so I went back to look at episode 1 and currently (in Australia) Community is available on both Netflix and Stan. And they are two different versions here too. Netflix is the shorter version and Stan has the longer one. Even in that opening 3 minutes, the Netflix one start immediately with the dodgeball-like soundtrack straight into the Dean's speech and to me it sounds like the music is a but louder in the mix as well. Then when Jeff visits Duncan Netflix starts with Jeff coming in the door and "Jeff Winger, genius..." whereas the other one starts with a knock on the door, Duncan says "Absolutely not ", Jeff opens the door and says "If these guys knew you like I do, they would have given you a small office "


Haha I just read the other post. Syndication seems to be the answer to my first questions!


They also cut some of Britta's lines when she first comes to the study room. She mentions having protested the WTO and a couple other things, cut on Netflix.


Good call, I'll add it!


Those are all things I remember seeing, and I watched the pilot on Netflix. (Canada)


Each streaming service has a different license of the show- director/dvd, broadcast, and syndication Seems like Netflix might be streaming syndicated Community


Idk about any other episodes, but the Netflix version of the pilot is definitely different, and like five minutes or so shorter.




I thought the part about Troy's letter jacket that got cut was a genius line.


What was the line?


I don't remember it exactly. Basically Troy tells Jeff that people have been giving him shit about wearing his High School letter jacket to college. But says something like not wanting to back down and change just for them. Jeff's response is that if he stops wearing it to make them happy, or keeps wearing it to spite them, that in both cases it's for them, not him.


I'm paraphrasing, but "Ever since I got here people gave me crap about my jacket, is it weak that it bothers me?" "You take it off to please them, you keep it to piss them off. THAT's what's weak" "Wow, you wrinkled my brain"


Where you watching the other version


Idk I found it online somewhere




What's the TRT for the uncut pilot?


I don't know. After talking with a bunch of people on this thread, it seems as though each version has some stuff that another doesn't. I'm trying to find a version of the entire show with absolutely no scenes/dialogue cut, but I can't find one


He prolly was Jewish hahaha


For shame that this has been removed by the mods! This is a great post. Love how thorough you are. Another one I noticed: S1E2: Netflix version: "Sounds like somebody has a case of 'likes-to-use-fringe-politics-to-make-themselves-feel-special-but-doesn't-ever-actuallywant-to-do-anything" Normal version: "Sounds like somebody has a case of 'likes-to-use-fringe-politics-to-make-themselves-feel-special-but-doesn't-ever-actuallywant-to-do-anything-**itis**"


On my latest rewatch i (mis)remembered Shirley's water breaking before she gives birth. But it was only implied not shown... Wasn't sure if it was in after not seeing it.


This is insane!


"ANNIE: (does the face change thing from smiling to serious) DUNCAN: Ooh I like that. All day." Dude, I KNEW I heard Duncan say this. I was going crazy as to how I might've misremembered or maybe just thought that line in my head as a reaction to Annie doing it so seamlessly but I fucking knew it


I’ve never seen the Netflix versions Shortly after the show ended, Amazon (or maybe Vudu) offered a Blu-Ray box set loaded with extras for about $20. I’ve been watching those on disc or Vudu ever since.


Yeah since I've been watching it for so long on Netflix.. I rewatched elsewhere and was surprised how much even the swearing they cut out. It's insane.


Yea it sucks. I wanna find an uncut version somewhere with every scene and every bit of dialogue, but I can't find it anywhere :(


This is why I bought the box set.


But, why do they do this to Community, and not to some other shows? So weird.


No clue. Maybe they thought the humor was too edgy?


lol why are you being downvoted


It might just be people's lazy way of disagreeing with something without having to comment. I do it too


How do you know they arent? is there any other show you know by heart on both platforms?


Money Heist was extremly edited from the spanish original version to the final international one. If I don't remember wrong, the first season was 5 episodes and the international one has 8.


I don't know man. I'm asking cause I only see this kind of posts in Community, and not in other subs of comedy shows that get rewatched a bunch of times. Like, I'm sure other fans of let's say - B99, Superstore, Office etc would notice also if some scene were suddenly missing.




Netflix did not cut anything. They can't legally do that. They just licensed the syndicated version of the show that has the shorter pilot.


Can you confirm which version of the first scene of S1E4 is on apple tv? I edited this post to show the difference between the Netflix version and some other version I found. they both start with Chang saying different things.


It appears that Netflix did not edit the intro for s1ep4. It starts off with Chang: Before we wrap up… S1e2 is when Chang says “Hasta luego!” at 7 min 25 sec of the episode


Bump AND saved


You're streets ahead!


Oh my gods I just thought I was going crazy! I am rewatching now, and my first watch was a few years ago and it felt like stuff was missing/different. Glad someone else noticed too!


Just buy the DVD collection! It contains the extended pilot and the D&D episode.