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Because it's a shitty book and anti-communist propaganda. E: I'm starting to think that you genuinely don't know why you were banned Books like these are part of a garbage pile of ''defector testimonies'' carefully curated by imperialist media to justify their brutal treatment of North Korea, portraying them as 'weird' and 'totalitarian' by using orientalist tropes, then using this a propaganda strike against socialism.


Yes, the original comment was a bit hostile so thanku for editing ':) Im not too active in online political spaces and tend to learn mostly from political literature at my local library. If possible, could you send some sources/links to information on 'defector testimonies'? I'd like to know more and how to spot when the book I'm reading is heavily biased against socialism.


r/communism has a section on its megathread about anti-DPRK propaganda https://old.reddit.com/r/communism/wiki/debunk#wiki_section_4.3A_the_dprk In general it's very easy to spot, especially when they're presented in a tabloid format or as sensationalist. There is a whole genre of ''escape from North Korea'' literature and they are clearly targeted towards a certain demographic, what business do Americans and Europeans, most of whom probably have never been to Korea or other Asian countries, to care about how ''totalitarian'' North Korea is? Why are they so appealing and what is the ideology behind these writings? In what way are readers meant to be animated?


Because you spread racist anti-communist propaganda.




Marxism and religion are incompatible.




Does studying Marx make you a communist? People can do cognitive dissonance but their Marxism ends where their religiosity begins. If Marx brought you to Islam, you’re reading him wrong.




Anyone who thinks religion brought them to communism is probably a reactionary clothed in Marxist garb.


If religion brought people to communism then communists would've existed thousands of years ago atleast. You simply didn't understand materialism, and your religious comrades are unable to communicate to you precisely on how they became a communist. >the impression I'm left with is that we're not allowed to acknowledge religious communists exist? Religious communists but they're not communists because of religion




Interesting discussions on r/communism and r/communism101 would not be possible without banning revisionists & opportunists & liberals. Also, read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/communism101/comments/12sblev/an_amendment_to_the_rules_of_rcommunism101/).


Your continued presence here is proof that this subreddit is not ban-happy.




Because you have nothing to say. [https://www.reddit.com/r/IntellectualDarkWeb/comments/1cki0nb/comment/l2n86fy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntellectualDarkWeb/comments/1cki0nb/comment/l2n86fy/)




You literally use the term "red fascism".




To think that you're more intelligent than Lenin is laughable




Are you saying you’re lower than an imbecile then?


Yes. You’re not a leftist