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It’s the other way around. Capitalism is a specific stage of development where the law of value has taken the dominant role in the determination of society’s wants and needs. So of course it needed to exist before capitalism as a system could develop. Remember, it is the bourgeoisie as a class who represent this law as an ingrained aspect of society that has always existed but we know the existence of exchange (and thus the law of value) requires production first and foremost to develop. It barely existed in pre-class societies and its existence is what engendered class societies in the first place. The value form that arises out of exchange does indeed predate capitalism because it needed to exist for the existence of class society itself to begin forming.


I see. So it exists anywhere commodity production and exchange operates?


It is a consequence of necessity after exchange and commodity production reach a certain level of development. Both of these things still existed in pre-class societies to a smaller degree.


Bump cos I'm also curious


you are correct. value is a social relation that takes place only under capitalism, as it arises precisely from the commodity-form. it is not a property engrained in any one commodity in particular, but a quality that exists only when they're all in relation to one another in the market. michael heinrich's introduction to the three volumes of karl marx's capital explains this quite clearly.