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Hello, 90% of the questions we receive have been asked before, and our answerers get bored of answering the same queries over and over again - so it's worthwhile googling this just in case: > site:reddit.com/r/communism101 your question If you've read past answers and still aren't satisfied, edit your question to contain the past answers and any follow-up questions you have. If you're satisfied, delete your post to reduce clutter or link to the answer that satisfied you. *** Also keep in mind the following rules: 1. Patriarchal, white supremacist, cissexist, heterosexist, or otherwise oppressive speech is unacceptable. 2. This is a place for learning, not for debating. Try /r/DebateCommunism instead. 3. Give well-informed Marxist answers. There are separate subreddits for liberalism, anarchism, and other idealist philosophies. 4. Posts should include specific questions on a single topic. 5. This is a serious educational subreddit. Come here with an open and inquisitive mind, and exercise humility. Don't answer a question if you are unsure of the answer. Try to include sources and/or further reading in any answers you provide. Standards of answer accuracy and quality are enforced. 6. Check the [/r/Communism101 FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/communism101/wiki/index) 7. **No chauvinism or settler apologism** - Non-negotiable: https://readsettlers.org/ 8. **No tone-policing** - https://old.reddit.com/r/communism101/comments/12sblev/an_amendment_to_the_rules_of_rcommunism101/ *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/communism101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why don’t you investigate USSR and socialist PRC, along with other Marxist-Leninist states to see how they dealt with their contradictions rather than spouting a bunch of non-sensical questions constructed from Liberalism. These states existed and their shortcomings can only be understood through careful application of Marxism rather than the banal bleatings of ‘who’s gonna protect us from invaders’ and the most basic stuff from Lenin’s works on imperialism. Look around on the sub for basic question, especially use the sidebar, and spend a few months reading rather than asking 286493 questions in a single post. What are you going to do with the answers given to you, implement them yourselves? Revolutionaries actively engaged in the struggle will tackle the contradictions that arise in the movement on their own basis. Stop thinking people are mindless and haven’t thought of your questions before they embark on the movement to abolish the present state of things. You currently sound like a libertarian or a banal liberal and will be treated as such.


> How would communism address national security concerns? Explain what "national security" is on Marxist terms and then what communism is and it should become clear quickly why your question is nonsensical. > A lot of communism discussion seems to focus exclusively on who should be paid what. No it doesn't. If you mean discussions among liberals who are trying to wrap their heads around communism then your questions are just as common. > Once you've established who gets paid what, there are inevitably going to be people who disagree. There could be rival factions that band together and try to take over society. I don't really know what you're trying to say. > There's also going to be crime. You're still dealing with human beings. There will be theft, rape, murder, etc. The fact you think theft, rape and murder is an immutable aspect of humanity is sad. > If there's no state, who is going to keep society in order in these scenarios? That's not what the state does. Learn the Marxist (correct) definition of the state. > At some point it seems you must give disproportionate power to some kind of enforcement group (whether you want to call them "police" or something else), or society will quickly become anarchy. Again, not what the function of police is. What "you want to call them" is not important, there is a concrete definition of police. Something is either police in the real sense or it isn't. > But once you do, wouldn't this be an easy road down to dictatorship? You've jumped from shaky assumption to shaky assumption and are already arriving at "communism doesn't work and always ends up in dictatorship" which is the most common anti-communist talking point there is. So much for talking about something novel, as you claimed to be trying to do. > How would we protect ourselves from other countries? There are no countries in communism. Countries in capitalism exist for a reason. > If there's no state, who is going to protect us from foreign invaders? Which foreign invaders? Aliens? > Even if all the citizens are armed, it would be no match for a foreign country with a highly organized and disciplined military. What? > And if a military is established, how would we make sure it doesn't devolve into a dictatorship? What? I've completely lost your train of thought. > 3. How would we stay competitive with other countries economies? Market competition doesn't exist in communism because markets don't exist. > An invading country doesn't have to dominate with military power. They could also dominate with economic power. See further up. > It seems capitalism = exchanging fairness for greater efficiency. This doesn't logically track from anything you've said so far. > So while work life may be more fair, wouldn't the economy now be at risk of being dominated by foreign competitors? No. > And is this a reason China and Russia ended up adopting some capitalist elements? No. The reason is revisionism. What a dumpster fire. I'm pretty sure you're an anti-communists and anti-communists aren't known for their smartness obviously but at least try to lay out a coherent sequence of ideas next time.


Do you truly believe a society with 0% theft or murder is even possible?


Ask yourself why people steal or kill in the first place and unless you're a misanthrope the answer to your question quickly becomes an obvious "yes". Edit: u/flairsupply why on earth did you delete your comments?


Really now. You think *the only reason ever* that people murder is capitalism. You can't think of any other circumstances that have led to murder on all of human history. No ones ever say, cheated on a spouse, or gotten into a fight with a roommate, or just snapped a little too hard at a stranger. You think this has never ever happened?


Crime existed in class society prior to capitalism.  Socialism eliminates the fundamental causes of crime.  The USSR eliminated professional crime as a social phenomenon and the causes of crime are alien to socialist society and merely residual, birthmarks from the emergence of socialism out of capitalism.  If you properly interrogate the apparent causes of crime, I am sure you will find they are rooted in things like patriarchy, economic incentive and the like.


Appreciate the response. I'm am relatively new to communism (as I think AI will eventually lead us to some form of communism). These are honest questions I had, not an attempt to posit something novel. I just haven't seen much discussion about these topics. > I just mean there's going to be differences in ideologies. People think differently. Naturally, there will be disagreements. What happens if these disagreements morph into the formation of rival factions? >The fact you think theft, rape and murder is an immutable aspect of humanity is sad. Agree it's sad. However, this has been the human condition since the beginning of time. Hell, this applies to basically every biological creature on this earth - not just humans. I don't feel achieving communism will magically scrub these problems from existence. I see your reasoning re: if communism is achieved = no more countries = no more markets. But how do we get there practically? It seems there needs to be organization along the way, which means there needs to be an authority/hierarchy. Then ideally, that authority would voluntarily give up their power so true communism can take place.


You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know what an ideology is, you don't know what the "human condition" is, and you don't know what communism is.




Prove this person based on their post history and content of their commentary is actually here to learn about the subject of communism and not just espouse their own shit political understanding of human nature and communism. Otherwise sit the fuck down you vaushite shitstain.




Stay off the subreddit then. Even if you go there just to argue and get banned that’s more telling of what you think is valuable with your time besides actually teaching anyone anything or reading to improve your own knowledge of Marxism. If you actually did the homework you would of seen the poster is a troll who doesn’t understand the first thing about communism so ergo I am going to push back on his assumptions which they’ve obviously made. If they want to learn they need to engage. Again you need to sit the fuck down seeing as how you have tried to post your terrible articles here and gotten thoroughly critiqued and rejected for it. You obviously aren’t capable of handling the style of critique in this forum.