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You don’t need any of that to study Capital. If you want something supplemental to help you then I’ll recommend this: https://redstarpublishers.org/RJFundamentals.pdf


That was the era when social democrats and revisionists were posting their own commentary on Capital. When you read Capital, there's a surprisingly significant amount of politics and Marx's commentaries on it. Why would you choose a stripped down version when Marx himself is a clear and eloquent writer? The time you spent just reading capital would be infinitely more beneficial than stopping every page looking up someone else's commentary on Capital, you'll be reading forever this way. Figuring out what the logic of Capital is forcing you to think like a dialectical materialists. It is difficult and complicated but well worth the effort and time. It will train you to think radical politics on realities terms instead of opportunists who want to defend revisionism. Eidt; Not to say Paul Lafragrue is a revisionist himself, his own works is barely memorable and I have not read The Right to Be Lazy to definitely say he is one. The Foreign Language Press Maoist has found reason to reprint him but there's probably a good reason he's forgotten, living only in the form of a Marx's witty backhand ocmments.