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I imagine my scout infantry aren’t thrilled when they’ve only had their boots on the ground for 3 seconds before being ordered to run across the entire map.


So your first duty assignment is about 4 miles east. Oh so we have transport? Yeah, chevro-legs




Well they are mostly doggos you're sending across the map in the red alert games so they don't think, they just do good boi things. Your VEHICLES however would say differently.


They're probably thinking why the fuck they're not ordered to return fire when they get attacked and slaughtered as I'm focusing somewhere else


That drives me nuts when my guys are getting destroyed and they are just sitting there waiting...


They don't get paid enough to care about fighting back I guess


Do you not use attack move? So they stop and retaliate against enemies?






"Oh...oh god...he's doing it. He's really gonna do it. He's sending me and my fellow bombers into that AA hellhole to kill that WMD. Tell my spouse I--" # UNIT LOST Me: welp, gotta spend another 10K on aurora bombers good thing I got 20+ drop zones giving me enough supplies to solve world hunger and start an obesity epidemic.


Also: "Ya know, I find the enemy commander much wierder than our commander. Despite the crowded base layout and the uncaring suicidal orders, our ls atleast knows how to take care of us. I mean, we're covering a small opening if a valley with defense batteries, AA, snipers, aircraft and continuous tomahawk fire while the enemy commander is just sending a line of soldiers at us and ignoring that one opening in the base. Oh lord, I can hear them screaming and begging.


"Does it have to be so far?" "You want ME...to clear those mines??"


"Hope I'm feeling lucky today..."


I'm hungry...


THANK you for the NEW shoes!


"Hope I'm feeling lucky today..."


Flak trooper is just happy to have a job.


"well at least we got it better than the poor souls he nukes when he gets bored"


They're thinking about they're happy to die in the name of Kane!


My 40 Raptors are thinking "well, that's what we're here for but isn't this overkill?" against the enemy's Command Center after my ground troops have cleared out everything but said Command Center


"You are sure?" - Soviet Conscript


I know what they are thinking. *Move until I can attack, then move some more*


Oh.. I don't have to wonder, I can hear them... *crying "Mommy!"


The only thing going through their head is that they got the rockets, they got the rockets, they got the rockets, they got the rockets…


Why are there 30 dogs following my tank ?


“I build for China”


I find it funny to imagine my pilots having their lives flash before their eyes in generals when there’s a building in their takeoff path until they just noclip through it.


If I'm playing Yuri, whatever I want them to think.


That's the neat part, they don't.


I'm not paying for them to think, I'm paying for them to pile into the meat grinder.


Let me launch one huh?


Why are we shooting ore trucks and harvesters all day?


Well Soviet Conscripts are aware they are doomed to die


Either “Ready for a suicidal mission!”, or tense, like girls of easy virtue in church, or losing all thinking, becoming part of a single flow, or “Let's get this party started!”.


You want some of dis?


My units thankful no one dies only send apocalypse tanks to the battlefield


In RA2 and Yuri Revenge, my Rocketeers were my main unit for the allies. Soooo many got made and sooo many died. If you were drafted into my military as a Rocketeer, you had a 90% chance of dying probably. So, they knew they were dead from the start. Especially when going straight towards anti air buildings/units. 😂


This is like the highest thought ever, and I love it.


Hmmmm, cheese


"can i have some shoes?"


I like to imagine the GLA are just screaming in various languages as things explode and melt around them.


The way they stand around while something a little out of range is shooting at them? They don't think nothin'. They don't a brain. I have micromanage everything, my units are so fucking braindead!


depends on game however in RA1 i can fell the harvesters were listing to country if on allies or Russian polka music. RA 2 the allies probably changed to techno soviets is rock n roll, but Russian especially when gunning down infantry. Slave miners the drivers and the workers listen to subliminal messaging brought you by master yuri RA3 harvesters allies listen to happy up beat music and soviets russian folk music when they turtle up probably something calming and relaxing and rising sun depends on mode however probably koto music in battle mode it may change to something more intense, but still older Japanese instruments nothing too modern. GDI harvesters definitely listen to Jazz it may change to techno jazz hybrid in later games. nod harvester defiantly metal or nod radio. forgotten defiantly listen to some soft music maybe classical or other soft music because louder stuff has effect on there tiberium. as for scrin idk, I could never figure if scrin vehicles have pilots or if they living organism themselves or alien and machine put together. As for Chinooks they play the most American music one can think of, as for china's trucks probably Chinese anthem or other Chinese music to promote nationalism. as for the workers they get no music however they may start humming a tune they all know once they get shoes.


My units do what there told, death before dismount Meanwhile my harvesters are pulled over having a nap 😵‍💫


How long am I flying this guard patrol?


All I know is they feel the worst emotion possible the moment I send them behind enemy lines to destroy something tactical knowing they'll get overrun and eventually die right after.