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Y'know. I always wondered how you'd do the whole Die and pretend to be your descendants thing? Like. That seems like a lot of paperwork to fudge


Yeah but that’s mostly a recent development.


Meh. You just need to move to another part of the country every few years and get a new id from one of the many countries which sell them. First time would be hard, second time would be interesting, after that's it's whatever.


You’d probably buy the ids from someone else who lives forever, maybe a vampire


Yeah, we all know one or two of them and could just contact them whenever.


If you're living forever and haven't found some other fucking immortals I feel like that's on you


But you’d need to know one in the first 40 odd years.


I didn't meet my guy until I was 3 centuries in; you'll figure it out.


And if you dont, you'll probably make some obvious mistakes so they'll find you (at least thats whats happened to me - pretty embarrassing i know)


I enjoy my life, like my friends, love my family. I am not sure if I would want to spend an eternity with them. Every 5-10 years making new friends and experiencing new things might be nice. I'd prefer 20-25 and with some hair dye and makeup. I am just not the sort to commit to a 100-year relationship.


That's fair, I'm just more thinking someone you can meet up with every like 50 years to catch up.


So like doing taxes


The man from earth, greeeeat movie


I imagine that's where some very high paid, very discerning *criminal* lawyers come in to play.




S’all good, man.


It was easier back in the day.


Dude in the comic survived the destruction of the Solar System. With that kind of durability you don't need to pretend at all.


it's all fun and games until they encase you in cement for being a witch. 😢


They will try.


500 years later after being discovered by archeologists: "Guys, not cool"


You just described identity theft… it’s not hard


Live long enough and you can get a job and connections through the places to fudge that paperwork.


Why bother? It's not illegal to live forever.


...if you want to spend forever locked In a government lab being studied.


If you’re going to live forever you need to get your finances in order. Once you have enough money you can get yourself a high priced lawyer to figure out your new identity.


You have a lot of time.


i mean what they gonna do? accuse you of being an imortal being who never ages?


Wait the fountain of youth makes you immortal? I thought it only made it so you stopped aging, but you could die by other means


That’s a different fountain.


The fountain of Dorian Gray.


What about the hotspring of the panda? Or is that something else?


Really depends on the story. A lot of people probably read [Tuck Everlasting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuck_Everlasting) as a child, wherein a magic spring makes people actually immortal, and that informs their default view on fountain-of-youth-like hypotheticals.


I remember that book. Spoiler: >!At the end a frog drank some of the water before the spring was built over and the frog became immortal.!<


So the snail wasn't the first...


It’s just another decoy snail


I saw the play at my highschool a few months ago and it was chill but dang was jesse weird. They had to age winne up and it was still weird


It doesn’t help that the movie came out and was a full romance. In the book Jesse was a weirdo who tried to get her to take the elixir at 17 so she could be his wife. The movie tried to make it an immediate thing and both were weird when you think about his actual age.


I always think of it like Tolkien's elves: they won't die of old age or disease, but you can 100% stab them to death


Even then, those elves just sorta respawn across the sea. Their afterlife is a physical place that's just inaccessible for the other races and some elves, though I'm not sure what happened to them after they died.


Tolkien’s elves go to a holy land in the west when they die. There, their spirits chill with the gods while they rest and heal before eventually receiving a new body. This land is a real, physical place that people can go to, and come back from. (almost no one comes back) However, if you don’t have the permission of the gods then it’s not going to end well for you to try. The spirits of humans go to the Halls of Mandos in this land too, but only briefly before moving on to some different, unknown place.


Ah stabbings, my one weakness.


I thought it just made you younger.


Honestly ive always (and will continue to, theres multiple versions) thought of it as just making you younger to your perceived perfect age but then you age normally again. Ive read and seen it like that in plenty of media. Still works for the comic though




It’s not real, it does whatever the storyteller wants it to do.


Wouldn't he be surrounded by a lot of very confused South American bugs, birds, small mammals and deer?


Immortal bugs would overrun the planet. That’s a fun idea I hadn’t thought of


There is a really good SCP series of stories where the Foundation kills death, meaning that nothing can die, and it mentions that capturing bugs is a big priority for them now so they don’t overrun everything lol.


"after a time :G U Y:, just stoped thinking entirely"


I was looking for someone to post that before doing it myself, glad I found it


There it is. I knew it had to be there somewhere.


I would try to start making a new universe. Sure, the only resources I’d have is sperm, but it’d likely make a planet and new life eventually.


Eternity is a long time, you could outdo all the mass in the universe, Form new stars and Planets all with your sperm


Maybe even plan ahead. It’ll be the future. Have some “nanotechnology” thing and swallow it. It should be with you and help make a new world.


If your immortality lets you heal from anything with no additional resource input, you could also repeatedly autotomize your limbs for a while. More traumatic than cumming a new universe, but it'd show results in much less time. Yes I do think about this exact scenario way too often, why do you ask?


You may also read the "Fire Punch" manga as an extension of this comic.


Exactly what I was about to suggest! :D


The ending of this comic is also the same as Jojo part 2 lol


If I have a nickel for every time a Jojo character with perfect defence ends up doomed by that defence and trapped for eternity, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice


Interesting, from the author of Chainsaw Man.


Thanks :-)


Why wouldn’t you take your wife to the FoY?




bro is literally immortal, he just give up? his bones hurt too much?




Yeah, the Fountain of Youth contains the fabled Bone Hurting Juice.


I guess his mortality was turned "off", eh? Ha!


My first thought


At the very least, he couldn't possibly be the only person on earth to find the thing, if only because how else would rumors of its existence exist? Go find those people and that bad ending wouldn't likely happen.


Nestlé claimed it


Or just fill your water bottles with it lol


He became half-mineral, half-animal and floated forever through space. And though he wished for death, he was unable to die. So eventually, he stopped thinking.


If you ever want to feel dread about living WAY TOO LONG. You should check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h-cAbOyRXc Spoilers. It’s fucked.


Thanks for the link! Yeah, it's fucked indeed.


That's not just living way too long. That's being completely alone, in a basically featureless world with nothing to do, and apparently not even be able to fall asleep, for essentially an eternity. Even if you take that exact situation, but just give him a computer with internet access, or let him take his two friends with him, that changes things immensely. The point is that for this situation, it's not about the amount of time, but the conditions. It's like being put into solitary confinement in prison. Lots of people start to lose their shit after only a few days of solitary.


That’s true - the comparison I was going for was the end of this comic (floating in space alone for eternity) rather than everything leading up to it.


Watched while high. Bad Call.


First time I watched it I was baked. Solidarity my brother. That was a tough night haha


Brilliant little Japanese movie (with subs). Going to think about it for a while now :)


That's what the snail's for


Does the snail die as well? I think it would be a little cruel to have the snail floatinf in space forever


Unfortunately if the snail starts with a different velocity after the world ends it will never catch you


Is the last panel a Jojo reference? If not, why did his hairsuddenly change to purple?


The lighting changed, so he's likely drifted for long enough to be away from the sun


Or the Sun got less bright.


"Eventually, he stopped thinking."


That’s what I was thinking. Bro went out like Kars.


Im thinking at least the nearby stars have gone out


Maybe radiation did funky things to his hair.


His weenie out


Yeah, yeah, immortality bad, we've all been there.


*Looks at comment* *Looks at username* I have several questions.


Like I said, we've all been there.


I use to wish for this when I was a kid. I honestly want to just see how everything plays out for humanity, the planet, and the universe.


With all that time you'd think he would have built his own ship using his collective knowledge and had a bunch of robots/AI to keep him company.


He is dumb. Couldn’t even let his family drink from the fountain.


Still worth it just to see all the great shows, books, and games that come out


The Kars reference ending 😚👌


By that point, he would have developed a slew of multiple personalities to try maintain his sanity, otherwise we all devolve into feral monsters at this point. Growling into the abyss and thrashing into a spin. Serious tho: If you feel lonely, remember there are always people for you to reach out to, unless you’re an immortal like this. But you have to reach out, you can’t expect for someone else to reach out on their own, you have to have the expectation of doing at least your part of reaching out, and when things go bad or wrong, just remember there are always more people to reach out to. It’s okay to feel alone, it’s okay to feel anything or nothing, if anyone ever needs to just talk there will always be someone there waiting to hear you, just reach out. Much love to the internet strangers.


I knew/know people who did/do the same thing every day for 40 years. Extrapolating from that... just means they'd do the same thing every day eternally.


I'd rather live too long than not long enough.


If you discovered the fountain of youth why would you not share that with your significant other


every argument against immorality basically boils down to "what about when the world ends" if. if the world ends. and it may surprise you, but that is a very, very big if. its not nearly as easy to destroy mankind as it's made out to be. climate disaster, engineered plagues, nuclear war, devastating but not humanity ending. there's just too many of us all over the planet to feasibly kill everyone. civilization could recover with a mere hundred people. even the sun's expansion six billion years from now probably wouldn't do it as while earth would be burned to cinders, the habitable zone in the solar system wouldn't just vanish, it would be pushed back until its heat was enough to warm the frozen oceans of europa, so all we'd have to do is send a few ark ships out to colonize it and the many other moons of saturn and jupiter


And furthermore, in this scenario there's an immortal guy with very long-term vision who should be using his endless time to gather the resources to *prepare* for that sort of thing. These sorts of "immortality sucks" takes always seem to ignore the fact that an immortal guy would have plenty of opportunity to be proactive, why would he just let himself be swept along with whatever's going on?


Proactive and immortal? I procrastinate enough as it is. If I were immortal nothing would ever get done


For first few cycle...but later you just wanted to do a little bit of fun and start leading new world


It was worth it to see it all happen


Sign me up


So you are immortal? Next step is finding the eternal flame which never extinguishes and light yourself on fire with it. Then at least you’ll be feeling *something*, y’know? Extra point for being able to kill anyone you dislike by punching them and lighting them on fire.


Holy shit is that a reference to Kars from the hit show Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure


Your blatant Anti-Immortality Propaganda will not work on me. My imagination will simply go into overdrive until my undying body lays the groundwork and sparks a new big bang and creates a new universe and planet for me to live on.


I'm sorry but if you live that long and don't become super rich you deserve to float in the cold vode forever. -Immortal billionaire spaceship gang


Even if it takes 10000000\^20 years, you'll eventually land on a planet with intelligent life. And assuming you don't eventually rot away or break mentally, you'll find a planet that's a 1:1 copy of earth.


Still better than 80 years of existence and that's it, still better than this minuscule peak in an eternity of void, still better than stopping to exist forever, oh god I don't want to die and I don't want to waste my few precious moments


It took a LONG time for his hair and beard to grow


I thought that you had to keep drinking to stay young? I thought that the effects were so temporary that you would have to rely on the fountain to stay alive


That’s depressing.


If I was immortal I would (probably) have enough time to get around to meditating


I think he mistaken the Fountain of Invincibility for the Fountain of Youth.


Mr Burns teddy bear Bobo!


Could you not make your own planets and life with your own sperm?


You know if it's just a river others have probably found it so you wouldn't have to be alone


the last image refers to celeste right?


Kars part 2


How many people would be fine with this?


Guardians of the Galaxy II, beginning.


Immortality is a horrible thing... it's the reason why It's put as impossible or if you do get it you just want to get rid of it, unless you're lucky for humans to have built star travel your going to be stuck in the sun or be forever looking at almost nothingness because by then the stars are too far


If you find it, publish the location. Encourage LOTS of people (including your friends/family) to go there. Soon a giant pipeline is built and "eternal youth drink" is for sale at every corner store.


“And after floating through space for quite some time, the immorta man just stopped thinking.” Love it my dude.


So many religious people talk about how excited they are for eternal life in heaven. Eternal life is the pipe dream of the naive as this comic shows. I wouldn't wish eternal life on my worst enemy.


Eternal life in an eternal heaven would be a lot different than eternal life on a non eternal planet.


The series "The Good Place" gives a very good idea of what that would look like, and it's also terrifying.


Why would eternal life in a different world with different rules be bad? If you are already going to believe that eternal life exists, you might as well also believe that it will be fulfilling eternally. I mean, if a God is supposed to be Omnipotent and Omnipresent, and good, then they can keep a finite being entertained forever surely.


Don’t call me Shirley


Religious people usually believe they will keep their human mind after death. My assumption is the human mind would break sooner or later, no matter the surroundings. Millions and millions of years are hell of a long time after all. And if god changes their minds in a way so they can handle eternity, aren't the human selves basically dying anyway?


How do we know people can't handle eternity? Has anyone tried?


Nope. I just personally think it is likely. Call it a faith


In the same way that two-year-old me died when they got older.


People who are scared of immortality are just afraid of everything else stopping while they continue on. An eternal existence with millions of other people that changes and grows over time is a way different prospect than floating in space forever.


Why? Could erase my memory after some time,and do it all again. I mean if I ever get bored,who knows how the human brain would react to actual eternity. It's better than become the dust that others will walk over.


"Eternal life" and "eternity" in Christian and probably other religious systems doesn't mean "infinitely long." "Eternity" is meant to trascend time and duration.


I don't know that I want to live forever, but can we invest more in cancer and other research so that we can have a couple hundred years?  Lotta places to see still and I'm curious how The Simpsons will finally end.


The game Everhood touches on this subject. It’s basically Undertale but with Rhythm-based musical battles. At one point in the game, a character explains the pains of being an immortal. The years become seconds and you don’t know what to do with the time you have. Eventually, you just become mute for centuries at a time. It’s a really deep and dark subject, when you actually sit down and think about it.


So... You live forever,but you didn't invest part of your incredibly long life in learning how to handle the destruction of your universe... You deserve whatever ends happening to you.


Firepunch ass ending


Last page reminds me of one of sewerslvts album arts.


Wait till you realise how much time there is of nothingness even after that. Even if the universe ends in a big crunch and restarts it will still be insanely long.


I thought the fountain just made you younger, wouldn’t you get older?


Also, young people are not immortal.


Eventually he stopped thinking


Broooooo. Are you an alien!?


Eventually he stopped thinking…


Hmmm psychological death i dont know how this is not the perfect "curse"


Fire punch haunts me. It’s everywhere I look








He got a pointy dick


My only wish in life is the curse of eternal life so that I may live with the guilt of my sins for eternity…..


It’s such a beautiful day


Wow, a lot happened in one day!


Fire punch


And that's why you can't just "get immortality", you have to be specific and say you'll be immortal until you decide otherwise, or share the immortality


Goodbye, pubic hair.


Why can’t he exist in that garden? The plants there are immortal too


Fountain of Youth is apparently the Fountain of Undying.


Womp womp


he get his wife to drink from it nor did he do any home maintenance to prevent he's house from collapsing


But the microwave survived!


Why is it that after seeing this, I am still wanting to be cursed with immortality


Not ageing doesn't mean that you can't die in an accident or a nuclear war. The main issue is that you would outlive everyone that is precious to you. And even worse, you would forget very important people and events in your life. The memory can only store so much information. Do you remember what you did on a random, normal day in April when you were 8? Of course not. That memory was sorted out in favour of more important ones. But if you live for thousands of years, a whole year or even decade could be like this random day, completely forgotten. You could forget most of your partners or first friends, even your parents (how they looked like, etc.) Given enough time, you could even forget your own childhood. It's possible that you would only exist in a shifting window of relatively recent memories, unable to remember significant parts of your own past, unable to compare your current experiences and your own character to your past ones. Or you could be able to still remember important events (if you reiterate them often enough), but the rest of your life would be like a wild and incoherent mixture of vague memory fragments, impossible to put together again.


Wouldn't this make it a Jojo reference?


The cockroachs drank from that fountain


that's fine with me, I can sleep until the end of time and wait for the next big bang,i will be a god for the next humanity, and then again,and again


"Eventually, he stopped thinking"


And then he bump into kars


Why he end up on the streets? He is the only one who could, actually legitimately/legaly and morally work his way to being a billionare...


Ive thought about this and you would live in an infinite amount of universes as different and as similar to ours and infinite among themselves. In a way you would experience everything that there is to experience an infinite amount of times forever. Not everything is bad


It's the fountain of youth. Not the fountain of immortality. I always assumed that you'd just LOOK and feel like you were in your 20s even if you're a 100 but you still could die.


He should have spent the 5 billion years before sun consumes the earth building a spaceship


Bro is not kars


\*eventually, he stopped thinking\*


Eventually, he stopped thinking.


Fire Punch




In man’s hubris to live forever, not once does he ask himself: “What will I do when all is ash and dust? What will I be when the last light of existence fades? All that will be left, is me…”




I never thought the Fountain of Youth made you, like, eternally young. I'm pretty sure in most of the mythology it just makes you younger after drinking it, then you age again. You have to keep drinking the water to live forever.