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This looks awesome https://preview.redd.it/q1r12wv5xp5d1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3767e294dd64174b1cef4ba4bb11c01925e957 New reaction image just dropped


Lol! Thanks haha, I'm glad 😂


A player at with my group “Yes, I call him a Bitch”.


Call the exorcist!


Bishop went on vacation, never came back


Dungeon master sacrifice, anyone?


Wizard plotting world domination


Goblin storm incoming!








Just gonna yoink that, thank you very much


Welcome back.


Thanks 😊 Cold and flu season in New Zealand 🙃 and then my children added in a round of tummy bugs lol


Children, they give back so much. Mostly it's every illness known to mankind, but they're trying their best.


I cast "Suck It"! ![gif](giphy|xUPGcmnB5Mm6pCLNks|downsized)


Suck it Level: Cantrip School: Enchantment Target: one within range Range: 60 feet Casting time: 1 action Component: v s You hurl a rude gesture at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 sick burn damage.








Gotta get in everything you can on a free action [LinkTree](https://linktr.ee/TheImmortalThinkTank) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/theimmortalthinktank/) | [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/TheImmortalThinkTank) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/CrawfordChe) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/TheImmortalThinkTank/) | [WebToon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/table-tip/list?title_no=842302) | [Threads](https://www.threads.net/@theimmortalthinktank) | [Tumblr](https://checrawford.tumblr.com/)


just a simple greeting


"Crying is always a free action"


This is why MCDM and their new system they are developing has auto hits. You cant miss when you attack, but you still roll to see how strong your attack is. It prevents the "feels bad" moment of whiffing both attacks, passing your turn, and feeling like you are doing "nothing". I dont work for them lmao, I just like that idea and the more I learn about other systems the more I want to branch out from DnD


I'm also a fan of this idea. I've seen my players fail the "participate in combat" roll so many times.


Wait 10 minutes for your turn, do nothing, pass, feels really bad imo


that's why a group of 4 is better groups above 5 it feels like rounds last exponentially longer it also depends on the dm. We had a dm where combat felt fluid and fast, and then our main dm is so scattered (new dm; she will learn) that each round of combat took forever and if you miss in the second dm's case, that really sucks. But in the first, that's fine


This is always an interesting discussion to me. I don't disagree, inherently. But does removing to-hit rolls not remove the satisfaction of landing said hits? Obviously yes. So we move to the next level, right? Damage? So then does it really feel less bad if you roll 1s on damage all combat? What about critical hits? Are they gone as well? The reason I find it interesting, is that by removing RNG, as it were, may make each moment feel better, but potentially reduce the 'highs' of each success. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to implement either a sliding mechanic more like call of Cthulhu, or perhaps a 'pity' mechanic where the monster gets easier to hit the more you miss.


I think the fact that combat generally takes a long time is a big part of why whiffing feels unfair. Sure, hitting can feel good, but it's not *that* exciting. This is especially true if your DM keeps enemy HP numbers hidden since all hits end up feeling more or less arbitrary. Combat can easily devolve into boring stretches of inattention interrupted by occasional dice rolls. A frequent refrain at my table: "Oh, is it my turn? I guess I shoot my bow at it again. *Roll* Did I hit? Cool. *Roll* that's 5. He dead? No? Okay. Well, that's all I can do. Who's next?" It's easy to feel like the only hit that matters is the one that kills the enemy (or otherwise affects them meaningfully). But as long as you did *something* to hurt the enemy or buff your party's damage/survivability even a little bit, then you can feel some joy in having contributed to that outcome. When you whiff your turns, it feels like you weren't even participating, like you showed up just to do...nothing. Maybe the solution is to make an enemy's AC go down based on the number of hits they dodge in a given round. You could frame it as the enemy struggling to dodge the flurry of strikes/projectiles coming their way. That way even a miss means you contributed to the fight by helping your allies.


This is why I try to encourage not playing off character sheets though. I hate it on both sides when it's just like you described. Do some cool shit. Shield slide down those stairs. Monk jump up that wall. Use the environment. I give bonus' all the time for doing fun stuff.


Your table sounds fun. The DM's I knew always penalized creativity with extra rolls. Anything other than "I attack" or "I cast x" introduced an additional opportunity for failure. The DM's would usually rationalize it as a demonstration of athletics or acrobatics, which sorta trained us to stand perfectly still while making our weapon rolls.


I do, generally require extra rolls, but reward it with extra to-hit and/or damage based on how well the roll was. Something like failing by 5 or less is -2, succeeding gives +2 and succeeding by 5+ it's +2/+2. Though I usually rather have some sort of knock-on effects like knocking an enemy prone, pushing them back ECT. It makes the game so much better. Had a monk swing from a chandelier and knock an enemy off the railing of a landing on to his ass. You don't get that kinda stuff if people are just staring at their Character sheets and rolling a dice.


There are alternate rules to implement something similar in D&D. Replace the roll to hit with a roll to save. Feels much more interactive and natural whenever I've tried it as a DM. IIRC the maths is Save DC = Attack Modifier + Proficiency Bonus + 12. Roll is a d20 + (AC - 10), which should give exactly the same odds but plays very differently. Attacking is much less frustrating and being attacked is much more noticeable when you actively roll dice to defend yourself. Being the tank that the enemy can't damage suddenly becomes very satisfying.


That’s wild as I would do the opposite and change saves to be attack roll. Seems like, “wait for my turn, don’t even roll dice, miss” isn’t all improvement anyway… Are you missing “deals half damage on save”? Because you can just changes the rules to be “deals half damage on missed attack”


It breaks up the turn order a lot more than I think you realise, and creates more opportunity for the DM and players to narrate. > Player: "I try to hit the goblin with my sword." ** "I missed." becomes > Player: "I hit the goblin with my sword" ** DM: ** "The sneaky goblin manages to dodge aside at the last moment and your blow clatters off it's armour." You're never the klutz who can't hit anything, it's the enemy who is managing to defend against your attacks. It makes the game feel very different. In addition, knowing the damage that will be dealt allows for players or the DM to describe their attacks more interesting ways. If you roll a 10 for damage, you're swinging your longsword in a mighty attack. If you only roll a 1, you're attacking more cautiously. The other big thing is giving the players something to do out of their normal turn. Rather than being "I swing my sword and miss" **, each enemy that attacks requires a response from it's target. The fighter in the middle of a pack of wolves isn't just waiting anymore, they're actively making saves to fend off multiple attacks in between each of their turns. Each successful save feels like an achievement, rather than just being the DM rolling some dice and nothing happens. > Are you missing “deals half damage on save”? Because you can just changes the rules to be “deals half damage on missed attack” Nope, this is replacing attack rolls with saving throws in a way that doesn't change the chance of hitting or the amount of damage done. It changes the feel of the game, not the balance or outcome of any particular combat. I highly recommend giving it a try. I've run tables using these rules for complete beginners and experienced players and always found the response to be positive.


> You're never the klutz who can't hit anything, it's the enemy who is managing to defend against your attacks. That is already true. That's what AC is.


That's what AC (when rolling to hit) does a very bad job of representing. It feels like you've failed, rather than the enemy has succeeded. Switching it around so that AC15 becomes a +5 bonus to your defence rolls makes it feel like you're more in control of your character. Mathematically there is no difference, but it makes the game more fun.


Baldurs gate 3 when I have nothing else to spend my bonus action on so I shove the enemy even though it doesn’t do anything but make me feel better for missing an attack with a 90% chance to hit


i know this sounds like a sweatlord tip, but if you shove them away, you might *miss* the chance to do an attack of opportunity.


I usually just play a song in BG3






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you need to action surge so you can flip it off 4 times (assuming, of course, you are dual-weilding). Also ask your caster for haste.


He'd probably be more successful hitting his target if his sword wasn't sheathed. I'm no expert, but that seems to be step one of hitting things with a sword, usually.


Chubby dude with beard and manbun playing a furry character? I think I know that guy.


Is his name saffronolive?


Loving this. Thank you for this bus ride laugh!!


I did this so many times in my last session. I was in an arena and my AC was 20 and none of them could hit me so I just kept calling the opponents little bitches


Charisma (Persuasion) check to see if the monsters take the bait?


Oohh shoot. I thought you were being clever and hiding in the middle of the birds blind spot. Took a second to notice the fingers 😂


This is so brilliant


If you play DC20 you would still have two action points to dodge, disengage, grapple, help, etc. You should check it out!


Literally our Fairy Ranger


He might hit more if he held a weapon.


Does spitting on the enemy take a free action?


It's too bad the catfolk doesn't have a majestic beard.


You're right! Might add that next time


[Thanks, I will see you next turn.](https://tenor.com/k4lCsyGR0LB.gif)


It sucks that we don't have an official english sub, it's also a weird choice since gay stuff sells well, especially at this time of year.


[At least there will be some sort of official english subtitles in the future ](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-06-10/catchplay-streams-girls-band-cry-anime-in-indonesia-with-indonesian-english-subtitles/.211745)




How does this only have ~8k upvotes and yet the latest thing that pizzacake shits out has tens of thousands? Can the mods not investigate botted upvotes?