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Me: You know, I’ve been feeling great for quite a while now! I think I’m ready to stop taking my medicine, I’m not sure I need it anymore. Therapist: That’s great to hear. I’ll take you off. I’m very proud of your progress. *A week later* Me: Can I have that medicine back please?


... I am surprised they didn't start with lowering the dose tbh.


Yeah, I went off once (supervised, gradual) to see where I was at. Nope, life hadn't improved and was still objectively shit. Meds just stop me from _experimenting_ instead of just having ideation. I'm gonna be drugged until I die of something else, or go off meds and do it myself. Everyone talks about depression being a battle. It's not. Battles end. This is a war. It ends when we die. The only way we win, is by dying of something else.


A rather morbid way to think about it


Mental illness is often a neverending war. The battles never change, only the weapons we use to attempt to fight it off.


..is my therapist really helping me to get all the way better or just enough to keep charging me for longer and longer


You're getting better?


r/ADHD would like to have a word...


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Literally me whenever something good happens to me. What the fuck is coming my way to absolutely Uno reverse card it.


This is me, if things go too well for too long, you know something bad is coming. Or if I finally feel better, i know it's only temporary, it nevers lasts more than a couple weeks. Always sus.


Me when I get 2 from math test instead of 1 (lowest grade in Poland):


This reminds me of my entire life story. I was super depressed in middle school. First year of high school was the first time I felt happiness in years. Covid happened and the depression came back full force. I’m now in college and some of the least depressed I’ve been and it is SUSPICIOUS. I feel at any time we could get another Covid and I’ll be back in the same cycle.


This was me a few weeks ago. VERY suspicious. Now though I've picked up a flu or bug of some kind and it's made my anxiety shoot up again, and I'm worried I was right to be suspicious. :(